from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import logging import re from builtins import str from collections import defaultdict from pathlib import Path from future.utils import iteritems, itervalues from snips_inference_agl.common.dataset_utils import get_slot_name_mappings from snips_inference_agl.common.log_utils import log_elapsed_time, log_result from snips_inference_agl.common.utils import ( check_persisted_path, deduplicate_overlapping_items, fitted_required, json_string, ranges_overlap, regex_escape, replace_entities_with_placeholders) from snips_inference_agl.constants import ( DATA, END, ENTITIES, ENTITY, INTENTS, LANGUAGE, RES_INTENT, RES_INTENT_NAME, RES_MATCH_RANGE, RES_SLOTS, RES_VALUE, SLOT_NAME, START, TEXT, UTTERANCES, RES_PROBA) from snips_inference_agl.dataset import validate_and_format_dataset from snips_inference_agl.dataset.utils import get_stop_words_whitelist from snips_inference_agl.entity_parser.builtin_entity_parser import is_builtin_entity from snips_inference_agl.exceptions import IntentNotFoundError, LoadingError from snips_inference_agl.intent_parser.intent_parser import IntentParser from snips_inference_agl.pipeline.configs import DeterministicIntentParserConfig from snips_inference_agl.preprocessing import normalize_token, tokenize, tokenize_light from snips_inference_agl.resources import get_stop_words from snips_inference_agl.result import (empty_result, extraction_result, intent_classification_result, parsing_result, unresolved_slot) WHITESPACE_PATTERN = r"\s*" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @IntentParser.register("deterministic_intent_parser") class DeterministicIntentParser(IntentParser): """Intent parser using pattern matching in a deterministic manner This intent parser is very strict by nature, and tends to have a very good precision but a low recall. For this reason, it is interesting to use it first before potentially falling back to another parser. """ config_type = DeterministicIntentParserConfig def __init__(self, config=None, **shared): """The deterministic intent parser can be configured by passing a :class:`.DeterministicIntentParserConfig`""" super(DeterministicIntentParser, self).__init__(config, **shared) self._language = None self._slot_names_to_entities = None self._group_names_to_slot_names = None self._stop_words = None self._stop_words_whitelist = None self.slot_names_to_group_names = None self.regexes_per_intent = None self.entity_scopes = None @property def language(self): return self._language @language.setter def language(self, value): self._language = value if value is None: self._stop_words = None else: if self.config.ignore_stop_words: self._stop_words = get_stop_words(self.resources) else: self._stop_words = set() @property def slot_names_to_entities(self): return self._slot_names_to_entities @slot_names_to_entities.setter def slot_names_to_entities(self, value): self._slot_names_to_entities = value if value is None: self.entity_scopes = None else: self.entity_scopes = { intent: { "builtin": {ent for ent in itervalues(slot_mapping) if is_builtin_entity(ent)}, "custom": {ent for ent in itervalues(slot_mapping) if not is_builtin_entity(ent)} } for intent, slot_mapping in iteritems(value)} @property def group_names_to_slot_names(self): return self._group_names_to_slot_names @group_names_to_slot_names.setter def group_names_to_slot_names(self, value): self._group_names_to_slot_names = value if value is not None: self.slot_names_to_group_names = { slot_name: group for group, slot_name in iteritems(value)} @property def patterns(self): """Dictionary of patterns per intent""" if self.regexes_per_intent is not None: return {i: [r.pattern for r in regex_list] for i, regex_list in iteritems(self.regexes_per_intent)} return None @patterns.setter def patterns(self, value): if value is not None: self.regexes_per_intent = dict() for intent, pattern_list in iteritems(value): regexes = [re.compile(r"%s" % p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in pattern_list] self.regexes_per_intent[intent] = regexes @property def fitted(self): """Whether or not the intent parser has already been trained""" return self.regexes_per_intent is not None @log_elapsed_time( logger, logging.INFO, "Fitted deterministic parser in {elapsed_time}") def fit(self, dataset, force_retrain=True): """Fits the intent parser with a valid Snips dataset""""Fitting deterministic intent parser...") dataset = validate_and_format_dataset(dataset) self.load_resources_if_needed(dataset[LANGUAGE]) self.fit_builtin_entity_parser_if_needed(dataset) self.fit_custom_entity_parser_if_needed(dataset) self.language = dataset[LANGUAGE] self.regexes_per_intent = dict() entity_placeholders = _get_entity_placeholders(dataset, self.language) self.slot_names_to_entities = get_slot_name_mappings(dataset) self.group_names_to_slot_names = _get_group_names_to_slot_names( self.slot_names_to_entities) self._stop_words_whitelist = get_stop_words_whitelist( dataset, self._stop_words) # Do not use ambiguous patterns that appear in more than one intent all_patterns = set() ambiguous_patterns = set() intent_patterns = dict() for intent_name, intent in iteritems(dataset[INTENTS]): patterns = self._generate_patterns(intent_name, intent[UTTERANCES], entity_placeholders) patterns = [p for p in patterns if len(p) < self.config.max_pattern_length] existing_patterns = {p for p in patterns if p in all_patterns} ambiguous_patterns.update(existing_patterns) all_patterns.update(set(patterns)) intent_patterns[intent_name] = patterns for intent_name, patterns in iteritems(intent_patterns): patterns = [p for p in patterns if p not in ambiguous_patterns] patterns = patterns[:self.config.max_queries] regexes = [re.compile(p, re.IGNORECASE) for p in patterns] self.regexes_per_intent[intent_name] = regexes return self @log_result( logger, logging.DEBUG, "DeterministicIntentParser result -> {result}") @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.DEBUG, "Parsed in {elapsed_time}.") @fitted_required def parse(self, text, intents=None, top_n=None): """Performs intent parsing on the provided *text* Intent and slots are extracted simultaneously through pattern matching Args: text (str): input intents (str or list of str): if provided, reduces the scope of intent parsing to the provided list of intents top_n (int, optional): when provided, this method will return a list of at most top_n most likely intents, instead of a single parsing result. Note that the returned list can contain less than ``top_n`` elements, for instance when the parameter ``intents`` is not None, or when ``top_n`` is greater than the total number of intents. Returns: dict or list: the most likely intent(s) along with the extracted slots. See :func:`.parsing_result` and :func:`.extraction_result` for the output format. Raises: NotTrained: when the intent parser is not fitted """ if top_n is None: top_intents = self._parse_top_intents(text, top_n=1, intents=intents) if top_intents: intent = top_intents[0][RES_INTENT] slots = top_intents[0][RES_SLOTS] if intent[RES_PROBA] <= 0.5: # return None in case of ambiguity return empty_result(text, probability=1.0) return parsing_result(text, intent, slots) return empty_result(text, probability=1.0) return self._parse_top_intents(text, top_n=top_n, intents=intents) def _parse_top_intents(self, text, top_n, intents=None): if isinstance(intents, str): intents = {intents} elif isinstance(intents, list): intents = set(intents) if top_n < 1: raise ValueError( "top_n argument must be greater or equal to 1, but got: %s" % top_n) def placeholder_fn(entity_name): return _get_entity_name_placeholder(entity_name, self.language) results = [] for intent, entity_scope in iteritems(self.entity_scopes): if intents is not None and intent not in intents: continue builtin_entities = self.builtin_entity_parser.parse( text, scope=entity_scope["builtin"], use_cache=True) custom_entities = self.custom_entity_parser.parse( text, scope=entity_scope["custom"], use_cache=True) all_entities = builtin_entities + custom_entities mapping, processed_text = replace_entities_with_placeholders( text, all_entities, placeholder_fn=placeholder_fn) cleaned_text = self._preprocess_text(text, intent) cleaned_processed_text = self._preprocess_text(processed_text, intent) for regex in self.regexes_per_intent[intent]: res = self._get_matching_result(text, cleaned_text, regex, intent) if res is None and cleaned_text != cleaned_processed_text: res = self._get_matching_result( text, cleaned_processed_text, regex, intent, mapping) if res is not None: results.append(res) break # In some rare cases there can be multiple ambiguous intents # In such cases, priority is given to results containing fewer slots weights = [1.0 / (1.0 + len(res[RES_SLOTS])) for res in results] total_weight = sum(weights) for res, weight in zip(results, weights): res[RES_INTENT][RES_PROBA] = weight / total_weight results = sorted(results, key=lambda r: -r[RES_INTENT][RES_PROBA]) return results[:top_n] @fitted_required def get_intents(self, text): """Returns the list of intents ordered by decreasing probability The length of the returned list is exactly the number of intents in the dataset + 1 for the None intent """ nb_intents = len(self.regexes_per_intent) top_intents = [intent_result[RES_INTENT] for intent_result in self._parse_top_intents(text, top_n=nb_intents)] matched_intents = {res[RES_INTENT_NAME] for res in top_intents} for intent in self.regexes_per_intent: if intent not in matched_intents: top_intents.append(intent_classification_result(intent, 0.0)) # The None intent is not included in the regex patterns and is thus # never matched by the deterministic parser top_intents.append(intent_classification_result(None, 0.0)) return top_intents @fitted_required def get_slots(self, text, intent): """Extracts slots from a text input, with the knowledge of the intent Args: text (str): input intent (str): the intent which the input corresponds to Returns: list: the list of extracted slots Raises: IntentNotFoundError: When the intent was not part of the training data """ if intent is None: return [] if intent not in self.regexes_per_intent: raise IntentNotFoundError(intent) slots = self.parse(text, intents=[intent])[RES_SLOTS] if slots is None: slots = [] return slots def _get_intent_stop_words(self, intent): whitelist = self._stop_words_whitelist.get(intent, set()) return self._stop_words.difference(whitelist) def _preprocess_text(self, string, intent): """Replaces stop words and characters that are tokenized out by whitespaces""" tokens = tokenize(string, self.language) current_idx = 0 cleaned_string = "" stop_words = self._get_intent_stop_words(intent) for token in tokens: if stop_words and normalize_token(token) in stop_words: token.value = "".join(" " for _ in range(len(token.value))) prefix_length = token.start - current_idx cleaned_string += "".join((" " for _ in range(prefix_length))) cleaned_string += token.value current_idx = token.end suffix_length = len(string) - current_idx cleaned_string += "".join((" " for _ in range(suffix_length))) return cleaned_string def _get_matching_result(self, text, processed_text, regex, intent, entities_ranges_mapping=None): found_result = regex.match(processed_text) if found_result is None: return None parsed_intent = intent_classification_result(intent_name=intent, probability=1.0) slots = [] for group_name in found_result.groupdict(): ref_group_name = group_name if "_" in group_name: ref_group_name = group_name.split("_")[0] slot_name = self.group_names_to_slot_names[ref_group_name] entity = self.slot_names_to_entities[intent][slot_name] rng = (found_result.start(group_name), found_result.end(group_name)) if entities_ranges_mapping is not None: if rng in entities_ranges_mapping: rng = entities_ranges_mapping[rng] else: shift = _get_range_shift( rng, entities_ranges_mapping) rng = {START: rng[0] + shift, END: rng[1] + shift} else: rng = {START: rng[0], END: rng[1]} value = text[rng[START]:rng[END]] parsed_slot = unresolved_slot( match_range=rng, value=value, entity=entity, slot_name=slot_name) slots.append(parsed_slot) parsed_slots = _deduplicate_overlapping_slots(slots, self.language) parsed_slots = sorted(parsed_slots, key=lambda s: s[RES_MATCH_RANGE][START]) return extraction_result(parsed_intent, parsed_slots) def _generate_patterns(self, intent, intent_utterances, entity_placeholders): unique_patterns = set() patterns = [] stop_words = self._get_intent_stop_words(intent) for utterance in intent_utterances: pattern = self._utterance_to_pattern( utterance, stop_words, entity_placeholders) if pattern not in unique_patterns: unique_patterns.add(pattern) patterns.append(pattern) return patterns def _utterance_to_pattern(self, utterance, stop_words, entity_placeholders): from snips_nlu_utils import normalize slot_names_count = defaultdict(int) pattern = [] for chunk in utterance[DATA]: if SLOT_NAME in chunk: slot_name = chunk[SLOT_NAME] slot_names_count[slot_name] += 1 group_name = self.slot_names_to_group_names[slot_name] count = slot_names_count[slot_name] if count > 1: group_name = "%s_%s" % (group_name, count) placeholder = entity_placeholders[chunk[ENTITY]] pattern.append(r"(?P<%s>%s)" % (group_name, placeholder)) else: tokens = tokenize_light(chunk[TEXT], self.language) pattern += [regex_escape(t.lower()) for t in tokens if normalize(t) not in stop_words] pattern = r"^%s%s%s$" % (WHITESPACE_PATTERN, WHITESPACE_PATTERN.join(pattern), WHITESPACE_PATTERN) return pattern @check_persisted_path def persist(self, path): """Persists the object at the given path""" path.mkdir() parser_json = json_string(self.to_dict()) parser_path = path / "intent_parser.json" with"w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write(parser_json) self.persist_metadata(path) @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, **shared): """Loads a :class:`DeterministicIntentParser` instance from a path The data at the given path must have been generated using :func:`~DeterministicIntentParser.persist` """ path = Path(path) model_path = path / "intent_parser.json" if not model_path.exists(): raise LoadingError( "Missing deterministic intent parser metadata file: %s" % with"utf8") as f: metadata = json.load(f) return cls.from_dict(metadata, **shared) def to_dict(self): """Returns a json-serializable dict""" stop_words_whitelist = None if self._stop_words_whitelist is not None: stop_words_whitelist = { intent: sorted(values) for intent, values in iteritems(self._stop_words_whitelist)} return { "config": self.config.to_dict(), "language_code": self.language, "patterns": self.patterns, "group_names_to_slot_names": self.group_names_to_slot_names, "slot_names_to_entities": self.slot_names_to_entities, "stop_words_whitelist": stop_words_whitelist } @classmethod def from_dict(cls, unit_dict, **shared): """Creates a :class:`DeterministicIntentParser` instance from a dict The dict must have been generated with :func:`~DeterministicIntentParser.to_dict` """ config = cls.config_type.from_dict(unit_dict["config"]) parser = cls(config=config, **shared) parser.patterns = unit_dict["patterns"] parser.language = unit_dict["language_code"] parser.group_names_to_slot_names = unit_dict[ "group_names_to_slot_names"] parser.slot_names_to_entities = unit_dict["slot_names_to_entities"] if parser.fitted: whitelist = unit_dict.get("stop_words_whitelist", dict()) # pylint:disable=protected-access parser._stop_words_whitelist = { intent: set(values) for intent, values in iteritems(whitelist)} # pylint:enable=protected-access return parser def _get_range_shift(matched_range, ranges_mapping): shift = 0 previous_replaced_range_end = None matched_start = matched_range[0] for replaced_range, orig_range in iteritems(ranges_mapping): if replaced_range[1] <= matched_start: if previous_replaced_range_end is None \ or replaced_range[1] > previous_replaced_range_end: previous_replaced_range_end = replaced_range[1] shift = orig_range[END] - replaced_range[1] return shift def _get_group_names_to_slot_names(slot_names_mapping): slot_names = {slot_name for mapping in itervalues(slot_names_mapping) for slot_name in mapping} return {"group%s" % i: name for i, name in enumerate(sorted(slot_names))} def _get_entity_placeholders(dataset, language): return { e: _get_entity_name_placeholder(e, language) for e in dataset[ENTITIES] } def _deduplicate_overlapping_slots(slots, language): def overlap(lhs_slot, rhs_slot): return ranges_overlap(lhs_slot[RES_MATCH_RANGE], rhs_slot[RES_MATCH_RANGE]) def sort_key_fn(slot): tokens = tokenize(slot[RES_VALUE], language) return -(len(tokens) + len(slot[RES_VALUE])) deduplicated_slots = deduplicate_overlapping_items( slots, overlap, sort_key_fn) return sorted(deduplicated_slots, key=lambda slot: slot[RES_MATCH_RANGE][START]) def _get_entity_name_placeholder(entity_label, language): return "%%%s%%" % "".join( tokenize_light(entity_label, language)).upper()