--[[ Copyright (C) 2016 "IoT.bzh" Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Provide sample LUA routines to be used with AGL control "lua_docall" API --]] -- global counter to keep track of calls count=0 -- Display receive arguments and echo them to caller function Simple_Echo_Args (request, args) count=count+1 AFB:notice("LUA OnCall Echo Args count=%d args=%s", count, args) print ("--inlua-- args=", Dump_Table(args)) local response={ ["count"]=count, ["args"]=args, } -- fulup Embdeded table ToeDone AFB:success (request, response) AFB:success (request, {["func"]="Simple_Echo_Args", ["ret1"]=5678, ["ret2"]="abcd"}) end function Test_Async_CB (request, result, context) response={ ["result"]=result, ["context"]=context, } AFB:notice ("Test_Async_CB result=%s context=%s", result, context) AFB:success (request, response) end function Test_Call_Async (request, args) local context={ ["value1"]="abcd", ["value2"]=1234 } AFB:notice ("Test_Call_Async args=%s cb=Test_Async_CB", args) AFB:service("alsacore","ping", "Test_Async_CB", context) end function Test_Call_Sync (request, args) AFB:notice ("Test_Call_Sync args=%s", args) local err, response= AFB:service_sync ("alsacore","ping", args) if (err) then AFB:fail ("AFB:service_call_sync fail"); else AFB:success (request, response) end end -- create a new event name function Test_Event_Make (request, args) AFB:notice ("Test_Event_Make args=%s", args) local err evt_handle= AFB:event (args["evtname"]) if (err) then AFB:fail ("AFB:Test_Event_Make fail event=%s", args["evtname"]); else AFB:success (request, {}) end local evtData = { ["val1"]="My 1st private Event", ["val2"]=5678 } AFB:notify (evt_handle, evtData) end -- send an event on default binder event function Test_Event_Notify (request, args) AFB:notice ("Test_Event_Notify args=%s", args) local err AFB:notify (args) if (err) then AFB:fail ("AFB:Test_Event_Make fail event=%s", args["evtname"]); else AFB:success (request, {}) end end