** LINPACK.C        Linpack benchmark, calculates FLOPS.
**                  (FLoating Point Operations Per Second)
** Translated to C by Bonnie Toy 5/88
** Modified by Will Menninger, 10/93, with these features:
**  (modified on 2/25/94  to fix a problem with daxpy  for
**   unequal increments or equal increments not equal to 1.
**     Jack Dongarra)
** - Defaults to double precision.
** - Averages ROLLed and UNROLLed performance.
** - User selectable array sizes.
** - Automatically does enough repetitions to take at least 10 CPU seconds.
** - Prints machine precision.
** - ANSI prototyping.
** To compile:  cc -O -o linpack linpack.c -lm

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <float.h>

#define DP

#ifdef SP
#define ZERO        0.0
#define ONE         1.0
#define PREC        "Single"
#define BASE10DIG   FLT_DIG

typedef float   REAL;

#ifdef DP
#define ZERO        0.0e0
#define ONE         1.0e0
#define PREC        "Double"
#define BASE10DIG   DBL_DIG

typedef double  REAL;

static REAL linpack  (long nreps,int arsize);
static void matgen   (REAL *a,int lda,int n,REAL *b,REAL *norma);
static void dgefa    (REAL *a,int lda,int n,int *ipvt,int *info,int roll);
static void dgesl    (REAL *a,int lda,int n,int *ipvt,REAL *b,int job,int roll);
static void daxpy_r  (int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy);
static REAL ddot_r   (int n,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy);
static void dscal_r  (int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx);
static void daxpy_ur (int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy);
static REAL ddot_ur  (int n,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy);
static void dscal_ur (int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx);
static int  idamax   (int n,REAL *dx,int incx);
static REAL second   (void);

static void *mempool;

void main(void)

    char    buf[80];
    int     arsize;
    long    arsize2d,memreq,nreps;
    size_t  malloc_arg;

    while (1)
        printf("Enter array size (q to quit) [200]:  ");
        if (buf[0]=='q' || buf[0]=='Q')
        if (buf[0]=='\0' || buf[0]=='\n')
        if (arsize<10)
            printf("Too small.\n");
        arsize2d = (long)arsize*(long)arsize;
        printf("Memory required:  %ldK.\n",(memreq+512L)>>10);
        if (malloc_arg!=memreq || (mempool=malloc(malloc_arg))==NULL)
            printf("Not enough memory available for given array size.\n\n");
        printf("\n\nLINPACK benchmark, %s precision.\n",PREC);
        printf("Machine precision:  %d digits.\n",BASE10DIG);
        printf("Array size %d X %d.\n",arsize,arsize);
        printf("Average rolled and unrolled performance:\n\n");
        printf("    Reps Time(s) DGEFA   DGESL  OVERHEAD    KFLOPS\n");
        while (linpack(nreps,arsize)<10.)

static REAL linpack(long nreps,int arsize)

    REAL  *a,*b;
    REAL   norma,t1,kflops,tdgesl,tdgefa,totalt,toverhead,ops;
    int   *ipvt,n,info,lda;
    long   i,arsize2d;

    lda = arsize;
    n = arsize/2;
    arsize2d = (long)arsize*(long)arsize;
    a=(REAL *)mempool;
    ipvt=(int *)&b[arsize];
    for (i=0;i<nreps;i++)
        t1 = second();
        tdgefa += second()-t1;
        t1 = second();
        tdgesl += second()-t1;
    for (i=0;i<nreps;i++)
        t1 = second();
        tdgefa += second()-t1;
        t1 = second();
        tdgesl += second()-t1;
    if (totalt<0.5 || tdgefa+tdgesl<0.2)
    if (tdgefa<0.)
    if (tdgesl<0.)
    if (toverhead<0.)
    printf("%8ld %6.2f %6.2f%% %6.2f%% %6.2f%%  %9.3f\n",

** For matgen,
** We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
** function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].
static void matgen(REAL *a,int lda,int n,REAL *b,REAL *norma)

    int init,i,j;

    init = 1325;
    *norma = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            init = (int)((long)3125*(long)init % 65536L);
            a[lda*j+i] = (init - 32768.0)/16384.0;
            *norma = (a[lda*j+i] > *norma) ? a[lda*j+i] : *norma;
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        b[i] = 0.0;
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
            b[i] = b[i] + a[lda*j+i];

** DGEFA benchmark
** We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
** function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].
**   dgefa factors a double precision matrix by gaussian elimination.
**   dgefa is usually called by dgeco, but it can be called
**   directly with a saving in time if  rcond  is not needed.
**   (time for dgeco) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for dgefa) .
**   on entry
**      a       REAL precision[n][lda]
**              the matrix to be factored.
**      lda     integer
**              the leading dimension of the array  a .
**      n       integer
**              the order of the matrix  a .
**   on return
**      a       an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
**              which were used to obtain it.
**              the factorization can be written  a = l*u  where
**              l  is a product of permutation and unit lower
**              triangular matrices and  u  is upper triangular.
**      ipvt    integer[n]
**              an integer vector of pivot indices.
**      info    integer
**              = 0  normal value.
**              = k  if  u[k][k] .eq. 0.0 .  this is not an error
**                   condition for this subroutine, but it does
**                   indicate that dgesl or dgedi will divide by zero
**                   if called.  use  rcond  in dgeco for a reliable
**                   indication of singularity.
**   linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
**   cleve moler, university of New Mexico, argonne national lab.
**   functions
**   blas daxpy,dscal,idamax
static void dgefa(REAL *a,int lda,int n,int *ipvt,int *info,int roll)

    REAL t;
    int idamax(),j,k,kp1,l,nm1;

    /* gaussian elimination with partial pivoting */

    if (roll)
        *info = 0;
        nm1 = n - 1;
        if (nm1 >=  0)
            for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++)
                kp1 = k + 1;

                /* find l = pivot index */

                l = idamax(n-k,&a[lda*k+k],1) + k;
                ipvt[k] = l;

                /* zero pivot implies this column already
                   triangularized */

                if (a[lda*k+l] != ZERO)

                    /* interchange if necessary */

                    if (l != k)
                        t = a[lda*k+l];
                        a[lda*k+l] = a[lda*k+k];
                        a[lda*k+k] = t;

                    /* compute multipliers */

                    t = -ONE/a[lda*k+k];

                    /* row elimination with column indexing */

                    for (j = kp1; j < n; j++)
                        t = a[lda*j+l];
                        if (l != k)
                            a[lda*j+l] = a[lda*j+k];
                            a[lda*j+k] = t;
                    (*info) = k;
        ipvt[n-1] = n-1;
        if (a[lda*(n-1)+(n-1)] == ZERO)
            (*info) = n-1;
        *info = 0;
        nm1 = n - 1;
        if (nm1 >=  0)
            for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++)
                kp1 = k + 1;

                /* find l = pivot index */

                l = idamax(n-k,&a[lda*k+k],1) + k;
                ipvt[k] = l;

                /* zero pivot implies this column already
                   triangularized */

                if (a[lda*k+l] != ZERO)

                    /* interchange if necessary */

                    if (l != k)
                        t = a[lda*k+l];
                        a[lda*k+l] = a[lda*k+k];
                        a[lda*k+k] = t;

                    /* compute multipliers */

                    t = -ONE/a[lda*k+k];

                    /* row elimination with column indexing */

                    for (j = kp1; j < n; j++)
                        t = a[lda*j+l];
                        if (l != k)
                            a[lda*j+l] = a[lda*j+k];
                            a[lda*j+k] = t;
                    (*info) = k;
        ipvt[n-1] = n-1;
        if (a[lda*(n-1)+(n-1)] == ZERO)
            (*info) = n-1;

** DGESL benchmark
** We would like to declare a[][lda], but c does not allow it.  In this
** function, references to a[i][j] are written a[lda*i+j].
**   dgesl solves the double precision system
**   a * x = b  or  trans(a) * x = b
**   using the factors computed by dgeco or dgefa.
**   on entry
**      a       double precision[n][lda]
**              the output from dgeco or dgefa.
**      lda     integer
**              the leading dimension of the array  a .
**      n       integer
**              the order of the matrix  a .
**      ipvt    integer[n]
**              the pivot vector from dgeco or dgefa.
**      b       double precision[n]
**              the right hand side vector.
**      job     integer
**              = 0         to solve  a*x = b ,
**              = nonzero   to solve  trans(a)*x = b  where
**                          trans(a)  is the transpose.
**  on return
**      b       the solution vector  x .
**   error condition
**      a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a
**      zero on the diagonal.  technically this indicates singularity
**      but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper
**      setting of lda .  it will not occur if the subroutines are
**      called correctly and if dgeco has set rcond .gt. 0.0
**      or dgefa has set info .eq. 0 .
**   to compute  inverse(a) * c  where  c  is a matrix
**   with  p  columns
**         dgeco(a,lda,n,ipvt,rcond,z)
**         if (!rcond is too small){
**              for (j=0,j<p,j++)
**                      dgesl(a,lda,n,ipvt,c[j][0],0);
**         }
**   linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 .
**   cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab.
**   functions
**   blas daxpy,ddot
static void dgesl(REAL *a,int lda,int n,int *ipvt,REAL *b,int job,int roll)

    REAL    t;
    int     k,kb,l,nm1;

    if (roll)
        nm1 = n - 1;
        if (job == 0)

            /* job = 0 , solve  a * x = b   */
            /* first solve  l*y = b         */

            if (nm1 >= 1)
                for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++)
                    l = ipvt[k];
                    t = b[l];
                    if (l != k)
                        b[l] = b[k];
                        b[k] = t;

            /* now solve  u*x = y */

            for (kb = 0; kb < n; kb++)
                k = n - (kb + 1);
                b[k] = b[k]/a[lda*k+k];
                t = -b[k];

            /* job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b  */
            /* first solve  trans(u)*y = b             */

            for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                t = ddot_r(k,&a[lda*k+0],1,&b[0],1);
                b[k] = (b[k] - t)/a[lda*k+k];

            /* now solve trans(l)*x = y     */

            if (nm1 >= 1)
                for (kb = 1; kb < nm1; kb++)
                    k = n - (kb+1);
                    b[k] = b[k] + ddot_r(n-(k+1),&a[lda*k+k+1],1,&b[k+1],1);
                    l = ipvt[k];
                    if (l != k)
                        t = b[l];
                        b[l] = b[k];
                        b[k] = t;
        nm1 = n - 1;
        if (job == 0)

            /* job = 0 , solve  a * x = b   */
            /* first solve  l*y = b         */

            if (nm1 >= 1)
                for (k = 0; k < nm1; k++)
                    l = ipvt[k];
                    t = b[l];
                    if (l != k)
                        b[l] = b[k];
                        b[k] = t;

            /* now solve  u*x = y */

            for (kb = 0; kb < n; kb++)
                k = n - (kb + 1);
                b[k] = b[k]/a[lda*k+k];
                t = -b[k];

            /* job = nonzero, solve  trans(a) * x = b  */
            /* first solve  trans(u)*y = b             */

            for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
                t = ddot_ur(k,&a[lda*k+0],1,&b[0],1);
                b[k] = (b[k] - t)/a[lda*k+k];

            /* now solve trans(l)*x = y     */

            if (nm1 >= 1)
                for (kb = 1; kb < nm1; kb++)
                    k = n - (kb+1);
                    b[k] = b[k] + ddot_ur(n-(k+1),&a[lda*k+k+1],1,&b[k+1],1);
                    l = ipvt[k];
                    if (l != k)
                        t = b[l];
                        b[l] = b[k];
                        b[k] = t;

** Constant times a vector plus a vector.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** ROLLED version
static void daxpy_r(int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy)

    int i,ix,iy;

    if (n <= 0)
    if (da == ZERO)

    if (incx != 1 || incy != 1)

        /* code for unequal increments or equal increments != 1 */

        ix = 1;
        iy = 1;
        if(incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1;
        if(incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1;
        for (i = 0;i < n; i++)
            dy[iy] = dy[iy] + da*dx[ix];
            ix = ix + incx;
            iy = iy + incy;

    /* code for both increments equal to 1 */

    for (i = 0;i < n; i++)
        dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];

** Forms the dot product of two vectors.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** ROLLED version
static REAL ddot_r(int n,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy)

    REAL dtemp;
    int i,ix,iy;

    dtemp = ZERO;

    if (n <= 0)

    if (incx != 1 || incy != 1)

        /* code for unequal increments or equal increments != 1 */

        ix = 0;
        iy = 0;
        if (incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx;
        if (incy < 0) iy = (-n+1)*incy;
        for (i = 0;i < n; i++)
            dtemp = dtemp + dx[ix]*dy[iy];
            ix = ix + incx;
            iy = iy + incy;

    /* code for both increments equal to 1 */

    for (i=0;i < n; i++)
        dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i];

** Scales a vector by a constant.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** ROLLED version
static void dscal_r(int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx)

    int i,nincx;

    if (n <= 0)
    if (incx != 1)

        /* code for increment not equal to 1 */

        nincx = n*incx;
        for (i = 0; i < nincx; i = i + incx)
            dx[i] = da*dx[i];

    /* code for increment equal to 1 */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
        dx[i] = da*dx[i];

** constant times a vector plus a vector.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** UNROLLED version
static void daxpy_ur(int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy)

    int i,ix,iy,m;

    if (n <= 0)
    if (da == ZERO)

    if (incx != 1 || incy != 1)

        /* code for unequal increments or equal increments != 1 */

        ix = 1;
        iy = 1;
        if(incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1;
        if(incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1;
        for (i = 0;i < n; i++)
            dy[iy] = dy[iy] + da*dx[ix];
            ix = ix + incx;
            iy = iy + incy;

    /* code for both increments equal to 1 */

    m = n % 4;
    if ( m != 0)
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];
        if (n < 4)
    for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 4)
        dy[i] = dy[i] + da*dx[i];
        dy[i+1] = dy[i+1] + da*dx[i+1];
        dy[i+2] = dy[i+2] + da*dx[i+2];
        dy[i+3] = dy[i+3] + da*dx[i+3];

** Forms the dot product of two vectors.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** UNROLLED version
static REAL ddot_ur(int n,REAL *dx,int incx,REAL *dy,int incy)

    REAL dtemp;
    int i,ix,iy,m;

    dtemp = ZERO;

    if (n <= 0)

    if (incx != 1 || incy != 1)

        /* code for unequal increments or equal increments != 1 */

        ix = 0;
        iy = 0;
        if (incx < 0) ix = (-n+1)*incx;
        if (incy < 0) iy = (-n+1)*incy;
        for (i = 0;i < n; i++)
            dtemp = dtemp + dx[ix]*dy[iy];
            ix = ix + incx;
            iy = iy + incy;

    /* code for both increments equal to 1 */

    m = n % 5;
    if (m != 0)
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i];
        if (n < 5)
    for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 5)
        dtemp = dtemp + dx[i]*dy[i] +
        dx[i+1]*dy[i+1] + dx[i+2]*dy[i+2] +
        dx[i+3]*dy[i+3] + dx[i+4]*dy[i+4];

** Scales a vector by a constant.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
** UNROLLED version
static void dscal_ur(int n,REAL da,REAL *dx,int incx)

    int i,m,nincx;

    if (n <= 0)
    if (incx != 1)

        /* code for increment not equal to 1 */

        nincx = n*incx;
        for (i = 0; i < nincx; i = i + incx)
            dx[i] = da*dx[i];

    /* code for increment equal to 1 */

    m = n % 5;
    if (m != 0)
        for (i = 0; i < m; i++)
            dx[i] = da*dx[i];
        if (n < 5)
    for (i = m; i < n; i = i + 5)
        dx[i] = da*dx[i];
        dx[i+1] = da*dx[i+1];
        dx[i+2] = da*dx[i+2];
        dx[i+3] = da*dx[i+3];
        dx[i+4] = da*dx[i+4];

** Finds the index of element having max. absolute value.
** Jack Dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
static int idamax(int n,REAL *dx,int incx)

    REAL dmax;
    int i, ix, itemp;

    if (n < 1)
    if (n ==1 )
    if(incx != 1)

        /* code for increment not equal to 1 */

        ix = 1;
        dmax = fabs((double)dx[0]);
        ix = ix + incx;
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            if(fabs((double)dx[ix]) > dmax)
                itemp = i;
                dmax = fabs((double)dx[ix]);
            ix = ix + incx;

        /* code for increment equal to 1 */

        itemp = 0;
        dmax = fabs((double)dx[0]);
        for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
            if(fabs((double)dx[i]) > dmax)
                itemp = i;
                dmax = fabs((double)dx[i]);
    return (itemp);

static REAL second(void)

    return ((REAL)((REAL)clock()/(REAL)CLOCKS_PER_SEC));