Migration from binding V1 to binding V2

The ***binding*** interface evolved from version 1 to version 2
for the following reasons:

 - integration of the security requirements within the bindings
 - simplification of the API (after developer feedbacks)
 - removal of obscure features, cleanup

The ***binder*** can run ***bindings*** v1 and/or v2 in any combination.
Thus moving from v1 to v2 is not enforced. There is no real need.

More, it is possible to write a dual ***binding***: a ***binding*** that
implements the version 1 AND the version 2.


 - any new development SHOULD start using ***binding*** V2
 - existing ***bindings*** SHOULD migrate to the version 2

This guide covers the migration of bindings from version 1 to version 2.

It also explains some of the rationale taken when migrating from version 1 to version 2.

In the future, if ***binding*** api evolves to fresh versions (3, 4, ...)
it might be necessarily to write bindings implementing more than
just one version. For example, a ***binding*** being v2 AND v3 will resolve
the issue of running on older AND newer version of AGL. This should always
be possible even if more complicated.

Important things to known when migrating

One of the most important change when migrating from v1 to v2 is
that many functions use an hidden *common* variable.
This affects the functions of the following classes:

 - functions of class **daemon**:
    * functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
    * functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
 - functions of class **service**:
    * functions starting with **afb_service_...**
 - callback functions:
    * the register function (that is removed)
    * the service init function
    * the onevent function

For these functions, the first parameter is now implicit.

Let takes an example. For ***binding*** v1 you had to write:

        afb_daemon_broadcast_event(afbitf->daemon, reason, description);

For ***binding*** v2, you simply write:

        afb_daemon_broadcast_event(reason, description);

This simplification is possible because the header files included for the bindings
now provide a common variable for storing the **daemon** and **service** data.

As a programmer, you shouldn't care much about that hidden variable.
It simplifies the job, that's all and that is the reason of the change.

An other important difference is between the version 1 and the version 2 is
on how the ***binding***'s **API** is documented. The version 2 emphasis the
**OpenAPI v3** description of the **API**. For this reason, to avoid
duplication of descriptions, only one description is expected: the **OpenAPI** one.

Task list for the migration

This task list is:

 1. Enforce use of binding v2 by setting **AFB_BINDING_VERSION**
 2. Rewrite the main structure and the list of exported verbs
 3. Adapt the init and callback functions
 4. Removes the first parameter of functions of classes **daemon**
    and **service**
 5. Consider where to emit logs for requests
 6. Take care of store/unstore changes
 7. Consider use of synchronous (sub)call requests
 8. Optionally, removes explicit struct

The remaining chapters explain these task with more details.

Enforce use of binding v2 by setting AFB_BINDING_VERSION

By defining **AFB_BINDING_VERSION** to **2** you switch to version 2.
This is done as below.

#include <afb/afb-binding.h>

After that you will get many errors when compiling.

Rewrite the main structures and the list of exported verbs

The structures describing the ***binding** changed from version 1 to version 2.

The structure for describing verbs changed to include security
requirements. In version 1 it was:

struct afb_verb_desc_v1
       const char *name;                       /* name of the verb */
       enum afb_session_flags_v1 session;      /* authorization and session requirements of the verb */
       void (*callback)(struct afb_req req);   /* callback function implementing the verb */
       const char *info;                       /* textual description of the verb */

In version 2 it becomes:

struct afb_verb_v2
        const char *verb;                       /* name of the verb */
        void (*callback)(struct afb_req req);   /* callback function implementing the verb */
        const struct afb_auth *auth;		/* required authorization */
        uint32_t session;                       /* authorization and session requirements of the verb */


The migration of instances of that structure requires the following actions:

 - rename field **name** to **verb**
 - remove field **info**
 - adapt field **session** if needed
 - set field **auth** to NULL


 { .name= "new",   .session= AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback= new,   .info= "Starts a new game" }


 { .verb = "new",   .session = AFB_SESSION_NONE, .callback = new, .auth = NULL }

The field **auth** can be set to a value describing the requested

The main describing structure also changed. In version 1 it was:

struct afb_binding_desc_v1
       const char *info;                       /* textual information about the binding */
       const char *prefix;                     /* required prefix name for the binding */
       const struct afb_verb_desc_v1 *verbs;   /* array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name */

In version 2 it becomes:

struct afb_binding_v2
        const char *api;			/* api name for the binding */
        const char *specification;		/* textual specification of the binding */
        const struct afb_verb_v2 *verbs;	/* array of descriptions of verbs terminated by a NULL name */
        int (*preinit)();                       /* callback at load of the binding */
        int (*init)();                          /* callback for starting the service */
        void (*onevent)(const char *event, struct json_object *object); /* callback for handling events */
        unsigned noconcurrency: 1;		/* avoids concurrent requests to verbs */

The migration of instances of that structure requires the following actions:

 - declare, explore, name the structure as ```const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2```
 - rename the field **prefix** to **api**
 - remove the field **info**
 - setup the fields **preinit**, **init**, **onevent** according to the next section
 - set the field **noconcurrency** to the right value:
    * to 1 if you want to avoid concurrent calls to verbs.
    * to 0 if you allow concurrent calls to verbs.


static const struct afb_binding plugin_desc = {
        .type = AFB_BINDING_VERSION_1,
        .v1 = {
                .info = "Minimal Hello World Sample",
                .prefix = "hello",
                .verbs = verbs

const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
        .api = "hello",
        .specification = NULL,
        .verbs = verbs,
        .preinit = preinit,
        .init = init

The **binder** now relies only on the exported names
to deduce the type of the binding. This make the main
structure more simple.

Adapt the init and callback functions

The ***bindings*** version 1 defined 3 exported functions:

 - **afbBindingV1Register**
 - **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**
 - **afbBindingV1ServiceEvent**

These function should not be exported any more and there definition changed.

The function **afbBindingV1Register** is no more used to describe the binding.
When a binding has to take actions when it is loaded, it must set the field
**preinit** of the structure **afbBindingV2**. This field, this preinit, might
be used to check features at load. When it returns a negative number, the
***binder*** stops before initializing any ***binding***.

The function **afbBindingV1ServiceInit** is replaced by the field **init**
of the structure **afbBindingV2**. The init function should return 0 in case
of success or a negative error code in case of problem. It is called during
initialization of services.

The function **afbBindingV1ServiceEvent**is replaced by the field **onevent**
of the structure **afbBindingV2**.

The two functions **afbBindingV1Register** and **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**,
were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
So the variable that ***bindings*** version used to store the ***binder*** interface
and the service interface are no more needed and can be removed.


const struct afb_binding_interface *interface;
struct afb_service service;

static const struct afb_binding plugin_desc = {
        .type = AFB_BINDING_VERSION_1,
        .v1 = {
                .info = "Minimal Hello World Sample",
                .prefix = "hello",
                .verbs = verbs

const struct afb_binding *afbBindingV1Register (const struct afb_binding_interface *itf)
        interface = itf;
        NOTICE(interface, "binding register");
        return &plugin_desc;

int afbBindingV1ServiceInit(struct afb_service svc)
        service = svc;
        NOTICE(interface, "binding init");
        return 0;

void afbBindingV1ServiceEvent(const char *event, struct json_object *object)
        NOTICE(interface, "onevent %s", event);


static int preinit()
        AFB_NOTICE("binding preinit (was register)");
        return 0;

static int init()
        AFB_NOTICE("binding init");
        return 0;

static void onevent(const char *event, struct json_object *object)
        AFB_NOTICE("onevent %s", event);

const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
        .api = "hello",
        .specification = NULL,
        .verbs = verbs,
        .preinit = preinit,
        .init = init,
        .onevent = onevent

The two functions **afbBindingV1Register** and **afbBindingV1ServiceInit**,
were taking as parameter the ***binder*** interface and the service interface respectively.
These interfaces are now managed hiddenly for the **binding** by the **binder**.
So the variable that ***bindings*** version used to store the ***binder*** interface
and the service interface are no more needed and can be removed.

On the above example the following lines were removed:
const struct afb_binding_interface *interface;
struct afb_service service;

        interface = itf;

        service = svc;

Removes the first parameter of functions of classes **daemon** and **service**

As explained before, many functions loose there first
arguments, this are the functions of the following classes:

 - functions of class **daemon**:
    * functions starting with **afb_daemon_...**
    * functions for logging: **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG**
 - functions of class **service**:
    * functions starting with **afb_service_...**
 - callback functions:
    * the register function (that is removed)
    * the service init function
    * the onevent function

For these functions, the first parameter is now implicit.


        afb_daemon_broadcast_event(afbitf->daemon, reason, description);


        afb_daemon_broadcast_event(reason, description);

Also, to avoid possible conflicts, we introduced prefixed logging functions:
the macros **ERROR**, **WARNING**, **NOTICE**, **INFO**, **DEBUG** have now
a prefixed version: **AFB\_ERROR**, **AFB\_WARNING**, **AFB\_NOTICE**,
**AFB\_INFO**, **AFB\_DEBUG**. It is now recommended to use the prefixed version.


        NOTICE(interface, "hello plugin comes to live");


        NOTICE("hello plugin comes to live");

or, better:

        AFB_NOTICE("hello plugin comes to live");

To remove definition of the un-prefixed versions of logging macros **ERROR**, **WARNING**,
before to include **afb/afb-binding.h**.

#include <afb/afb-binding.h>

Consider where to emit logs for requests

The ***bindings*** v2 now allows to emit log messages associated to ***requests***.
This feature is valuable when debugging because it allows to return
side information associated to a ***request***.

The defined macros for logging to requests are: **AFB_REQ_ERROR**,

We encourage the use of these new logging facilities everywhere it makes sense.


        INFO(afbitf, "method 'new' called for boardid %d", board->id);

Might become:

        AFB_REQ_INFO(req, "method 'new' called for boardid %d", board->id);

Take care of store/unstore change

For efficiency, the version 2 redefined how storing/un-storing of
requests works. Storing request is needed for asynchronous handling
of requests.

For ***bindings*** version, the signature of the functions were:

struct afb_req *afb_req_store(struct afb_req req);
struct afb_req afb_req_unstore(struct afb_req *req);

For version 2 it becomes

struct afb_stored_req *afb_req_store(struct afb_req req);
struct afb_req afb_req_unstore(struct afb_stored_req *sreq);

Where the structure ```struct afb_stored_req``` is opaque.

It should require few code change.

Also check the following chapter that explain that asynchronous (sub)calls
can be replaced by synchronous one, avoiding the need to store/unstore

Consider use of synchronous (sub)call requests

***Bindings*** can emit requests for themselves (calls) or for
their clients (subcalls). With ***bindings*** version 2 comes
also synchronous requests for both cases.

So when migrating to bindings version 2, a developer can consider
to replace the asynchronous requests (with asynchronous call back)
by synchronous ones.

See functions ***afb_service_call_sync*** and ***afb_req_subcall_sync***.

Optionally, removes explicit struct

The new definitions now includes **typedefs** for common
structures, as shown on below sample:

typedef struct afb_daemon               afb_daemon;
typedef struct afb_event                afb_event;
typedef struct afb_arg                  afb_arg;
typedef struct afb_req                  afb_req;
typedef struct afb_service              afb_service;

So you can remove the keyword **struct** if it bores you.


static void verb(struct afb_req req)

Might become:

static void verb(afb_req req)

Example of migration

The first ***binding*** that migrated from v1 to v2 was
the sample **HelloWorld**. Here is shown the differences between
the version 1 and the version 2.

diff --git a/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c b/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c
index c6fa779..505aee3 100644
--- a/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c
+++ b/bindings/samples/HelloWorld.c
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@

 #include <json-c/json.h>

 #include <afb/afb-binding.h>

-const struct afb_binding_interface *interface;
 static pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

 struct event
@@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ static int event_add(const char *tag, const char *name)
         strcpy(e->tag, tag);

         /* make the event */
-	e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(interface->daemon, name);
+	e->event = afb_daemon_make_event(name);
         if (!e->event.closure) { free(e); return -1; }

         /* link */
@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ static void pingBug (struct afb_req request)
 static void pingEvent(struct afb_req request)
         json_object *query = afb_req_json(request);
-	afb_daemon_broadcast_event(interface->daemon, "event", json_object_get(query));
+	afb_daemon_broadcast_event("event", json_object_get(query));
         ping(request, json_object_get(query), "event");

@@ -288,38 +289,43 @@ static void exitnow (struct afb_req request)

+static int preinit()
+	AFB_NOTICE("hello binding comes to live");
+	return 0;
+static int init()
+	AFB_NOTICE("hello binding starting");
+	return 0;
 // NOTE: this sample does not use session to keep test a basic as possible
 //       in real application most APIs should be protected with AFB_SESSION_CHECK
-static const struct afb_verb_desc_v1 verbs[]= {
-  {"ping"     , AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingSample  , "Ping Application Framework"},
-  {"pingfail" , AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingFail    , "Fails"},
-  {"pingnull" , AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingNull    , "Return NULL"},
-  {"pingbug"  , AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingBug     , "Do a Memory Violation"},
-  {"pingJson" , AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingJson    , "Return a JSON object"},
-  {"pingevent", AFB_SESSION_NONE, pingEvent   , "Send an event"},
-  {"subcall",   AFB_SESSION_NONE, subcall     , "Call api/verb(args)"},
-  {"subcallsync",   AFB_SESSION_NONE, subcallsync     , "Call api/verb(args)"},
-  {"eventadd",  AFB_SESSION_NONE, eventadd    , "adds the event of 'name' for the 'tag'"},
-  {"eventdel",  AFB_SESSION_NONE, eventdel    , "deletes the event of 'tag'"},
-  {"eventsub",  AFB_SESSION_NONE, eventsub    , "subscribes to the event of 'tag'"},
-  {"eventunsub",AFB_SESSION_NONE, eventunsub  , "unsubscribes to the event of 'tag'"},
-  {"eventpush", AFB_SESSION_NONE, eventpush   , "pushs the event of 'tag' with the 'data'"},
-  {"exit",      AFB_SESSION_NONE, exitnow     , "exits from afb-daemon"},
-  {NULL}
+static const struct afb_verb_v2 verbs[]= {
+  { "ping"     ,    pingSample , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "pingfail" ,    pingFail   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "pingnull" ,    pingNull   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "pingbug"  ,    pingBug    , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "pingJson" ,    pingJson   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "pingevent",    pingEvent  , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "subcall",      subcall    , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "subcallsync",  subcallsync, NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "eventadd",     eventadd   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "eventdel",     eventdel   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "eventsub",     eventsub   , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "eventunsub",   eventunsub , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "eventpush",    eventpush  , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { "exit",         exitnow    , NULL, AFB_SESSION_NONE },
+  { NULL}

-static const struct afb_binding plugin_desc = {
-	.v1 = {
-		.info = "Minimal Hello World Sample",
-		.prefix = "hello",
-		.verbs = verbs
-	}
+const struct afb_binding_v2 afbBindingV2 = {
+	.api = "hello",
+	.specification = NULL,
+	.verbs = verbs,
+	.preinit = preinit,
+	.init = init

-const struct afb_binding *afbBindingV1Register (const struct afb_binding_interface *itf)
-	interface = itf;
-	NOTICE(interface, "hello plugin comes to live");
-	return &plugin_desc;