from json import JSONDecodeError from parse import Result, parse from websockets import connect from random import randint from enum import IntEnum from typing import Union import asyncssh import argparse import asyncio import binascii import logging import json import sys import os import re # logging.getLogger('AGLBaseService') # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class AFBT(IntEnum): REQUEST = 2, RESPONSE = 3, ERROR = 4, EVENT = 5 msgq = {} AFBLEN = 3 def betterrand(): bs = os.urandom(5) result = bs[0] * bs[1] * bs[2] * bs[3] + bs[4] while True: yield result bs = os.urandom(5) result = bs[0]*bs[1]*bs[2]*bs[3]+bs[4] def addrequest(msgid, msg): msgq[msgid] = {'request': msg, 'response': None} def addresponse(msgid, msg): if msgid in msgq.keys(): msgq[msgid]['response'] = msg class AFBResponse: type: AFBT msgid: int data: dict api: str def __init__(self, data: list): if type(data[0]) is not int: logging.debug(f'Received a response with non-integer message type {binascii.hexlify(data[0])}') raise ValueError('Received a response with non-integer message type') if data[0] not in [AFBT.RESPONSE, AFBT.ERROR, AFBT.ERROR]: raise ValueError(f'Received a response with invalid message type {data[0]}') self.type = data[0] if self.type == AFBT.RESPONSE: if not str.isnumeric(data[1]): raise ValueError(f'Received a response with non-numeric message id {data[1]}') self.msgid = int(data[1]) elif self.type == AFBT.EVENT: self.api = data[1] elif self.type == AFBT.ERROR: logging.debug(f'AFB returned erroneous response {data}') raise ValueError(f'AFB returned erroneous response {data}') if 'request' not in data[2] or 'response' not in data[2]: logging.error('Received malformed or invalid response') = data[2] class AGLBaseService: api: str url: str ip : str port = None token: str uuid: str service = None logger = None @staticmethod def getparser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Utility to interact with agl-service-gps via it\'s websocket') parser.add_argument('-l', '--loglevel', help='Level of logging verbosity', default='INFO', choices=list(logging._nameToLevel.keys())) parser.add_argument('ipaddr', default=os.environ.get('AGL_TGT_IP', 'localhost'), help='AGL host address') parser.add_argument('--port', default=os.environ.get('AGL_TGT_PORT', None), help=f'AGL service websocket port') parser.add_argument('--listener', default=False, help='Register a listener for incoming events', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--subscribe', type=str, help='Subscribe to event type', action='append', metavar='event') parser.add_argument('--unsubscribe', type=str, help='Unsubscribe from event type', action='append', metavar='event') parser.add_argument('--json', type=str, help='Send your own json string') parser.add_argument('--verb', type=str, help='Send the json above to specific verb') parser.add_argument('--api', type=str, help='Send the above two to a specific api') return parser def __init__(self, api: str, ip: str, port: str = None, url: str = None, token: str = 'HELLO', uuid: str = 'magic', service: str = None): self.api = api self.url = url self.ip = ip self.port = port self.token = token self.uuid = uuid self.service = service self.logger = logging.getLogger(service) def __await__(self): return self._async_init().__await__() async def __aenter__(self): return self._async_init() async def _async_init(self): # setting ping_interval to None because AFB does not support websocket ping # if set to !None, the library will close the socket after the default timeout if self.port is None: serviceport = await self.portfinder() if serviceport is not None: self.port = serviceport else: self.logger.error('Unable to find port') exit(1) URL = f'ws://{self.ip}:{self.port}/api?token={self.token}&uuid={self.uuid}' self._conn = connect(close_timeout=0, uri=URL, subprotocols=['x-afb-ws-json1'], ping_timeout=None) self.websocket = await self._conn.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs): await self._conn.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs) async def close(self): await self._conn.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()) async def send(self, message): await self.websocket.send(message) async def receive(self): return await self.websocket.recv() async def portfinder(self): # TODO:handle ssh timeouts, asyncssh does not support it apparently, and connect returns context_manager which # cannot be used with asyncio.wait_for async with asyncssh.connect(self.ip, username='root') as c: servicename = await"systemctl --all | grep {self.service}-- | awk '{{print $1}}'", check=False) if self.service not in servicename.stdout: logging.error(f"Service matching pattern - '{self.service}' - NOT FOUND") exit(1) pidres = await'systemctl show --property MainPID --value {servicename.stdout.strip()}') pid = int(pidres.stdout.strip(), 10) if pid is 0: logging.warning(f'Service {servicename.stdout.strip()} is stopped') return None else: self.logger.debug(f'Service PID: {str(pid)}') sockets = await'find /proc/{pid}/fd/ | xargs readlink | grep socket') inodes = frozenset(re.findall("socket:\\[(.*)\\]", sockets.stdout)) self.logger.debug(f"Socket inodes: {inodes}") procnettcp = await'cat /proc/net/tcp') fieldsstr = '{sl}: {local_address} {rem_address} {st} {tx_queue}:{rx_queue} {tr}:{tmwhen} {retrnsmt} {uid}'\ ' {timeout} {inode} {sref_cnt} {memloc} {rto} {pred_sclk} {ackquick} {congest} {slowstart}' tcpsockets = [' '.join(l.split()) for l in procnettcp.stdout.splitlines()[1:]] # different lines with less stats appear sometimes, parse will return None, so ignore 'None' lines parsedtcpsockets = [] for l in tcpsockets: res = parse(fieldsstr, l) if isinstance(res, Result): parsedtcpsockets.append(res) socketinodesbythisprocess = [l for l in parsedtcpsockets if isinstance(l, Result) and l.named['inode'] in inodes and # 0A is listening state for the socket l.named['st'] == '0A'] for s in socketinodesbythisprocess: _, port = tuple(parse('{}:{}', s['local_address'])) port = int(port, 16) if port >= 30000: # the port is above 30000 range, 8080 is some kind of proxy self.logger.debug(f'Service running at port {port}') return port async def listener(self, stdout: bool = False): while True: data = await self.response() if stdout: print(data) yield data async def response(self): try: msg = await self.websocket.recv() try: data = json.loads(msg) self.logger.debug('[AGL] -> ' + msg) if isinstance(data, list): if len(data) == AFBLEN and data[0] == AFBT.RESPONSE and str.isnumeric(data[1]): msgid = int(data[1]) if msgid in msgq: addresponse(msgid, data) return data except JSONDecodeError: self.logger.warning("Not decoding a non-json message") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.logger.debug("Received keyboard interrupt, exiting") except asyncio.CancelledError: self.logger.warning("Websocket listener coroutine stopped") except Exception as e: self.logger.error("Unhandled seal: " + str(e)) async def request(self, verb: str, values: Union[str, dict] = "", msgid: int = None): msgid = next(betterrand()) if msgid is None else msgid l = json.dumps([AFBT.REQUEST, str(msgid), f'{self.api}/{verb}', values]) self.logger.debug(f'[AGL] <- {l}') await self.send(l) return msgid async def subscribe(self, event): return await self.request('subscribe', {'value': f'{event}'}) async def unsubscribe(self, event): return await self.request('unsubscribe', {'value': f'{event}'})