angular.module('ui-notification',[]); angular.module('ui-notification').provider('Notification', function() { this.options = { delay: 5000, startTop: 10, startRight: 10, verticalSpacing: 10, horizontalSpacing: 10, positionX: 'right', positionY: 'top', replaceMessage: false, templateUrl: 'angular-ui-notification.html' }; this.setOptions = function(options) { if (!angular.isObject(options)) throw new Error("Options should be an object!"); this.options = angular.extend({}, this.options, options); }; this.$get = function($timeout, $http, $compile, $templateCache, $rootScope, $injector, $sce, $q, $window) { var options = this.options; var startTop = options.startTop; var startRight = options.startRight; var verticalSpacing = options.verticalSpacing; var horizontalSpacing = options.horizontalSpacing; var delay = options.delay; var messageElements = []; var isResizeBound = false; var notify = function(args, t){ var deferred = $q.defer(); if (typeof args !== 'object') { args = {message:args}; } args.scope = args.scope ? args.scope : $rootScope; args.template = args.templateUrl ? args.templateUrl : options.templateUrl; args.delay = !angular.isUndefined(args.delay) ? args.delay : delay; args.type = t ? t : ''; args.positionY = args.positionY ? args.positionY : options.positionY; args.positionX = args.positionX ? args.positionX : options.positionX; args.replaceMessage = args.replaceMessage ? args.replaceMessage : options.replaceMessage; $http.get(args.template,{cache: $templateCache}).success(function(template) { var scope = args.scope.$new(); scope.message = $sce.trustAsHtml(args.message); scope.title = $sce.trustAsHtml(args.title); scope.t = args.type.substr(0,1); scope.delay = args.delay; var reposite = function() { var j = 0; var k = 0; var lastTop = startTop; var lastRight = startRight; var lastPosition = []; for(var i = messageElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) { var element = messageElements[i]; if (args.replaceMessage && i < messageElements.length - 1) { element.addClass('killed'); continue; } var elHeight = parseInt(element[0].offsetHeight); var elWidth = parseInt(element[0].offsetWidth); var position = lastPosition[element._positionY+element._positionX]; if ((top + elHeight) > window.innerHeight) { position = startTop; k ++; j = 0; } var top = (lastTop = position ? (j === 0 ? position : position + verticalSpacing) : startTop); var right = lastRight + (k * (horizontalSpacing + elWidth)); element.css(element._positionY, top + 'px'); if (element._positionX == 'center') { element.css('left', parseInt(window.innerWidth / 2 - elWidth / 2) + 'px'); } else { element.css(element._positionX, right + 'px'); } lastPosition[element._positionY+element._positionX] = top + elHeight; j ++; } }; var templateElement = $compile(template)(scope); templateElement._positionY = args.positionY; templateElement._positionX = args.positionX; templateElement.addClass(args.type); templateElement.bind('webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend transitionend msTransitionEnd click', function(e){ e = e.originalEvent || e; if (e.type === 'click' || (e.propertyName === 'opacity' && e.elapsedTime >= 1)){ templateElement.remove(); messageElements.splice(messageElements.indexOf(templateElement), 1); reposite(); } }); if (angular.isNumber(args.delay)) { $timeout(function() { templateElement.addClass('killed'); }, args.delay); } angular.element(document.getElementsByTagName('body')).append(templateElement); var offset = -(parseInt(templateElement[0].offsetHeight) + 50); templateElement.css(templateElement._positionY, offset + "px"); messageElements.push(templateElement); scope._templateElement = templateElement; scope.kill = function(isHard) { if (isHard) { messageElements.splice(messageElements.indexOf(scope._templateElement), 1); scope._templateElement.remove(); $timeout(reposite); } else { scope._templateElement.addClass('killed'); } }; $timeout(reposite); if (!isResizeBound) { angular.element($window).bind('resize', function(e) { $timeout(reposite); }); isResizeBound = true; } deferred.resolve(scope); }).error(function(data){ throw new Error('Template ('+args.template+') could not be loaded. ' + data); }); return deferred.promise; }; notify.primary = function(args) { return this(args, 'primary'); }; notify.error = function(args) { return this(args, 'error'); }; notify.success = function(args) { return this(args, 'success'); }; = function(args) { return this(args, 'info'); }; notify.warning = function(args) { return this(args, 'warning'); }; notify.clearAll = function() { angular.forEach(messageElements, function(element) { element.addClass('killed'); }); }; return notify; }; });