The widgets

version: 1
Date:    14 March 2016
Author:  José Bollo

The widgets

The widgets are described by the technical recommendations widgets and widgets-digsig.

signature of the

The application framework

This is the original part of our work here

directory where are stored applications

Applications can be installed in few places: on the system itself or on an extension device. For my phone, for example, it is the sd card.

This translates to:

In the remaining of the document, these places are writen “APPDIR”.

Organisation of directory of applications

The main path for applivcations are: APPDIR/PKGID/VER.


This organisation has the advantage to allow several versions to leave together. This is needed for some good reasons (rolling back) and also for less good reasons (user habits).

Identity of installed files

All the files are installed as the user “userapp” and group “userapp”. All files have rw(x) for user and r-(x) for group and others.

This allows any user to read the files.

Labelling the directories of applications

Organisation of data

The data of a user are in its directory and are labelled using the labels of the application