Writing the configuration file "config.xml"

José Bollo

19 septembre 2016

Writing the configuration file "config.xml"

About "config.xml"

The file config.xml describes important data of the application to the framework:

The file MUST be at the root of the widget and MUST be case sensitively name config.xml.

The file config.xml is a XML file described by the document widgets.

Example of "config.xml"

Here is the example of the config file for the QML application SmartHome.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<widget xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" id="smarthome" version="0.1">
  <icon src="smarthome.png"/>
  <content src="qml/smarthome/smarthome.qml" type="text/vnd.qt.qml"/>
    This is the Smarthome QML demo application.
    It shows some user interfaces for controlling an automated house.
    The user interface is completely done with QML.
  <author>Qt team</author>

Standard elements of "config.xml"

The element widget

the attribute id of widget

The attribute id is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must be unique.

Values for id are any non empty string containing only latin letters, arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and '_' (underscore).

Authors can use a mnemonic id or can pick a unique id using command uuid or uuidgen.

the attribute version of widget

The attribute version is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish).

Values for id are any non empty string containing only latin letters, arabic digits, and the three characters '.' (dot), '-' (dash) and '_' (underscore).

Version values are dot separated fields MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION.

The element content

The element content is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must designate a file (subject to localisation) with its attribute src.

The content designed depends on its type. See below for the known types.

The element icon

The element icon is mandatory (for version 2.x, blowfish) and must be unique. It must designate an image file with its attribute src.

Known widget types and content

The configuration file /etc/afm/afm-launch.conf defines the types of widget known and how to launch it.

Known types for the type of content are (for version 2.x, blowfish):

AGL features

The AGL framework uses the feature tag for specifying security and binding requirement of the widget.

The current version of AGL (up to 2.0.1, blowfish) has no fully implemented features.

The features planned to be implemented are described below.

feature name="urn:AGL:required-binding"

List of the bindings required by the widget.

Each required binding must be explicited using a entry.

param name=[required binding name]

The value is either:

feature name="urn:AGL:required-permission"

List of the permissions required by the widget.

Each required permission must be explicited using a entry.

param name=[required permission name]

The value is either:

feature name="urn:AGL:provided-binding"

Use this feature for each provided binding of the widget. The parameters are:

param name="name"


The value is the string that must match the binding prefix. It must be unique.

param name="src"


The value is the path of the shared library for the binding.

param name="type"


Currently it must be application/vnd.agl.binding.v1.

param name="scope"


The value indicate the availability of the binidng:

param name="needed-binding"


The value is a space separated list of binding's names that the binding needs.

feature name="urn:AGL:defined-permission"

Each required permission must be explicited using a entry.

param name=[defined permission name]

The value is the level of the defined permission. Standard levels are:

This level defines the level of accreditation required to get the given permission. The accreditions are given by signatures of widgets.