import pytest import re ''' Process the log and init test_cases_values_and_status. log : the path of default log default log formate : -> case_name: TEST-PASS -> case_name: TEST-FAIL -> case_name: TEST-SKIP ''' def log_process_default(log): pattern = '^ -> (.+?): (.+?)$' parse_result = log_parse(log, pattern) test_cases_values_and_status = [["test_id","values","status"]] if parse_result: for item in parse_result: item_result = [item[0], item[1], ""] test_cases_values_and_status.append(item_result) return test_cases_values_and_status ''' Process the log create by gnome_desktop_testing and init test_cases_values_and_status. log : the path of gnome_desktop_testing log gnome_desktop_testing log formate: PASS: glib/tls-database.test FAIL: glib/markup-escape.test SKIP: glib/testname.test ''' def log_process_gnome_desktop_testing(log): pattern = '^(FAIL|PASS|SKIP.+?): (.+test?)' parse_result = log_parse(log, pattern) test_cases_values_and_status = [["test_id","values","status"]] if parse_result: for item in parse_result: item_result = [item[1], item[0], ""] test_cases_values_and_status.append(item_result) return test_cases_values_and_status # parse log file with pattern def log_parse(log, pattern): regex = re.compile(pattern, re.MULTILINE) test_log = open(log, 'r') parse_result = [] line = test_log.readline() while line: matchs = if matchs: groups = matchs.groups() parse_result.append(groups) line=test_log.readline() test_log.close() return parse_result