from __future__ import unicode_literals import json import logging from builtins import str from pathlib import Path from future.utils import itervalues from snips_inference_agl.__about__ import __model_version__, __version__ from snips_inference_agl.common.log_utils import log_elapsed_time from snips_inference_agl.common.utils import (fitted_required) from snips_inference_agl.constants import ( AUTOMATICALLY_EXTENSIBLE, BUILTIN_ENTITY_PARSER, CUSTOM_ENTITY_PARSER, ENTITIES, ENTITY_KIND, LANGUAGE, RESOLVED_VALUE, RES_ENTITY, RES_INTENT, RES_INTENT_NAME, RES_MATCH_RANGE, RES_PROBA, RES_SLOTS, RES_VALUE, RESOURCES, BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK) # from snips_inference_agl.dataset import validate_and_format_dataset from snips_inference_agl.entity_parser import CustomEntityParser from snips_inference_agl.entity_parser.builtin_entity_parser import ( BuiltinEntityParser, is_builtin_entity) from snips_inference_agl.exceptions import ( InvalidInputError, IntentNotFoundError, LoadingError, IncompatibleModelError) from snips_inference_agl.intent_parser import IntentParser from snips_inference_agl.pipeline.configs import NLUEngineConfig from snips_inference_agl.pipeline.processing_unit import ProcessingUnit from snips_inference_agl.resources import load_resources_from_dir from snips_inference_agl.result import ( builtin_slot, custom_slot, empty_result, extraction_result, is_empty, parsing_result) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) @ProcessingUnit.register("nlu_engine") class SnipsNLUEngine(ProcessingUnit): """Main class to use for intent parsing A :class:`SnipsNLUEngine` relies on a list of :class:`.IntentParser` object to parse intents, by calling them successively using the first positive output. With the default parameters, it will use the two following intent parsers in this order: - a :class:`.DeterministicIntentParser` - a :class:`.ProbabilisticIntentParser` The logic behind is to first use a conservative parser which has a very good precision while its recall is modest, so simple patterns will be caught, and then fallback on a second parser which is machine-learning based and will be able to parse unseen utterances while ensuring a good precision and recall. """ config_type = NLUEngineConfig def __init__(self, config=None, **shared): """The NLU engine can be configured by passing a :class:`.NLUEngineConfig`""" super(SnipsNLUEngine, self).__init__(config, **shared) self.intent_parsers = [] """list of :class:`.IntentParser`""" self.dataset_metadata = None @classmethod def default_config(cls): # Do not use the global default config, and use per-language default # configs instead return None @property def fitted(self): """Whether or not the nlu engine has already been fitted""" return self.dataset_metadata is not None @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.DEBUG, "Parsed input in {elapsed_time}") @fitted_required def parse(self, text, intents=None, top_n=None): """Performs intent parsing on the provided *text* by calling its intent parsers successively Args: text (str): Input intents (str or list of str, optional): If provided, reduces the scope of intent parsing to the provided list of intents. The ``None`` intent is never filtered out, meaning that it can be returned even when using an intents scope. top_n (int, optional): when provided, this method will return a list of at most ``top_n`` most likely intents, instead of a single parsing result. Note that the returned list can contain less than ``top_n`` elements, for instance when the parameter ``intents`` is not None, or when ``top_n`` is greater than the total number of intents. Returns: dict or list: the most likely intent(s) along with the extracted slots. See :func:`.parsing_result` and :func:`.extraction_result` for the output format. Raises: NotTrained: When the nlu engine is not fitted InvalidInputError: When input type is not unicode """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise InvalidInputError("Expected unicode but received: %s" % type(text)) if isinstance(intents, str): intents = {intents} elif isinstance(intents, list): intents = set(intents) if intents is not None: for intent in intents: if intent not in self.dataset_metadata["slot_name_mappings"]: raise IntentNotFoundError(intent) if top_n is None: none_proba = 0.0 for parser in self.intent_parsers: res = parser.parse(text, intents) if is_empty(res): none_proba = res[RES_INTENT][RES_PROBA] continue resolved_slots = self._resolve_slots(text, res[RES_SLOTS]) return parsing_result(text, intent=res[RES_INTENT], slots=resolved_slots) return empty_result(text, none_proba) intents_results = self.get_intents(text) if intents is not None: intents_results = [res for res in intents_results if res[RES_INTENT_NAME] is None or res[RES_INTENT_NAME] in intents] intents_results = intents_results[:top_n] results = [] for intent_res in intents_results: slots = self.get_slots(text, intent_res[RES_INTENT_NAME]) results.append(extraction_result(intent_res, slots)) return results @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.DEBUG, "Got intents in {elapsed_time}") @fitted_required def get_intents(self, text): """Performs intent classification on the provided *text* and returns the list of intents ordered by decreasing probability The length of the returned list is exactly the number of intents in the dataset + 1 for the None intent .. note:: The probabilities returned along with each intent are not guaranteed to sum to 1.0. They should be considered as scores between 0 and 1. """ results = None for parser in self.intent_parsers: parser_results = parser.get_intents(text) if results is None: results = {res[RES_INTENT_NAME]: res for res in parser_results} continue for res in parser_results: intent = res[RES_INTENT_NAME] proba = max(res[RES_PROBA], results[intent][RES_PROBA]) results[intent][RES_PROBA] = proba return sorted(itervalues(results), key=lambda res: -res[RES_PROBA]) @log_elapsed_time(logger, logging.DEBUG, "Parsed slots in {elapsed_time}") @fitted_required def get_slots(self, text, intent): """Extracts slots from a text input, with the knowledge of the intent Args: text (str): input intent (str): the intent which the input corresponds to Returns: list: the list of extracted slots Raises: IntentNotFoundError: When the intent was not part of the training data InvalidInputError: When input type is not unicode """ if not isinstance(text, str): raise InvalidInputError("Expected unicode but received: %s" % type(text)) if intent is None: return [] if intent not in self.dataset_metadata["slot_name_mappings"]: raise IntentNotFoundError(intent) for parser in self.intent_parsers: slots = parser.get_slots(text, intent) if not slots: continue return self._resolve_slots(text, slots) return [] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path, **shared): """Loads a :class:`SnipsNLUEngine` instance from a directory path The data at the given path must have been generated using :func:`~SnipsNLUEngine.persist` Args: path (str): The path where the nlu engine is stored Raises: LoadingError: when some files are missing IncompatibleModelError: when trying to load an engine model which is not compatible with the current version of the lib """ directory_path = Path(path) model_path = directory_path / "nlu_engine.json" if not model_path.exists(): raise LoadingError("Missing nlu engine model file: %s" % with"utf8") as f: model = json.load(f) model_version = model.get("model_version") if model_version is None or model_version != __model_version__: bypass_version_check = shared.get(BYPASS_VERSION_CHECK, False) if bypass_version_check: logger.warning( "Incompatible model version found. The library expected " "'%s' but the loaded engine is '%s'. The NLU engine may " "not load correctly.", __model_version__, model_version) else: raise IncompatibleModelError(model_version) dataset_metadata = model["dataset_metadata"] if shared.get(RESOURCES) is None and dataset_metadata is not None: language = dataset_metadata["language_code"] resources_dir = directory_path / "resources" / language if resources_dir.is_dir(): resources = load_resources_from_dir(resources_dir) shared[RESOURCES] = resources if shared.get(BUILTIN_ENTITY_PARSER) is None: path = model["builtin_entity_parser"] if path is not None: parser_path = directory_path / path shared[BUILTIN_ENTITY_PARSER] = BuiltinEntityParser.from_path( parser_path) if shared.get(CUSTOM_ENTITY_PARSER) is None: path = model["custom_entity_parser"] if path is not None: parser_path = directory_path / path shared[CUSTOM_ENTITY_PARSER] = CustomEntityParser.from_path( parser_path) config = cls.config_type.from_dict(model["config"]) nlu_engine = cls(config=config, **shared) nlu_engine.dataset_metadata = dataset_metadata intent_parsers = [] for parser_idx, parser_name in enumerate(model["intent_parsers"]): parser_config = config.intent_parsers_configs[parser_idx] intent_parser_path = directory_path / parser_name intent_parser = IntentParser.load_from_path( intent_parser_path, parser_config.unit_name, **shared) intent_parsers.append(intent_parser) nlu_engine.intent_parsers = intent_parsers return nlu_engine def _resolve_slots(self, text, slots): builtin_scope = [slot[RES_ENTITY] for slot in slots if is_builtin_entity(slot[RES_ENTITY])] custom_scope = [slot[RES_ENTITY] for slot in slots if not is_builtin_entity(slot[RES_ENTITY])] # Do not use cached entities here as datetimes must be computed using # current context builtin_entities = self.builtin_entity_parser.parse( text, builtin_scope, use_cache=False) custom_entities = self.custom_entity_parser.parse( text, custom_scope, use_cache=True) resolved_slots = [] for slot in slots: entity_name = slot[RES_ENTITY] raw_value = slot[RES_VALUE] is_builtin = is_builtin_entity(entity_name) if is_builtin: entities = builtin_entities parser = self.builtin_entity_parser slot_builder = builtin_slot use_cache = False extensible = False else: entities = custom_entities parser = self.custom_entity_parser slot_builder = custom_slot use_cache = True extensible = self.dataset_metadata[ENTITIES][entity_name][ AUTOMATICALLY_EXTENSIBLE] resolved_slot = None for ent in entities: if ent[ENTITY_KIND] == entity_name and \ ent[RES_MATCH_RANGE] == slot[RES_MATCH_RANGE]: resolved_slot = slot_builder(slot, ent[RESOLVED_VALUE]) break if resolved_slot is None: matches = parser.parse( raw_value, scope=[entity_name], use_cache=use_cache) if matches: match = matches[0] if is_builtin or len(match[RES_VALUE]) == len(raw_value): resolved_slot = slot_builder( slot, match[RESOLVED_VALUE]) if resolved_slot is None and extensible: resolved_slot = slot_builder(slot) if resolved_slot is not None: resolved_slots.append(resolved_slot) return resolved_slots