/* * Copyright (C) 2019,2022 Konsulko Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <QMetaEnum> #include <QSortFilterProxyModel> #include <QtQml/QQmlEngine> #include "network.h" #include "wiredadapter.h" #include "wirednetworkmodel.h" #include "connectionprofile.h" WiredAdapter::WiredAdapter(Network *network, QQmlContext *context, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), AdapterIf(), m_wiredConnected(false), m_wiredEnabled(false), m_model(nullptr), nw(network) { m_model = new WiredNetworkModel(); QSortFilterProxyModel *model = new QSortFilterProxyModel(); model->setSourceModel(m_model); model->setSortRole(WiredNetworkModel::WiredNetworkRoles::ServiceRole); model->setSortCaseSensitivity(Qt::CaseInsensitive); model->sort(0); context->setContextProperty("WiredNetworkModel", m_model); context->setContextProperty("WiredAdapter", this); } WiredAdapter::~WiredAdapter() { delete m_model; } void WiredAdapter::updateStatus(const QVariantMap &properties) { QString key = "Connected"; if (properties.contains(key)) { m_wiredConnected = properties.value(key).toBool(); emit wiredConnectedChanged(m_wiredConnected); } key = "Powered"; if (properties.contains(key)) { m_wiredEnabled = properties.value(key).toBool(); emit wiredEnabledChanged(m_wiredEnabled); if (m_wiredEnabled) nw->getServices(); } } void WiredAdapter::updateProperties(const QString &id, const QVariantMap &properties) { if (m_model->getNetwork(id)) m_model->updateProperties(id, properties); } bool WiredAdapter::addService(const QString &id, const QVariantMap &properties) { QString type; QString key = "Type"; if (properties.contains(key)) { type = properties.value(key).toString(); if (type != getType()) return false; } // Ignore services already added if (m_model->getNetwork(id)) return false; QString state; key = "State"; if (properties.contains(key)) state = properties.value(key).toString(); // Initially support only IPv4 and the first security method found QString address; QString netmask; QString gateway; QString amethod; key = "IPv4"; if (properties.contains(key)) { QVariantMap ip4_map = properties.value(key).toMap(); key = "Address"; if (ip4_map.contains(key)) address = ip4_map.value(key).toString(); key = "Netmask"; if (ip4_map.contains(key)) netmask = ip4_map.value(key).toString(); key = "Gateway"; if (ip4_map.contains(key)) gateway = ip4_map.value(key).toString(); key = "Method"; if (ip4_map.contains(key)) amethod = ip4_map.value(key).toString(); } QString ns; key = "Nameservers"; if (properties.contains(key)) ns = properties.value(key).toString(); QString nsmethod = (amethod == "dhcp")? "auto" : "manual"; QString security; key = "Security"; if (properties.contains(key)) { QVariantList security_list = properties.value(key).toList(); if (!security_list.isEmpty()) security = security_list[0].toString(); } #if LIBQTAPPFW_NETWORK_DEBUG qDebug() << "WiredAdapter::addService: address = " << address << ", id = " << id << ", state = " << state << ", netmask = " << netmask << ", gateway = " << gateway << ", address method = " << amethod << ", nameservers = " << ns << ", nameserver method = " << nsmethod << ", security = " << security; #endif ConnectionProfile *network = new ConnectionProfile(address, security, id, state, "", 0, netmask, gateway, amethod, ns, nsmethod); m_model->addNetwork(network); return true; } void WiredAdapter::removeService(const QString &id) { m_model->removeNetwork(m_model->getNetwork(id)); }