/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Konsulko Group * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <QStringList> #include "voice.h" #include "message.h" #include "messageengine.h" #include "responsemessage.h" #include "voicemessage.h" #include "voiceagentregistry.h" Voice::Voice (QUrl &url, QQmlContext *context, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), m_loop(nullptr) { m_loop = new MessageEngine(url); m_var = new VoiceAgentRegistry(this, context, parent); QObject::connect(m_loop, &MessageEngine::connected, this, &Voice::onConnected); QObject::connect(m_loop, &MessageEngine::disconnected, this, &Voice::onDisconnected); QObject::connect(m_loop, &MessageEngine::messageReceived, this, &Voice::onMessageReceived); } Voice::~Voice() { delete m_loop; delete m_var; } void Voice::scan() { VoiceMessage *vmsg = new VoiceMessage(); QJsonObject parameter; vmsg->createRequest("enumerateVoiceAgents", parameter); m_loop->sendMessage(vmsg); delete vmsg; } void Voice::getCBLpair(QString id) { triggerCBLProcess(id); } void Voice::subscribeAgentToVshlEvents(QString id) { QJsonArray events = QJsonArray::fromStringList(vshl_events); VoiceMessage *vmsg = new VoiceMessage(); QJsonObject parameter; parameter.insert("va_id", id); parameter.insert("events", events); vmsg->createRequest("subscribe", parameter); m_loop->sendMessage(vmsg); delete vmsg; } void Voice::unsubscribeAgentFromVshlEvents(QString id) { QJsonArray events = QJsonArray::fromStringList(vshl_events); VoiceMessage *vmsg = new VoiceMessage(); QJsonObject parameter; parameter.insert("va_id", id); parameter.insert("events", events); vmsg->createRequest("unsubscribe", parameter); m_loop->sendMessage(vmsg); delete vmsg; } void Voice::triggerCBLProcess(QString id) { QJsonArray events; VoiceMessage *vmsg = new VoiceMessage(); QJsonObject parameter; parameter.insert("va_id", id); parameter.insert("events", events); vmsg->createRequest("subscribeToLoginEvents", parameter); m_loop->sendMessage(vmsg); delete vmsg; } void Voice::parseAgentsList(QJsonArray agents) { for (auto value : agents) { QJsonObject a = value.toObject(); QString id = m_var->addAgent(a); subscribeAgentToVshlEvents(id); } } void Voice::processEvent(VoiceMessage *vmsg) { const QString str = vmsg->eventName(); QJsonObject data = vmsg->eventData(); QString agentId = data.value("va_id").toString(); QString state = data.value("state").toString(); if (vmsg->isAuthStateEvent()) { m_var->setAuthState( agentId, static_cast<VoiceAgentRegistry::ServiceAuthState>( m_var->stringToEnum(state, "ServiceAuthState"))); return; } else if (vmsg->isConnectionStateEvent()) { m_var->setConnectionState( agentId, static_cast<VoiceAgentRegistry::AgentConnectionState>( m_var->stringToEnum(state, "AgentConnectionState"))); return; } else if (vmsg->isDialogStateEvent()) { m_var->setDialogState( agentId, static_cast<VoiceAgentRegistry::VoiceDialogState>( m_var->stringToEnum(state, "VoiceDialogState"))); return; } else if (vmsg->isCblEvent()) { auto payload_iter = data.find("payload"); if (payload_iter == data.end()) qWarning() << "no top-level payload field in event"; auto payload_stringval = payload_iter.value().toString(); if (!payload_stringval.isEmpty()) payload_stringval.remove('\n'); QJsonDocument infodoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(payload_stringval.toUtf8()); QJsonObject info = infodoc.object(); QJsonObject properties = info.value("payload").toObject(); QString url = properties.value("url").toString(); QString code = properties.value("code").toString(); if (str.contains("expired")) m_var->updateLoginData(agentId, code, url, true); else if (str.contains("received")) { m_var->updateLoginData(agentId, code, url, false); } else qWarning() << "unknown cbl event"; return; } qWarning() << "Unknown vshl event:" << str; } void Voice::processReply(ResponseMessage *rmsg) { if (rmsg->replyStatus() == "failed") { qWarning() << "Reply Failed received for verb:" << rmsg->requestVerb(); } else if (rmsg->requestVerb() == "enumerateVoiceAgents") { parseAgentsList(rmsg->replyData().value("agents").toArray()); m_var->setDefaultId( rmsg->replyData().value("default").toString()); } else qWarning() << "discarding reply received for verb:" << rmsg->requestVerb(); } void Voice::onConnected() { scan(); } void Voice::onDisconnected() { QStringList mvarlist = m_var->getAgentsListById(); QStringList::iterator it; for (it = mvarlist.begin(); it != mvarlist.end(); ++it) unsubscribeAgentFromVshlEvents(*it); } void Voice::onMessageReceived(MessageType type, Message *msg) { if (msg->isEvent() && type == VoiceEventMessage) { processEvent(qobject_cast<VoiceMessage*>(msg)); } else if (msg->isReply() && (type == ResponseRequestMessage)) { processReply(qobject_cast<ResponseMessage*>(msg)); } else qWarning() << "Received unknown message type:" << type; msg->deleteLater(); }