* Copyright (C) 2015 "IoT.bzh"
* Author "Fulup Ar Foll"
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details..
* Reference:
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/FileReader
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Using_files_from_web_applications#Using_hidden_file_input_elements_using_the_click%28%29_method
* https://uncorkedstudios.com/blog/multipartformdata-file-upload-with-angularjs
* https://www.terlici.com/2015/05/16/uploading-files-locally.html
* https://github.com/nervgh/angular-file-upload/blob/master/src/services/FileUploader.js
* https://stuk.github.io/jszip/documentation/howto/read_zip.html
* http://onehungrymind.com/zip-parsing-jszip-angular/
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15341912/how-to-go-from-blob-to-arraybuffer
* Bugs: zip file sent even when flag as invalid
(function() {
'use strict';
// WARNING: Angular ng-change does not work on input/file. Let's hook our callback through standard JS function
var tmpl = ''+
' +
'' +
'' +
// Service Create xform insert files in and Post it to url
function LoadFileSvc (scope, elem, posturl, files, thumbnailCB) {
var xmlReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var xform = new FormData();
var OnLoadCB = function (target) {
var status = thumbnailCB (target);
//if (status) xform.append(scope.name, file, file.name);
// Update slider during Upload
xmlReq.upload.onprogress = function (event) {
var progress = Math.round(event.lengthComputable ? event.loaded * 100 / event.total : 0);
if (scope.slider) scope.slider.setValue (progress);
// Upload is finish let's notify controler callback
xmlReq.onload = function () {
elem.addClass ("success");
elem.removeClass ("error");
var response ={
status : xmlReq.status,
headers: xmlReq.getAllResponseHeaders()
scope.callback (response);
xmlReq.onerror = function () {
elem.addClass ("error");
elem.removeClass ("success");
var response ={
status : xmlReq.status,
headers: xmlReq.getAllResponseHeaders()
scope.callback (response);
xmlReq.onabort = function () {
elem.addClass ("error");
elem.removeClass ("success");
var response ={
status : xmlReq.status,
headers: xmlReq.getAllResponseHeaders()
scope.callback (response);
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
var file = files[i];
if (!file.type.match(scope.mimetype)) {
console.log ("Selected file=" + file.name + " size="+ file.size/1024 + " Type="+ file.type);
// File to upload is too big
if (file.size > scope.maxsize*1024) {
scope.thumbnail = scope.istoobig; // warning if image path is wrong nothing happen
scope.$apply('thumbnail'); // we short-circuit Angular resync Image
// This is not an uploadable file
if(isNaN(file.size)) {
scope.thumbnail = scope.isnotvalid;
scope.Basename= file.name.split('/').reverse()[0];
scope.imgElem[0].file = file;
// If File is an image let display it now
if (thumbnailCB) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = OnLoadCB;
// if everything is OK let's add file to xform
xform.append(scope.name, file, file.name);
// everything looks OK let's Post it
xmlReq.open("POST", posturl , true);
angular.module('UploadFiles',['ConfigApp', 'ModalNotification', 'RangeSlider'])
.directive('uploadImage', function(ConfigApp, JQemu, Notification) {
function mymethods(scope, elem, attrs) {
// get widget image handle from template
scope.imgElem = elem.find('img');
scope.inputElem = elem.find('input');
// Image was ckick let's simulate an input (file) click
scope.imgClicked = function () {
scope.inputElem[0].click(); // Warning Angular TriggerEvent does not work!!!
// Slider control handle registration after creation
scope.SliderInitCB=function (slider) {
scope.slider= slider;
// Upload is delegated to a shared function
scope.UpLoadFile=function (files) {
var readerCB = function (upload) {
// scope.thumbnail = upload.target.result;
scope.imgElem[0].src = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([upload.target.result], {type: "image"}));
return true; // true activates post
var posturl = attrs.posturl + "?token=" + ConfigApp.session.token;
new LoadFileSvc (scope, elem, posturl, files, readerCB);
// Initiallize default values from attributes values
scope.name= attrs.name || 'avatar';
scope.category= attrs.category || 'image';
scope.mimetype= (attrs.accept || 'image') + '/*';
scope.maxsize= attrs.maxsize || 100; // default max size 100KB
scope.regexp = new RegExp (attrs.accept+ '.*','i');
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.thumbnail= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.thumbnail;
else scope.thumbnail=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'tux-bzh.png';
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.isnotvalid= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.isnotvalid;
else scope.isnotvalid=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'isnotvalid.png';
if (attrs.istoobig) scope.istoobig= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.istoobig;
else scope.istoobig=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'istoobig.png';
scope.noslider = attrs.noslider || false;
if (!attrs.posturl) throw new TypeError('file-upload %s posturl=/api/xxxx/xxxx required', scope.attrs);
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: tmpl,
link: mymethods,
scope: {
callback : '='
.directive('uploadAudio', function(ConfigApp, JQemu, Notification) {
function mymethods(scope, elem, attrs) {
// get widget image handle from template
scope.imgElem = elem.find('img');
scope.inputElem = elem.find('input');
// Image was ckick let's simulate an input (file) click
scope.imgClicked = function () {
scope.inputElem[0].click(); // Warning Angular TriggerEvent does not work!!!
// Slider control handle registration after creation
scope.SliderInitCB=function (slider) {
scope.slider= slider;
// Upload is delegated to a shared function
scope.UpLoadFile=function (files) {
var posturl = attrs.posturl + "?token=" + ConfigApp.session.token;
new LoadFileSvc (scope, elem, posturl, files, false);
// Initiallize default values from attributes values
scope.name= attrs.name || 'audio';
scope.category= attrs.category || 'audio';
scope.mimetype= (attrs.accept || 'audio') + '/*';
scope.maxsize= attrs.maxsize || 10000; // default max size 10MB
scope.regexp = new RegExp (attrs.accept+ '.*','i');
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.thumbnail= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.thumbnail;
else scope.thumbnail=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'upload-music.png';
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.isnotvalid= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.isnotvalid;
else scope.isnotvalid=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'isnotvalid.png';
if (attrs.istoobig) scope.istoobig= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.istoobig;
else scope.istoobig=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'istoobig.png';
scope.noslider = attrs.noslider || false;
if (!attrs.posturl) throw new TypeError('file-upload %s posturl=/api/xxxx/xxxx required', scope.attrs);
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: tmpl,
link: mymethods,
scope: {
callback : '='
.directive('uploadAppli', function(ConfigApp, JQemu, Notification) {
function mymethods(scope, elem, attrs) {
// get widget image handle from template
scope.imgElem = elem.find('img');
scope.inputElem = elem.find('input');
// Image was ckick let's simulate an input (file) click
scope.imgClicked = function () {
scope.inputElem[0].click(); // Warning Angular TriggerEvent does not work!!!
// Slider control handle registration after creation
scope.SliderInitCB=function (slider) {
scope.slider= slider;
// Upload is delegated to a shared function
scope.UpLoadFile=function (files) {
var readerCB = function (upload) {
var zipapp = new JSZip(upload.target.result);
var thumbnail = zipapp.file("afa-pkg/thumbnail.jpg");
// Check is we have a thumbnail within loaded Zipfile
if (!thumbnail) {
console.log ("This is not a valid Application Framework APP");
scope.thumbnail=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'isnotvalid.png';
scope.$apply('thumbnail'); // we short-circuit Angular resync Image
return false; // do not post zip on binder
scope.imgElem[0].src = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([thumbnail.asArrayBuffer()], {type: "image"}));
return true; // true activates post
var posturl = attrs.posturl + "?token=" + ConfigApp.session.token;
new LoadFileSvc (scope, elem, posturl, files, readerCB);
// Initiallize default values from attributes values
scope.name= attrs.name || 'appli';
scope.category= attrs.category || 'appli';
scope.mimetype= (attrs.accept || '.zip');
scope.maxsize= attrs.maxsize || 100000; // default max size 100MB
scope.regexp = new RegExp (attrs.accept+ '.*','i');
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.thumbnail= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.thumbnail;
else scope.thumbnail=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'upload-appli.png';
if (attrs.thumbnail) scope.isnotvalid= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.isnotvalid;
else scope.isnotvalid=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'isnotvalid.png';
if (attrs.istoobig) scope.istoobig= ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + attrs.istoobig;
else scope.istoobig=ConfigApp.paths[scope.category] + 'istoobig.png';
scope.noslider = attrs.noslider || false;
if (!attrs.posturl) throw new TypeError('file-upload %s posturl=/api/xxxx/xxxx required', scope.attrs);
return {
restrict: 'E',
template: tmpl,
link: mymethods,
scope: {
callback : '='
console.log ("UploadFile Loaded");