 Copyright 2015 IoT.bzh

 author: José Bollo <jose.bollo@iot.bzh>

 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at


 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
#define _GNU_SOURCE

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <assert.h>

#include <json.h>
#include <dbus/dbus.h>

#include "utils-jbus.h"

 * max depth of json messages
#define MAX_JSON_DEPTH 10

 * errors messages generated by jbus
static const char invalid_request_string[] = "invalid request";
static const char out_of_memory_string[] = "out of memory";
static const char invalid_request_string[] = "\"invalid request\"";
static const char out_of_memory_string[] = "\"out of memory\"";

 * structure for handled requests
struct jreq {
	DBusConnection *connection; /* connection of the request */
	DBusMessage *request;       /* message of the request */

 * structure for services
struct jservice {
	struct jservice *next;	/* link to the next service */
	char *method;		/* method name for the service */
	void (*oncall_s) (struct jreq *, const char *, void *);
				/* string callback */
	void (*oncall_j) (struct jreq *, struct json_object *, void *);
				/* json callback */
	void *data;		/* closure data for the callbacks */

 * structure for signals
struct jsignal {
	struct jsignal *next;	/* link to the next signal */
	char *name;		/* name of the expected signal */
	void (*onsignal_s) (const char *, void *);
				/* string callback */
	void (*onsignal_j) (struct json_object *, void *);
				/* json callback */
	void *data;		/* closure data for the callbacks */

 * structure for asynchronous requests (resp-onse w-aiter)
struct jrespw {
	struct jrespw *next;	/* next asynchronous */
	dbus_uint32_t serial;	/* serial dbus number */
	void *data;		/* closure data for the callbacks */
	void (*onresp_s) (int, const char *, void *);
				/* string callback */
	void (*onresp_j) (int, struct json_object *, void *);
				/* json callback */

 * structure for synchronous requests
struct respsync {
	int replied;	/* boolean flag indicating reply */
	char *value;	/* copy of the returned value */

 * structure for handling either client or server jbus on dbus
struct jbus {
	int refcount;			/* referenced how many time */
	DBusConnection *connection;	/* connection to DBU */
	struct json_tokener *tokener;	/* string to json tokenizer */
	struct jservice *services;	/* first service */
	struct jsignal *signals;	/* first signal */
	struct jrespw *waiters;		/* first response waiter */
	char *path;			/* dbus path */
	char *name;			/* dbus name */
	int watchnr;			/* counter of watching need */
	int watchfd;			/* file to watch */
	short watchflags;		/* watched flags */

/*********************** STATIC COMMON METHODS *****************/

 * Frees the ressources attached to a request
static inline void free_jreq(struct jreq *jreq)

 * Replies the error "out of memory".
 * This function is intended to be used in services when an
 * allocation fails. Thus, it set errno to ENOMEM and
 * returns -1.
static inline int reply_out_of_memory(struct jreq *jreq)
	jbus_reply_error_s(jreq, out_of_memory_string);
	errno = ENOMEM;
	return -1;

 * Checks if the incoming 'message' matches the interface
 * linked to 'jbus'.
 * Returns 1 if it matches or 0 wether it does not matches.
static int matchitf(struct jbus *jbus, DBusMessage * message)
	const char *itf = dbus_message_get_interface(message);
	return itf != NULL && !strcmp(itf, jbus->name);

 * Adds to 'jbus' a service of name 'method'. The service is
 * performed by one of the callback 'oncall_s' (for string) or
 * 'oncall_j' (for json) that will receive the request and the
 * closure parameter 'data'.
 * returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error (ENOMEM).
static int add_service(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		void (*oncall_s) (struct jreq *, const char *, void *),
		void (*oncall_j) (struct jreq *, struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	struct jservice *srv;

	/* allocation */
	srv = malloc(sizeof *srv);
	if (srv == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error;
	srv->method = strdup(method);
	if (!srv->method) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error2;

	/* record the service */
	srv->oncall_s = oncall_s;
	srv->oncall_j = oncall_j;
	srv->data = data;
	srv->next = jbus->services;
	jbus->services = srv;

	return 0;

	return -1;

 * Adds to 'jbus' a handler for the signal of 'name' emmited by
 * the sender and the interface that 'jbus' is linked to.
 * The signal is handled by one of the callback 'onsignal_s'
 * (for string) or 'onsignal_j' (for json) that will receive
 * parameters associated with the signal and the closure
 * parameter 'data'.
 * returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error (ENOMEM).
static int add_signal(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *name,
		void (*onsignal_s) (const char *, void *),
		void (*onsignal_j) (struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	char *rule;
	struct jsignal *sig;

	/* record the signal */
	if (jbus->signals == NULL) {
		if (0 >= asprintf(&rule,
					jbus->name, jbus->name, jbus->path))
			return -1;
		dbus_bus_add_match(jbus->connection, rule, NULL);

	/* allocation */
	sig = malloc(sizeof *sig);
	if (sig == NULL)
		goto error;
	sig->name = strdup(name);
	if (!sig->name)
		goto error2;

	/* record the signal */
	sig->onsignal_s = onsignal_s;
	sig->onsignal_j = onsignal_j;
	sig->data = data;
	sig->next = jbus->signals;
	jbus->signals = sig;

	return 0;

	errno = ENOMEM;
	return -1;

 * Creates a message for 'method' with one string parameter being 'query'
 * and sends it to the destination, object and interface linked to 'jbus'.
 * Adds to 'jbus' the response handler defined by the callbacks 'onresp_s'
 * (for string) and 'onresp_j' (for json) and the closure parameter 'data'.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
static int call(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		const char *query,
		void (*onresp_s) (int, const char *, void *),
		void (*onresp_j) (int, struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	DBusMessage *msg;
	struct jrespw *resp;

	/* allocates the response structure */
	resp = malloc(sizeof *resp);
	if (resp == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error;

	/* creates the message */
	msg = dbus_message_new_method_call(jbus->name, jbus->path, jbus->name,
	if (msg == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error2;

	/* fill it */
	if (!dbus_message_append_args
	    (msg, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &query, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error3;

	/* send it */
	if (!dbus_connection_send(jbus->connection, msg, &resp->serial)) {
		/* TODO: which error? */
		goto error3;

	/* release the message that is not more used */

	/* fulfill the response structure */
	resp->data = data;
	resp->onresp_s = onresp_s;
	resp->onresp_j = onresp_j;

	/* links the response to list of reponse waiters */
	resp->next = jbus->waiters;
	jbus->waiters = resp;
	return 0;

	return -1;

 * Callback function for synchronous calls.
 * This function fills the respsync structure pointed by 'data'
 * with the copy of the answer.
static void sync_of_replies(int status, const char *value, void *data)
	struct respsync *s = data;
	s->value = status ? NULL : strdup(value ? value : "");
	s->replied = 1;

 * Parses the json-string 'msg' to create a json object stored
 * in 'obj'. It uses the tokener of 'jbus'. This is a small
 * improvement to avoid recreation of tokeners.
 * Returns 1 in case of success and put the result in *'obj'.
 * Returns 0 in case of error and put NULL in *'obj'.
static int jparse(struct jbus *jbus, const char *msg, struct json_object **obj)
	*obj = json_tokener_parse_ex(jbus->tokener, msg, -1);
	if (json_tokener_get_error(jbus->tokener) == json_tokener_success)
		return 1;
	*obj = NULL;
	return 0;

/*********************** STATIC DBUS MESSAGE HANDLING *****************/

 * Handles incomming responses 'message' on 'jbus'. Response are
 * either expected if 'iserror' == 0 or errors if 'iserror' != 0.
 * as defined by the dbus function 'dbus_connection_add_filter'.
static DBusHandlerResult incoming_resp(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		DBusMessage * message,
		int iserror)
	int status;
	const char *str;
	struct jrespw *jrw, **prv;
	struct json_object *reply;
	dbus_uint32_t serial;

	/* search for the waiter */
	serial = dbus_message_get_reply_serial(message);
	prv = &jbus->waiters;
	while ((jrw = *prv) != NULL && jrw->serial != serial)
		prv = &jrw->next;
	if (jrw == NULL)
	*prv = jrw->next;

	/* retrieve the string value */
	if (dbus_message_get_args
		status = 0;
	else {
		status = -1;
		str = NULL;
		reply = NULL;

	/* treat it */
	if (jrw->onresp_s)
		jrw->onresp_s(iserror ? -1 : status, str, jrw->data);
	else {
		status = jparse(jbus, str, &reply) - 1;
		jrw->onresp_j(iserror ? -1 : status, reply, jrw->data);


 * Handles incomming on 'jbus' method calls for 'message'.
 * as defined by the dbus function 'dbus_connection_add_filter'.
static DBusHandlerResult incoming_call(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		DBusMessage * message)
	struct jservice *srv;
	struct jreq *jreq;
	const char *str;
	const char *method;
	struct json_object *query;

	/* search for the service */
	if (!matchitf(jbus, message))
	method = dbus_message_get_member(message);
	if (method == NULL)
	srv = jbus->services;
	while (srv != NULL && strcmp(method, srv->method))
		srv = srv->next;
	if (srv == NULL)

	/* creates and init the jreq structure */
	jreq = malloc(sizeof *jreq);
	if (jreq == NULL)
	jreq->request = dbus_message_ref(message);
	jreq->connection = dbus_connection_ref(jbus->connection);

	/* retrieve the string parameter of the message */
	if (!dbus_message_get_args
		goto invalid_request;

	/* send the message to the callback */
	if (srv->oncall_s) {
		/* handling strings only */
		srv->oncall_s(jreq, str, srv->data);
	} else {
		/* handling json only */
		if (!jparse(jbus, str, &query))
			goto invalid_request;
		srv->oncall_j(jreq, query, srv->data);

	jbus_reply_error_s(jreq, invalid_request_string);

 * Handles incomming on 'jbus' signal propagated with 'message'.
 * This is a design choice to ignore invalid signals.
 * as defined by the dbus function 'dbus_connection_add_filter'.
static DBusHandlerResult incoming_signal(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		DBusMessage * message)
	struct jsignal *sig;
	const char *str;
	const char *name;
	struct json_object *obj;

	/* search for the signal name */
	if (!matchitf(jbus, message))
	name = dbus_message_get_member(message);
	if (name == NULL)
	sig = jbus->signals;
	while (sig != NULL && strcmp(name, sig->name))
		sig = sig->next;
	if (sig == NULL)

	/* retrieve the string value */
	if (dbus_message_get_args
	    (message, NULL, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &str, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
		if (sig->onsignal_s) {
			/* handling strings only */
			sig->onsignal_s(str, sig->data);
		} else {
			/* handling json only (if valid) */
			if (jparse(jbus, str, &obj)) {
				sig->onsignal_j(obj, sig->data);

 * Filters incomming messages as defined by the dbus function
 * 'dbus_connection_add_filter'.
static DBusHandlerResult incoming(
		DBusConnection * connection,
		DBusMessage * message,
		void *data)
	struct jbus *jbus = data;
	switch (dbus_message_get_type(message)) {
		return incoming_call(jbus, message);
		return incoming_resp(jbus, message, 0);
		return incoming_resp(jbus, message, 1);
		return incoming_signal(jbus, message);

/*********************** STATIC DBUS WATCH/POLLING INTERFACE **********/

 * Set the watched flags of 'jbus' following what DBUS expects by 'watch'
static void watchset(DBusWatch * watch, struct jbus *jbus)
	unsigned int flags;
	short wf;

	flags = dbus_watch_get_flags(watch);
	wf = jbus->watchflags;
	if (dbus_watch_get_enabled(watch)) {
		if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE)
			wf |= POLLIN;
		if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE)
			wf |= POLLOUT;
	} else {
		if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_READABLE)
			wf &= ~POLLIN;
		if (flags & DBUS_WATCH_WRITABLE)
			wf &= ~POLLOUT;
	jbus->watchflags = wf;

 * DBUS Callback for removing a 'watch'.
 * See function 'dbus_connection_set_watch_functions'
static void watchdel(DBusWatch * watch, void *data)
	struct jbus *jbus = data;

	assert(jbus->watchnr > 0);
	assert(jbus->watchfd == dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch));

 * DBUS Callback for changing a 'watch'.
 * See function 'dbus_connection_set_watch_functions'
static void watchtoggle(DBusWatch * watch, void *data)
	struct jbus *jbus = data;

	assert(jbus->watchnr > 0);
	assert(jbus->watchfd == dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch));
	watchset(watch, jbus);

 * DBUS Callback for adding a 'watch'.
 * See function 'dbus_connection_set_watch_functions'
static dbus_bool_t watchadd(DBusWatch * watch, void *data)
	struct jbus *jbus = data;
	if (jbus->watchnr == 0) {
		jbus->watchfd = dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch);
		jbus->watchflags = 0;
	} else if (jbus->watchfd != dbus_watch_get_unix_fd(watch))
		return FALSE;
	watchset(watch, jbus);
	return TRUE;

/********************* MAIN FUNCTIONS *****************************************/

 * Creates a 'jbus' bound to DBUS system using 'path' and returns it.
 * See 'create_jbus'
struct jbus *create_jbus_system(const char *path)
	return create_jbus(path, 0);

 * Creates a 'jbus' bound to DBUS session using 'path' and returns it.
 * See 'create_jbus'
struct jbus *create_jbus_session(const char *path)
	return create_jbus(path, 1);

 * Creates a 'jbus' bound the 'path' and it derived names and linked
 * either to the DBUS SYSTEM when 'session' is nul or to the DBUS SESSION
 * if 'session' is not nul.
 * The parameter 'path' is intended to be the path of a DBUS single object.
 * Single means that it exists only one instance of the object on the
 * given bus. That path implies 2 derived DBUS names:
 *   1. the destination name of the program that handles the object
 *   2. the interface name of the object
 * These names are derived by removing the heading slash (/) and
 * by replacing all occurences of slashes by dots.
 * For example, passing path = /a/b/c means that the object /a/b/c is
 * handled by the destination a.b.c and replies to the interface a.b.c
 * Returns the created jbus or NULL in case of error.
struct jbus *create_jbus(const char *path, int session)
	struct jbus *jbus;
	char *name;

	/* create the jbus object */
	jbus = calloc(1, sizeof *jbus);
	if (jbus == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error;
	jbus->refcount = 1;

	/* create the tokener */
	jbus->tokener = json_tokener_new_ex(MAX_JSON_DEPTH);
	if (jbus->tokener == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error2;

	/* records the path */
	jbus->path = strdup(path);
	if (jbus->path == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error2;

	/* makes the name from the path */
	while (*path == '/')
	jbus->name = name = strdup(path);
	if (name == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		goto error2;
	while (*name) {
		if (*name == '/')
			*name = '.';
	while (name >= jbus->name && *name == '.')
		*name-- = 0;
	if (!*jbus->name) {
		errno = EINVAL;
		goto error2;

	/* connect and init */
	jbus->connection = dbus_bus_get(session ? DBUS_BUS_SESSION
	if (jbus->connection == NULL
	    || !dbus_connection_add_filter(jbus->connection, incoming, jbus,
	    || !dbus_connection_set_watch_functions(jbus->connection, watchadd,
					watchdel, watchtoggle, jbus, NULL))
		goto error2;

	return jbus;

	return NULL;

 * Adds one reference to 'jbus'.
void jbus_addref(struct jbus *jbus)

 * Removes one reference to 'jbus'. Destroys 'jbus' and it related
 * data if the count of references decrease to zero.
void jbus_unref(struct jbus *jbus)
	struct jservice *srv;
	if (!--jbus->refcount) {
		if (jbus->connection != NULL)
		while ((srv = jbus->services) != NULL) {
			jbus->services = srv->next;
		if (jbus->tokener != NULL)

 * Replies an error of string 'error' to the request handled by 'jreq'.
 * Also destroys the request 'jreq' that must not be used later.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_reply_error_s(struct jreq *jreq, const char *error)
	int rc = -1;
	DBusMessage *message;

	message = dbus_message_new_error(jreq->request, DBUS_ERROR_FAILED,
	if (message == NULL)
		errno = ENOMEM;
	else {
		if (dbus_connection_send(jreq->connection, message, NULL))
			rc = 0;
	return rc;

 * Replies an error of json 'reply' to the request handled by 'jreq'.
 * Also destroys the request 'jreq' that must not be used later.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_reply_error_j(struct jreq *jreq, struct json_object *reply)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(reply);
	return str ? jbus_reply_error_s(jreq, str) : reply_out_of_memory(jreq);

 * Replies normally the string 'reply' to the request handled by 'jreq'.
 * Also destroys the request 'jreq' that must not be used later.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_reply_s(struct jreq *jreq, const char *reply)
	int rc = -1;
	DBusMessage *message;

	message = dbus_message_new_method_return(jreq->request);
	if (message == NULL)
		return reply_out_of_memory(jreq);

	if (!dbus_message_append_args
	    (message, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &reply, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) {
		return reply_out_of_memory(jreq);

	if (dbus_connection_send(jreq->connection, message, NULL))
		rc = 0;
	return rc;

 * Replies normally the json 'reply' to the request handled by 'jreq'.
 * Also destroys the request 'jreq' that must not be used later.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_reply_j(struct jreq *jreq, struct json_object *reply)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(reply);
	return str ? jbus_reply_s(jreq, str) : reply_out_of_memory(jreq);

 * Sends from 'jbus' the signal of 'name' handling the string 'content'.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_send_signal_s(struct jbus *jbus, const char *name, const char *content)
	int rc = -1;
	DBusMessage *message;

	message = dbus_message_new_signal(jbus->path, jbus->name, name);
	if (message == NULL)
		goto error;

	if (!dbus_message_set_sender(message, jbus->name)
	    || !dbus_message_append_args(message, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &content,
		goto error;

	if (dbus_connection_send(jbus->connection, message, NULL))
		rc = 0;
	return rc;

	errno = ENOMEM;
	return -1;

 * Sends from 'jbus' the signal of 'name' handling the json 'content'.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_send_signal_j(struct jbus *jbus, const char *name,
		       struct json_object *content)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(content);
	if (str == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return -1;
	return jbus_send_signal_s(jbus, name, str);

 * Adds to 'jbus' a service handling calls to the 'method' using
 * the "string" callback 'oncall' and the closure value 'data'.
 * The callback 'oncall' is invoked for handling incoming method
 * calls. It receives 3 parameters:
 *   1. struct jreq *: a handler to data to be used for replying
 *   2. const char *: the received string
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data' set by this function
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_add_service_s(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		void (*oncall) (struct jreq *, const char *, void *),
		void *data)
	return add_service(jbus, method, oncall, NULL, data);

 * Adds to 'jbus' a service handling calls to the 'method' using
 * the "json" callback 'oncall' and the closure value 'data'.
 * The callback 'oncall' is invoked for handling incoming method
 * calls. It receives 3 parameters:
 *   1. struct jreq *: a handler to data to be used for replying
 *   2. struct json_object *: the received json
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data' set by this function
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_add_service_j(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		void (*oncall) (struct jreq *, struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	return add_service(jbus, method, NULL, oncall, data);

 * Start to serve: activate services declared for 'jbus'.
 * This function, in fact, declares 'jbus' as the receiver
 * for calls to the destination derived from the path set at
 * 'jbus' creation.
 * It also allows 'jbus' to emit signals of that origin.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_start_serving(struct jbus *jbus)
	int status = dbus_bus_request_name(jbus->connection, jbus->name,
	switch (status) {
		return 0;
		errno = EADDRINUSE;
		return -1;

 * Fills the at least 'njbuses' structures of array 'fds' with data needed
 * to poll the 'njbuses' buses pointed by 'jbuses'.
 * Returns the count of 'fds' structures filled.
int jbus_fill_pollfds(struct jbus **jbuses, int njbuses, struct pollfd *fds)
	int i, r;

	for (r = i = 0; i < njbuses; i++) {
		if (jbuses[i]->watchnr) {
			fds[r].fd = jbuses[i]->watchfd;
			fds[r].events = jbuses[i]->watchflags;
	return r;

 * Dispatchs a maximum of 'maxcount' events received by poll in 'fds' for the
 * 'njbuses' jbuses of the array 'jbuses'.
 * Returns the count of event dispatched.
int jbus_dispatch_pollfds(
		struct jbus **jbuses,
		int njbuses,
		struct pollfd *fds,
		int maxcount)
	int i, r, n;
	DBusDispatchStatus sts;

	for (r = n = i = 0; i < njbuses && n < maxcount; i++) {
		if (jbuses[i]->watchnr && fds[r].fd == jbuses[i]->watchfd) {
			if (fds[r].revents) {
						jbuses[i]->connection, 0);
				sts = dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(
							&& n < maxcount) {
					sts = dbus_connection_dispatch(
	return n;

 * Dispatches 'maxcount' of buffered data from the 'njbuses' jbuses of the
 * array 'jbuses'.
 * Returns the count of event dispatched.
int jbus_dispatch_multiple(struct jbus **jbuses, int njbuses, int maxcount)
	int i, r;
	DBusDispatchStatus sts;

	for (i = r = 0; i < njbuses && r < maxcount; i++) {
		dbus_connection_read_write(jbuses[i]->connection, 0);
		sts = dbus_connection_get_dispatch_status(
		while (sts == DBUS_DISPATCH_DATA_REMAINS && r < maxcount) {
			sts = dbus_connection_dispatch(jbuses[i]->connection);
	return r;

 * Polls during at most 'toms' milliseconds and dispatches 'maxcount'
 * of events from the 'njbuses' jbuses of the array 'jbuses'.
 * Returns the count of event dispatched or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_read_write_dispatch_multiple(
		struct jbus **jbuses,
		int njbuses,
		int toms,
		int maxcount)
	int n, r, s;
	struct pollfd *fds;

	if (njbuses < 0 || njbuses > 100) {
		errno = EINVAL;
		return -1;
	fds = alloca((unsigned)njbuses * sizeof *fds);
	assert(fds != NULL);

	r = jbus_dispatch_multiple(jbuses, njbuses, maxcount);
	if (r)
		return r;
	n = jbus_fill_pollfds(jbuses, njbuses, fds);
	for (;;) {
		s = poll(fds, (nfds_t) n, toms);
		if (s >= 0)
		if (errno != EINTR)
			return r ? r : s;
		toms = 0;
	n = jbus_dispatch_pollfds(jbuses, njbuses, fds, maxcount - r);
	return n >= 0 ? r + n : r ? r : n;

 * Polls during at most 'toms' milliseconds and dispatches
 * the events from 'jbus'.
 * Returns the count of event dispatched or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_read_write_dispatch(struct jbus *jbus, int toms)
	int r = jbus_read_write_dispatch_multiple(&jbus, 1, toms, 1000);
	return r < 0 ? r : 0;

 * Asynchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the string 'query'.
 * On response, the function 'onresp' is called with the returned string
 * value and the closure 'data'.
 * The function 'onresp' is invoked with 3 parameters:
 *   1. int: 0 if no error or -1 if error.
 *   2. const char *: the returned string (might be NULL if error)
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data'
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_call_ss(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		const char *query,
		void (*onresp) (int, const char *, void *),
		void *data)
	return call(jbus, method, query, onresp, NULL, data);

 * Asynchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the string 'query'.
 * On response, the function 'onresp' is called with the returned json
 * value and the closure 'data'.
 * The function 'onresp' is invoked with 3 parameters:
 *   1. int: 0 if no error or -1 if error.
 *   2. const char *: the returned json (might be NULL if error)
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data'
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_call_sj(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		const char *query,
		void (*onresp) (int, struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	return call(jbus, method, query, NULL, onresp, data);

 * Asynchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the json 'query'.
 * On response, the function 'onresp' is called with the returned string
 * value and the closure 'data'.
 * The function 'onresp' is invoked with 3 parameters:
 *   1. int: 0 if no error or -1 if error.
 *   2. const char *: the returned string (might be NULL if error)
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data'
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_call_js(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		struct json_object *query,
		void (*onresp) (int, const char *, void *),
		void *data)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(query);
	if (str == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return -1;
	return call(jbus, method, str, onresp, NULL, data);

 * Asynchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the json 'query'.
 * On response, the function 'onresp' is called with the returned json
 * value and the closure 'data'.
 * The function 'onresp' is invoked with 3 parameters:
 *   1. int: 0 if no error or -1 if error.
 *   2. const char *: the returned json (might be NULL if error)
 *   3. void *: the closure 'data'
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 in case of error.
int jbus_call_jj(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		struct json_object *query,
		void (*onresp) (int, struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(query);
	if (str == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return -1;
	return call(jbus, method, str, NULL, onresp, data);

 * Synchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the string 'query'.
 * The returned string response is returned.
 * Returns the string response or NULL in case of error.
char *jbus_call_ss_sync(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		const char *query)
	struct respsync synchro;
	synchro.value = NULL;
	synchro.replied =
	    jbus_call_ss(jbus, method, query, sync_of_replies, &synchro);
	while (!synchro.replied && !jbus_read_write_dispatch(jbus, -1)) ;
	return synchro.value;

 * Synchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the string 'query'.
 * The returned json response is returned.
 * Returns the json response or NULL in case of error.
struct json_object *jbus_call_sj_sync(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		const char *query)
	struct json_object *obj;
	char *str = jbus_call_ss_sync(jbus, method, query);
	if (str == NULL)
		obj = NULL;
	else {
		jparse(jbus, str, &obj);
	return obj;

 * Synchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the json 'query'.
 * The returned string response is returned.
 * Returns the string response or NULL in case of error.
char *jbus_call_js_sync(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		struct json_object *query)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(query);
	if (str == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return NULL;
	return jbus_call_ss_sync(jbus, method, str);

 * Synchronous call to 'method' of 'jbus' passing the json 'query'.
 * The returned json response is returned.
 * Returns the json response or NULL in case of error.
struct json_object *jbus_call_jj_sync(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *method,
		struct json_object *query)
	const char *str = json_object_to_json_string(query);
	if (str == NULL) {
		errno = ENOMEM;
		return NULL;
	return jbus_call_sj_sync(jbus, method, str);

 * Records for 'jbus' the string signal handler 'onsig' with closure 'data'
 * for the signal of 'name'.
 * The callback handler is called with 2 arguments:
 *   1. char *: the string parameter associated to the signal
 *   2. void *: the closure data.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 otherwise.
int jbus_on_signal_s(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *name,
		void (*onsig) (const char *, void *),
		void *data)
	return add_signal(jbus, name, onsig, NULL, data);

 * Records for 'jbus' the json signal handler 'onsig' with closure 'data'
 * for the signal of 'name'.
 * The callback handler is called with 2 arguments:
 *   1. struct json_object *: the json parameter associated to the signal
 *   2. void *: the closure data.
 * Returns 0 in case of success or -1 otherwise.
int jbus_on_signal_j(
		struct jbus *jbus,
		const char *name,
		void (*onsig) (struct json_object *, void *),
		void *data)
	return add_signal(jbus, name, NULL, onsig, data);

/****************** FEW LITTLE TESTS *****************************************/

#ifdef SERVER
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct jbus *jbus;
void ping(struct jreq *jreq, struct json_object *request, void *unused)
	printf("ping(%s) -> %s\n", json_object_to_json_string(request),
	jbus_reply_j(jreq, request);

void incr(struct jreq *jreq, struct json_object *request, void *unused)
	static int counter = 0;
	struct json_object *res = json_object_new_int(++counter);
	printf("incr(%s) -> %s\n", json_object_to_json_string(request),
	jbus_reply_j(jreq, res);
	jbus_send_signal_j(jbus, "incremented", res);

int main()
	int s1, s2, s3;
	jbus = create_jbus(1, "/bzh/iot/jdbus");
	s1 = jbus_add_service_j(jbus, "ping", ping, NULL);
	s2 = jbus_add_service_j(jbus, "incr", incr, NULL);
	s3 = jbus_start_serving(jbus);
	printf("started %d %d %d\n", s1, s2, s3);
	while (!jbus_read_write_dispatch(jbus, -1)) ;
#ifdef CLIENT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct jbus *jbus;
void onresp(int status, struct json_object *response, void *data)
	printf("resp: %d, %s, %s\n", status, (char *)data,

void signaled(const char *data)
	printf("signaled with {%s}\n", data);

int main()
	int i = 10;
	jbus = create_jbus(1, "/bzh/iot/jdbus");
	jbus_on_signal_s(jbus, "incremented", signaled);
	while (i--) {
		jbus_call_sj(jbus, "ping", "{\"toto\":[1,2,3,4,true,\"toto\"]}",
			     onresp, "ping");
		jbus_call_sj(jbus, "incr", "{\"doit\":\"for-me\"}", onresp,
		jbus_read_write_dispatch(jbus, 1);
	       jbus_call_ss_sync(jbus, "ping", "\"formidable!\""));
	while (!jbus_read_write_dispatch(jbus, -1)) ;