From baae23ba3271b8f5c053c6a8e0a7ef9562d355f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Edi Feschiyan <>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2020 20:56:10 +0300
Subject: Changing portfinder method to run locally without ssh

 pyagl/services/ | 99 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 64 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)

diff --git a/pyagl/services/ b/pyagl/services/
index e34d89c..39443a1 100644
--- a/pyagl/services/
+++ b/pyagl/services/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from subprocess import check_output
 from json import JSONDecodeError
 from parse import Result, parse
 from websockets import connect
@@ -134,13 +135,14 @@ class AGLBaseService:
         return self._async_init()
     async def _async_init(self):
-        # setting ping_interval to None because AFB does not support websocket ping
+        # setting ping_timeout to None because AFB does not support websocket ping
         # if set to !None, the library will close the socket after the default timeout
         if self.port is None:
             serviceport = await self.portfinder()
             if serviceport is not None:
                 self.port = serviceport
+                print("Service port: ", serviceport)
                 self.logger.error('Unable to find port')
@@ -162,50 +164,77 @@ class AGLBaseService:
         return await self.websocket.recv()
     async def portfinder(self):
+        fieldsstr = '{sl}: {local_address} {rem_address} {st} {tx_queue}:{rx_queue} {tr}:{tmwhen} {retrnsmt} {uid}' \
+                    ' {timeout} {inode} {sref_cnt} {memloc} {rto} {pred_sclk} {ackquick} {congest} {slowstart}'
         # TODO:handle ssh timeouts, asyncssh does not support it apparently, and connect returns context_manager which
         # cannot be used with asyncio.wait_for
-        async with asyncssh.connect(self.ip, username='root') as c:
-            servicename = await"systemctl --all | grep {self.service}-- | awk '{{print $1}}'", check=False)
-            if self.service not in servicename.stdout:
-                logging.error(f"Service matching pattern - '{self.service}' - NOT FOUND")
+        if self.ip == 'localhost' or self.ip == '':
+            servicename = check_output(f"systemctl --all | grep {self.service}-- | awk '{{print $1}}'".encode(), shell=True)
+            servicename = servicename.decode().strip()
+            if self.service not in servicename:
+                self.logger.error(f"Service matching pattern - '{self.service}' - NOT FOUND")
-            pidres = await'systemctl show --property MainPID --value {servicename.stdout.strip()}')
-            pid = int(pidres.stdout.strip(), 10)
+            pid = check_output(f'systemctl show --property MainPID --value {servicename}'.encode(), shell=True)
+            pid = int(pid.decode().strip(), 10)
             if pid == 0:
-                logging.warning(f'Service {servicename.stdout.strip()} is stopped')
+                self.logger.warning(f'Service {servicename} is stopped')
                 return None
                 self.logger.debug(f'Service PID: {str(pid)}')
-            sockets = await'find /proc/{pid}/fd/ | xargs readlink | grep socket')
-            inodes = frozenset(re.findall("socket:\\[(.*)\\]", sockets.stdout))
+            sockets = check_output(f'find /proc/{pid}/fd/ | xargs readlink | grep socket'.encode(), shell=True)
+            sockets = sockets.decode().strip()
+            inodes = frozenset(re.findall("socket:\\[(.*)\\]", sockets))
             self.logger.debug(f"Socket inodes: {inodes}")
-            procnettcp = await'cat /proc/net/tcp')
-            fieldsstr = '{sl}: {local_address} {rem_address} {st} {tx_queue}:{rx_queue} {tr}:{tmwhen} {retrnsmt} {uid}'\
-                        ' {timeout} {inode} {sref_cnt} {memloc} {rto} {pred_sclk} {ackquick} {congest} {slowstart}'
-            tcpsockets = [' '.join(l.split()) for l in procnettcp.stdout.splitlines()[1:]]
-            # different lines with less stats appear sometimes, parse will return None, so ignore 'None' lines
-            parsedtcpsockets = []
-            for l in tcpsockets:
-                res = parse(fieldsstr, l)
-                if isinstance(res, Result):
-                    parsedtcpsockets.append(res)
-            socketinodesbythisprocess = [l for l in parsedtcpsockets if
-                                         isinstance(l, Result) and
-                                         l.named['inode'] in inodes and
-                                         # 0A is listening state for the socket
-                                         l.named['st'] == '0A']
-            for s in socketinodesbythisprocess:
-                _, port = tuple(parse('{}:{}', s['local_address']))
-                port = int(port, 16)
-                if port >= 30000:  # the port is above 30000 range, 8080 is some kind of proxy
-                    self.logger.debug(f'Service running at port {port}')
-                    return port
+            procnettcp = check_output('cat /proc/net/tcp'.encode(), shell=True)
+            procnettcp = procnettcp.decode().splitlines()[1:]
+            self.logger.debug(procnettcp)
+        else:
+            async with asyncssh.connect(self.ip, username='root') as c:
+                servicename = await"systemctl --all | grep {self.service}-- | awk '{{print $1}}'", check=False)
+                if self.service not in servicename.stdout:
+                    self.logger.error(f"Service matching pattern - '{self.service}' - NOT FOUND")
+                    exit(1)
+                pidres = await'systemctl show --property MainPID --value {servicename.stdout.strip()}')
+                pid = int(pidres.stdout.strip(), 10)
+                if pid == 0:
+                    self.logger.warning(f'Service {servicename.stdout.strip()} is stopped')
+                    return None
+                else:
+                    self.logger.debug(f'Service PID: {str(pid)}')
+                sockets = await'find /proc/{pid}/fd/ | xargs readlink | grep socket')
+                inodes = frozenset(re.findall("socket:\\[(.*)\\]", sockets.stdout))
+                self.logger.debug(f"Socket inodes: {inodes}")
+                procnettcp = await'cat /proc/net/tcp')
+                procnettcp = procnettcp.stdout.splitlines()[1:]
+        self.logger.debug(procnettcp)
+        tcpsockets = [' '.join(l.split()) for l in procnettcp]
+        # different lines with less stats appear sometimes, parse will return None, so ignore 'None' lines
+        parsedtcpsockets = []
+        for l in tcpsockets:
+            res = parse(fieldsstr, l)
+            if isinstance(res, Result):
+                parsedtcpsockets.append(res)
+        self.logger.debug(parsedtcpsockets)
+        socketinodesbythisprocess = [l for l in parsedtcpsockets if
+                                     isinstance(l, Result) and
+                                     l.named['inode'] in inodes and
+                                     # 0A is listening state for the socket
+                                     l.named['st'] == '0A']
+        self.logger.debug(socketinodesbythisprocess)
+        for s in socketinodesbythisprocess:
+            _, port = tuple(parse('{}:{}', s['local_address']))
+            port = int(port, 16)
+            if port >= 30000:  # the port is above 30000 range, 8080 is some kind of proxy
+                self.logger.debug(f'Service running at port {port}')
+                return port
     async def listener(self, stdout: bool = False):
         while True: