HVAC bindings and client application for Application Framework Binder ===================================================================== _(Application Framework Binder can be found on https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/src/app-framework-binder)_ Installation ------------ Download and install IoT.bzh docker image and sdk. 1. Follow [this guide](http://iot.bzh/download/public/2016/sdk/AGL-Devkit-Image-and-SDK-for-porter.pdf) to get your docker ready and running. 2. Check out this repository git clone https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/src/hvacplugin -c b sandbox/claneys/hvac-bindings Build project ------------- Get into build directory under hvacplugin repo and build the widget: - cd hvacplugin/build - cmake .. && make It will build the binding with QML Frontend and package all that into a wgt file named : hvac-hybrid-qml.wgt Install and test the widget -------------------------- ### Installation Transfer the wgt file on your platform with scp : ```C $ scp hvac-hybrid-qml.wgt root@:/tmp ``` than install it using afm-util: ```C # afm-util install /tmp/hvac-hybrid-qml.wgt { "added": "hvac-hybrid-qml@0.1" } ``` ### Test You can launch bindings using the afb-daemoni, starting them manually like this, don't forget to change and by your choice using an unused port and a random number for the security token: ```C # /usr/bin/afb-daemon --ldpaths=/usr/lib/afb:/usr/share/afm/applications/hvac-hybrid-qml/0.1/lib --mode=local --readyfd=8 --alias=/icons:/usr/share/afm/icons --port= --rootdir=/usr/share/afm/applications/hvac-hybrid-qml/0.1 --roothttp=htdocs --token= --sessiondir=/home/root/app-data/hvac-hybrid-qml/.afb-daemon & NOTICE: binding [/usr/lib/afb/afb-dbus-binding.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register NOTICE: binding /usr/lib/afb/afb-dbus-binding.so loaded with API prefix dbus NOTICE: binding [/usr/lib/afb/authLogin.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register NOTICE: binding /usr/lib/afb/authLogin.so loaded with API prefix auth NOTICE: binding [/usr/share/afm/applications/hvac-hybrid-qml/0.1/lib/hvac-hybrid-qml.so] calling registering function afbBindingV1Register NOTICE: binding /usr/share/afm/applications/hvac-hybrid-qml/0.1/lib/hvac-hybrid-qml.so loaded with API prefix hvac NOTICE: Waiting port=12357 rootdir=/usr/share/afm/applications/hvac-hybrid-qml/0.1 NOTICE: Browser URL= http:/*localhost:12357 ``` With bindings launched you can now test them using afm-demo-client as you have to communicate with bindings using WebSocket protocol. When connection established you can dialog with binding using api/verbs from application framework and running bindings. At first, try to authenticate with ```auth connect``` which will renew token and create a new session context for the running app. Then test following verbs using api ***hvac***: - ping : Ping the binder - get_temp_left_zone : Get the left zone temperature - get_temp_right_zone : Get the right zone temperature - get_fanspeed : Read fan speed - get_all : Read all values - set : Set value(s) ```C # afb-client-demo ws://localhost:/api?token= hvac get_all ON-REPLY 1:hvac/get_all: {"response":{"LeftTemperature":21,"RightTemperature":21,"FanSpeed":0},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","uuid":"f6175a3f-f57a-49ae-80f5-d215abd6e24c"}} hvac get_temp_left_zone ON-REPLY 2:hvac/get_temp_left_zone: {"response":{"LeftTemperature":21},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","info":"Left zone Temperature is:21 query=\"null\""}} hvac set {"FanSpeed":23, "RightTemperature": 55, "LeftTemperature": 54} ON-REPLY 3:hvac/set: {"response":{"FanSpeed":23,"RightTemperature":55,"LeftTemperature":54},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","info":"HVAC settings updated"}} hvac get_all ON-REPLY 4:hvac/get_all: {"response":{"LeftTemperature":54,"RightTemperature":55,"FanSpeed":23},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success"}} hvac set {"FanSpeed":23} ON-REPLY 5:hvac/set: {"response":{"FanSpeed":23},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success","info":"HVAC settings updated"}} hvac get_all ON-REPLY 6:hvac/get_all: {"response":{"LeftTemperature":54,"RightTemperature":55,"FanSpeed":23},"jtype":"afb-reply","request":{"status":"success"}} ``` TODO: QML files aren't modified to fit with bindings for now. They have to be modified to make hybrid application works.