/* * Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, something express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <json-c/json_object.h> #include "wrap-json.h" #include "ctl-binding.h" STATIC PolicyCtlConfigT *ctlHandle = NULL; // List Avaliable Configuration Files STATIC json_object* ScanForConfig (char* searchPath) { json_object *responseJ; DIR *dirHandle; char *dirPath; char* dirList= strdup(searchPath); responseJ = json_object_new_array(); for (dirPath= strtok(dirList, ":"); dirPath && *dirPath; dirPath=strtok(NULL,":")) { struct dirent *dirEnt; dirHandle = opendir (dirPath); if (!dirHandle) { AFB_NOTICE ("CONFIG-SCANNING dir=%s not readable", dirPath); continue; } AFB_NOTICE ("CONFIG-SCANNING:ctl_listconfig scanning: %s", dirPath); while ((dirEnt = readdir(dirHandle)) != NULL) { // Unknown type is accepted to support dump filesystems if (dirEnt->d_type == DT_REG || dirEnt->d_type == DT_UNKNOWN) { struct json_object *pathJ = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(pathJ, "dirpath", json_object_new_string(dirPath)); json_object_object_add(pathJ, "filename", json_object_new_string(dirEnt->d_name)); json_object_array_add(responseJ, pathJ); } } } free (dirList); return (responseJ); } PUBLIC void ctlapi_authorize (PolicyCtlEnumT control, afb_req request) { json_object*tmpJ; json_object* queryJ= afb_req_json(request); int done=json_object_object_get_ex(queryJ, "closing", &tmpJ); if (done) return; } // List Avaliable Configuration Files PUBLIC void ctlapi_config (struct afb_req request) { json_object*tmpJ; char *dirList; json_object* queryJ = afb_req_json(request); if (queryJ && json_object_object_get_ex (queryJ, "cfgpath" , &tmpJ)) { dirList = strdup (json_object_get_string(tmpJ)); } else { dirList = strdup (CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH); AFB_NOTICE ("CONFIG-MISSING: use default CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH=%s", CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH); } // get list of config file struct json_object *responseJ = ScanForConfig(dirList); if (json_object_array_length(responseJ) == 0) { afb_req_fail(request, "CONFIGPATH:EMPTY", "No Config Found in CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH"); } else { afb_req_success(request, responseJ, NULL); } return; } STATIC PolicyActionT **PolicyLoadActions (json_object *actionsJ) { int err; PolicyActionT ** actions; // unpack individual action object int actionUnpack (json_object *actionJ, PolicyActionT *action) { err= wrap_json_unpack(actionJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s,s?s !}" , "label",&action->label, "info",&action->info, "callback",&action->callback, "query",&queryJ, "api",&action->api, "verb", &action->verb); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-LOAD-ACTION Missing something label|info|callback|api|verb|query in %s", json_object_get_string(actionJ)); return -1; } if (!action->callback || !(action->api && action->verb)) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-LOAD-ACTION Missing something callback|(api+verb) in %s", json_object_get_string(actionJ)); return -1; } return 0; }; // action array is close with a nullvalue; if (json_object_get_type(actionsJ) == json_type_array) { int count = json_object_array_length(actionsJ); actions = calloc (count+1, sizeof(PolicyActionT)); for (int idx=0; idx < count; idx++) { json_object *actionJ = json_object_array_get_idx(actionsJ, idx); err = actionUnpack (actionJ, &actions[idx]); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; } } else { actions = calloc (2, sizeof(PolicyActionT)); err = actionUnpack (actionsJ, &actions[0]); if (err) goto OnErrorExit; } return actions; OnErrorExit: return NULL; } // load control policy from file using json_unpack https://jansson.readthedocs.io/en/2.9/apiref.html#parsing-and-validating-values STATIC PolicyCtlConfigT *PolicyLoadConfig (const char* filepath) { json_object *policyConfigJ, *ignoreJ, *actionsJ; PolicyCtlConfigT *policyConfig = calloc (1, sizeof(PolicyCtlConfigT)); int err; // Load JSON file policyConfigJ= json_object_from_file(filepath); if (!policyConfigJ) goto OnErrorExit; json_object *metadataJ, *onloadJ, *controlsJ, *eventsJ; err= wrap_json_unpack(policyConfigJ, "{s?o,so,s?o,so,so !}", "$schema", &ignoreJ, "metadata",&metadataJ, "onload",&onloadJ, "controls",&controlsJ, "events",&eventsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-LOAD-ERRROR Missing something metadata|onload|controls|events in %s", json_object_get_string(policyConfigJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } PolicyHandleT *policyHandle = calloc (1, sizeof(PolicyHandleT)); err= wrap_json_unpack(metadataJ, "{so,s?s,s?s !}", "label", &policyHandle->label, "info",&policyHandle->info, "version",&policyHandle->version); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-LOAD-CONFIG Missing something label|info|version in %s", json_object_get_string(metadataJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } if (onloadJ) { err= wrap_json_unpack(onloadJ, "{s?o,s?s,s?s !}", "info",&ignoreJ, "label",&ignoreJ, "actions",&actionsJ); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-LOAD-CONFIG Missing something label|info|plugin|actions in %s", json_object_get_string(metadataJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } policyConfig->onload = PolicyLoadActions (actionsJ); } return policyControl; OnErrorExit: return NULL; } // Load default config file at init PUBLIC int PolicyInit () { int index, err; // search for default policy config file json_object* responseJ = ScanForConfig(CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH); for (index=0; index < json_object_array_length(responseJ); index++) { json_object *entryJ=json_object_array_get_idx(responseJ, index); char *filename; char*dirpath; err= wrap_json_unpack (entryJ, "{s:s, s:s !}", "dirpath", &dirpath,"filename", &filename); if (err) { AFB_ERROR ("POLICY-INIT HOOPs invalid config file path = %s", json_object_get_string(entryJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } if (strcasestr(filename, CONTROL_CONFIG_FILE)) { char filepath[255]; strncpy(filepath, dirpath, sizeof(filepath)); strncat(filepath, "/", sizeof(filepath)); strncat(filepath, filename, sizeof(filepath)); ctlHandle = PolicyLoadConfig (filepath); if (!ctlHandle) goto OnErrorExit; break; } } // no policy config found remove control API from binder if (index == 0) goto OnErrorExit; AFB_NOTICE ("SUCCES: Audio Control Policy Init"); return 0; OnErrorExit: AFB_NOTICE ("ERROR: Audio Control Policy Init"); return 1; }