/* * Copyright (C) 2015 "IoT.bzh" * Author "Fulup Ar Foll" * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Bugs: Input with Callback SHOULD BE get 'required' class * * ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events/mouseover * * usage: Usage <range-slider> --------------------- <range-slider id="my-slider-name" // only use as an argument to callback class="my-custom-class" // default class is ibz-range-slider placeholder="Track Date Selection" // place holder for date readonly input zone <!-- Foundation classes --> class="radius" // check Zurb foundation doc for further info. class="ibz-handle-display" // increase handle width to hold slider current value <!-- Angular Scope Variables --> callback="myCallBack" // $scope.myCallBack(sliderhandle) is called when ever slider handle blur formatter="SliderFormatCB" // $scope.myFormatter(value, sliderid) when exist is call when ever slider handle moves. Should return external form of slider value. ng-model="xxxxxx" // xxx Must be defined, script will store a new RangerObject within provided ng-model variable. start-at="ScopeVar" // Dynamic limitation when slider is constrains by an external componant [ex: check in/out] stop-at="ScopeVar" // Idem but for end. <!-- Angular Directive Attributes --> not-less="integer" // Fixed starting value for slider [default 0] not-more="integer" // Fixed end value for sliders [default 100] by-step="+-integer" // If by-step is >0 then slider use it as step-value, when negative use it for decimal precision display-target="handle" // display slider external formated value in the handle [requirer calss="ibz-handle-display"] dual-handles='true' // add a second handle to slider for min/max range initial='value|[start/stop]' // slider initial value [dual-handles] may have initial values /></range-slider> */ (function () { 'use strict'; var RangeSlider = angular.module('RangeSlider',[]); function RangeSliderHandle (scope) { var internals = []; var externals = []; this.getId = function() { return scope.sliderid; }; this.getCbHandle = function() { return scope.cbhandle; }; this.getView= function (handle) { if (!handle) handle = 0; // if value did not change return current external representation if (scope.value[handle] === internals[handle]) return externals[handle]; // build external representation and save it for further requests internals[handle] = scope.value[handle]; if (scope.formatter) externals[handle] = scope.formatter(scope.value[handle], scope.ctrlhandle); else externals[handle] = scope.value[handle]; return externals[handle]; }; this.updateClass = function (classe, status) { scope.updateClass (classe, status); }; this.forceRefresh = function (timer) { scope.forceRefresh(timer); }; this.getValue= function (handle) { if (!handle) handle = 0; return scope.value[handle]; }; this.getRelative= function (handle) { if (!handle) handle = 0; return scope.relative[handle]; }; this.setValue= function (value, handle) { if (!handle) handle = 0; scope.setValue (value, handle); }; this.setDisable= function (flag) { scope.setDisable(flag); }; } RangeSlider.directive('rangeSlider', function ($log, $document, $timeout) { var template= '<div class="ibz-range-slider range-slider" title="{{title}}"data-slider>'+ '<span class="range-slider-handle handle-min" ng-mousedown="handleCB($event,0)" ng-focus="focusCB(true)" ng-blur="focusCB(false)" role="slider" tabindex="0"></span>'+ '<span class="handle-max" ng-mousedown="handleCB($event,1)" ng-focus="focusCB(true)" ng-blur="focusCB(false)" role="slider" tabindex="0"></span>'+ '<span class="range-slider-active-segment"></span>'+ '<span class="ibz-range-slider-start" ></span> '+ '<span class="ibz-range-slider-stop"></span> '+ '<input id={{sliderid}} type="hidden">'+ '</div>'; function link (scope, element, attrs, model) { // full initialisation of slider from a single object scope.initWidget = function (initvalues) { if (initvalues.byStep) scope.byStep = parseInt(initvalues.byStep); if (initvalues.notMore) scope.notMore = parseInt(initvalues.notMore); if (initvalues.notLess) scope.notLess = parseInt(initvalues.notLess); if (initvalues.id) scope.sliderid= initvalues.id; // hugely but in some case DOM is not finish when we try to set values !!! if (initvalues.value !== undefined) { scope.value = initvalues.value; scope.forceRefresh (50); // wait 50ms for DOM to be ready } }; // this function recompute slide positioning scope.forceRefresh = function (timer) { var value = scope.value; scope.value = [undefined,undefined]; $timeout (function() { scope.setValue(value[0],0); if (scope.dual) scope.setValue(value[1],1); }, timer); }; // handler to change class from slider handle scope.updateClass = function (classe, status) { if (status) element.addClass (classe); else element.removeClass (classe); }; scope.setDisable = function (disabled) { if (disabled) { element.addClass ("disable"); scope.handles[0].css ('visibility','hidden'); if (scope.dual) { scope.handles[1].css ('visibility','hidden'); } } else { element.removeClass ("disable"); scope.handles[0].css ('visibility','visible'); if (scope.dual) scope.handles[1].css ('visibility','visible'); } }; scope.normalize = function (value) { var result; var range = scope.notMore - scope.notLess; var point = value * range; // if step is positive let's round step by step if (scope.byStep > 0) { var mod = (point - (point % scope.byStep)) / scope.byStep; var rem = point % scope.byStep; var round = (rem >= scope.byStep * 0.5 ? scope.byStep : 0); result= (mod * scope.byStep + round) + scope.notLess; //console.log ("range=%d value=%d point=%d mod=%d rem=%d round=%d result=%d", range, value, point, mod, rem, round, result) return result; } // if step is negative return round to asked decimal if (scope.byStep < 0) { var power = Math.pow (10,(scope.byStep * -1)); result = scope.notLess + parseInt (point * power) / power; return (result); } // if step is null return full value return point; }; // return current value scope.getValue = function (offset, handle) { if (scope.vertical) { scope.relative[handle] = (offset - scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().height) / (scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height - scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().height); } else { scope.relative[handle] = offset / (scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width - scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().width); } var newvalue = scope.normalize (scope.relative[handle]); // if internal value change update or model if (newvalue !== scope.value[handle]) { if (newvalue < scope.startValue) newvalue=scope.startValue; if (newvalue > scope.stopValue) newvalue=scope.stopValue; if (scope.formatter) { scope.viewValue = scope.formatter (newvalue, scope.ctrlhandle); } else { scope.viewValue = newvalue; } if (scope.displays[handle]) { scope.displays[handle].html (scope.viewValue); } // update external representation of the model scope.value[handle] = newvalue; if (model) model.$setViewValue (scope.viewValue); scope.$apply(); if (newvalue > scope.startValue && newvalue < scope.stopValue) scope.translate(offset, handle); } }; scope.setStart = function (value) { var offset; if (value > scope.value[0]) { if (!scope.dual) scope.setValue (value,0); else scope.setValue (value,1); } if (scope.vertical) { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height * (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); scope.start.css('height',offset + 'px'); } else { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width * (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); scope.start.css('width',offset + 'px'); } scope.startValue= value; }; scope.setStop = function (value) { var offset; if (value < scope.value[0]) { if (!scope.dual) scope.setValue (value,0); else scope.setValue (value,1); } if (scope.vertical) { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height * (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); scope.start.css('height',offset + 'px'); } else { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width * (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); scope.stop.css({'right': 0, 'width': (scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width - offset) + 'px'}); } scope.stopValue= value; }; scope.translate = function (offset, handle) { var start; if (scope.vertical) { // take handle size in account to compute middle var voffset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height - offset; scope.handles[handle].css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateY(' + voffset + 'px)', '-moz-transform': 'translateY(' + voffset + 'px)', '-ms-transform': 'translateY(' + voffset + 'px)', '-o-transform': 'translateY(' + voffset + 'px)', 'transform': 'translateY(' + voffset + 'px)' }); if (!scope.dual) scope.slider.css('height', offset + 'px'); else if (scope.relative[1] && scope.relative[0]) { var height = (scope.relative[1] - scope.relative[0]) * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height; start = (scope.relative[0] * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height); scope.slider.css ({'bottom': start+'px','height': height + 'px'}); } } else { scope.handles[handle].css({ '-webkit-transform': 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)', '-moz-transform': 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)', '-ms-transform': 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)', '-o-transform': 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)', 'transform': 'translateX(' + offset + 'px)' }); if (!scope.dual) scope.slider.css('width',offset + 'px'); else if (scope.relative[1] && scope.relative[0]) { var width = (scope.relative[1] - scope.relative[0]) * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width; start = (scope.relative[0] * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width); scope.slider.css ({'left': start+'px','width': width + 'px'}); } } }; // position handle on the bar depending a given value scope.setValue = function (value , handle) { var offset; // if value did not change ignore if (value === scope.value[handle]) return; if (value === undefined) value=0; if (value > scope.notMore) value=scope.notMore; if (value < scope.notLess) value=scope.notLess; if (scope.vertical) { scope.relative[handle] = (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); if (handle === 0) offset = (scope.relative[handle] * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height) + scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().height/2; if (handle === 1) offset = scope.relative[handle] * scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height; } else { scope.relative[handle] = (value - scope.notLess) / (scope.notMore - scope.notLess); offset = scope.relative[handle] * (scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width - scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().width); } scope.translate (offset,handle); scope.value[handle] = value; if (scope.formatter) { // when call through setValue we do not pass cbHandle scope.viewValue = scope.formatter (value, undefined); } else { scope.viewValue = value; } if (model) model.$setViewValue( scope.viewValue); if (scope.displays[handle]) { scope.displays[handle].html (scope.viewValue); } }; // Minimal keystroke handling to close picker with ESC [scope.actif is current handle index] scope.keydown= function(e){ switch(e.keyCode){ case 39: // Right case 38: // up if (scope.byStep > 0) scope.$apply(scope.setValue ((scope.value[scope.actif]+scope.byStep), scope.actif)); if (scope.byStep < 0) scope.$apply(scope.setValue ((scope.value[scope.actif]+(1 / Math.pow(10, scope.byStep*-1))),scope.actif)); if (scope.callback) scope.callback (scope.value[scope.actif], scope.ctrlhandle); break; case 37: // left case 40: // down if (scope.byStep > 0) scope.$apply(scope.setValue ((scope.value[scope.actif] - scope.byStep), scope.actif)); if (scope.byStep < 0) scope.$apply(scope.setValue ((scope.value[scope.actif] - (1 / Math.pow(10, scope.byStep*-1))),scope.actif)); if (scope.callback) scope.callback (scope.value[scope.actif], scope.ctrlhandle); break; case 27: // esc scope.handles[scope.actif][0].blur(); } }; scope.moveHandle = function (handle, clientX, clientY) { var offset; if (scope.vertical) { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - clientY; if (offset > scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height) offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (offset < scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().height) offset = scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().height; } else { offset = clientX - scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().left; if (offset < 0) offset = 0; if ((clientX + scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().width) > scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().right) { offset = scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width - scope.bounds.handles[handle].getBoundingClientRect().width; } } scope.getValue (offset, handle); // prevent dual handle to cross if (scope.dual && scope.value [0] > scope.value[1]) { if (handle === 0) scope.setValue (scope.value[0] , 1); else scope.setValue(scope.value[1],0); } }; scope.focusCB = function (inside) { if (inside) { $document.on('keydown',scope.keydown); } else { $document.unbind('keydown',scope.keydown); } }; // bar was touch let move handle to this point scope.touchBarCB = function (event) { var handle=0; var relative; var touches = event.changedTouches; var oldvalue = scope.value[handle]; event.preventDefault(); // if we have two handles select closest one from touch point if (scope.dual) { if (scope.vertical) relative = (touches[0].pageY - scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom) / scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().height; else relative= (touches[0].pageX - scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().left) / scope.bounds.bar.getBoundingClientRect().width; var distance0 = Math.abs(relative - scope.relative[0]); var distance1 = Math.abs(relative - scope.relative[1]); if (distance1 < distance0) handle=1; } // move handle to new place scope.moveHandle (handle,touches[0].pageX, touches[0].pageY); if (scope.callback && oldvalue !== scope.value[handle]) scope.callback (scope.value[handle], scope.ctrlhandle); }; // handle was touch and drag scope.touchHandleCB = function (touchevt, handle) { var oldvalue = scope.value[handle]; touchevt.preventDefault(); $document.on('touchmove',touchmove); $document.on('touchend' ,touchend); element.unbind('touchstart', scope.touchBarCB); function touchmove(event) { event.preventDefault(); var touches = event.changedTouches; for (var idx = 0; idx < touches.length; idx++) { scope.moveHandle (handle,touches[idx].pageX, touches[idx].pageY); } } function touchend(event) { $document.unbind('touchmove',touchmove); $document.unbind('touchend' ,touchend); element.on('touchstart', scope.touchBarCB); // if value change notify application callback if (scope.callback && oldvalue !== scope.value[handle]) scope.callback (scope.value[handle], scope.ctrlhandle); } }; scope.handleCB = function (clickevent, handle) { if (attrs.automatic) return; var oldvalue = scope.value[handle]; // register mouse event to track handle clickevent.preventDefault(); $document.on('mousemove',mousemove); $document.on('mouseup', mouseup); scope.handles[handle][0].focus(); scope.actif=handle; // slider handle is moving function mousemove(event) { scope.moveHandle (handle, event.clientX, event.clientY); } // mouse is up dans leave slider send resize events function mouseup() { $document.unbind('mousemove', mousemove); $document.unbind('mouseup', mouseup); // if value change notify application callback if (scope.callback && oldvalue !== scope.value[handle]) scope.callback (scope.value[handle], scope.ctrlhandle); } }; // simulate jquery find by classes capabilities [warning only return 1st elements] scope.find = function (select, elem) { var domelem; if (elem) domelem = elem[0].querySelector(select); else domelem = element[0].querySelector(select); var angelem = angular.element(domelem); return (angelem); }; scope.initialSettings = function (initial) { var decimal_places_match_result; scope.value=[]; // store low/height value when two handles scope.relative=[]; if (scope.precision === null) { decimal_places_match_result = ('' + scope.byStep).match(/\.([\d]*)/); scope.precision = decimal_places_match_result && decimal_places_match_result[1] ? decimal_places_match_result[1].length : 0; } // position handle to initial value(s) element.on('touchstart', scope.touchBarCB); scope.handles[0].on('touchstart', function(evt){scope.touchHandleCB(evt,0);}); // this slider has two handles low/hight if (scope.dual) { scope.handles[1].addClass('range-slider-handle'); scope.handles[1].on('touchstart', function(evt){scope.touchHandleCB(evt,1);}); if (!scope.initvalues) scope.setValue (initial[1],1); } // if we have an initstate object apply it if (scope.initvalues) scope.initWidget (scope.initvalues); else scope.setValue (initial[0],0); }; scope.init = function () { scope.sliderid = attrs.id || "slider-" + parseInt (Math.random() * 1000); scope.startValue = -Infinity; scope.stopValue = Infinity; scope.byStep = parseInt(attrs.byStep) || 1; scope.vertical = attrs.vertical || false; scope.dual = attrs.dualHandles|| false; scope.trigger_input_change= false; scope.notMore = parseInt(attrs.notMore) || 100; scope.notLess = parseInt(attrs.notLess) || 0; if (scope.vertical) element.addClass("vertical-range"); scope.handles= [scope.find('.handle-min'), scope.find('.handle-max')]; scope.bar = element; scope.slider = scope.find('.range-slider-active-segment'); scope.start = scope.find('.ibz-range-slider-start'); scope.stop = scope.find('.ibz-range-slider-stop'); scope.disable= attrs.disable || false; scope.ctrlhandle = new RangeSliderHandle (scope); // prepare DOM object pointer to compute size dynamically scope.bounds = { bar : element[0], handles: [scope.handles[0][0], scope.handles[1][0]] }; if (attrs.disable === 'true') scope.setDisable(true); if (attrs.displayTarget) { switch (attrs.displayTarget) { case true : case 'handle' : scope.displays = scope.handles; scope.handles[0].addClass('ibz-range-slider-display'); if (scope.dual) scope.handles[1].addClass('ibz-range-slider-display'); break; default: scope.displays = [$document.getElementById (attrs.displayTarget)]; } } else scope.displays=[]; // extract initial values from attrs and parse into int if (!attrs.initial) { scope.initial = [scope.ngModel, scope.ngModel]; // initialize to model values } else { var initial = attrs.initial.split(','); scope.initial = [ initial[0] !== undefined ? parseInt (initial[0]) : scope.notLess, initial[1] !== undefined ? parseInt (initial[1]) : scope.notMore ]; } // Monitor any changes on start/stop dates. scope.$watch('startAt', function() { if (scope.value < scope.startAt ) { //scope.setValue (scope.startAt); } if (scope.startAt) scope.setStart (scope.startAt); }); scope.$watch('stopAt' , function() { if (scope.value > scope.stopAt) { //scope.setValue (scope.stopAt); } if (scope.stopAt) scope.setStop (scope.stopAt); }); // finish widget initialisation scope.initialSettings (scope.initial); }; scope.init(); // slider is ready provide control handle to application controller scope.$watch ('inithook', function () { // init Values may arrive late if (scope.inithook) scope.inithook (scope.ctrlhandle); }); scope.$watch ('initvalues', function () { // init Values may arrive late if (scope.initvalues) scope.initWidget(scope.initvalues); }); // two-way binding if model value changes scope.$watch ('ngModel', function (newValue) { scope.setValue(newValue, 0); }); } return { restrict: "E", // restrict to <range-slider> HTML element name scope: { startAt :'=', // First acceptable date stopAt :'=', // Last acceptable date callback :'=', // Callback to actif when a date is selected formatter:'=', // Callback for drag event call each time internal value changes inithook :'=', // Hook point to control slider from API cbhandle :'=', // Argument added to every callback initvalues:'=', // Initial values as a single object ngModel: '=' // the model value }, require: '?ngModel', template: template, // html template is build from JS replace: true, // replace current directive with template while inheriting of class link: link // pickadate object's methods }; }); console.log ("RangeSlider Loaded"); })();