/* * Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" * Author Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ #define _GNU_SOURCE // needed for vasprintf #include "alsa-softmixer.h" #include <string.h> #include <pthread.h> static struct cds_list_head mixerList; static void MixerDelete(SoftMixerT * mixer); // AVIRT: temporary loops JSON static json_object *LoopsJ = NULL; static void MixerExit() { SoftMixerT *mixer, *tmp; printf("-------------------------- %s ------------------------!\n", __func__); cds_list_for_each_entry_safe(mixer, tmp, &mixerList, list) { // remove this mixer from the global mixer list cds_list_del(&mixer->list); AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "Terminating mixer %s", mixer->uid); AlsaMixerTransaction * transaction, * tmp_trans; cds_list_for_each_entry_safe(transaction, tmp_trans, &mixer->transactionList, transaction_node) { AlsaMixerTransactionDelete(transaction); } AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "Mixer %s terminated", mixer->uid); MixerDelete(mixer); } printf("------------------------- %s DONE ! Bye ! --------------\n", __func__); } CTLP_ONLOAD(plugin, callbacks){ AFB_API_INFO(plugin->api, "MIXER INIT"); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixerList); atexit(MixerExit); return 0; } static void MixerRemoveVerb(afb_req_t request) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "internal-error", "Function not implemented"); return; } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoOneStream(AlsaStreamAudioT *stream, int verbose) { json_object *alsaJ, *responseJ; if (!verbose) { wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss, ss, ss}", "uid", stream->uid, "verb", stream->verb, "alsa", stream->source); } else { wrap_json_pack(&alsaJ, "{ss,si,si}" , "cardid", stream->source , "volume", stream->volume , "mute", stream->mute ); wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss,ss,so}" , "uid", stream->uid , "verb", stream->verb , "alsa", alsaJ ); } return (responseJ); } STATIC json_object * MixerInfoStreams(SoftMixerT *mixer, json_object *streamsJ, int verbose) { int error; const char * key; json_object *valueJ; json_object *responseJ = NULL; AlsaStreamAudioT * stream; switch (json_object_get_type(streamsJ)) { case json_type_null: case json_type_boolean: // list every existing stream responseJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(stream, &mixer->streams.list, list) { valueJ = MixerInfoOneStream(stream, verbose); json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; case json_type_string: key = json_object_get_string(streamsJ); cds_list_for_each_entry(stream, &mixer->streams.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(stream->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneStream(stream, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_object: error = wrap_json_unpack(streamsJ, "{ss}", "uid", &key); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: missing 'uid' request streamJ=%s error=%s position=%d", __func__, json_object_get_string(streamsJ), wrap_json_get_error_string(error), wrap_json_get_error_position(error)); goto OnErrorExit; } cds_list_for_each_entry(stream, &mixer->streams.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(stream->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneStream(stream, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_array: responseJ = json_object_new_array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(streamsJ); idx++) { json_object *streamJ = json_object_array_get_idx(streamsJ, idx); valueJ = MixerInfoStreams(mixer, streamJ, verbose); if (!valueJ) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: failed to find stream=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(streamJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; default: AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: unsupported json type streamsJ=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(streamsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return (responseJ); OnErrorExit: return NULL; } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoOneRamp(AlsaVolRampT *ramp, int verbose) { json_object *responseJ; if (!verbose) { wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss}", "uid", ramp->uid); } else { wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss,si,si,si}" , "uid", ramp->uid , "delay", ramp->delay , "step_down", ramp->stepDown , "step_up", ramp->stepUp ); } return (responseJ); } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoRamps(SoftMixerT *mixer, json_object *rampsJ, int verbose) { int error; const char * key; json_object *valueJ; json_object *responseJ = NULL; AlsaVolRampT * ramp; switch (json_object_get_type(rampsJ)) { case json_type_null: case json_type_boolean: // list every existing ramp responseJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(ramp, &mixer->ramps.list, list) { valueJ = MixerInfoOneRamp(ramp, verbose); json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; case json_type_string: key = json_object_get_string(rampsJ); cds_list_for_each_entry(ramp, &mixer->ramps.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(ramp->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneRamp(ramp, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_object: error = wrap_json_unpack(rampsJ, "{ss}", "uid", &key); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: missing 'uid' request rampJ=%s error=%s position=%d", __func__, json_object_get_string(rampsJ), wrap_json_get_error_string(error), wrap_json_get_error_position(error)); goto OnErrorExit; } cds_list_for_each_entry(ramp, &mixer->ramps.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(ramp->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneRamp(ramp, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_array: responseJ = json_object_new_array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(rampsJ); idx++) { json_object *rampJ = json_object_array_get_idx(rampsJ, idx); valueJ = MixerInfoRamps(mixer, rampJ, verbose); if (!valueJ) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: fail to find ramp=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(rampsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; default: AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: unsupported json type rampsJ=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(rampsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return (responseJ); OnErrorExit: return NULL; } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoOneZone(AlsaSndZoneT *zone, int verbose) { json_object *responseJ; AlsaPcmChannelT * channel; if (!verbose) { wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss}", "uid", zone->uid); } else { json_object *responseJ = json_object_new_object(); if (zone->nbSinks > 0) { json_object *sinksJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(channel, &zone->sinks.list, list) { json_object *channelJ; wrap_json_pack(&channelJ, "{ss,si}" , "uid", channel->uid , "port", channel->port ); json_object_array_add(sinksJ, channelJ); } json_object_object_add(responseJ, "sinks", sinksJ); } if (zone->nbSources > 0) { json_object *sourcesJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(channel, &zone->sources.list, list) { json_object *channelJ; wrap_json_pack(&channelJ, "{ss,si}" , "uid", channel->uid , "port", channel->port ); json_object_array_add(sourcesJ, channelJ); } json_object_object_add(responseJ, "source", sourcesJ); } if (zone->params) { json_object *paramsJ; wrap_json_pack(¶msJ, "{si,ss,si}" , "rate", zone->params->rate , "format", zone->params->formatString , "channels", zone->params->channels ); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "params", paramsJ); } } return (responseJ); } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoZones(SoftMixerT *mixer, json_object *zonesJ, int verbose) { int error; const char * key; json_object *valueJ; json_object *responseJ = NULL; AlsaSndZoneT *zone; switch (json_object_get_type(zonesJ)) { case json_type_null: case json_type_boolean: // list every existing zone responseJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(zone, &mixer->zones.list, list) { valueJ = MixerInfoOneZone(zone, verbose); json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; case json_type_string: key = json_object_get_string(zonesJ); cds_list_for_each_entry(zone, &mixer->zones.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(zone->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneZone(zone, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_object: error = wrap_json_unpack(zonesJ, "{ss}", "uid", &key); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: missing 'uid' request zoneJ=%s error=%s position=%d", __func__ ,json_object_get_string(zonesJ), wrap_json_get_error_string(error), wrap_json_get_error_position(error)); goto OnErrorExit; } cds_list_for_each_entry(zone, &mixer->zones.list, list) { if (strcasecmp(zone->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOneZone(zone, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_array: responseJ = json_object_new_array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(zonesJ); idx++) { json_object *zoneJ = json_object_array_get_idx(zonesJ, idx); valueJ = MixerInfoZones(mixer, zoneJ, verbose); if (!valueJ) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: fail to find zone=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(zonesJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; default: AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: unsupported json type zonesJ=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(zonesJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } AFB_API_NOTICE(mixer->api, "%s: response=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(responseJ)); return (responseJ); OnErrorExit: return NULL; } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoOnePcm(AlsaSndPcmT *pcm, int verbose) { json_object *responseJ; if (!verbose) { wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss,ss}", "uid", pcm->uid, "verb", pcm->verb); } else { json_object *sndcardJ, *alsaJ; wrap_json_pack(&sndcardJ, "{ss,si,si,si}" ,"cardid", pcm->sndcard->cid.cardid ,"name", pcm->sndcard->cid.name ,"longname", pcm->sndcard->cid.longname ,"index", pcm->sndcard->cid.cardidx ,"device", pcm->sndcard->cid.device ,"subdev", pcm->sndcard->cid.subdev ); wrap_json_pack(&alsaJ, "{ss,ss,so}" , "volume", pcm->volume , "mute", pcm->mute , "ccount", pcm->nbChannels ); wrap_json_pack(&responseJ, "{ss,ss,so,so}" , "uid", pcm->uid , "verb", pcm->verb , "sndcard", sndcardJ , "alsa", alsaJ ); } return (responseJ); } STATIC json_object *MixerInfoPcms(SoftMixerT *mixer, json_object *pcmsJ, snd_pcm_stream_t direction, int verbose) { int error; const char * key; json_object *valueJ; json_object *responseJ = NULL; AlsaSndPcmT * pcms = NULL, *pcm; switch (direction) { case SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK: pcms = &mixer->sinks; break; case SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE: pcms = &mixer->sources; break; default: AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: invalid Direction should be SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK|SND_PCM_STREAM_capture", __func__); goto OnErrorExit; } switch (json_object_get_type(pcmsJ)) { case json_type_null: case json_type_boolean: // list every existing pcm responseJ = json_object_new_array(); cds_list_for_each_entry(pcm, &pcms->list, list) { valueJ = MixerInfoOnePcm(pcm, verbose); json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; case json_type_string: key = json_object_get_string(pcmsJ); cds_list_for_each_entry(pcm, &pcms->list, list) { if (strcasecmp(pcm->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOnePcm(pcm, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_object: error = wrap_json_unpack(pcmsJ, "{ss}", "uid", &key); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: missing 'uid' request pcmJ=%s error=%s position=%d", __func__, json_object_get_string(pcmsJ), wrap_json_get_error_string(error), wrap_json_get_error_position(error)); goto OnErrorExit; } cds_list_for_each_entry(pcm, &pcms->list, list) { if (strcasecmp(pcm->uid, key)) continue; responseJ = MixerInfoOnePcm(pcm, verbose); break; } break; case json_type_array: responseJ = json_object_new_array(); for (int idx = 0; idx < json_object_array_length(pcmsJ); idx++) { json_object *pcmJ = json_object_array_get_idx(pcmsJ, idx); valueJ = MixerInfoPcms(mixer, pcmJ, direction, verbose); if (!valueJ) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: fail to find %s=%s", __func__, direction==SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK?"playback":"capture", json_object_get_string(pcmJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } json_object_array_add(responseJ, valueJ); } break; default: AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: unsupported json type pcmsJ=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(pcmsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } return (responseJ); OnErrorExit: return NULL; } STATIC void MixerInfoAction(afb_req_t request, json_object * argsJ) { SoftMixerT *mixer = (SoftMixerT*) afb_req_get_vcbdata(request); int error, verbose = 0; json_object *streamsJ = NULL, *rampsJ = NULL, *zonesJ = NULL, *capturesJ = NULL, *playbacksJ = NULL; error = wrap_json_unpack(argsJ, "{s?b,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o !}" , "verbose", &verbose , "streams", &streamsJ , "ramps", &rampsJ , "captures", &capturesJ , "playbacks", &playbacksJ , "zones", &zonesJ ); if (error) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "invalid-syntax", "list missing 'verbose|streams|ramps|captures|playbacks|zones' argsJ=%s", json_object_get_string(argsJ)); return; } json_object *responseJ = json_object_new_object(); if (streamsJ) { json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoStreams(mixer, streamsJ, verbose); if (!resultJ) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "not-found", "fail to find streams (should be a boolean, a string, or an array of them) argsJ=%s", json_object_get_string(streamsJ)); return; } json_object_object_add(responseJ, "streams", resultJ); } if (rampsJ) { json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoRamps(mixer, rampsJ, verbose); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "ramps", resultJ); } if (zonesJ) { json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoZones(mixer, zonesJ, verbose); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "zones", resultJ); } if (playbacksJ) { json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoPcms(mixer, playbacksJ, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, verbose); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "playbacks", resultJ); } if (capturesJ) { json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoPcms(mixer, capturesJ, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, verbose); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "captures", resultJ); } afb_req_success(request, responseJ, NULL); return; } STATIC void MixerInfoVerb(afb_req_t request) { json_object *argsJ = afb_req_json(request); MixerInfoAction(request, argsJ); } STATIC void MixerAttachVerb(afb_req_t request) { SoftMixerT *mixer = (SoftMixerT*) afb_req_get_vcbdata(request); const char *uid = NULL, *prefix = NULL; json_object *playbacksJ = NULL, *capturesJ = NULL, *zonesJ = NULL, *streamsJ = NULL, *rampsJ = NULL, *loopsJ = NULL; json_object *argsJ = afb_req_json(request); json_object *responseJ = json_object_new_object(); int error; AlsaMixerTransaction * transaction = NULL; AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s: %s", __func__, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); error = wrap_json_unpack(argsJ, "{ss,s?s,s?s,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o !}" , "uid", &uid , "prefix", &prefix , "mixerapi", NULL , "hal-dependencies", NULL , "ramps", &rampsJ , "playbacks", &playbacksJ , "captures", &capturesJ , "loops", &loopsJ , "zones", &zonesJ , "streams", &streamsJ ); if (error) { afb_req_fail_f(request, "invalid-syntax", "%s mixer=%s missing 'uid|ramps|playbacks|captures|zones|streams' error=%s args=%s", __func__, mixer->uid, wrap_json_get_error_string(error), json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto fail; } transaction = AlsaMixerTransactionNew(mixer, uid); if (transaction == NULL) { SOFTMIXER_NOMEM(mixer->api); goto fail; } mixer->transaction = transaction; AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s set PLAYBACKS", __func__); if (playbacksJ) { error = ApiSinkAttach(mixer, request, uid, playbacksJ); if (error) goto fail; json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoPcms(mixer, playbacksJ, SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "playbacks", resultJ); } AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s set CAPTURES", __func__); if (capturesJ) { error = ApiSourceAttach(mixer, request, uid, capturesJ); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api,"%s: source attach failed", __func__); goto fail; } json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoPcms(mixer, capturesJ, SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE, 0); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "captures", resultJ); } AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s set ZONES", __func__); if (zonesJ) { error = ApiZoneAttach(mixer, request, uid, zonesJ); if (error) goto fail; json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoZones(mixer, zonesJ, 0); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "zone", resultJ); } // In AVIRT mode, we require both the loops and streams JSON objects to // construct the loopbacks, so when the loops are set, but the streams // are not, we need to save the loops until the streams are given to us if (streamsJ && (loopsJ || LoopsJ)) { AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s set LOOPS/AVIRT", __func__); error = ApiLoopAttach(mixer, request, uid, ((loopsJ) ? loopsJ : LoopsJ), streamsJ); if (error) { goto fail; } // Now, forget the saved LoopsJ if (LoopsJ) LoopsJ = NULL; } AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api, "%s set RAMPS", __func__); if (rampsJ) { error = ApiRampAttach(mixer, request, uid, rampsJ); if (error) goto fail; json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoRamps(mixer, rampsJ, 0); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "ramps", resultJ); } AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api,"%s set STREAMS", __func__); if (streamsJ) { error = ApiStreamAttach(mixer, request, uid, prefix, streamsJ); if (error) goto fail; json_object *resultJ = MixerInfoStreams(mixer, streamsJ, 0); json_object_object_add(responseJ, "streams", resultJ); } error = afb_api_add_verb(mixer->api, uid, "Post Attach API", AlsaMixerTransactionVerbCB, transaction, NULL, 0, 0); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s mixer=%s verb=%s fail to register post attach Verb ", __func__, mixer->uid, uid); goto fail; } AFB_API_NOTICE(mixer->api, "%s responseJ=%s", __func__, json_object_get_string(responseJ)); afb_req_success(request, responseJ, NULL); AFB_API_INFO(mixer->api,"%s DONE", __func__); return; fail: if (mixer->transaction) AlsaMixerTransactionDelete(mixer->transaction); mixer->transaction = NULL; AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api,"%s FAILED", __func__); return; } // Every HAL export the same API & Interface Mapping from SndCard to AudioLogic is done through alsaHalSndCardT STATIC afb_verb_t CtrlApiVerbs[] = { /* VERB'S NAME FUNCTION TO CALL SHORT DESCRIPTION */ { .verb = "attach", .callback = MixerAttachVerb, .info = "attach resources to mixer"}, { .verb = "remove", .callback = MixerRemoveVerb, .info = "remove existing mixer streams, zones, ..."}, { .verb = "info", .callback = MixerInfoVerb, .info = "list existing mixer streams, zones, ..."}, { .verb = NULL} /* marker for end of the array */ }; STATIC int LoadStaticVerbs(SoftMixerT *mixer, afb_verb_t * verbs) { int errcount = 0; for (int idx = 0; verbs[idx].verb; idx++) { errcount += afb_api_add_verb(mixer->api, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].verb, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].info, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].callback, (void*) mixer, CtrlApiVerbs[idx].auth, 0, 0); } return errcount; }; CTLP_CAPI(MixerAttach, source, argsJ, responseJ) { SoftMixerT *mixer = source->context; json_object *playbackJ = NULL, *captureJ = NULL, *zonesJ = NULL, *streamsJ = NULL, *rampsJ = NULL, *loopsJ = NULL; const char* uid = source->uid, *prefix = NULL; AlsaMixerTransaction * transaction = NULL; int error; error = wrap_json_unpack(argsJ, "{s?s, s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o,s?o !}" , "prefix", &rampsJ , "ramps", &rampsJ , "playbacks", &playbackJ , "captures", &captureJ , "loops", &loopsJ , "zones", &zonesJ , "streams", &streamsJ ); if (error) { AFB_API_ERROR(mixer->api, "%s: invalid-syntax mixer=%s error=%s args=%s", __func__, mixer->uid, wrap_json_get_error_string(error), json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto OnErrorExit; } transaction = AlsaMixerTransactionNew(mixer, uid); if (transaction == NULL) { SOFTMIXER_NOMEM(mixer->api); goto OnErrorExit; } mixer->transaction = transaction; if (playbackJ) { error = ApiSinkAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, playbackJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } if (captureJ) { error = ApiSourceAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, captureJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } // In AVIRT mode, we require both the loops and streams JSON objects to // construct the loopbacks, so when the loops are set, but the streams // are not, we need to save the loops until the streams are given to us if (loopsJ && streamsJ) { error = ApiLoopAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, loopsJ, streamsJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } else { LoopsJ = loopsJ; } if (zonesJ) { error = ApiZoneAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, zonesJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } if (rampsJ) { error = ApiRampAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, rampsJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } if (streamsJ) { error = ApiStreamAttach(mixer, NULL, uid, prefix, streamsJ); if (error) goto OnErrorExit; } mixer->transaction = NULL; // return mixer info data after attach return 0; OnErrorExit: if (mixer->transaction) AlsaMixerTransactionDelete(mixer->transaction); mixer->transaction = NULL; return -1; } static void MixerDelete(SoftMixerT * mixer) { free((char*)mixer->info); free((char*)mixer->uid); free(mixer); } CTLP_CAPI(MixerCreate, source, argsJ, responseJ) { SoftMixerT *mixer = calloc(1, sizeof (SoftMixerT)); if (mixer == NULL) { SOFTMIXER_NOMEM(source->api); goto fail; } source->context = mixer; int error; mixer->max.loops = SMIXER_DEFLT_RAMPS; mixer->max.sinks = SMIXER_DEFLT_SINKS; mixer->max.sources = SMIXER_DEFLT_SOURCES; mixer->max.zones = SMIXER_DEFLT_ZONES; mixer->max.streams = SMIXER_DEFLT_STREAMS; mixer->max.ramps = SMIXER_DEFLT_RAMPS; if (json_object_get_type(argsJ) != json_type_object) { AFB_API_ERROR(source->api, "%s: invalid object type= %s", __func__, json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto fail; } error = wrap_json_unpack(argsJ, "{ss,s?s,s?i,s?i,s?i,s?i,s?i,s?i !}" , "uid", &mixer->uid , "info", &mixer->info , "max_loop", &mixer->max.loops , "max_sink", &mixer->max.sinks , "max_source", &mixer->max.sources , "max_zone", &mixer->max.zones , "max_stream", &mixer->max.streams , "max_ramp", &mixer->max.ramps ); if (error) { AFB_API_NOTICE(source->api, "%s missing 'uid|max_loop|max_sink|max_source|max_zone|max_stream|max_ramp' error=%s mixer=%s", __func__, wrap_json_get_error_string(error), json_object_get_string(argsJ)); goto fail_mixer; } // make sure string do not get deleted mixer->uid = strdup(mixer->uid); if (mixer->uid == NULL) { SOFTMIXER_NOMEM(source->api); goto fail_mixer; } if (mixer->info) { mixer->info = strdup(mixer->info); if (mixer->info == NULL) { SOFTMIXER_NOMEM(source->api); goto fail_uid; } } mixer->nbLoops = 0; mixer->nbSinks = 0; mixer->nbSources = 0; mixer->nbZones = 0; mixer->nbStreams = 0; mixer->nbZones = 0; CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->loops.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->sinks.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->sources.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->zones.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->streams.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->ramps.list); CDS_INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mixer->transactionList); mixer->sdLoop = afb_api_get_event_loop(source->api); mixer->api = source->api; afb_api_set_userdata(source->api, mixer); error = LoadStaticVerbs(mixer, CtrlApiVerbs); if (error) goto fail_info; cds_list_add_tail(&mixer->list, &mixerList); return 0; fail_info: free((char*)mixer->info); fail_uid: free((char*)mixer->uid); fail_mixer: free(mixer); fail: return -1; }