from enum import IntEnum import json from json import JSONDecodeError from random import randint import sys import asyncio from random import randint from websockets import connect # IPADDR = '' # PORT = '30000' # TOKEN = 'HELLO' # UUID = 'magic' # URL = f'ws://{IPADDR}:{PORT}/api?token={TOKEN}&uuid={UUID}' class AFBT(IntEnum): REQUEST = 2, RESPONSE = 3, ERROR = 4, EVENT = 5 msgq = {} def addrequest(msgid, msg): msgq[msgid] = {'request': msg, 'response': None} def addresponse(msgid, msg): if msgid in msgq.keys(): msgq[msgid]['response'] = msg class AGLBaseService: api = None url = None ip = None port = None token = None uuid = None def __init__(self, api, ip, port, url=None, token='HELLO', uuid='magic'): self.api = api self.url = url self.ip = ip self.port = port self.token = token self.uuid = uuid def __await__(self): return self._async_init().__await__() async def __aenter__(self): return self._async_init() async def _async_init(self): # setting ping_interval to None because AFB does not support websocket ping # if set to !None, the library will close the socket after the default timeout URL = f'ws://{self.ip}:{self.port}/api?token={self.token}&uuid={self.uuid}' self._conn = connect(close_timeout=0, uri=URL, subprotocols=['x-afb-ws-json1'], ping_interval=None) self.websocket = await self._conn.__aenter__() return self async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs): await self._conn.__aexit__(*args, **kwargs) async def close(self): await self._conn.__aexit__(*sys.exc_info()) async def send(self, message): await self.websocket.send(message) async def receive(self): return await self.websocket.recv() async def listener(self): try: while True: msg = await self.receive() print(f"Received {msg}") try: data = json.loads(msg) if isinstance(data, list): if data[0] == AFBT.RESPONSE and str.isnumeric(data[1]): msgid = int(data[1]) if msgid in msgq: addresponse(msgid, data) except JSONDecodeError: print("Not decoding a non-json message") except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Received keyboard interrupt, exiting") except asyncio.CancelledError: print("Websocket listener coroutine stopped") except Exception as e: print("vote du phoque?!?!? : " + str(e)) async def subscribe(self, event): msgid = randint(0, 999999) msg = f'[{AFBT.REQUEST},"{msgid}","{self.api}/subscribe",{{"value": "{event}"}}]' await self.send(msg) async def unsubscribe(self, event): verb = 'unsubscribe' msgid = randint(0, 999999) msg = f'[2,"{msgid}","{self.api}/{verb}",{{"value": "{event}"}}]' addrequest(msgid, msg) await self.send(msg)