# Copyright (C) 2024 Suchinton Chakravarty # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import can import time from rich.console import Console import os import argparse from PyQt6.QtCore import QThread, pyqtSignal import cantools import sys current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(current_dir)) from extras import config class CAN_playback(QThread): finished = pyqtSignal() speedUpdate = pyqtSignal(int) gearUpdate = pyqtSignal(str) engineSpeedUpdate = pyqtSignal(int) throttleUpdate = pyqtSignal(int) indicatorUpdate = pyqtSignal(str) try: playbackFile = config.get_playback_file() except Exception as e: print(e) # playbackFile = os.path.join(current_dir, "can_messages.txt") def __init__(self, interface='vcan0'): super(CAN_playback, self).__init__() self._running = False self.console_mode = False self.interface = interface self.bus = can.interface.Bus(interface='socketcan', channel=self.interface, bitrate=500000) self.output_file = self.playbackFile # Load the DBC file self.db = cantools.database.load_file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'agl-vcar.dbc')) # Create a mapping of relevant messages self.message_map = { 'Vehicle_Status_1': self.decode_speed, 'Transmission': self.decode_gear, 'Vehicle_Status_2': self.decode_engine_speed, 'Engine': self.decode_throttle, 'Vehicle_Status_3': self.decode_indicators } def write_to_file(self, messages): with open(self.output_file, 'w') as file: for msg in messages: file.write(f"{msg.timestamp},{msg.arbitration_id},{msg.dlc},{','.join(map(lambda b: f'0x{b:02x}', msg.data))}\n") def run(self): """Override run method to handle playback messages.""" if os.path.exists(self.output_file): messages = [] with open(self.output_file, 'r') as file: for line in file: parts = line.strip().split(',', 3) timestamp, arbitration_id, dlc, data_str = parts data_bytes = [int(byte, 16) for byte in data_str.split(',') if byte] msg = can.Message( timestamp=float(timestamp), arbitration_id=int(arbitration_id, 0), dlc=int(dlc), data=data_bytes ) messages.append(msg) self.replay_messages(messages) def start_playback(self): """Start playback if not already running.""" if not self._running: self._running = True self.start() # Start the QThread def stop_playback(self): """Stop playback.""" if self._running: self.reset() # Wait for thread to finish before shutting down the bus self.wait(1000) self.finished.emit() def reset(self): """Reset the playback.""" self._running = False self.speedUpdate.emit(0) self.gearUpdate.emit("N") self.engineSpeedUpdate.emit(0) self.throttleUpdate.emit(0) self.indicatorUpdate.emit("HazardOff") def replay_messages(self, messages): """Replay CAN messages.""" # self._running = True start_time = messages[0].timestamp for msg in messages: if not self._running: # Check if playback should stop return delay = msg.timestamp - start_time self.bus.send(msg) # Decode and emit signals for relevant messages if msg.arbitration_id == self.db.get_message_by_frame_id(msg.arbitration_id).frame_id: message_name = self.db.get_message_by_frame_id(msg.arbitration_id).name if message_name in self.message_map: decoded_data = self.decode_message(message_name, msg.data) self.message_map[message_name](decoded_data) time.sleep(delay) start_time = msg.timestamp def decode_message(self, message_name, data): message = self.db.get_message_by_name(message_name) return message.decode(data) def decode_speed(self, decoded_data): speed = int(decoded_data['PT_VehicleAvgSpeed']) self.speedUpdate.emit(speed) def decode_gear(self, decoded_data): gear_value = int(decoded_data['Gear']) if gear_value == 126: gear = "P" elif gear_value == 127: gear = "D" elif gear_value == -1 or gear_value == -2: gear = "R" elif gear_value == 0: gear = "N" else: gear = f"{gear_value}" self.gearUpdate.emit(gear) def decode_engine_speed(self, decoded_data): engine_speed = int(decoded_data['PT_EngineSpeed']) self.engineSpeedUpdate.emit(engine_speed) def decode_throttle(self, decoded_data): throttle_position = int(decoded_data['ThrottlePosition']) self.throttleUpdate.emit(throttle_position) def decode_indicators(self, decoded_data): if decoded_data['PT_HazardOn'] == 1: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('HazardOn') if decoded_data['PT_HazardOn'] == 0: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('HazardOff') if decoded_data['PT_LeftTurnOn'] == 1: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('LeftBlinkerOn') print("Left Blinker On") if decoded_data['PT_LeftTurnOn'] == 0: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('LeftBlinkerOff') if decoded_data['PT_RightTurnOn'] == 1: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('RightBlinkerOn') if decoded_data['PT_RightTurnOn'] == 0: self.indicatorUpdate.emit('RightBlinkerOff') def capture_can_messages(self): messages = [] if self.console_mode: console = Console() console.print(f"Capturing CAN messages on {self.interface}. Press Ctrl+C to stop.") try: while True: message = self.bus.recv() if message is not None: messages.append(message) except KeyboardInterrupt: console.print("Capture stopped.") return messages def main(): from rich.console import Console from rich.prompt import Prompt parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='CAN Message Capture and Playback Tool') parser.add_argument('--interface', '-i', type=str, default='vcan0', help='Specify the CAN interface (default: vcan0)') args = parser.parse_args() can_tool = CAN_playback(interface=args.interface) can_tool.console_mode = True console = Console() while True: if can_tool._running: console.print("Playback in progress. Please stop playback before capturing new messages.") # ask for input 1 to stop playback choice = Prompt.ask("Enter your choice", choices=['1']) if choice == '1': can_tool.stop_playback() console.print("Playback stopped. Ready to capture new messages.") continue else: console.print("\n[bold]CAN Message Capture and Playback[/bold]") console.print("1. Capture CAN messages") console.print("2. Replay captured messages") console.print("3. Exit") choice = Prompt.ask("Enter your choice", choices=['1', '2', '3']) if choice == '1': messages = can_tool.capture_can_messages() console.print(f"Captured {len(messages)} messages.") can_tool.write_to_file(messages) console.print(f"CAN messages written to {can_tool.output_file}") elif choice == '2': if os.path.exists(can_tool.output_file): console.print("Replaying captured messages...") can_tool.start_playback() console.print("Replay completed.") else: console.print(f"No captured messages found in {can_tool.output_file}") else: console.print("Exiting...") break if __name__ == "__main__": main()