#!/bin/bash set -x XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/200 REF_IMAGE="$1" if [ -z "${REF_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "No reference image passed" exit 125 fi if [ ! -f "${REF_IMAGE}" ]; then echo "Reference image is not found" exit 125 fi # Enable the test picture and disable cursor and any other application from being displayed sed -i '/^\[core\]/a activate-by-default=false' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini # setup homescreen env variable sed -i '/^\[core\]/a hide-cursor=true' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini # enable red/green/blue test screen echo 'HOMESCREEN_DEMO_CI=1' > /etc/default/homescreen sync systemctl daemon-reload sleep 2 # create initial journal cursor file journalctl /usr/bin/agl-compositor --cursor-file=/tmp/agl-screenshot-cursor > /tmp/first-log 2>&1 # restart weston@display systemctl restart weston.service # e.g. qemu-system-arm takes loooong sleep 10 echo "Waiting for compositor to initialize (+10sec)." LOOP=20 while test $LOOP -ge 1 ; do ( mv /tmp/next-log /tmp/prev-log > /dev/null 2>&1 ) || true journalctl /usr/bin/agl-compositor --cursor-file=/tmp/agl-screenshot-cursor > /tmp/next-log 2>&1 if ! grep -q 'Usable area:' /tmp/next-log ; then # e.g. qemu-system-arm takes loooong echo "Waiting for compositor to initialize (+60sec). Loop: $LOOP" sleep 60 LOOP="$(($LOOP-1))" continue fi break done #read aw # giving up now if ! grep -q 'Usable area:' /tmp/next-log ; then echo "Marker ('Usable area:') not found. Dumping log." echo "##################################" cat /tmp/first-log cat /tmp/prev-log cat /tmp/next-log echo "##################################" exit 127 #echo "CONTINUING ANYWAY !" fi AGL_SCREENSHOOTER=/usr/bin/agl-screenshooter if [ -z "$AGL_SCREENSHOOTER" ]; then echo "Failed to find agl-screenshooter. Compositor too old?" exit 127 fi #echo "Found agl-screenshoooter in $AGL_SCREENSHOOTER" rm -rf agl-screenshot-*.png # give it a bit more time to display sleep 10 if $AGL_SCREENSHOOTER; then echo "Screenshot taken" else echo "##################################" journalctl -b /usr/bin/agl-compositor echo "##################################" exit 127 fi REF_IMAGE_SHA1SUM=`sha1sum ${REF_IMAGE} | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'` IMAGE_SHA1SUM=`sha1sum agl-screenshot-*.png | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}'` if [ "${REF_IMAGE_SHA1SUM}" == "${IMAGE_SHA1SUM}" ]; then echo "Screenshot matches the reference image" FINALRET=0 else echo "Screenshot does not match the reference image" FINALRET=127 for i in agl-screenshot-*.png ; do #set +x echo "################################################################" ( curl --upload-file "$i" https://transfer.sh/$(basename "$i") && echo "" ) || true echo "################################################################" #set -x done echo "#########################" cat /run/platform/display/*.log echo "#########################" journalctl -b --no-pager -a echo "#########################" fi # cleanup sed -i '/activate-by-default=false/d' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini sed -i '/hide-cursor=true/d' /etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini #rm -rf /etc/systemd/system/weston@.service.d rm -rf /etc/default/homescreen systemctl daemon-reload sync sleep 2 systemctl restart weston.service sleep 10 exit $FINALRET