import asyncio
import os
import pytest
from gps import GPSService as GPS
import logging
from aglbaseservice import AFBResponse, AFBT

logger = logging.getLogger('pytest-gps')
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio

def event_loop():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    yield loop

async def service():
    address = os.environ.get('AGL_TGT_IP', 'localhost')
    gpss = await GPS(ip=address)
    yield gpss
    await gpss.websocket.close()

# @pytest.fixture(scope='module')
# async def response(event_loop, service):
#     async for _response in service.listener():
#         yield _response

@pytest.mark.xfail  # expecting this to fail because of "No 3D GNSS fix" and GPS is unavailable
async def test_location(event_loop, service: GPS):
    id = await service.location()
    resp = AFBResponse(await service.response())
    assert resp.status == 'success'

async def test_subscribe_location(event_loop, service: GPS):
    id = await service.subscribe('location')
    resp = AFBResponse(await service.response())
    assert resp.msgid == id
    assert resp.status == 'success'

async def test_unsubscribe(event_loop, service: GPS):
    id = await service.unsubscribe('location')
    resp = AFBResponse(await service.response())
    assert resp.msgid == id
    assert resp.status == 'success'

async def test_location_events(event_loop, service: GPS):
    id = await service.subscribe('location')
    resp = AFBResponse(await service.response())
    assert resp.msgid == id
    assert resp.status == 'success'  # successful subscription

    resp = await asyncio.wait_for(service.response(), 10)
    resp = AFBResponse(resp)
    assert resp.type == AFBT.EVENT, f'Expected EVENT response, got {} instead'