--[[ Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Following function are called when a control activate a label with labeller api -> APi=label VERB=dispatch arguments are - source (0) when requesting the label (-1) when releasing - label comme from config given with 'control' in onload-middlename-xxxxx.json - control is the argument part of the query as providing by control requesting the label. --]] _CurrentHalVolume={} local function Apply_Hal_Control(source, label, adjustment) local HAL = _Global_Context["registry"] -- check we really got some data if (adjustment == nil) then AFB:error ("--* (Hoops) Control should provide volume adjustment") return 1 end -- loop on each HAL save current volume and push adjustment for key,hal in pairs(_Global_Context["registry"]) do printf ("--- HAL=%s", Dump_Table(hal)) -- action set loop on active HAL and get current volume -- if label respond then do volume adjustment if (source == 0) then -- get current volume for each HAL local err,result= AFB:servsync(hal["api"],"ctlget", {["label"]=label}) -- if no error save current volume and set adjustment if (err ~= nil) then local response= result["response"] printf ("--- Response %s=%s", hal["api"], Dump_Table(response)) if (response == nil) then printf ("--- Fail to Activate '%s'='%s' result=%s", hal["api"], label, Dump_Table(result)) return 1 -- unhappy end -- save response in global space _CurrentHalVolume [hal["api"]] = response -- finally set the new value local query= { ["tag"]= response["tag"], ["val"]= adjustment } -- best effort to set adjustment value AFB:servsync(hal["api"],"ctlset",query) end else -- when label is release reverse action at preempt time if (_CurrentHalVolume [hal["api"]] ~= nil) then printf("--- Restoring initial volume HAL=%s Control=%s", hal["api"], _CurrentHalVolume [hal["api"]]) AFB:servsync(hal["api"],"ctlset", _CurrentHalVolume [hal["api"]]) end end end return 0 -- happy end end -- Simple Happy(granted) Control function _Temporarily_Control(source, control, client) printf ("[--> _Temporarily_Control -->] source=%d control=%s client=%s", source, Dump_Table(control), Dump_Table(client)) -- Init should have been properly done if (_Global_Context["registry"] == nil) then AFB:error ("--* (Hoops) No Hal in _Global_Context=%s", Dump_Table(_Global_Context)) return 1 end -- make sure label as valid if (control["ctl"] == nil or control["val"] == nil) then AFB:error ("--* Action Ignore no/invalid control=%s", Dump_Table(control)) return 1 -- unhappy end if (source == 0) then AFB:info("-- Adjust %s=%d", control["ctl"], control["val"]) local error=Apply_Hal_Control(source, control["ctl"], control["val"]) if (error == nil) then return 1 -- unhappy end AFB:notice ("[<-- _Temporarily_Control Granted<--]") else Apply_Hal_Control(source, control["ctl"],0) AFB:notice ("[<-- _Temporarily_Control Restore--]") end return 0 -- happy return end