By default controller searches for a config filename with the same 'middlename' as daemon process. As an example if your process name is afb-daemon then middle name is 'daemon'. ``` onload-middlename-xxxxx.json # Middlename is taken from process middlename. ``` You may overload config search path with environement variables * AFB_BINDER_NAME: change patern config search path. 'export AFB_BINDER_NAME=sample' will make controller to search for a configfile name 'onload-sample-xxx.json'. * CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH: change default reserch path for configuration. You may provide multiple directories separated by ':'. * CONTROL_LUA_PATH: same as CONTROL_CONFIG_PATH but for Lua script files. Example to load a config name 'onload-myconfig-test.json' do ``` AFB_BINDER_NAME='myconfig' afb-daemon --verbose ...' ``` Note: you may change search pattern for Lua script by adding 'ctlname=afb-middlename-xxx' in the metadata section of your config 'onload-*.json'