/* * Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE // needed for vasprintf #include "alsa-softmixer.h" #include // Fulup need to be cleanup with new controller version extern Lua2cWrapperT Lua2cWrap; STATIC int ProcessOneRamp(CtlSourceT *source, const char* uid, json_object *rampJ, AlsaVolRampT *ramp) { const char*rampUid; int error = wrap_json_unpack(rampJ, "{ss,si,si,si !}" , "uid", &rampUid , "delay", &ramp->delay , "up", &ramp->stepUp , "down", &ramp->stepDown ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; ramp->delay=ramp->delay*100; // move from ms to us ramp->uid = strdup(rampUid); return 0; OnErrorExit: AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneRamp: sndcard=%s ramps: missing (uid||delay|up|down) json=%s", uid, json_object_get_string(rampJ)); return -1; } STATIC int ProcessOneSubdev(CtlSourceT *source, AlsaSndLoopT *loop, json_object *subdevJ, AlsaPcmHwInfoT *loopDefParams, AlsaPcmInfoT *subdev) { json_object *paramsJ = NULL; int error = wrap_json_unpack(subdevJ, "{si,si,s?o !}", "subdev", &subdev->subdev, "numid", &subdev->numid, "params", ¶msJ); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneSubdev: loop=%s missing (uid|subdev|numid) json=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(subdevJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } if (paramsJ) { error = ProcessSndParams(source, loop->uid, paramsJ, loopDefParams); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop: sndcard=%s invalid params=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(paramsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } } else { // use global loop params definition as default memcpy(&subdev->params, loopDefParams, sizeof (AlsaPcmHwInfoT)); } // create a fake uid and complete subdev info from loop handle char subuid[30]; snprintf(subuid, sizeof (subuid), "loop:/%i/%i", subdev->subdev, subdev->numid); subdev->uid = strdup(subuid); subdev->device = loop->capture; // Fulup: with alsaloop softmixer only use capture device (playback is used by applications) subdev->devpath = loop->devpath; subdev->cardid = NULL; // force AlsaByPathDevId to rebuild a new one for each subdev subdev->cardidx = loop->cardidx; // check if card exist error = AlsaByPathDevid(source, subdev); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneSubdev: loop=%s fail to open subdev=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(subdevJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return 0; OnErrorExit: return -1; } STATIC int ProcessOneLoop(CtlSourceT *source, json_object *loopJ, AlsaSndLoopT *loop) { json_object *subdevsJ = NULL, *devicesJ = NULL, *paramsJ = NULL, *rampsJ = NULL; int error; error = wrap_json_unpack(loopJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,s?i,s?o,so,s?o,s?o !}" , "uid", &loop->uid , "devpath", &loop->devpath , "cardid", &loop->cardid , "cardidx", &loop->cardidx , "devices", &devicesJ , "subdevs", &subdevsJ , "params", ¶msJ , "ramps", &rampsJ ); if (error || !loop->uid || !subdevsJ || (!loop->devpath && !loop->cardid && loop->cardidx)) { AFB_ApiNotice(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop missing 'uid|devpath|cardid|cardidx|devices|subdevs' loop=%s", json_object_get_string(loopJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } AlsaPcmHwInfoT *loopDefParams = alloca(sizeof (AlsaPcmHwInfoT)); if (paramsJ) { error = ProcessSndParams(source, loop->uid, paramsJ, loopDefParams); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop: sndcard=%s invalid params=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(paramsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } } else { loopDefParams->rate = ALSA_DEFAULT_PCM_RATE; loopDefParams->rate = ALSA_DEFAULT_PCM_RATE; loopDefParams->access = SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED; loopDefParams->format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE; loopDefParams->channels = 2; loopDefParams->sampleSize = 0; } // Fake a sound card to check if loop is a valid Alsa snd driver AlsaPcmInfoT sndLoop; sndLoop.uid = loop->uid; sndLoop.devpath = loop->devpath; sndLoop.cardid = loop->cardid; sndLoop.device = 0; sndLoop.subdev = 0; error = AlsaByPathDevid(source, &sndLoop); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop: loop=%s not found config=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(loopJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } loop->uid = sndLoop.uid; loop->devpath = sndLoop.devpath; loop->cardid = sndLoop.cardid; loop->cardidx = sndLoop.cardidx; loop->registry= calloc (1,sizeof(RegistryHandleT)); // process volume ramps if (rampsJ) { int rcount; switch (json_object_get_type(rampsJ)) { case json_type_object: rcount = 1; loop->ramps = calloc(rcount+1, sizeof (AlsaVolRampT)); error = ProcessOneRamp(source, loop->uid, rampsJ, &loop->ramps[0]); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; break; case json_type_array: rcount = (int) json_object_array_length(rampsJ); loop->ramps = calloc(rcount+1, sizeof (AlsaVolRampT)); for (int idx = 0; idx < rcount; idx++) { json_object *rampJ = json_object_array_get_idx(rampsJ, idx); error = ProcessOneRamp(source, loop->uid, rampJ, &loop->ramps[idx]); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } break; default: AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop:%s invalid ramps=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(rampsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } } // Default devices is payback=0 capture=1 if (!devicesJ) { loop->playback = 0; loop->capture = 1; } else { error = wrap_json_unpack(devicesJ, "{si,si !}", "capture", &loop->capture, "playback", &loop->playback); if (error) { AFB_ApiNotice(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop=%s missing 'capture|playback' devices=%s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(devicesJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } } switch (json_object_get_type(subdevsJ)) { case json_type_object: loop->scount = 1; loop->subdevs = calloc(loop->scount + 1, sizeof (AlsaPcmInfoT)); error = ProcessOneSubdev(source, loop, subdevsJ, loopDefParams, &loop->subdevs[0]); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; break; case json_type_array: loop->scount = (int) json_object_array_length(subdevsJ); loop->subdevs = calloc(loop->scount + 1, sizeof (AlsaPcmInfoT)); for (int idx = 0; idx < loop->scount; idx++) { json_object *subdevJ = json_object_array_get_idx(subdevsJ, idx); error = ProcessOneSubdev(source, loop, subdevJ, loopDefParams, &loop->subdevs[idx]); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } break; default: AFB_ApiError(source->api, "ProcessOneLoop=%s invalid subdevs= %s", loop->uid, json_object_get_string(subdevsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return 0; OnErrorExit: return -1; } PUBLIC int SndFrontend(CtlSourceT *source, json_object *argsJ) { SoftMixerHandleT *mixer = (SoftMixerHandleT*) source->context; int error; assert(mixer); if (mixer->frontend) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "SndFrontend: mixer=%s SndFrontend already declared %s", mixer->uid, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } mixer->frontend = calloc(1, sizeof (AlsaSndLoopT)); // or syntax purpose array is accepted but frontend should have a single driver entry json_type type = json_object_get_type(argsJ); if (type == json_type_array) { size_t count = json_object_array_length(argsJ); if (count != 1) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "SndFrontend: mixer=%s frontend only support on input driver args=%s", mixer->uid, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } argsJ = json_object_array_get_idx(argsJ, 0); } type = json_object_get_type(argsJ); if (type != json_type_object) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "SndFrontend: mixer=%s invalid object type= %s", mixer->uid, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } error = ProcessOneLoop(source, argsJ, mixer->frontend); if (error) { AFB_ApiError(source->api, "SndFrontend: mixer=%s invalid object= %s", mixer->uid, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return 0; OnErrorExit: return -1; }