#!/bin/bash set -o pipefail ERR="\\e[31mERROR\\e[0m" WRN="\\e[33mWARNING\\e[0m" SUC="\\e[32mSUCCESS\\e[0m" function cout { echo -e "$*" } EXIT_CODE=0 SOUND_CARDS=$( LANG="C" aplay -l | grep -oEe "^card\\s+[^\\[]+" | cut -d':' -f2 | uniq ) cout " -- Is snd-aloop is available?" if zcat /proc/config.gz | grep "CONFIG_SND_ALOOP=y" > /dev/null; then cout " -- $SUC: Built into the kernel" else cout " -- $WRN: Not built into the kernel, devices order can randomly change!" if zcat /proc/config.gz | grep "CONFIG_SND_ALOOP=m" > /dev/null; then cout " -- $SUC: snd-aloop is provided!" if lsmod | grep "snd_aloop" > /dev/null; then cout " -- $SUC: snd-aloop is loaded!" else cout " -- $ERR: snd-aloop is not loaded! 4a-softmixer can't work, please load it using: modprobe snd-aloop" fi else cout " -- $ERR: snd-aloop is not provided at all, 4a-softmixer can't work!" EXIT_CODE=1 fi fi cout " -- Is 4a running?" if ps x | grep "service-audio-4a" | grep -v "grep" > /dev/null; then cout " -- $SUC: Service is currently running!" else cout " -- $WRN: Service is not currently running!" fi #SERVICE_FILE=$( basename "$( ls "/var/local/lib/systemd/system/afm-service-agl-service-audio-4a--"* )" ) cout cout "Found audio cards:" for card in $SOUND_CARDS; do cout " - $card" done exit $EXIT_CODE