The afm-user-daemon =================== version: 1 Date: 15 March 2016 Author: José Bollo Foreword -------- This document describes what we intend to do. It may happen that our current implementation and the content of this document differ. In case of differences, it is assumed that this document is right and the implementation is wrong. Introduction ------------ The daemon **afm-user-daemon** is in charge of handling applications for one user. Its main tasks are: - enumerate the applications that the user can run and keep the list avalable on demand - start applications for the user, set their running environment, set their security context - list the current runner applications - stop (aka pause), continue (aka resume), terminate the running instance of application - transfer requests for installation or uninstallation of applications to the dedicated system daemon **afm-system-daemon** The **afm-user-daemon** takes its orders from the session instance of D-Bus. The figure below summarizes the situation of the **afm-user-daemon** in the system. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | User | | +---------------------+ | | +---------------------+ | Smack isolated | | | | D-Bus session + | APPLICATIONS | | | +----------+----------+ +---------+-----------+ | | | | | | | | | | +----------+--------------------------+-----------+ | | | | | | | afm-user-daemon | | | | | | | +----------+----------------------+----------+----+ | | | | : | | | | : | :================|======================|==========:=========: | | | : | | +----------+----------+ +-----+-----+ : | | | D-Bus system +-----+ CYNARA | : | | +----------+----------+ +-----+-----+ : | | | | : | | +----------+---------+ +-------+----------+----+ | | | afm-system-daemon +----+ SECURITY-MANAGER | | | +--------------------+ +-----------------------+ | | | | System | +------------------------------------------------------------+ Tasks of **afm-user-daemon** ---------------------------- ### Maintaining list of applications ### At start **afm-user-daemon** scans the directories containing the applications and load in memory the list applications availables to the current user. When **afm-system-daemon** installs or removes an application, it sends the signal *org.AGL.afm.system.changed* on success. If it receives that signal, **afm-user-daemon** rebuild its list of applications. **afm-user-daemon** provides the data that it collected about application to its clients that either want to get that list or to get information about one application. ### Launching applications ### **afm-user-daemon** launchs the applications. This means that its builds a secure environment for the application and then start it inside that secured environment. Applications of different kind can be launched. This is set using a configuration file that describes how to launch an application of a given kind for a given mode. There is two launching modes: local or remote. Launching an application locally means that the application and its binder are launcher together. Launching application remotely means that only the binder is launched for the application. Once launched, running instances of application receive a runid that identify them. ### Managing instances of running applications ### **afm-user-daemon** manages the list of applications that it launched. With the good permissions, a client can get the list of the running instances and details about a specific running instance. It can also terminate, stop or continue a given application. ### Installing and uninstalling applications ### If the client has the good permission, **afm-user-daemon** delegates that task to **afm-system-daemon**. Starting **afm-user-daemon** ----------------------------- **afm-user-daemon** is launched as a **systemd** service attached to user sessions. Normally, the service file is located at /usr/lib/systemd/user/afm-user-daemon.service. The options for launching **afm-user-daemon** are: -a --application directory Includes the given application directory to the database base of applications. Can be repeated. -r --root directory Includes the root application directory to the database base of applications. Note that the default root directory for applications is always added. It is defined to be /usr/share/afm/applications (may change). Can be repeated. -m --mode (local|remote) Set the default launch mode. The default value is 'local' -d --daemon Daemonizes the process. It is not needed by sytemd. -q --quiet Reduces the verbosity (can be repeated). -v --verbose Increases the verbosity (can be repeated). -h --help Prints a short help. Configuration of the launcher ----------------------------- It contains rules for launching applications. When **afm-user-daemon** need to launch an application, it looks to the mode of launch, local or remote, and the type of the application as given by the file ***config.xml*** of the widget. This couple mode and type allows to select the rule. The configuration file is **/etc/afm/afm-launch.conf**. It contains sections and rules. It can also contain comments and empty lines to improve the readability. The separators are space and tabulation, any other character is meaning something. The format is line oriented. The new line character separate the lines. Lines having only separators are blank lines and are skipped. Line having the character # (sharp) as first not separator character are comment lines and are ignored. Lines starting with a not separator character are differents of lines starting with a separator character. The grammar of the configuration file is defined below: CONF: *COMMENT *SECTION SECTION: MODE *RULE RULE: +TYPE VECTOR ?VECTOR MODE: 'mode' +SEP ('local' | 'remote') *SEP EOL TYPE: DATA *SEP EOL VECTOR: +SEP DATA *(+SEP NDATA) *SEP EOL DATA: CHAR *NCHAR NDATA: +NCHAR EOL: NL *COMMENT COMMENT: *SEP CMT *(SEP | NCHAR) NL NL: '\x0a' SEP: '\x20' | '\x09' CMT: '#' CHAR: '\x00'..'\x08' | '\x0b'..'\x1f' | '\x21' | '\x22' | '\x24'..'\xff' NCHAR: CMT | CHAR Here is a sample of configuration file for defining how to launch an application declared of types *application/x-executable*, *text/x-shellscript* and *text/html* in mode local: mode local application/x-executable text/x-shellscript %r/%c text/html /usr/bin/afb-daemon --mode=local --readyfd=%R --alias=/icons:%I --port=%P --rootdir=%r --token=%S --sessiondir=%D/.afb-daemon /usr/bin/web-runtime http://localhost:%P/%c?token=%S This shows that: - within a section, several rules can be defined - within a rule, several types can be defined - within a rule, one or two vectors can be defined - vectors are using %substitution - launched binaries must be defined with their full path ### mode local Within this mode, the launchers have either one or two vectors describing them. All of these vectors are treated as programs and are executed with the system call 'execve'. The first vector is the leader vector and it defines the process group. The second vector (if any) is attached to the group defined by this first vector. ### mode remote Within this mode, the launchers have either one or two vectors describing them. The first vector is treated as a program and is executed with the system call 'execve'. The second vector (if any) defines a text that is returned to the caller. This mechanism can be used to return the uri to connect to for executing the application remotely. The daemon ***afm-user-daemon*** allocates a port for the running the application remotely. The current implmentation of the port allocation is just incremental. A more reliable (cacheable and same-originable) allocation is to be defined. ### %substitutions Vectors can include sequences of 2 characters that have a special meaning. These sequences are named *%substitution* because their first character is the percent sign (%) and because each occurrence of the sequence is replaced, at launch time, by the value associated to sequences. Here is the list of *%substitutions*: - ***%%***: %. This simply emits the percent sign % - ***%a***: appid This is the application Id of the launched application. Defined by the attribute **id** of the element **<widget>** of **config.xml**. - ***%c***: content The file within the widget directory that is the entry point. For a HTML application, it is the relative path to the main page (aka index.html). Defined by the attribute **src** of the element **<content>** of **config.xml**. - ***%D***: datadir Path of the directory where the application runs (cwd) and stores its data. It is equal to %h/%a. - ***%H***: height Requested height for the widget. Defined by the attribute **height** of the element **<widget>** of **config.xml**. - ***%h***: homedir Path of the home directory for all applications. It is generally equal to $HOME/app-data - ***%I***: icondir Path of the directory were the icons of the applications can be found. - ***%m***: mime-type Mime type of the launched application. Defined by the attribute **type** of the element **<content>** of **config.xml**. - ***%n***: name Name of the application as defined by the content of the element **<name>** of **config.xml**. - ***%p***: plugins Unhandled until now. Will be the colon separated list of plugins and plugins directory. - ***%P***: port A port to use. It is currently a kind of random port. The precise model is to be defined later. - ***%R***: readyfd Number of the file descriptor to use for signalling readyness of the launched process. - ***%r***: rootdir Path of the directory containing the widget and its data. - ***%S***: secret An hexadecimal number that can be used to pair the client with its server binder. - ***%W***: width Requested width for the widget. Defined by the attribute **width** of the element **<widget>** of **config.xml**. The D-Bus interface ------------------- ### Overview of the dbus interface ***afm-user-daemon*** takes its orders from the session instance of D-Bus. The use of D-Bus is great because it allows to implement discovery and signaling. The dbus of the session is by default adressed by the environment variable ***DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS***. Using **systemd** the variable *DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS* is automatically set for user sessions. The **afm-user-daemon** is listening with the destination name ***org.AGL.afm.user*** at the object of path ***/org/AGL/afm/user*** on the interface ***org.AGL.afm.user*** for the below detailed members ***runnables***, ***detail***, ***start***, ***terminate***, ***stop***, ***continue***, ***runners***, ***state***, ***install*** and ***uninstall***. D-Bus is mainly used for signaling and discovery. Its optimized typed protocol is not used except for transmitting only one string in both directions. The client and the service are using JSON serialisation to exchange data. The D-Bus interface is defined by: * DESTINATION: **org.AGL.afm.user** * PATH: **/org/AGL/afm/user** * INTERFACE: **org.AGL.afm.user** The signature of any member of the interface is ***string -> string*** for ***JSON -> JSON***. This is the normal case. In case of error, the current implmentation returns a dbus error that is a string. Here is an example that use *dbus-send* to query data on installed applications. dbus-send --session --print-reply \ --dest=org.AGL.afm.user \ /org/AGL/afm/user \ org.AGL.afm.user.runnables string:true ### Using ***afm-util*** The command line tool ***afm-util*** uses dbus-send to send orders to **afm-user-daemon**. This small scripts allows to send command to ***afm-user-daemon*** either interactively at shell prompt or scriptically. The syntax is simple: it accept a command and if the command requires it, the argument to the command. Here is the summary of ***afm-util***: - **afm-util runnables **: list the runnable widgets installed - **afm-util install wgt **: install the wgt file - **afm-util uninstall id **: remove the installed widget of id - **afm-util detail id **: print detail about the installed widget of id - **afm-util runners **: list the running instance - **afm-util start id **: start an instance of the widget of id - **afm-util terminate rid **: terminate the running instance rid - **afm-util stop rid **: stop the running instance rid - **afm-util continue rid **: continue the previously rid - **afm-util state rid **: get status of the running instance rid Here is how to list applications using ***afm-util***: afm-util runnables --- ### The protocol over D-Bus Recall: * **DESTINATION**: org.AGL.afm.user * **PATH**: /org/AGL/afm/user * **INTERFACE**: org.AGL.afm.user --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.detail **Description**: Get details about an application from its id. **Input**: the id of the application as below. Either just a string: "appli@x.y" Or an object having the field "id" of type string: {"id":"appli@x.y"} **Output**: A JSON object describing the application containing the fields described below. { "id": string, the application id (id@version) "version": string, the version of the application "width": integer, requested width of the application "height": integer, resqueted height of the application "name": string, the name of the application "description": string, the description of the application "shortname": string, the short name of the application "author": string, the author of the application } --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.runnables **Description**: Get the list of applications that can be run. **Input**: any valid json entry, can be anything except null. **output**: An array of description of the runnable applications. Each item of the array contains an object containing the detail of an application as described above for the method *org.AGL.afm.user.detail*. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.install **Description**: Install an application from its widget file. If an application of the same *id* and *version* exists, it is not reinstalled except if *force=true*. Applications are installed in the subdirectories of the common directory of applications. If *root* is specified, the application is installed under the sub-directories of the *root* defined. Note that this methods is a simple accessor to the method ***org.AGL.afm.system.install*** of ***afm-system-daemon***. After the installation and before returning to the sender, ***afm-user-daemon*** sends the signal ***org.AGL.afm.user.changed***. **Input**: The *path* of the widget file to install and, optionaly, a flag to *force* reinstallation, and, optionaly, a *root* directory. Either just a string being the absolute path of the widget file: "/a/path/driving/to/the/widget" Or an object: { "wgt": "/a/path/to/the/widget", "force": false, "root": "/a/path/to/the/root" } "wgt" and "root" must be absolute paths. **output**: An object with the field "added" being the string for the id of the added application. {"added":"appli@x.y"} --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.uninstall **Description**: Uninstall an application from its id. Note that this methods is a simple accessor to the method ***org.AGL.afm.system.uninstall*** of ***afm-system-daemon***. After the uninstallation and before returning to the sender, ***afm-user-daemon*** sends the signal ***org.AGL.afm.user.changed***. **Input**: the *id* of the application and, otpionaly, the path to *root* of the application. Either a string: "appli@x.y" Or an object: { "id": "appli@x.y", "root": "/a/path/to/the/root" } **output**: the value 'true'. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.start **Description**: **Input**: the *id* of the application and, optionaly, the start *mode* as below. Either just a string: "appli@x.y" Or an object having the field "id" of type string and optionaly a field mode: {"id":"appli@x.y","mode":"local"} The field "mode" as a string value being either "local" or "remote". **output**: The *runid* of the application launched. The runid is an integer. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.terminate **Description**: Terminates the application of *runid*. **Input**: The *runid* (an integer) of the running instance to terminate. **output**: the value 'true'. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.stop **Description**: Stops the application of *runid* until terminate or continue. **Input**: The *runid* (an integer) of the running instance to stop. **output**: the value 'true'. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.continue **Description**: Continues the application of *runid* previously stopped. **Input**: The *runid* (an integer) of the running instance to continue. **output**: the value 'true'. --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.state **Description**: Get informations about a running instance of *runid*. **Input**: The *runid* (an integer) of the running instance inspected. **output**: An object describing the state of the instance. It contains: the runid (an integer), the id of the running application (a string), the state of the application (a string being either "starting", "running" or "stopped"). Example of returned state: { "runid": 2, "state": "running", "id": "appli@x.y" } --- #### Method org.AGL.afm.user.runners **Description**: Get the list of the currently running instances. **Input**: anything. **output**: An array of states, one per running instance, as returned by the methodd ***org.AGL.afm.user.state***.