import os import re import pytest import pathlib import subprocess from tests.LTP.agl_test_ltp_base import LTPBase class Conformance_Base(LTPBase): def __init__(self): super().__init__(test_name="posix_conformance_tests") def precheck(self): # 1, check bin/ exists general_script_path = pathlib.Path( self.LTPDIR+ "./bin/") check_script = general_script_path.is_file() # 2, check if /opt/ltp/conformance/ exists conformance_dir_path = pathlib.Path( self.LTPDIR+ "./conformance/") check_dir = conformance_dir_path.is_dir() return check_script and check_dir # "" >> "aio_suspend_1.1" is the name def init_param_list(self): case_name_list = [] # root path root_dir = pathlib.Path(self.LTPDIR + "./conformance/interfaces/") if not root_dir.is_dir(): return case_name_list # search case name by .run-test/.sh files without for child in root_dir.iterdir(): if child.is_file(): continue for item in child.iterdir(): if (item.suffix == ".run-test" or item.suffix == ".sh") and != "": case_name_list.append(item.stem) return case_name_list # in run test function, log would be automatically generated def run_all_tests(self): # get logfile path from function "get_logfile()" log_file_path = self.get_log_file() # export env variable "LOGFILE" as path to logfile os.environ['LOGFILE'] = str(log_file_path) # get all folder names root_dir = pathlib.Path(self.LTPDIR + "./conformance/interfaces/") # go into each and every folder run "" for child in root_dir.iterdir(): # only if item is folder do if child.is_file(): continue # folder name + = command buffer run_script_cmd = str(child) + "/" cwd_buf = str(child) # run script files in subprocesses, shell=True, cwd=cwd_buf, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # parser function def log_parser(self, log_file): # example: conformance/interfaces/aio_suspend/(aio_suspend_5-1): execution: (UNSUPPORTED): Output: # set regex rule reRule="^conformance/interfaces/[a-z_]+/([a-z0-9_-]+): execution: ([A-Z]+)[:]?.?" reObj = re.compile(reRule) # init a dictionary, it stores the return result case_list = dict() # open file test_log = open(log_file, 'r') # start to read the new line line = test_log.readline() while line: # checking regex status in line matchs = # if the line fits the regex rule if matchs: # spliting elements into a tuple groups = matchs.groups() case_list[groups[0]] = [groups[0], groups[1], ""] # jump out if-else, read next line line = test_log.readline() test_log.close() return case_list def log_process(self): log_file_path = self.get_log_file() self.case_info_list = self.log_parser(log_file_path) @pytest.fixture(scope='module') def testbase(): # init instance instance = Conformance_Base() # run all cases instance.run_all_tests() #write test suite info to file instance.write_run_info() # do log process instance.log_process() yield instance #package log files and make report file instance.log_report() def local_precheck(): checker = Conformance_Base() output = checker.precheck() if(output == False): #write test suite info to file instance.write_skip_info() return output instance = Conformance_Base() skip_msg = "The current environment does not match the test requirements." pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(local_precheck() == False or instance.precheck() == False, reason = skip_msg) @pytest.mark.parametrize('case_name', instance.init_param_list()) def test_posix_conformance(testbase: Conformance_Base, case_name): testbase.run_case(case_name) if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main("-s run_tests")