/* * Copyright (C) 2015 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Fulup Ar Foll" * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Bugs: Input with Callback SHOULD BE get 'required' class */ (function () { 'use strict'; var tmplAppli = '<div ng-click="clicked()">' + '<img ng-src="{{icon}}">' + '<span>{{label}}</span>' + '</div>'; var tmplModal = '<b class="close-button" ng-click="close()">×</b>' + '<img ng-src="{{icon}}">' + '<span class="modal-text">Application <b>{{label}}</b></span>' + '<ul class="vertical icon-left primary menu-bar">' + '<li><a ng-click=action("start")><i class="fi-check"> Start</i></a></li>' + '<li><a ng-click=action("stop")><i class="fi-x"> Stop</i></a></li>' + '<li><a ng-click=action("info")><i class="fi-info"> Info</i></a></li>' + '</ul>' + ''; var tmplDetail = '<b class="close-button" ng-click="close()">×</b>' + '<img ng-src="{{icon}}">' + '<span class="modal-text">Application <b>{{label}}</b></span>' + '<ul class="vertical icon-left">' + '<li><i class="fi-paperclip"> Name : {{detail.name}} </i></li>' + '<li><i class="fi-info"> Description {{detail.description}}</i></li>' + '<li><i class="fi-torso"> Author : {{detail.author}}</i></li>' + '</ul>' + ''; angular.module('AppliButton', []) .directive('appliButton', function (AppConfig, AppCall, ModalFactory, Notification, $timeout) { function mymethods(scope, elem, attrs) { scope.clicked = function () { var notifyError = function(api, response) { Notification.error ({message: "Fail /api/afm-main" + api + "=" + scope.label + " RunID="+ scope.appID, delay: 5000}); elem.addClass ("fail"); elem.removeClass ("success"); scope.callback (scope.appID, api, response); }; var notifySuccess = function (api, response) { elem.removeClass ("fail"); scope.runID = response.data.response.runid; scope.callback (scope.appID, "/api/afm-main/start", response); }; var closeModal = function() { console.log ("Modal Closing"); scope.modal.deactivate(); $timeout (function() {scope.modal.destroy();}, 1000); }; var actionModal = function(action) { console.log ("Modal Action=%s", action); switch (action) { case "start": AppCall.get ("afm-main", "start", {id: scope.appID}, function(response) { if (response.status !== 200 || response.data.jtype !== "AJB_reply") { notifyError ("start", response); return; } notifySuccess ("start", response); }); break; case "stop": AppCall.get ("afm-main", "stop", {id: scope.runID}, function(response) { if (response.status !== 200 || response.data.jtype !== "AJB_reply") { notifyError ("stop", response); return; } notifySuccess ("stop", response); }); break; case "info": AppCall.get ("afm-main", "detail", {id: scope.appID}, function(response) { if (response.status !== 200 || response.data.jtype !== "AJB_reply") { notifyError ("detail", response); return; } // reference http://foundation.zurb.com/apps/docs/#!/angular-modules var config = { animationIn: 'slideInFromTop', contentScope: { close : closeModal, icon : scope.icon, label : scope.appID, detail : response.data.response }, template : tmplDetail }; // Popup Modal to render application data scope.modal = new ModalFactory(config); scope.modal.activate (); }); break; default: console.log ("ActionModal unknown action=[%s]", action); break; } closeModal(); }; // reference http://foundation.zurb.com/apps/docs/#!/angular-modules var config = { animationIn: 'slideInFromTop', contentScope: { action : actionModal, close : closeModal, icon : scope.icon, label : scope.label }, template : tmplModal }; // Popup Modal to render application data scope.modal = new ModalFactory(config); scope.modal.activate (); }; // extract application information from AppID+Store if (attrs.handle && scope.store [attrs.handle].name) { scope.icon = AppConfig.paths.icons + scope.store [attrs.handle].name.toLowerCase() + '-ico.png'; scope.label = scope.store [attrs.handle].name; scope.appID= attrs.handle; } else { scope.icon = AppConfig.paths.icons + 'w3c-ico.png'; scope.label = attrs.handle; } // add label as class elem.addClass (scope.label.toLowerCase()); // note: clicked in imported and when template is clicked // it will call clicked method passed in param. } return { restrict: 'E', template: tmplAppli, link: mymethods, scope: {callback: '=', store: '='} }; }); })();