#!/bin/bash # the HTML template main='<html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="doc.css"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> </head> <body> GENERATED-MARKDOWN-HERE </body> </html>' # substitute the pattern $1 by the content of the file $2 subst() { awk -v pat="$1" -v rep="$(sed 's:\\:\\\\:g' $2)" '{gsub(pat,rep);gsub(pat,"\\&");print}' } # update the date field of file $1 updadate() { local x=$1 local t=$(git log -n 1 --format=%ct $x) [[ -n "$t" ]] || t=$(stat -c %Y $x) local d=$(LANG= date -d @$t +"%d %B %Y") sed -i "s/^\( Date: *\).*/\1$d/" $x } # make the html file for $1 mkhtml() { local x=$1 local h=${x%%.md}.html expand -i $x | sed 's:^ : :' > $h.pre markdown -f toc,autolink $h.pre > $h.toc.no markdown -Tf toc,autolink $h.pre > $h.toc.yes head --bytes=-$(stat -c %s $h.toc.no) $h.toc.yes > $h.toc echo "$main" | subst GENERATED-MARKDOWN-HERE $h.toc.no | subst TABLE-OF-CONTENT-HERE $h.toc > $h rm $h.* } # apply for x in *.md; do updadate $x mkhtml $x done