# Autobuild Applications based on the AGL framework should have a full build and packaging solution that is independent of the [Yocto Project](https://www.yoctoproject.org) workflow. You can create a script named **autobuild** to control applications build operations. AGL provides a BitBake class file (`aglwgt.bbclass`) that calls the **autobuild** script for all operations. The class file is located at the top level of the application repository. You can write the **autobuild** script using any of the following languages: * Makefile * Bash * Python The script executes directly after applying a `chmod()` command. The caller, which can be the `aglwgt.bbclass`, a Jenkins job, or an actual person, must make the **autobuild** executable before calling it. To facilitate direct execution, you need to start the script with a [shebang](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)) sequence: * '#!/usr/bin/make -f' for Makefile format * '#!/usr/bin/bash' for Bash format The calling convention is similar to the convention used in `make`. To pass arguments, use environment variables. **NOTE:** For Bash, an evaluation of the arguments sets the environment variables correctly. The following format shows the generic call: ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild <command> [ARG1="value1" [ARG2="value2" ... ]] ``` The **autobuild** script can be invoked from any directory with all paths considered to be relative to the script's location. For makefile scripts, this is the usual behavior. For Bash scripts, a `cd $(dirname $0)` command must be run at the beginning of the script. At build time, the following calls must be made in the following order: 1. Initialize the build environment (e.g if the application uses `cmake` the configure step runs CMake). ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild configure CONFIGURE_ARGS="..." ``` 2. Build the application (i.e. compile, link binaries, assembles javascript, and so forth). ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild build BUILD_ARGS="...." ``` 3. Create the widget package(s) in the specified destination path prepared by the caller. ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild package PACKAGE_ARGS="..." DEST=<path-for-resulting-wgt-files> ``` 4. Create the test widget package(s) in the specified destination path prepared by the caller. ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild package-test PACKAGE_ARGS="..." DEST=<path-for-resulting-wgt-files> ``` 5. Clean the built files by removing the result of the **autobuild** build. ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild clean CLEAN_ARGS="..." ``` 6. Clean everything by removing the result of the **autobuild** build and the **autobuild** configure. ```bash autobuild/agl/autobuild distclean DISTCLEAN_ARGS="..." ``` ## Integrating **autobuild** into the Yocto Project Workflow If you want to integrate the **autobuild** script into the Yocto Project workflow, you need to generate the script. To generate the script, use the `autobuild` target. The following commands create the **autobuild** script in the `autobuild/agl` directory: ```bash mkdir -p build cd build cmake .. && make autobuild ``` ## Available Targets Following are the targets available from the **autobuild** script: - **clean**: Removes all the object files and target results generated by Makefile. - **distclean**: Deletes the build directory. - **configure**: Generates the project Makefile from the `CMakeLists.txt` files. - **build**: Compiles all project targets. - **package**: Builds a widget (**wgt**) package. - **package-test**: Builds the test **wgt** package and the normal **wgt** package. - **install**: Installs the project into your filesystem. Specifying the following variables lets you modify compilation behavior: - **CLEAN_ARGS**: Variable used at **clean** time. - **DISTCLEAN_ARGS**: Variable used at **distclean** time. - **CONFIGURE_ARGS**: Variable used at **configure** time. - **BUILD_ARGS**: Variable used at **build** time. - **DEST**: Directory in which to place the created ***wgt*** file. The default directory is the build root directory. When you provide a variable, use the CMake format (i.e. BUILD_ARGS="-DC_FLAGS='-g -O2'"). Following is an example: ```bash ./autobuild/agl/autobuild package DEST=/tmp ```