#!/bin/sh set -x export TERM=dumb export COLUMNS=1000 AGLDRIVER=agl-driver while [ $# -ge 1 ] do case $1 in -b) shift BASEURL=$1 shift ;; *) echo "Unknown argument $1" exit 1 ;; esac done if [ -z "$BASEURL" ]; then echo "$0: missing BASEURL" echo "Usage: $0 -b BASEURL" exit 1 fi do_afm_util() { set -x if [ $SERVICE_USER -eq 1 -o $APPLICATION_USER -eq 1 ];then su - $AGLDRIVER -c "afm-util $*" else afm-util $* fi return $? } do_afm_test() { set -x if [ $SERVICE_USER -eq 1 -o $APPLICATION_USER -eq 1 ];then su - $AGLDRIVER -c "afm-test -l $*" else afm-test -l $* fi return $? } # work in tmp folder to allow different users to access files (smack) TOPDIR=$(mktemp -d) cd $TOPDIR if [ ! -f index.html ] ; then wget -q $BASEURL -O index.html if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: Cannot wget $BASEURL" exit 1 fi fi # first download all files grep -o '[a-z-]*.wgt' index.html | sort | uniq | while read wgtfile do # remove extension and the debug state echo "DEBUG: fetch $wgtfile" if [ ! -f $wgtfile ] ; then wget -q $BASEURL/$wgtfile if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: wget from $BASEURL/$wgtfile" continue fi fi # do adapt security chmod -R a+rwx ${TOPDIR} chsmack -a "*" ${TOPDIR}/* done inspect_wgt() { wgtfile=$1 WGTNAME=$2 export SERVICE_PLATFORM=0 export SERVICE_USER=0 export APPLICATION_USER=0 CURDIR="$(pwd)" ZIPOUT="$(mktemp -d)" cd $ZIPOUT echo "DEBUG: analyse wgt file" unzip $CURDIR/$wgtfile if [ $? -ne 0 ];then # TODO Do not fail yet, busybox unzip seems to "fail with success" when checking CRC echo "ERROR: cannot unzip $wgtfile" fi if [ -f config.xml ];then grep hidden config.xml if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "DEBUG: hidden package" else echo "DEBUG: not hidden package" fi # a service sets urn:AGL:widget:provided-api grep "urn:AGL:widget:provided-api" config.xml if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then # we are a service, now determine the scope ... grep "urn:AGL:permission::partner:scope-platform" config.xml if [ $? -eq 0 ];then export SERVICE_PLATFORM=1 else export SERVICE_USER=1 fi else # we are an application export APPLICATION_USER=1 # no other type known (yet) fi # the file naming convention is servicename.wgt # but some didnt respect it export WGTSERVICENAME=$(grep 'id=.*' config.xml | sed 's,^.*id=,id=,' | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2) if [ -z "$WGTSERVICENAME" ];then echo "WARN: failed to find name in config.xml, fallback to filename" export WGTSERVICENAME="$WGTNAME" else echo "DEBUG: detected service name as $WGTSERVICENAME" fi else echo "DEBUG: fail to unzip" fi cd $CURDIR rm -r $ZIPOUT } # check if WGTNAME is running check_service_running() { WGTNAME=$1 RUNNING=0 echo "DEBUG: check_service_running with systemctl list-units -full" systemctl list-units --full | grep "afm.*$WGTNAME--" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then RUNNING=1 fi echo "DEBUG: check_service_running with systemctl -a" systemctl -a |grep "afm.*$WGTNAME--" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then if [ $RUNNING -eq 0 ];then echo "ERROR: inconsistent results" fi RUNNING=1 fi return $RUNNING } do_release_test() { WGTNAME=$1 wgtfile=$2 # we need the full name (with -test, -debug etc..) for LAVA test case WGTNAMEF=$(echo $2 | sed 's,.wgt,,') echo "INFO: do_release_test $WGTNAME $wgtfile" echo "DEBUG: list current pkgs" # TODO mktemp LIST='list' afm-util list --all > $LIST if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util list exit with error" continue fi if [ ! -s "$LIST" ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util list is empty" continue fi echo "DEBUG: check presence of $WGTNAME" NAMEID=$(grep id\\\":\\\"${WGTSERVICENAME}\" $LIST | cut -d\" -f4 | cut -d\\ -f1) if [ ! -z "$NAMEID" ];then echo "DEBUG: $WGTNAME already installed as $NAMEID" # need to kill then deinstall do_afm_util ps --all | grep -q $WGTNAME if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "DEBUG: kill $WGTNAME" do_afm_util kill $WGTNAME if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util kill" #lava-test-case afm-util-pre-kill-$WGTNAME --result fail #continue #else # lava-test-case afm-util-pre-kill-$WGTNAME --result pass fi else echo "DEBUG: no need to kill $WGTNAME" fi echo "DEBUG: deinstall $WGTNAME" afm-util remove $NAMEID if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util remove" #lava-test-case afm-util-remove-$WGTNAMEF --result fail journalctl -b | tail -40 #continue else lava-test-case afm-util-remove-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi else echo "DEBUG: $WGTNAME not installed" fi grep id $LIST echo "DEBUG: install $wgtfile" OUT="out" afm-util install $wgtfile > $OUT if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util install" lava-test-case afm-util-install-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue else lava-test-case afm-util-install-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi # message is like \"added\":\"mediaplayer@0.1\" NAMEID=$(grep d\\\":\\\"${WGTSERVICENAME}\" $OUT | cut -d\" -f4 | cut -d\\ -f1) if [ -z "$NAMEID" ];then echo "ERROR: Cannot get nameid" echo "DEBUG: ========== DUMPING output ==========" cat $OUT echo "DEBUG: ========== END DUMP ==========" continue fi echo "DEBUG: $WGTNAME is installed as $NAMEID" afm-util list --all > $LIST if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util list exit with error" continue fi if [ ! -s "$LIST" ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util list is empty" continue fi echo "DEBUG: Verify that $WGTNAME is installed" grep -q $NAMEID $LIST if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: $WGTNAME is not installed" # for debugging, give full output echo "DEBUG: start of list" cat $LIST echo "DEBUG: end of list" fi do_afm_util info $NAMEID if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util info" lava-test-case afm-util-info-$WGTNAMEF --result fail else lava-test-case afm-util-info-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi echo "DEBUG: check if we see the package with systemctl list-units (before start)" systemctl list-units --full | grep "afm.*$WGTNAME--" echo "DEBUG: check if we see the package with systemctl -a (before start)" systemctl -a |grep "afm.*$WGTNAME--" echo "DEBUG: start $NAMEID" do_afm_util start $NAMEID > "rid" if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util start" lava-test-case afm-util-start-$WGTNAMEF --result fail journalctl -an 200 continue else lava-test-case afm-util-start-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi check_service_running $WGTNAME echo "DEBUG: Get RID for $NAMEID" PSLIST="pslist" afm-util ps --all > $PSLIST if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util ps" lava-test-case afm-util-ps-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue else cat $PSLIST lava-test-case afm-util-ps-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi # TODO, compare RID with the list in $PSLIST" RID="$(cat rid)" if [ "$RID" == 'null' ];then sleep 20 echo "DEBUG: retry start $NAMEID" do_afm_util start $NAMEID > "rid" if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util start" lava-test-case afm-util-start-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue fi RID="$(cat rid)" fi if [ "$RID" == 'null' ];then echo "ERROR: RID is null, service fail to start" lava-test-case afm-util-status-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue fi echo "DEBUG: status $NAMEID ($RID)" do_afm_util status $RID if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util status" lava-test-case afm-util-status-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue else lava-test-case afm-util-status-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi echo "DEBUG: kill $NAMEID ($RID)" do_afm_util kill $NAMEID if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util kill" lava-test-case afm-util-kill-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue else lava-test-case afm-util-kill-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi echo "DEBUG: start2 $NAMEID" do_afm_util start $NAMEID > rid if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util start2" lava-test-case afm-util-start2-$WGTNAMEF --result fail journalctl -an 200 continue else lava-test-case afm-util-start2-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi RID="$(cat rid)" if [ "$RID" == 'null' ];then echo "ERROR: RID is null" continue fi sleep 10 echo "DEBUG: status2 $NAMEID ($RID)" do_afm_util status $RID if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "ERROR: afm-util status2" lava-test-case afm-util-status2-$WGTNAMEF --result fail continue else lava-test-case afm-util-status2-$WGTNAMEF --result pass fi } WGTNAMES=$(grep -o '[a-z-]*.wgt' index.html | sed 's,.wgt$,,' | sed 's,-debug$,,' | sed 's,-test$,,' | sed 's,-coverage$,,' | sort | uniq) for WGTNAME in $WGTNAMES do if [ -e $WGTNAME.wgt ];then inspect_wgt $WGTNAME.wgt $WGTNAME do_release_test $WGTNAME $WGTNAME.wgt else echo "WARN: cannot find $WGTNAME.wgt" fi if [ -e $WGTNAME-test.wgt ];then # wgt-test do not have the same permissions in the config.xml as the parent wgt # so keep the value from last run #inspect_wgt $WGTNAME-test.wgt check_service_running $WGTNAME if [ $? -eq 1 ];then do_afm_test $TOPDIR/$WGTNAME-test.wgt if [ $? -eq 0 ];then lava-test-case run-test-$WGTNAME --result pass else lava-test-case run-test-$WGTNAME --result fail fi else echo "DEBUG: $WGTNAME is not running, skipping test" lava-test-case run-test-$WGTNAME --result skip fi else echo "WARN: cannot find $WGTNAME.wgt" fi if [ -e $WGTNAME-debug.wgt ];then inspect_wgt $WGTNAME-debug.wgt $WGTNAME do_release_test $WGTNAME $WGTNAME-debug.wgt fi if [ -e $WGTNAME-coverage.wgt ];then inspect_wgt $WGTNAME-coverage.wgt $WGTNAME echo "DEBUG: coverage not handled yet" fi done