########################################################################### # Copyright 2015, 2016, 2017 IoT.bzh # # author: Fulup Ar Foll <fulup@iot.bzh> # contrib: Romain Forlot <romain.forlot@iot.bzh> # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. ########################################################################### #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # WARNING: # Do not change this cmake template # Customise your preferences in "./etc/config.cmake" #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get colorized message output non Windows OS. You know bash ? :) if(NOT WIN32) string(ASCII 27 Esc) set(ColourReset "${Esc}[m") set(ColourBold "${Esc}[1m") set(Red "${Esc}[31m") set(Green "${Esc}[32m") set(Yellow "${Esc}[33m") set(Blue "${Esc}[34m") set(Magenta "${Esc}[35m") set(Cyan "${Esc}[36m") set(White "${Esc}[37m") set(BoldRed "${Esc}[1;31m") set(BoldGreen "${Esc}[1;32m") set(BoldYellow "${Esc}[1;33m") set(BoldBlue "${Esc}[1;34m") set(BoldMagenta "${Esc}[1;35m") set(BoldCyan "${Esc}[1;36m") set(BoldWhite "${Esc}[1;37m") endif() # Native packaging name set(NPKG_PROJECT_NAME agl-${PROJECT_NAME}) string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+" LINUX_VERSION_CODE ${LINUX_VERSION_CODE_LINE}) math(EXPR a "${LINUX_VERSION_CODE} >> 16") math(EXPR b "(${LINUX_VERSION_CODE} >> 8) & 255") math(EXPR c "(${LINUX_VERSION_CODE} & 255)") set(KERNEL_VERSION "${a}.${b}.${c}") # Setup project and app-templates version variables execute_process(COMMAND git describe --abbrev=0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_PROJECT_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) execute_process(COMMAND git describe --abbrev=0 WORKING_DIRECTORY ${BARE_PKG_TEMPLATE_PREFIX} OUTPUT_VARIABLE APP_TEMPLATES_VERSION OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Get the git commit hash to append to the version execute_process(COMMAND git rev-parse --short HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE COMMIT_HASH OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Detect unstaged or untracked changes execute_process(COMMAND git status --short WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} OUTPUT_VARIABLE DIRTY_FLAG OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) # Include project configuration # ------------------------------ if(NOT DEFINED PROJECT_VERSION) set(PROJECT_VERSION ${GIT_PROJECT_VERSION}) endif() # Release additionnals informations isn't supported so setting project # attributes then add the dirty flag if git repo not sync'ed project(${PROJECT_NAME} VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION} LANGUAGES ${PROJECT_LANGUAGES}) if(NOT ${DIRTY_FLAG}) set(PROJECT_VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}-${COMMIT_HASH}-dirty") else() set(PROJECT_VERSION "${PROJECT_VERSION}-${COMMIT_HASH}") endif() set(AFB_TOKEN "" CACHE PATH "Default AFB_TOKEN") set(AFB_REMPORT "1234" CACHE PATH "Default AFB_TOKEN") # Check GCC minimal version if (gcc_minimal_version) message (STATUS "${Cyan}-- Check gcc_minimal_version (found gcc version ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION}) \ (found g++ version ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION})${ColourReset}") if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${gcc_minimal_version} OR CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${gcc_minimal_version}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${Red}**** FATAL: Require at least gcc-${gcc_minimal_version} please set CMAKE_C[XX]_COMPILER") endif() endif(gcc_minimal_version) # Check Kernel mandatory version, will fail the configuration if required version not matched. if (kernel_mandatory_version) message (STATUS "${Cyan}-- Check kernel_mandatory_version (found kernel version ${KERNEL_VERSION})${ColourReset}") if (KERNEL_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${kernel_mandatory_version}) message(FATAL_ERROR "${Red}**** FATAL: Require at least ${kernel_mandatory_version} please use a recent kernel or source your SDK environment then clean and reconfigure your CMake project.") endif (KERNEL_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${kernel_mandatory_version}) endif(kernel_mandatory_version) # Check Kernel minimal version just print a Warning about missing features # and set a definition to be used as preprocessor condition in code to disable # incompatibles features. if (kernel_minimal_version) message (STATUS "${Cyan}-- Check kernel_minimal_version (found kernel version ${KERNEL_VERSION})${ColourReset}") if (KERNEL_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${kernel_minimal_version}) message(WARNING "${Yellow}**** Warning: Some feature(s) require at least ${kernel_minimal_version}. Please use a recent kernel or source your SDK environment then clean and reconfigure your CMake project.${ColourReset}") else (KERNEL_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${kernel_minimal_version}) add_definitions(-DKERNEL_MINIMAL_VERSION_OK) endif (KERNEL_VERSION VERSION_LESS ${kernel_minimal_version}) endif(kernel_minimal_version) # Project path variables # ---------------------- set(PKGOUT_DIR package CACHE PATH "Output directory for packages") # Define a default package directory if(PKG_PREFIX) set(PROJECT_PKG_BUILD_DIR ${PKG_PREFIX}/${PKGOUT_DIR} CACHE PATH "Application contents to be packaged") else() set(PROJECT_PKG_BUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${PKGOUT_DIR} CACHE PATH "Application contents to be packaged") endif() # Paths to templates files set(TEMPLATE_DIR "${BARE_PKG_TEMPLATE_PREFIX}/template.d" CACHE PATH "Subpath to a directory where are stored needed files to launch on remote target to debuging purposes") string(REGEX REPLACE "^(.*)/.*$" "\\1" ENTRY_POINT "${BARE_PKG_TEMPLATE_PREFIX}") set(PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT ${ENTRY_POINT}/packaging CACHE PATH "Where package build files, like rpm.spec file or config.xml, are write.") set(WIDGET_ICON "${ENTRY_POINT}/wgt/${PROJECT_ICON}" CACHE PATH "Path to the widget icon") if(NOT WIDGET_CONFIG_TEMPLATE) set(WIDGET_CONFIG_TEMPLATE ${TEMPLATE_DIR}/config.xml.in CACHE PATH "Path to widget config file template (config.xml.in)") endif() # Path to autobuild template set(PROJECT_TEMPLATE_AGL_AUTOBUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/conf.d/autobuild/agl CACHE PATH "Subpath to a directory where are stored autobuild script") set(PROJECT_TEMPLATE_LINUX_AUTOBUILD_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/conf.d/autobuild/linux CACHE PATH "Subpath to a directory where are stored autobuild script") # Archive target variables set(ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/${NPKG_PROJECT_NAME}_${PROJECT_VERSION}.orig.tar) set(ARCHIVE_OUTPUT ${ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_ARCHIVE}.gz) set(TMP_ARCHIVE_SUBMODULE ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/${NPKG_PROJECT_NAME}-sub) set(CMD_ARCHIVE_SUBMODULE \'git archive --verbose --prefix=${NPKG_PROJECT_NAME}-${PROJECT_VERSION}/$$path/ --format tar HEAD --output ${TMP_ARCHIVE_SUBMODULE}-$$sha1.tar\' ) if(OSRELEASE MATCHES "debian" AND NOT DEFINED ENV{SDKTARGETSYSROOT} AND NOT DEFINED CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) # build deb spec file from template set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_DSC ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/${NPKG_PROJECT_NAME}.dsc) set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_INSTALL ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/debian.${NPKG_PROJECT_NAME}.install) set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_CHANGELOG ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/debian.changelog) set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_COMPAT ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/debian.compat) set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_CONTROL ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/debian.control) set(PACKAGING_DEB_OUTPUT_RULES ${PROJECT_PKG_ENTRY_POINT}/debian.rules) endif() # Break After Binding are loaded but before they get initialised set(GDB_INITIAL_BREAK "personality" CACHE STRING "Initial Break Point for GDB remote") # Define some checker binaries to verify input DATA files # to be included in package. Schema aren't checked for now. # Dummy checker about JSON. set(LUA_CHECKER "luac" "-p" CACHE STRING "LUA compiler") set(XML_CHECKER "xmllint" CACHE STRING "XML linter") set(JSON_CHECKER "" CACHE STRING "JSON linter") # Default GNU directories path variables set(BINDIR bin CACHE PATH "User executables") set(ETCDIR etc CACHE PATH "Read only system configuration data") set(LIBDIR lib CACHE PATH "System library directory") set(HTTPDIR htdocs CACHE PATH "HTML5 data directory") set(DATADIR var CACHE PATH "External data resources files") # Normally CMake uses the build tree for the RPATH when building executables # etc on systems that use RPATH. When the software is installed the executables # etc are relinked by CMake to have the install RPATH. If this variable is set # to true then the software is always built with the install path for the RPATH # and does not need to be relinked when installed. # Rpath could be set and controlled by target property INSTALL_RPATH set(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH true)