/* * Copyright (C) 2015 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Manuel Bachmann" * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdlib.h> #include <json-c/json.h> #include "audio-api.h" #include "audio-alsa.h" #ifdef HAVE_PULSE #include "audio-pulse.h" #endif #include "afb-plugin.h" #include "afb-req-itf.h" /* ------ BACKEND FUNCTIONS ------- */ unsigned char _backend_init (const char *name, audioCtxHandleT *ctx) { char *backend_env = getenv ("AFB_AUDIO_OUTPUT"); unsigned char res = 0; # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (!backend_env || (strcasecmp (backend_env, "Pulse") == 0)) res = _pulse_init (name, ctx); if (!res) #endif res = _alsa_init (name, ctx); if (!res) fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize Audio backend\n"); return res; } void _backend_free (audioCtxHandleT *ctx) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_free (ctx); else # endif _alsa_free (ctx->name); } void _backend_play (audioCtxHandleT *ctx) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_play (ctx); else # endif _alsa_play (ctx->idx); } void _backend_stop (audioCtxHandleT *ctx) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_stop (ctx); else # endif _alsa_stop (ctx->idx); } unsigned int _backend_get_volume (audioCtxHandleT *ctx, unsigned int channel) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) return _pulse_get_volume (ctx, channel); else # endif return _alsa_get_volume (ctx->idx, channel); } void _backend_set_volume (audioCtxHandleT *ctx, unsigned int channel, unsigned int vol) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_set_volume (ctx, channel, vol); else # endif _alsa_set_volume (ctx->idx, channel, vol); } void _backend_set_volume_all (audioCtxHandleT *ctx, unsigned int vol) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_set_volume_all (ctx, vol); else # endif _alsa_set_volume_all (ctx->idx, vol); } unsigned char _backend_get_mute (audioCtxHandleT *ctx) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) return _pulse_get_mute (ctx); else # endif return _alsa_get_mute (ctx->idx); } void _backend_set_mute (audioCtxHandleT *ctx, unsigned char mute) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) _pulse_set_mute (ctx, mute); else # endif _alsa_set_mute (ctx->idx, mute); } void _backend_set_channels (audioCtxHandleT *ctx, unsigned int channels) { # ifdef HAVE_PULSE if (ctx->audio_dev) return; else # endif _alsa_set_channels (ctx->idx, channels); } /* ------ LOCAL HELPER FUNCTIONS --------- */ /* private client context constructor ; default values */ static audioCtxHandleT* initAudioCtx () { audioCtxHandleT *ctx; int i; ctx = malloc (sizeof(audioCtxHandleT)); ctx->audio_dev = NULL; ctx->name = NULL; ctx->idx = -1; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) ctx->volume[i] = 25; ctx->channels = 2; ctx->mute = 0; ctx->is_playing = 0; return ctx; } static void releaseAudioCtx (void *context) { audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) context; /* power it off */ _backend_free (ctx); /* clean client context */ ctx->audio_dev = NULL; if (ctx->name) free (ctx->name); ctx->idx = -1; free (ctx); } /* ------ PUBLIC PLUGIN FUNCTIONS --------- */ static void init (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_CHECK */ audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) afb_req_context_get(request); json_object *jresp; /* create a private client context */ if (!ctx) { ctx = initAudioCtx(); afb_req_context_set (request, ctx, releaseAudioCtx); } if (!_backend_init ("default", ctx)) { afb_req_fail (request, "failed", "backend initialization failed"); } jresp = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add (jresp, "init", json_object_new_string ("success")); afb_req_success (request, jresp, "Audio initialized"); } static void volume (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_CHECK */ audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) afb_req_context_get(request); const char *value = afb_req_value (request, "value"); json_object *jresp; unsigned int volume[8], i; char *volume_i; char volume_str[256]; size_t len_str = 0; /* no "?value=" parameter : return current state */ if (!value) { for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { ctx->volume[i] = _backend_get_volume (ctx, i); snprintf (volume_str+len_str, sizeof(volume_str)-len_str, "%d,", ctx->volume[i]); len_str = strlen(volume_str); } jresp = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add (jresp, "volume", json_object_new_string(volume_str)); } /* "?value=" parameter, set volume */ else { volume_i = strdup (value); volume_i = strtok (volume_i, ","); volume[0] = (unsigned int) atoi (volume_i); if (100 < volume[0]) { free (volume_i); afb_req_fail (request, "failed", "volume must be between 0 and 100"); return; } ctx->volume[0] = volume[0]; _backend_set_volume (ctx, 0, ctx->volume[0]); snprintf (volume_str, sizeof(volume_str), "%d,", ctx->volume[0]); for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) { volume_i = strtok (NULL, ","); /* if there is only one value, set all channels to this one */ if (!volume_i && i == 1) _backend_set_volume_all (ctx, ctx->volume[0]); if (!volume_i || 100 < atoi(volume_i) || atoi(volume_i) < 0) { ctx->volume[i] = _backend_get_volume (ctx, i); } else { ctx->volume[i] = (unsigned int) atoi(volume_i); _backend_set_volume (ctx, i, ctx->volume[i]); } len_str = strlen(volume_str); snprintf (volume_str+len_str, sizeof(volume_str)-len_str, "%d,", ctx->volume[i]); } jresp = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add (jresp, "volume", json_object_new_string(volume_str)); } afb_req_success (request, jresp, "Audio - Volume changed"); } static void channels (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_CHECK */ audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) afb_req_context_get(request); const char *value = afb_req_value (request, "value"); json_object *jresp = json_object_new_object(); char channels_str[256]; /* no "?value=" parameter : return current state */ if (!value) { snprintf (channels_str, sizeof(channels_str), "%d", ctx->channels); json_object_object_add (jresp, "channels", json_object_new_string (channels_str)); } /* "?value=" parameter, set channels */ else { ctx->channels = (unsigned int) atoi (value); _backend_set_channels (ctx, ctx->channels); snprintf (channels_str, sizeof(channels_str), "%d", ctx->channels); json_object_object_add (jresp, "channels", json_object_new_string (channels_str)); } afb_req_success (request, jresp, "Audio - Channels set"); } static void mute (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_CHECK */ audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) afb_req_context_get(request); const char *value = afb_req_value (request, "value"); json_object *jresp = json_object_new_object(); /* no "?value=" parameter : return current state */ if (!value) { ctx->mute = _backend_get_mute (ctx); ctx->mute ? json_object_object_add (jresp, "mute", json_object_new_string ("on")) : json_object_object_add (jresp, "mute", json_object_new_string ("off")); } /* "?value=" parameter is "1" or "true" */ else if ( atoi(value) == 1 || !strcasecmp(value, "true") ) { ctx->mute = 1; _backend_set_mute (ctx, ctx->mute); json_object_object_add (jresp, "mute", json_object_new_string ("on")); } /* "?value=" parameter is "0" or "false" */ else if ( atoi(value) == 0 || !strcasecmp(value, "false") ) { ctx->mute = 0; _backend_set_mute (ctx, ctx->mute); json_object_object_add (jresp, "mute", json_object_new_string ("off")); } afb_req_success (request, jresp, "Audio - Mute set"); } static void play (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_CHECK */ audioCtxHandleT *ctx = (audioCtxHandleT*) afb_req_context_get(request); const char *value = afb_req_value (request, "value"); json_object *jresp = json_object_new_object(); /* no "?value=" parameter : return current state */ if (!value) { ctx->is_playing ? json_object_object_add (jresp, "play", json_object_new_string ("on")) : json_object_object_add (jresp, "play", json_object_new_string ("off")); } /* "?value=" parameter is "1" or "true" */ else if ( atoi(value) == 1 || !strcasecmp(value, "true") ) { ctx->is_playing = 1; _backend_play (ctx); json_object_object_add (jresp, "play", json_object_new_string ("on")); } /* "?value=" parameter is "0" or "false" */ else if ( atoi(value) == 0 || !strcasecmp(value, "false") ) { ctx->is_playing = 0; _backend_stop (ctx); json_object_object_add (jresp, "play", json_object_new_string ("off")); } afb_req_success (request, jresp, "Audio - Play"); } static void ping (struct afb_req request) { /* AFB_SESSION_NONE */ afb_req_success (request, NULL, "Audio - Ping success"); } static const struct AFB_restapi pluginApis[]= { {"init" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, init , "Audio API - init"}, {"volume" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, volume , "Audio API - volume"}, {"channels", AFB_SESSION_CHECK, channels , "Audio API - channels"}, {"mute" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, mute , "Audio API - mute"}, {"play" , AFB_SESSION_CHECK, play , "Audio API - play"}, {"ping" , AFB_SESSION_NONE, ping , "Audio API - ping"}, {NULL} }; static const struct AFB_plugin pluginDesc = { .type = AFB_PLUGIN_JSON, .info = "Application Framework Binder - Audio plugin", .prefix = "audio", .apis = pluginApis }; const struct AFB_plugin *pluginRegister (const struct AFB_interface *itf) { return &pluginDesc; }