/* * Video On Demand Samples * * Copyright (C) 2015 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. * Please contact Microchip for further information. * */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! \file * \brief This file contains the CIndustrialStack class (type defnitions and common classes). */ /*----------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef INDUSTRIAL_STACK_TYPES_H #define INDUSTRIAL_STACK_TYPES_H #include #include #include #include "SafeVector.h" typedef enum { ISReturn_NoChange, ISReturn_Success, ISReturn_Failure, ISReturn_Timeout } ISReturn_t; typedef enum { CISOpType_INVALID = 0xFF, CISOpType_SET = 0x0, CISOpType_GET = 0x1, CISOpType_SETGET = 0x2, CISOpType_INC = 0x3, CISOpType_DEC = 0x4, CISOpType_GETINTERFACE = 0x5, CISOpType_STATUS = 0xC, CISOpType_INTERFACE = 0xE, CISOpType_ERROR = 0xF, CISOpType_START = 0x0, CISOpType_ABORT = 0x1, CISOpType_STARTRESULT = 0x2, CISOpType_STARTRESULTACK = 0x6, CISOpType_ABORTACK = 0x7, CISOpType_STARTACK = 0x8, CISOpType_ERRORACK = 0x9, CISOpType_PROCESSINGACK = 0xA, CISOpType_PROCESSING = 0xB, CISOpType_RESULT = 0xC, CISOpType_RESULTACK = 0xD, CISOpType_REPORTS = 0x9 } CISOpType_t; class CIndustrialStack; class IISElement; class IISElementCallback; class CISWaitElement; class CISMostMsg; class CSInternalEvent; class CISSendMostMsgElement; class CISDeviceQueue; class CIndustrialStackLldCB; class CV1_OnMostRx; class CV2_OnMostRx; class CV3_OnMostRx; class IISElement { private: int32_t refCount; public: const char *ElementName; IISElementCallback *Callback; IISElement() : refCount(1), ElementName("Not set"), Callback(NULL) { } virtual ~IISElement() {} virtual ISReturn_t Service(CIndustrialStack *iStack, uint32_t time) = 0; virtual ISReturn_t OnMostMessage(CIndustrialStack *iStack, CISMostMsg *rcvMessage) = 0; void AddReference() { ++refCount; } void RemoveReference() { if( 0 == --refCount ) delete this; } }; class CISMostMsg { #define MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE 45 public: bool IsValid; uint32_t SourceAddress; uint32_t TargetAddress; uint32_t FBlock; uint32_t Func; uint32_t Inst; CISOpType_t OpType; uint32_t PayloadLen; uint8_t Payload[MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; CISMostMsg() : IsValid(false), SourceAddress(0xFFFFFFFF), TargetAddress(0xFFFFFFFF), FBlock(0xFFFFFFFF), Func(0xFFFFFFFF), Inst(0xFFFFFFFF), OpType(CISOpType_INVALID), PayloadLen(0) { } void DeepCopy(CISMostMsg *msg) { IsValid = msg->IsValid; SourceAddress = msg->SourceAddress; TargetAddress = msg->TargetAddress; FBlock = msg->FBlock; Func = msg->Func; Inst = msg->Inst; OpType = msg->OpType; PayloadLen = msg->PayloadLen; memcpy(Payload, msg->Payload, PayloadLen); } }; class IISElementCallback { public: virtual void ElementProcessed(CIndustrialStack *iStack, ISReturn_t result, IISElement *element) = 0; }; class CISDeviceQueue { private: uint16_t nodeAddress; public: CSafeVector elements; CISDeviceQueue(uint16_t address) : nodeAddress(address) { } uint16_t GetNodeAddress() { return nodeAddress; } }; #endif //INDUSTRIAL_STACK_TYPES_H