/*** This file is part of PulseAudio. Copyright 2018 Collabora Ltd. Author: George Kiagiadakis PulseAudio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PulseAudio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with PulseAudio; if not, see . ***/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "m4a_afb_comm.h" #define DEFAULT_URI "sd:ahl-4a" PA_MODULE_AUTHOR("George Kiagiadakis"); PA_MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Makes PulseAudio work as a client of the AGL Advanced Audio Architecture"); PA_MODULE_LOAD_ONCE(true); PA_MODULE_VERSION(PACKAGE_VERSION); PA_MODULE_USAGE( "uri=" "default_role="); static const char* const valid_modargs[] = { "uri", "default_role", NULL }; typedef struct _m4a_stream { pa_module *self; union { pa_sink_input *sink_input; pa_source_output *source_output; }; char *role; char *device_uri; bool entity_is_sink; bool entity_loaded; uint32_t entity_id; uint32_t entity_module_id; pa_semaphore *semaphore; PA_LLIST_FIELDS(struct _m4a_stream); } m4a_stream; typedef struct { /* configuration data */ pa_modargs *ma; /* operational data */ pa_mutex *lock; pa_dynarray *roles; /* element-type: char* */ PA_LLIST_HEAD(m4a_stream, streams); pa_hook_slot *sink_input_put_slot, *sink_input_unlink_post_slot; m4a_afb_comm *comm; } m4a_data; static bool role_exists(m4a_data *d, const char *role) { char *r; int idx; PA_DYNARRAY_FOREACH(r, d->roles, idx) { if (!strcmp(role, r)) return true; } return false; } static char *decide_role(m4a_data *d, pa_proplist *p) { const char *role; role = pa_proplist_gets(p, PA_PROP_MEDIA_ROLE); if (role && role_exists(d, role)) { return pa_xstrdup(role); } /* FIXME we might want to do some mapping here between the standard * pulseaudio roles and whatever roles might be available in 4a */ /* try the default role specified in the module arguments, or fall back * to "multimedia", which we can just hope that it exists */ role = pa_modargs_get_value(d->ma, "default_role", "multimedia"); if (role_exists(d, role)) { return pa_xstrdup(role); } return NULL; } static pa_sink *load_sink_module(pa_core *core, const char *module, char *params) { pa_module *m = NULL; pa_sink *target = NULL; uint32_t idx; if (pa_module_load(&m, core, module, params) < 0) { pa_log("Failed to load module %s %s", module, params); return NULL; } pa_xfree(params); PA_IDXSET_FOREACH(target, core->sinks, idx) { if (target->module == m) break; } if (target->module != m) { pa_log("%s didn't create any sinks", module); pa_module_unload(m, false); return NULL; } return target; } /* invoked in the afb communication thread */ static void got_roles_cb(enum m4a_afb_reply r, json_object *response, pa_module *self) { m4a_data *d = self->userdata; int length, i; json_object *jr; char *role; pa_mutex_lock(d->lock); if (r == M4A_AFB_REPLY_OK && json_object_get_type(response) == json_type_array) { length = json_object_array_length(response); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { jr = json_object_array_get_idx(response, i); if (json_object_get_type(jr) == json_type_string) { role = pa_xstrdup(json_object_get_string(jr)); pa_log_debug("Found 4a role: %s", role); pa_dynarray_append(d->roles, role); } } } pa_mutex_unlock(d->lock); } static m4a_stream *m4a_stream_new(pa_module *self, bool sink) { m4a_data *d = self->userdata; m4a_stream *stream; stream = pa_xnew0(m4a_stream, 1); stream->self = self; stream->entity_is_sink = sink; stream->semaphore = pa_semaphore_new(0); pa_mutex_lock(d->lock); PA_LLIST_PREPEND(m4a_stream, d->streams, stream); pa_mutex_unlock(d->lock); return stream; } static void m4a_stream_free(m4a_stream *stream) { m4a_data *d = stream->self->userdata; if (stream->role) pa_xfree(stream->role); if (stream->device_uri) pa_xfree(stream->device_uri); if (stream->entity_loaded) pa_module_unload_request_by_index(stream->self->core, stream->entity_module_id, false); pa_semaphore_free(stream->semaphore); pa_mutex_lock(d->lock); PA_LLIST_REMOVE(m4a_stream, d->streams, stream); pa_mutex_unlock(d->lock); pa_xfree(stream); } /* invoked in the afb communication thread */ static void device_open_cb(enum m4a_afb_reply r, json_object *response, m4a_stream *stream) { json_object *jdu; const char *device_uri = NULL; if (r == M4A_AFB_REPLY_OK && json_object_get_type(response) == json_type_object) { json_object_object_get_ex(response, "device_uri", &jdu); if (json_object_object_get_ex(response, "device_uri", &jdu) && json_object_get_type(jdu) == json_type_string) { device_uri = json_object_get_string(jdu); } } pa_log_debug("4A replied: %s, device_uri: %s", (r == M4A_AFB_REPLY_OK) ? "OK" : "ERROR", device_uri ? device_uri : "(null)"); stream->device_uri = pa_xstrdup(device_uri); pa_semaphore_post(stream->semaphore); } static pa_hook_result_t sink_input_put_cb(pa_core *core, pa_sink_input *i, pa_module *self) { m4a_data *d = self->userdata; json_object *jparams; char *role; pa_mutex_lock(d->lock); role = decide_role(d, i->proplist); pa_mutex_unlock(d->lock); pa_log_info("New sink_input with role: %s", role ? role : "(null)"); if (role) { m4a_stream *stream = m4a_stream_new(self, true); stream->role = role; stream->sink_input = i; pa_log_debug("Calling 4A to open the device"); jparams = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jparams, "action", json_object_new_string("open")); m4a_afb_call_async(d->comm, role, jparams, (m4a_afb_done_cb_t) device_open_cb, stream); pa_log_debug("waiting for 4A to reply"); pa_semaphore_wait(stream->semaphore); if (stream->device_uri) { pa_sink *s; if ((s = load_sink_module(self->core, "module-alsa-sink", pa_sprintf_malloc("device=%s", stream->device_uri)))) { stream->entity_id = s->index; stream->entity_module_id = s->module->index; stream->entity_loaded = true; pa_log_info("moving sink_input to alsa sink"); pa_sink_input_move_to(i, s, false); } else { pa_xfree(stream->device_uri); stream->device_uri = NULL; } } if (!stream->device_uri) { pa_log_info("sink_input is not authorized to connect to 4A"); //TODO maybe queue and play this stream when 4A allows it m4a_stream_free(stream); return PA_HOOK_CANCEL; } } return PA_HOOK_OK; } /* invoked in the afb communication thread */ static void device_close_cb(enum m4a_afb_reply r, json_object *response, m4a_stream *stream) { pa_log_debug("4A replied: %s", (r == M4A_AFB_REPLY_OK) ? "OK" : "ERROR"); m4a_stream_free(stream); } static pa_hook_result_t sink_input_unlink_post_cb(pa_core *core, pa_sink_input *i, pa_module *self) { m4a_data *d = self->userdata; m4a_stream *stream = NULL; json_object *jparams; PA_LLIST_FOREACH(stream, d->streams) { if (stream->sink_input == i) break; } if (stream && stream->sink_input == i) { pa_log_debug("unloading module-alsa-sink (%s)", stream->role); pa_module_unload_by_index(stream->self->core, stream->entity_module_id, false); stream->entity_loaded = false; jparams = json_object_new_object(); json_object_object_add(jparams, "action", json_object_new_string("close")); m4a_afb_call_async(d->comm, stream->role, jparams, (m4a_afb_done_cb_t) device_close_cb, stream); } return PA_HOOK_OK; } int pa__init(pa_module *self) { m4a_data *d; const char *uri; pa_assert(self); self->userdata = d = pa_xnew0(m4a_data, 1); d->roles = pa_dynarray_new(pa_xfree); d->lock = pa_mutex_new(false, false); if (!(d->ma = pa_modargs_new(self->argument, valid_modargs))) { pa_log("Failed to parse module arguments"); goto fail; } uri = pa_modargs_get_value(d->ma, "uri", DEFAULT_URI); if (!(d->comm = m4a_afb_comm_new(uri))) { goto fail; } if (!m4a_afb_call_async(d->comm, "get_roles", NULL, (m4a_afb_done_cb_t) got_roles_cb, self)) { goto fail; } d->sink_input_put_slot = pa_hook_connect(&self->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_INPUT_PUT], PA_HOOK_NORMAL, (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_input_put_cb, self); d->sink_input_unlink_post_slot = pa_hook_connect(&self->core->hooks[PA_CORE_HOOK_SINK_INPUT_UNLINK_POST], PA_HOOK_NORMAL, (pa_hook_cb_t) sink_input_unlink_post_cb, self); return 0; fail: pa__done(self); return -1; } void pa__done(pa_module *self) { m4a_data *d; pa_assert(self); d = self->userdata; while (d->streams) m4a_stream_free(d->streams); pa_dynarray_free(d->roles); pa_mutex_free(d->lock); if (d->ma) pa_modargs_free(d->ma); if (d->sink_input_put_slot) pa_hook_slot_free(d->sink_input_put_slot); if (d->sink_input_unlink_post_slot) pa_hook_slot_free(d->sink_input_unlink_post_slot); if (d->comm) m4a_afb_comm_free(d->comm); }