### Application Framework Binder
This is an undergoing work, publication is only intended for developers to review and provide feedback.

### License
As of today, the code is licensed under GLPv3. While no decision as been taken yet, it will certainly switch to a different licence: GPLv2, Apache or MIT e.g..

Final goal is to keep the engine publicly accessible and modifiable, still allowing people to load non open-source plugins. The code itself already leverages open-source libraries, including libmicrohttpd & libjson.

Finally, whatever license is chosen, it should be compatible with dependencies and automotive industry requirements - as the primary target for this code is AGL. 

### Building
Building Application Framework Binder has been tested under **Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus)** or **Fedora 23**, and requires the following libraries:
 * libmagic ("libmagic-dev" under Ubuntu, "file-devel" under Fedora);
 * libmicrohttpd >= 0.9.48  (fetch and build from "http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/libmicrohttpd");
 * json-c ("libjson-c-dev/devel");
 * uuid ("uuid-dev/libuuid-devel");
 * openssl ("libssl-dev/openssl-devel");
 * systemd >= 222 ("libsystemd-dev/systemd-devel");

optionally, for plugins :
 * alsa ("libasound2-dev/alsa-devel");
 * pulseaudio ("libpulse-dev/libpulse-devel");
 * rtl-sdr >= 0.5.0 ("librtlsdr-dev", or fetch and build from "git://git.osmocom.org/rtl-sdr" under Fedora);
 * GUPnP ("libglib2.0-dev libgupnp-av-1.0-dev/glib2-devel libgupnp-av-devel");

and the following tools:
 * gcc;
 * make;
 * pkg-config;
 * cmake >= 2.8.8.

To install all dependencies under Ubuntu (excepting libmicrohttpd), please type:
$ apt-get install libmagic-dev libjson-c-dev uuid-dev libsystemd-dev libssl-dev libasound2-dev libpulse-dev librtlsdr-dev libglib2.0-dev libgupnp-av-1.0-dev gcc make pkg-config cmake
or under Fedora (excepting libmicrohttpd and rtl-sdr):
$ dnf install file-devel json-c-devel libuuid-devel systemd-devel openssl-devel alsa-devel libpulse-devel glib2-devel libgupnp-av-devel gcc make pkg-config cmake

 To build, move to the root directory and type:
$ mkdir build; cd build<br />
$ cmake ..<br />
$ make; make install<br />

### Starting
$ afb-daemon --help 
$ afb-daemon --verbose --port=<port> --token='' --sessiondir=<working directory> --rootdir=<web directory (index.html)>

### Example
$ afb-daemon --verbose --port=1234 --token='' --sessiondir=/tmp --rootdir=/srv/www/htdocs --alias=icons:/usr/share/icons

### Directories & Paths
Default behaviour is to locate ROOTDIR in $HOME/.AFB


Developers are intended to provide a structure containing : API name, corresponding methods/callbacks, and optionally a context and a handle.
A handle is a void* structure automatically passed to API callbacks. Callbacks also receive HTTP GET data as well as HTTP POST data, in case a POST method was used. Every method should return a JSON object or NULL in case of error.

API plugins can be protected from timeout and other errors. By default this behaviour is deactivated, use --apitimeout to activate it.
        STATIC AFB_restapi myApis[]= {
          {"ping"    , AFB_SESSION_NONE,  (AFB_apiCB)ping,     "Ping Function"},
          {"action1" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, (AFB_apiCB)action1 , "Action-1"},
          {"action2" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, (AFB_apiCB)action2 , "Action-2"},

        PUBLIC AFB_plugin *pluginRegister () {
            AFB_plugin *plugin = malloc (sizeof (AFB_plugin));
            plugin->type  = AFB_PLUGIN_JSON;
            plugin->info  = "Plugin Sample";
            plugin->prefix= "myPlugin";        
            plugin->apis  = myApis;
            return (plugin);

### HTML5 and AngularJS Redirects

Binder supports HTML5 redirect mode even with an application baseurl. Default value for application base URL is /opa.
See Application Framework HTML5 Client template at https://github.com/iotbzh/afb-client-sample

If the Binder receives something like _http://myopa/sample_ when sample is not the homepage of the AngularJS OPA, it will redirect to _http://myopa/#!sample_. This redirect will return the _index.html_ OPA file and will notify AngularJS not to display the homepage, but the sample page.

Warning: in order for AngularJS applications to be able to work with both BASEURL="/" and BASEURL="/MyApp/", all page references have to be relative.
Recommended model is to develop with a BASEURL="/opa" as any application working with a BASEURL will work without, while the opposite is not true.

Note: If a resource is not accessible from ROOTDIR then the "--alias" switch should be used, as in: --alias=/icons:/usr/share/icons. Only use alias for external support static files. This should not be used for API and OPA.

### Ongoing work

Javascript plugins. As of today, only C plugins are supported, but JS plugins are on the TODO list.