--- title: "Get a file with an ajax call" layout: default section: example --- <p>Tip : check the source of the page !</p> <h3>With JSZipUtils</h3> <div id="jszip_utils"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { function showError(elt, err) { elt.innerHTML = "<p class='alert alert-danger'>" + err + "</p>"; } function showContent(elt, type, content) { elt.innerHTML = "<p class='alert alert-success'>loaded ! (as a " + type + ")<br/>" + "Content = " + content + "</p>"; } //========================= // JSZipUtils //========================= JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent('{{site.baseurl}}/test/ref/text.zip', function(err, data) { var elt = document.getElementById('jszip_utils'); if(err) { showError(elt, err); return; } try { var zip = new JSZip(data); showContent(elt, "" + data, zip.file("Hello.txt").asText()); } catch(e) { showError(elt, e); } }); })(); </script>