from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import logging from builtins import str, zip from pathlib import Path from snips_inference_agl.common.log_utils import DifferedLoggingMessage from snips_inference_agl.common.utils import (fitted_required) from snips_inference_agl.constants import RES_PROBA from snips_inference_agl.exceptions import LoadingError from snips_inference_agl.intent_classifier.featurizer import Featurizer from snips_inference_agl.intent_classifier.intent_classifier import IntentClassifier from snips_inference_agl.intent_classifier.log_reg_classifier_utils import (text_to_utterance) from snips_inference_agl.pipeline.configs import LogRegIntentClassifierConfig from snips_inference_agl.result import intent_classification_result logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # We set tol to 1e-3 to silence the following warning with Python 2 ( # scikit-learn 0.20): # # FutureWarning: max_iter and tol parameters have been added in SGDClassifier # in 0.19. If max_iter is set but tol is left unset, the default value for tol # in 0.19 and 0.20 will be None (which is equivalent to -infinity, so it has no # effect) but will change in 0.21 to 1e-3. Specify tol to silence this warning. LOG_REG_ARGS = { "loss": "log", "penalty": "l2", "max_iter": 1000, "tol": 1e-3, "n_jobs": -1 } @IntentClassifier.register("log_reg_intent_classifier") class LogRegIntentClassifier(IntentClassifier): """Intent classifier which uses a Logistic Regression underneath""" config_type = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig def __init__(self, config=None, **shared): """The LogReg intent classifier can be configured by passing a :class:`.LogRegIntentClassifierConfig`""" super(LogRegIntentClassifier, self).__init__(config, **shared) self.classifier = None self.intent_list = None self.featurizer = None @property def fitted(self): """Whether or not the intent classifier has already been fitted""" return self.intent_list is not None @fitted_required def get_intent(self, text, intents_filter=None): """Performs intent classification on the provided *text* Args: text (str): Input intents_filter (str or list of str): When defined, it will find the most likely intent among the list, otherwise it will use the whole list of intents defined in the dataset Returns: dict or None: The most likely intent along with its probability or *None* if no intent was found Raises: :class:`snips_nlu.exceptions.NotTrained`: When the intent classifier is not fitted """ return self._get_intents(text, intents_filter)[0] @fitted_required def get_intents(self, text): """Performs intent classification on the provided *text* and returns the list of intents ordered by decreasing probability The length of the returned list is exactly the number of intents in the dataset + 1 for the None intent Raises: :class:`snips_nlu.exceptions.NotTrained`: when the intent classifier is not fitted """ return self._get_intents(text, intents_filter=None) def _get_intents(self, text, intents_filter): if isinstance(intents_filter, str): intents_filter = {intents_filter} elif isinstance(intents_filter, list): intents_filter = set(intents_filter) if not text or not self.intent_list or not self.featurizer: results = [intent_classification_result(None, 1.0)] results += [intent_classification_result(i, 0.0) for i in self.intent_list if i is not None] return results if len(self.intent_list) == 1: return [intent_classification_result(self.intent_list[0], 1.0)] # pylint: disable=C0103 X = self.featurizer.transform([text_to_utterance(text)]) # pylint: enable=C0103 proba_vec = self._predict_proba(X) logger.debug( "%s", DifferedLoggingMessage(self.log_activation_weights, text, X)) results = [ intent_classification_result(i, proba) for i, proba in zip(self.intent_list, proba_vec[0]) if intents_filter is None or i is None or i in intents_filter] return sorted(results, key=lambda res: -res[RES_PROBA]) def _predict_proba(self, X): # pylint: disable=C0103 import numpy as np self.classifier._check_proba() # pylint: disable=W0212 prob = self.classifier.decision_function(X) prob *= -1 np.exp(prob, prob) prob += 1 np.reciprocal(prob, prob) if prob.ndim == 1: return np.vstack([1 - prob, prob]).T return prob @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, **shared): """Loads a :class:`LogRegIntentClassifier` instance from a path The data at the given path must have been generated using :func:`~LogRegIntentClassifier.persist` """ import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier path = Path(path) model_path = path / "intent_classifier.json" if not model_path.exists(): raise LoadingError("Missing intent classifier model file: %s" % with"utf8") as f: model_dict = json.load(f) # Create the classifier config = LogRegIntentClassifierConfig.from_dict(model_dict["config"]) intent_classifier = cls(config=config, **shared) intent_classifier.intent_list = model_dict['intent_list'] # Create the underlying SGD classifier sgd_classifier = None coeffs = model_dict['coeffs'] intercept = model_dict['intercept'] t_ = model_dict["t_"] if coeffs is not None and intercept is not None: sgd_classifier = SGDClassifier(**LOG_REG_ARGS) sgd_classifier.coef_ = np.array(coeffs) sgd_classifier.intercept_ = np.array(intercept) sgd_classifier.t_ = t_ intent_classifier.classifier = sgd_classifier # Add the featurizer featurizer = model_dict['featurizer'] if featurizer is not None: featurizer_path = path / featurizer intent_classifier.featurizer = Featurizer.from_path( featurizer_path, **shared) return intent_classifier def log_activation_weights(self, text, x, top_n=50): import numpy as np if not hasattr(self.featurizer, "feature_index_to_feature_name"): return None log = "\n\nTop {} feature activations for: \"{}\":\n".format( top_n, text) activations = np.multiply( self.classifier.coef_, np.asarray(x.todense())) abs_activation = np.absolute(activations).flatten().squeeze() if top_n > activations.size: top_n = activations.size top_n_activations_ix = np.argpartition(abs_activation, -top_n, axis=None)[-top_n:] top_n_activations_ix = np.unravel_index( top_n_activations_ix, activations.shape) index_to_feature = self.featurizer.feature_index_to_feature_name features_intent_and_activation = [ (self.intent_list[i], index_to_feature[f], activations[i, f]) for i, f in zip(*top_n_activations_ix)] features_intent_and_activation = sorted( features_intent_and_activation, key=lambda x: abs(x[2]), reverse=True) for intent, feature, activation in features_intent_and_activation: log += "\n\n\"{}\" -> ({}, {:.2f})".format( intent, feature, float(activation)) log += "\n\n" return log