/* * Copyright (C) 2018 "IoT.bzh" * Author José Bollo * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* cynara_admin_initialize(&m_CynaraAdmin), cynara_admin_finish(m_CynaraAdmin); cynara_admin_set_policies(m_CynaraAdmin, pp_policies.data()), cynara_admin_list_policies(m_CynaraAdmin, bucketName.c_str(), appId.c_str(), cynara_admin_erase(m_CynaraAdmin, bucketName.c_str(), static_cast(recursive), cynara_admin_check(m_CynaraAdmin, bucket.c_str(), recursive, label.c_str(), cynara_initialize(&m_Cynara, nullptr), cynara_finish(m_Cynara); cynara_check(m_Cynara, */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CYNARA_ADMIN_ASK # define CYNARA_ADMIN_ASK 11 #endif #include "rcyn-client.h" /******************** ADMIN ********************************/ static int from_status(int rc) { switch (-rc) { case 0: rc = CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; break; case ENOMEM: rc = CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; break; case ENOTSUP: rc = CYNARA_API_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; case ENOENT: rc = CYNARA_API_CACHE_MISS; break; default: rc = CYNARA_API_UNKNOWN_ERROR; break; } return rc; } static int from_check_status(int rc) { switch (rc) { case 0: rc = CYNARA_API_ACCESS_DENIED; break; case 1: rc = CYNARA_API_ACCESS_ALLOWED; break; case -EEXIST: rc = CYNARA_API_ACCESS_NOT_RESOLVED; break; default: rc = from_status(rc); break; } return rc; } static int from_value(const char *value) { if (!strcmp(value, "yes")) return CYNARA_ADMIN_ALLOW; if (!strcmp(value, "ask")) return CYNARA_ADMIN_ASK; return CYNARA_ADMIN_DENY; } static const char *to_value(int value) { switch(value) { case CYNARA_ADMIN_DENY: case CYNARA_ADMIN_NONE: case CYNARA_ADMIN_BUCKET: return "no"; case CYNARA_ADMIN_ALLOW: return "yes"; case CYNARA_ADMIN_ASK: return "ask"; } return "?"; } /************************************ ERROR ****************************************/ static const struct { int num; const char *text; } error_descriptions[] = { { CYNARA_API_INTERRUPTED, "API call was interrupted by user" }, { CYNARA_API_ACCESS_NOT_RESOLVED, "access cannot be resolved without further actions" }, { CYNARA_API_ACCESS_ALLOWED, "access that was checked is allowed" }, { CYNARA_API_ACCESS_DENIED, "access that was checked is denied" }, { CYNARA_API_SUCCESS, "successful" }, { CYNARA_API_CACHE_MISS, "value is not present in cache" }, { CYNARA_API_MAX_PENDING_REQUESTS, "pending requests reached maximum" }, { CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "system is running out of memory" }, { CYNARA_API_INVALID_PARAM, "parameter is malformed" }, { CYNARA_API_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "service is not available" }, { CYNARA_API_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED, "method is not supported by library" }, { CYNARA_API_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED, "not allowed to perform requested operation" }, { CYNARA_API_OPERATION_FAILED, "failed to perform requested operation" }, { CYNARA_API_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND, "service hasn't found requested bucket" }, { CYNARA_API_UNKNOWN_ERROR, "unknown error" }, { CYNARA_API_CONFIGURATION_ERROR, "configuration error" }, { CYNARA_API_INVALID_COMMANDLINE_PARAM, "invalid parameter in command-line" }, { CYNARA_API_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT, "provided buffer is too short" }, { CYNARA_API_DATABASE_CORRUPTED, "database is corrupted" }, { CYNARA_API_PERMISSION_DENIED, "user doesn't have enough permission to perform action" }, }; int cynara_strerror(int errnum, char *buf, size_t buflen) { int i = (int)(sizeof error_descriptions / sizeof *error_descriptions); while(i) { if (error_descriptions[--i].num == errnum) { if (strlen(error_descriptions[i].text) >= buflen) return CYNARA_API_BUFFER_TOO_SHORT; if (buf == NULL) break; strcpy(buf, error_descriptions[i].text); return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } } return CYNARA_API_INVALID_PARAM; } /******************** ADMIN ********************************/ struct cynara_admin; int cynara_admin_initialize(struct cynara_admin **pp_cynara_admin) { return from_status(rcyn_open((rcyn_t**)pp_cynara_admin, rcyn_Admin, 0)); } int cynara_admin_finish(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin) { rcyn_close((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin); return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } int cynara_admin_set_policies(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin, const struct cynara_admin_policy *const *policies) { int rc, rc2; const struct cynara_admin_policy *p; rc = rcyn_enter((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin); if (rc == 0) { p = *policies; while (rc == 0 && p != NULL) { if (p->result == CYNARA_ADMIN_DELETE) rc = rcyn_drop((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, p->client, "*", p->user, p->privilege); else if (p->result != CYNARA_ADMIN_BUCKET && p->result != CYNARA_ADMIN_NONE) rc = rcyn_set((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, p->client, "*", p->user, p->privilege, to_value(p->result), 0); p = *++policies; } rc2 = rcyn_leave((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, rc == 0); if (rc == 0) rc = rc2; } return rc; } static void check_cb( void *closure, const char *client, const char *session, const char *user, const char *permission, const char *value, time_t expire ) { *((int*)closure) = from_value(value); } int cynara_admin_check(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin, const char *start_bucket, const int recursive, const char *client, const char *user, const char *privilege, int *result, char **result_extra) { if (result_extra) *result_extra = NULL; *result = CYNARA_ADMIN_DENY; return from_status(rcyn_get((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, client, "*", user, privilege, check_cb, result)); } struct list_data { struct cynara_admin_policy **policies; const char *bucket; unsigned count; int error; }; static void list_cb( void *closure, const char *client, const char *session, const char *user, const char *permission, const char *value, time_t expire ) { struct list_data *data = closure; struct cynara_admin_policy *pol; if (data->error) return; pol = calloc(1, sizeof *pol); if (pol == NULL) goto error; pol->bucket = strdup(data->bucket ?: ""); pol->client = strdup(client); pol->user = strdup(user); pol->privilege = strdup(permission); if (pol->bucket == NULL || pol->client == NULL || pol->user == NULL || pol->privilege == NULL) goto error; pol->result = from_value(value); pol->result_extra = 0; closure = realloc(data->policies, (data->count + 1) * sizeof *data->policies); if (closure == NULL) goto error; (data->policies = closure)[data->count++] = pol; return; error: if (pol) { free(pol->bucket); free(pol->client); free(pol->user); free(pol->privilege); free(pol); } data->error = -ENOMEM; } int cynara_admin_list_policies(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin, const char *bucket, const char *client, const char *user, const char *privilege, struct cynara_admin_policy ***policies) { int rc; struct list_data data; data.policies = NULL; data.bucket = bucket && strcmp(bucket, "#") && strcmp(bucket, "*") ? bucket : NULL; data.count = 0; data.error = 0; rc = rcyn_get((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, client, "*", user, privilege, list_cb, &data); if (rc == 0 && data.error != 0) rc = data.error; if (rc == 0 && !data.error) { if ((*policies = realloc(data.policies, (data.count + 1) * sizeof *data.policies)) != NULL) policies[0][data.count] = NULL; else rc = -ENOMEM; } if (rc) { while(data.count) free(data.policies[--data.count]); free(data.policies); *policies = NULL; } return from_status(rc); } int cynara_admin_erase(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin, const char *start_bucket, int recursive, const char *client, const char *user, const char *privilege) { int rc, rc2; rc = rcyn_enter((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin); if (rc == 0) { rc = rcyn_drop((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, client, "*", user, privilege); rc2 = rcyn_leave((rcyn_t*)p_cynara_admin, rc == 0); if (rc == 0) rc = rc2; } return from_status(rc); } int cynara_admin_list_policies_descriptions(struct cynara_admin *p_cynara_admin, struct cynara_admin_policy_descr ***descriptions) { struct cynara_admin_policy_descr **d = malloc(4 * sizeof *d), *s; if (d) { d[0] = malloc(sizeof *s); d[1] = malloc(sizeof *s); d[2] = malloc(sizeof *s); d[3] = NULL; if (d[0] != NULL && d[1] != NULL && d[2] != NULL) { d[0]->name = strdup("Deny"); d[1]->name = strdup("AskUser"); d[2]->name = strdup("Allow"); if (d[0]->name != NULL && d[1]->name != NULL && d[2]->name != NULL) { d[0]->result = CYNARA_ADMIN_DENY; d[1]->result = CYNARA_ADMIN_ASK; d[2]->result = CYNARA_ADMIN_ALLOW; *descriptions = d; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } free(d[0]->name); free(d[1]->name); free(d[2]->name); } free(d[0]); free(d[1]); free(d[2]); } *descriptions = NULL; return CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } /************************************* CLIENT-ASYNC **************************************/ struct cynara_async_configuration { uint32_t szcache; }; int cynara_async_configuration_create(cynara_async_configuration **pp_conf) { *pp_conf = malloc(sizeof(cynara_async_configuration)); if (*pp_conf == NULL) return CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; (*pp_conf)->szcache = 0; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } void cynara_async_configuration_destroy(cynara_async_configuration *p_conf) { free(p_conf); } int cynara_async_configuration_set_cache_size(cynara_async_configuration *p_conf, size_t cache_size) { p_conf->szcache = cache_size > 1000000 ? 1000000 : (uint32_t)cache_size; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } struct reqasync { struct reqasync *next; cynara_async *cynasync; cynara_response_callback callback; void *user_response_data; cynara_check_id id; bool canceled; }; struct cynara_async { rcyn_t *rcyn; cynara_status_callback callback; void *user_status_data; struct reqasync *reqs; cynara_check_id ids; }; static int async_control_cb(void *closure, int op, int fd, uint32_t events) { cynara_async *p_cynara = closure; cynara_async_status s = (events & EPOLLOUT) ? CYNARA_STATUS_FOR_RW : CYNARA_STATUS_FOR_READ; switch(op) { case EPOLL_CTL_ADD: p_cynara->callback(-1, fd, s, p_cynara->user_status_data); break; case EPOLL_CTL_MOD: p_cynara->callback(fd, fd, s, p_cynara->user_status_data); break; case EPOLL_CTL_DEL: p_cynara->callback(fd, -1, 0, p_cynara->user_status_data); break; } return 0; } int cynara_async_initialize(cynara_async **pp_cynara, const cynara_async_configuration *p_conf, cynara_status_callback callback, void *user_status_data) { int ret; cynara_async *p_cynara; p_cynara = malloc(sizeof *p_cynara); if (p_cynara == NULL) ret = CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; else { ret = from_status(rcyn_open(&p_cynara->rcyn, rcyn_Check, p_conf ? p_conf->szcache : 0)); if (ret != CYNARA_API_SUCCESS) free(p_cynara); else { p_cynara->callback = callback; p_cynara->user_status_data = user_status_data; p_cynara->reqs = NULL; p_cynara->ids = 0; rcyn_async_setup(p_cynara->rcyn, async_control_cb, p_cynara); *pp_cynara = p_cynara; } } return ret; } void cynara_async_finish(cynara_async *p_cynara) { struct reqasync *req; for(req = p_cynara->reqs ; req ; req = req->next) { if (!req->canceled) { req->callback(req->id, CYNARA_CALL_CAUSE_FINISH, 0, req->user_response_data); req->canceled = true; } } rcyn_close(p_cynara->rcyn); while((req = p_cynara->reqs)) { p_cynara->reqs = req->next; free(req); } free(p_cynara); } int cynara_async_check_cache(cynara_async *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege) { return from_check_status(rcyn_cache_check(p_cynara->rcyn, client, client_session,user, privilege)); } static void reqcb(void *closure, int status) { struct reqasync *req = closure, **p; p = &req->cynasync->reqs; while(*p && *p != req) p = &(*p)->next; if (*p) *p = req->next; if (!req->canceled) req->callback(req->id, CYNARA_CALL_CAUSE_ANSWER, from_check_status(status), req->user_response_data); free(req); } static int create_reqasync(cynara_async *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege, cynara_check_id *p_check_id, cynara_response_callback callback, void *user_response_data, bool simple) { int rc; struct reqasync *req; req = malloc(sizeof *req); if (req == NULL) return CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; req->next = p_cynara->reqs; req->cynasync = p_cynara; req->callback = callback; req->user_response_data = user_response_data; req->id = ++p_cynara->ids; req->canceled = false; rc = rcyn_async_check(p_cynara->rcyn, client, client_session, user, privilege, simple, reqcb, req); if (rc == 0) p_cynara->reqs = req; else free(req); return from_status(rc); } int cynara_async_create_request(cynara_async *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege, cynara_check_id *p_check_id, cynara_response_callback callback, void *user_response_data) { return create_reqasync(p_cynara, client, client_session, user, privilege, p_check_id, callback, user_response_data, false); } int cynara_async_create_simple_request(cynara_async *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege, cynara_check_id *p_check_id, cynara_response_callback callback, void *user_response_data) { return create_reqasync(p_cynara, client, client_session, user, privilege, p_check_id, callback, user_response_data, true); } int cynara_async_process(cynara_async *p_cynara) { return rcyn_async_process(p_cynara->rcyn); } int cynara_async_cancel_request(cynara_async *p_cynara, cynara_check_id check_id) { struct reqasync *req = p_cynara->reqs; while(req && req->id != check_id) req = req->next; if (req && !req->canceled) { req->canceled = true; req->callback(req->id, CYNARA_CALL_CAUSE_CANCEL, 0, req->user_response_data); } return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } /************************************* CLIENT **************************************/ struct cynara_configuration { uint32_t szcache; }; int cynara_configuration_create(cynara_configuration **pp_conf) { *pp_conf = malloc(sizeof(cynara_configuration)); if (*pp_conf == NULL) return CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; (*pp_conf)->szcache = 0; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } void cynara_configuration_destroy(cynara_configuration *p_conf) { free(p_conf); } int cynara_configuration_set_cache_size(cynara_configuration *p_conf, size_t cache_size) { p_conf->szcache = cache_size > 1000000 ? 1000000 : (uint32_t)cache_size; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } int cynara_initialize(cynara **pp_cynara, const cynara_configuration *p_conf) { return from_status(rcyn_open((rcyn_t**)pp_cynara, rcyn_Check, p_conf ? p_conf->szcache : 0)); } int cynara_finish(cynara *p_cynara) { rcyn_close((rcyn_t*)p_cynara); return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } int cynara_check(cynara *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege) { return from_check_status(rcyn_check((rcyn_t*)p_cynara, client, client_session, user, privilege)); } int cynara_simple_check(cynara *p_cynara, const char *client, const char *client_session, const char *user, const char *privilege) { return from_check_status(rcyn_test((rcyn_t*)p_cynara, client, client_session, user, privilege)); } /************************************* CREDS... & SESSION *********************************/ #define MAX_LABEL_LENGTH 1024 #if !defined(DEFAULT_PEERSEC_LABEL) # define DEFAULT_PEERSEC_LABEL "NoLabel" #endif int cynara_creds_get_default_client_method(enum cynara_client_creds *method) { *method = CLIENT_METHOD_SMACK; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } int cynara_creds_get_default_user_method(enum cynara_user_creds *method) { *method = USER_METHOD_UID; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } int cynara_creds_self_get_client(enum cynara_client_creds method, char **client) { char label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH + 1]; int len, fd; label[0] = 0; fd = open("/proc/self/current/attr", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { len = (int)read(fd, label, sizeof label - 1); label[len >= 0 ? len : 0] = 0; close(fd); } return (*client = strdup(label[0] ? label : DEFAULT_PEERSEC_LABEL)) ? CYNARA_API_SUCCESS : CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } int cynara_creds_self_get_user(enum cynara_user_creds method, char **user) { return asprintf(user, "%ld", (long)getuid()) > 0 ? CYNARA_API_SUCCESS : CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } int cynara_creds_socket_get_client(int fd, enum cynara_client_creds method, char **client) { int rc; socklen_t length; struct ucred ucred; char label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH + 1]; /* get the credentials */ length = (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred); rc = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucred, &length); if (rc < 0 || length != (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred) || !~ucred.uid) return CYNARA_API_OPERATION_FAILED; /* get the security label */ length = (socklen_t)(sizeof label); rc = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERSEC, label, &length); if (rc < 0 || length > (socklen_t)(sizeof label)) return CYNARA_API_OPERATION_FAILED; return (*client = strdup(label)) ? CYNARA_API_SUCCESS : CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } int cynara_creds_socket_get_user(int fd, enum cynara_user_creds method, char **user) { int rc; socklen_t length; struct ucred ucred; /* get the credentials */ length = (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred); rc = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucred, &length); if (rc < 0 || length != (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred) || !~ucred.uid) return CYNARA_API_OPERATION_FAILED; return asprintf(user, "%ld", (long)ucred.uid) > 0 ? CYNARA_API_SUCCESS : CYNARA_API_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } int cynara_creds_socket_get_pid(int fd, pid_t *pid) { int rc; socklen_t length; struct ucred ucred; /* get the credentials */ length = (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred); rc = getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PEERCRED, &ucred, &length); if (rc < 0 || length != (socklen_t)(sizeof ucred) || !~ucred.uid) return CYNARA_API_OPERATION_FAILED; *pid = ucred.pid; return CYNARA_API_SUCCESS; } char *cynara_session_from_pid(pid_t client_pid) { char *r; return asprintf(&r, "%ld", (long)client_pid) < 0 ? NULL : r; }