/* * Copyright 2020,2021 Panasonic Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import QtQuick 2.14 import QtQuick.Window 2.14 import QtQuick.Scene3D 2.14 import "./FPSItem" import "./ACC" import "./CruisingRange" import "./Header" import "./Menu" import "./Meter" import "./ShiftPosition" import "./Telltale" import "./TurnByTurn" Window { id: winl visible: true width: 1920 height: 720 color: "black" flags: Qt.FramelessWindowHint maximumWidth: width maximumHeight: height Item{ id: rootItem width: 1920 height: 720 focus: true clip: true property int mode: 0 /* 0:normal 1:adas 2:map */ property string car_state : "normal_default" property string arrow_state : "arrow_normal_default" property string set_state : "set_default" signal transNormalToAdas() signal keyPressed_Up() signal keyPressed_Down() signal keyPressed_Left() signal keyPressed_Right() signal keyPressed_Enter() signal keyPressed_Menu() Item{ id:viewdata property int tbtArrow: 0 property int tbtValue: 200 onTbtArrowChanged: { turnByTurn.receivedArrowId = tbtArrow stage.received_id = tbtArrow } onTbtValueChanged: { turnByTurn.receivedTbtValue = tbtValue } } Item{ id:acc3d_parts width:1920 height:1080 Item{ id:acc3d Item{ id:ddditem x:548 y:-23 width: 1920 height: 1080 scale:0.6 Scene3D { anchors.fill: parent aspects: ["input", "logic"] multisample: false cameraAspectRatioMode:Scene3D.UserAspectRatio Stage { id:stage ACC_Animation{ property int direction_acc_line : 0 property int direction_acc_car : 0 id:accc_view acc_line_pos: 1 acc_car_pos: 1 } } } } } Image{ id: acc3d_mask width:1920 height:720 source: "qrc:/Images/ADASView/ACC/3D_parts_mask.ktx" visible:true } Image{ source:"qrc:/Images/ADASView/MAP/acc_cover.ktx"; width:1412; height:98; x:508; y:622 } } TurnByTurn{ id:turnByTurn } Menu{ id: menu } Meter{ id: meter } ShiftPosition{ id:shiftPosition shiftId:0 } CruisingRange { id: cruisingRange cruisingRangeValue : 750.0 } Header{ id:header } Telltale{ id:telltale } Keys.onPressed: { switch(event.key){ case(Qt.Key_1): if(shiftPosition.shiftId < 5) { shiftPosition.shiftId++ }else{ shiftPosition.shiftId = 0 } break case(Qt.Key_2): if(accc_view.direction_acc_line === 0){ if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 1) { accc_view.acc_line_pos++ if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_middle"} rootItem.set_state = "set_middle" }else if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 2){ accc_view.acc_line_pos++ if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_near" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_near"} rootItem.set_state = "set_near" }else if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 3){ accc_view.acc_line_pos-- if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_middle"} rootItem.set_state = "set_middle" accc_view.direction_acc_line = 1 } }else{ if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 3) { accc_view.acc_line_pos-- if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_middle"} rootItem.set_state = "set_middle" }else if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 2){ accc_view.acc_line_pos-- if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_default" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_default"} rootItem.set_state = "set_default" }else if(accc_view.acc_line_pos == 1){ accc_view.acc_line_pos++ if(mode == 0){ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.arrow_state = "arrow_adas_middle"} rootItem.set_state = "set_middle" accc_view.direction_acc_line = 0 } } break case(Qt.Key_3): if(accc_view.direction_acc_car == 0){ if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 1) { accc_view.acc_car_pos++ if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "nornal_middle" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_middle"} }else if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 2) { accc_view.acc_car_pos++ if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "normal_near" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_near"} }else if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 3) { accc_view.acc_car_pos-- accc_view.direction_acc_car = 1 if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_middle"} } }else{ if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 3) { accc_view.acc_car_pos-- if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_middle"} }else if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 2) { accc_view.acc_car_pos-- if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "normal_default" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_default"} }else if(accc_view.acc_car_pos == 1){ accc_view.acc_car_pos++ accc_view.direction_acc_car = 0 if(mode == 0){ rootItem.car_state = "normal_middle" }else{ rootItem.car_state = "adas_middle"} } } break case(Qt.Key_Up): keyPressed_Up() break case(Qt.Key_Down): keyPressed_Down() break case(Qt.Key_Left): keyPressed_Left() break case(Qt.Key_Right): keyPressed_Right() break case(Qt.Key_Space): keyPressed_Enter() break case(Qt.Key_M): keyPressed_Menu() break default: break } } Timer { property int num : 0 interval: 10 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { doUpdateClusterData() } } Timer { //test property int num : 0 interval: 5000 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { num++; if(num == 5){num = 1} viewdata.tbtArrow = num; } } Timer { //test property int v : 200 interval: 5000 repeat: true running: true onTriggered: { if(v - 20 >= 0){ v = v - 20 }else{ v = 200 } viewdata.tbtValue = v; } } } //FpsItem{} function doUpdateClusterData(){ // speed var speed_val_capi = cluster_service.getSpAnalogVal(); meter.speedValue = speed_val_capi / 100.0; // tacho var tacho_val_capi = cluster_service.getTaAnalogVal(); meter.tachoValue = tacho_val_capi; // temp var temp_val_capi = cluster_service.getOTempVal(); header.setTemp(temp_val_capi); // Gear var gear_val_capi = cluster_service.getGearAtVal(); if (gear_val_capi === "D") { shiftPosition.shiftId = 1; } else if (gear_val_capi === "B") { shiftPosition.shiftId = 2; } else if (gear_val_capi === "N") { shiftPosition.shiftId = 3; } else if (gear_val_capi === "R") { shiftPosition.shiftId = 4; } else if (gear_val_capi === "P") { shiftPosition.shiftId = 5; } else { shiftPosition.shiftId = 0; } // Trip //var tripa_val_capi = cluster_service.getTrcomTripAVal(); //cruisingRange.cruisingRangeValue = tripa_val_capi / 10; // Turn R var turnr_val_capi = cluster_service.getTurnR(); if (turnr_val_capi === true) { header.setTurnROn(); } else { header.setTurnROff(); } // Turn L var turnl_val_capi = cluster_service.getTurnL(); if (turnl_val_capi === true) { header.setTurnLOn(); } else { header.setTurnLOff(); } // Seetbelt var sbeltr_val_capi = cluster_service.getFrontRightSeatbelt(); if (sbeltr_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleSeatbelt = true; } else { telltale.telltaleSeatbelt = false; } var sbeltl_val_capi = cluster_service.getFrontLeftSeatbelt(); if (sbeltl_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2 = true; } else { telltale.telltaleSeatbelt2 = false; } var genwarn_val_capi = cluster_service.getGeneralWarn(); if (genwarn_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn = true; } else { telltale.telltaleGeneralWarn = false; } var eng_val_capi = cluster_service.getEngine(); if (eng_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleMotorWarn = true; } else { telltale.telltaleMotorWarn = false; } var lbatt_val_capi = cluster_service.getLowBattery(); if (lbatt_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleLowBatt = true; } else { telltale.telltaleLowBatt = false; } var ldwoff_val_capi = cluster_service.getLdwOff(); if (ldwoff_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleLdw = true; } else { telltale.telltaleLdw = false; } var srsair_val_capi = cluster_service.getSrsAirbag(); if (srsair_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag = true; } else { telltale.telltaleSrsAirbag = false; } var espoff_val_capi = cluster_service.getEspOff(); if (espoff_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleEpsOff = true; } else { telltale.telltaleEpsOff = false; } var brake_val_capi = cluster_service.getBrake(); if (brake_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleBrake = true; } else { telltale.telltaleBrake = false; } var abs_val_capi = cluster_service.getAbs(); if (abs_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleAbsWarn = true; } else { telltale.telltaleAbsWarn = false; } var espact_val_capi = cluster_service.getEspAct(); if (espact_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleEspAct = true; } else { telltale.telltaleEspAct = false; } var hill_val_capi = cluster_service.getHillDescent(); if (hill_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleHillDescent = true; } else { telltale.telltaleHillDescent = false; } var immobi_val_capi = cluster_service.getImmobi(); if (immobi_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleImmobi = true; } else { telltale.telltaleImmobi = false; } var door_val_capi = cluster_service.getDoor(); if (door_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleDoor = true; } else { telltale.telltaleDoor = false; } var eps_val_capi = cluster_service.getEps(); if (eps_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleEps = true; } else { telltale.telltaleEps = false; } var hibeamgreen_val_capi = cluster_service.getAutoHiBeamGreen(); var hibeam_val_capi = cluster_service.getHighbeam(); if (hibeamgreen_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist = true; if (hibeam_val_capi === true) { telltale.telltaleHighbeam = true; telltale.telltaleLowbeam = false; } else { telltale.telltaleHighbeam = false; telltale.telltaleLowbeam = true; } } else { telltale.telltaleHighbeamAssist = false; telltale.telltaleHighbeam = false; telltale.telltaleLowbeam = false; } } }