Functions of class afb_event_t

## General functions

### afb_event_is_valid

 * Checks whether the 'event' is valid or not.
 * @param event the event to check
 * @return 0 if not valid or 1 if valid.
int afb_event_is_valid(
			afb_event_t event);

### afb_event_name

 * Gets the name associated to 'event'.
 * @param event the event whose name is requested
 * @return the name of the event
 * The returned name can be used until call to 'afb_event_unref'.
 * It shouldn't be freed.
const char *afb_event_name(
			afb_event_t event);

### afb_event_unref

 * Decrease the count of references to 'event'.
 * Call this function when the evenid is no more used.
 * It destroys the event_x2 when the reference count falls to zero.
 * @param event the event
void afb_event_unref(
			afb_event_t event);

### afb_event_addref

 * Increases the count of references to 'event'
 * @param event the event
 * @return the event
afb_event_t *afb_event_addref(
			afb_event_t event);

## Pushing functions

### afb_event_broadcast

 * Broadcasts widely an event of 'event' with the data 'object'.
 * 'object' can be NULL.
 * For convenience, the function calls 'json_object_put' for 'object'.
 * Thus, in the case where 'object' should remain available after
 * the function returns, the function 'json_object_get' shall be used.
 * @param event the event to broadcast
 * @param object the companion object to associate to the broadcasted event (can be NULL)
 * @return the count of clients that received the event.
int afb_event_broadcast(
			afb_event_t event,
			struct json_object *object);

### afb_event_push

 * Pushes an event of 'event' with the data 'object' to its observers.
 * 'object' can be NULL.
 * For convenience, the function calls 'json_object_put' for 'object'.
 * Thus, in the case where 'object' should remain available after
 * the function returns, the function 'json_object_get' shall be used.
 * @param event the event to push
 * @param object the companion object to associate to the pushed event (can be NULL)
 * @return the count of clients that received the event.
int afb_event_push(
			afb_event_t event,
			struct json_object *object);