--- title: "folder(name)" layout: default section: api --- __Description__ : Create a directory if it doesn't exist, return a new JSZip object with the new folder as root. See also [the `dir` option of file()]({{site.baseurl}}/documentation/api_jszip/file_data.html). __Arguments__ name | type | description -----|--------|------------ name | string | the name of the directory. __Returns__ : A new JSZip (for chaining), with the new folder as root. __Throws__ : Nothing. __Example__ ```js zip.folder("images"); zip.folder("css").file("style.css", "body {background: #FF0000}"); // or specify an absolute path (using forward slashes) zip.file("css/font.css", "body {font-family: sans-serif}") // result : images/, css/, css/style.css, css/font.css ```