(function() { 'use strict'; var INITIAL_TOKEN=123456789; // should match with --token=xxxx binder command line // list all rependencies within the page + controler if needed angular.module('HomeModule', ['SubmitButton']) .controller('HomeController', function ($http, ConfigApp) { var scope = this; // I hate JavaScript scope.uuid ="none"; scope.token ="none"; scope.session="none"; scope.status ="err-no"; console.log ("Home Controller"); scope.ProcessResponse= function(data, errcode, headers, config) { var apiname= 'API'+ data.request.api.replace('-','_'); scope.status = "err-ok"; scope.errcode= errcode; scope.request = data.request; scope.response = data.response; // Make sure we clean everything when Open/Close is called if (apiname === "APIcreate" || apiname === "APIreset") { scope["APIreset"]=''; scope["APIcreate"]=''; scope["APIrefresh"]=''; scope["APIcheck"]=''; } scope[apiname]="success"; // If we have a new token let's update it if (data.request.token) scope.token=data.request.token; console.log ("OK: "+ JSON.stringify(data)); }; scope.ProcessError= function(data, errcode, headers, config) { var apiname= 'API'+data.request.api.replace('-','_'); scope.status = "err-fx"; scope.errcode = errcode; scope.request = data.request; scope.response = ""; scope[apiname]="fail"; console.log ("FX: "+ JSON.stringify(data)); }; scope.OpenSession = function() { console.log ("OpenSession"); var postdata= {/* any json your application may need */}; var handler = $http.post(ConfigApp.api.token + 'create?token='+INITIAL_TOKEN, postdata); handler.success(scope.ProcessResponse); handler.error(scope.ProcessError); }; scope.CheckSession = function() { console.log ("CloseSession"); var postdata= {/* any json your application may need */}; var handler = $http.post(ConfigApp.api.token + 'check?token='+scope.token, postdata); handler.success(scope.ProcessResponse); handler.error(scope.ProcessError); }; scope.RefreshSession = function() { console.log ("RefreshSession"); var postdata= {/* any json your application may need */}; var handler = $http.post(ConfigApp.api.token + 'refresh?token='+scope.token, postdata); handler.success(scope.ProcessResponse); handler.error(scope.ProcessError); }; scope.ResetSession = function() { console.log ("ResetSession"); var postdata= {/* any json your application may need */}; var handler = $http.post(ConfigApp.api.token + 'reset?token='+scope.token, postdata); handler.success(scope.ProcessResponse); handler.error(scope.ProcessError); }; }); console.log ("SampleControler Loaded"); })();