/* * Video On Demand Samples * * Copyright (C) 2015 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. * Please contact Microchip for further information. * */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stddef.h> #include "SafeVector.h" #include "Network.h" #include "NetworkDevice.h" #include "DriverConfiguration.h" #include "MacAddr.h" #include "Board.h" #include "Console.h" #include "NodeDatabase.h" #define PRINT_ALL_INFOS() void CNetwork::OnSync( void *source, bool isSynced ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "CNetwork::OnSync(deviceInstance:%d, isSynced:%d\n", devInstance, isSynced ); if( isSynced ) { device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_Unknown ); device->AttachV3(); } } void CNetwork::OnNetworkState( void *source, bool mpValChanged, bool systemNotOk, bool mostAvailable, uint8_t availableSubState, uint8_t availableTransition, uint16_t nodeAddress, uint8_t nodePos, uint8_t maxPos, uint16_t packetBW ) { if( NULL == source || !allowNetworkRun ) return; if (0x100 != nodeAddress && 0x1 != nodeAddress && 0xFFFF != nodeAddress) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); ConsolePrintf( PRIO_HIGH, YELLOW"CNetwork::OnNetworkState(inst:%d, mpChanged:%d, " \ "notOk:%d, available:%d, sub:0x%X, trans:0x%X, address:0x%X, pos:%d, " \ "mpr:%d, bw:%d"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, mpValChanged, systemNotOk, mostAvailable, availableSubState, availableTransition, nodeAddress, nodePos, maxPos, packetBW ); NetworkState_t curState = device->GetNetState(); if (NetworkState_ShutdownInProgress == curState) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_HIGH, "Ignoring OnNetworkState, because shutdown is still in progress\n"); return; } for( uint32_t i = 0; i < allListeners.Size(); i++ ) { allListeners[i]->OnNetworkState(devInstance, mostAvailable, maxPos, packetBW); } if( mostAvailable ) { if( NetworkState_Available == curState ) { if( 0x10 == availableSubState ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Unlock detected, shutting down MOST."RESETCOLOR"\n" ); device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_ShutdownInProgress ); device->ClearAllPendingActions(); device->MostNetworkShutdownV3(); return; } else if( mpValChanged && 0xFF != maxPos ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"MPR change detected, shutting down MOST."RESETCOLOR"\n" ); device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_ShutdownInProgress ); device->ClearAllPendingActions(); device->MostNetworkShutdownV3(); return; } else if( 0x11 == availableSubState ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, YELLOW"CNetwork::OnNetworkState was called with the same mostAvailable (%d) value as before, ignoring.."RESETCOLOR"\n", mostAvailable ); return; } } } else { if( 0x02 == availableSubState ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_HIGH, YELLOW"INIC enters Ring Break Diagnosis mode!"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); device->GetRingBreakResultV3( 1, 0 ); } if( NetworkState_Unavailable == curState ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, YELLOW"CNetwork::OnNetworkState was called with the same mostAvailable (%d) value as before, ignoring.."RESETCOLOR"\n", mostAvailable ); return; } } bool isTimingMaster = device->IsTimingMaster(); uint32_t asyncBandwidth = device->GetAsyncBandwidth(); if( !mostAvailable ) { device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_Unavailable ); device->ClearAllPendingActions(); DestroyAllResources( device, 0x1 ); //Clear all existing connection information for this MOST instance while( true ) { bool deleted = false; for( uint16_t i = 0; i < CNodeEntry::GetAmountOfNodeEntries(); i++ ) { CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( i ); if( NULL == entry ) continue; if( devInstance == entry->deviceInstance ) { for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); RaiseUnavailable( connection ); } CNodeEntry::DeleteNodeEntry( i ); deleted = true; break; } } if( !deleted ) break; } if( 2 == device->GetDeviceApi() ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Error, device API V2 is not supported by "\ "this version of NetworkManager!"RESETCOLOR ); } else if( 3 == device->GetDeviceApi() && isTimingMaster ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "CNetwork::OnNetworkState calling MostNetworkStartupV3\n" ); device->MostNetworkStartupV3( 0xFFFF, asyncBandwidth ); } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Error, device API '%d' is not supported by "\ "this version of NetworkManager!"RESETCOLOR, device->GetDeviceApi() ); } } else if (asyncBandwidth != packetBW) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Packet Bandwidth does not match."\ " Expected:%d Is:%d, forcing MOST shutdown"RESETCOLOR"\n", asyncBandwidth, packetBW ); device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_ShutdownInProgress ); device->MostNetworkShutdownV3(); } else if( !systemNotOk && ( maxPos <= 64 ) && ( packetBW <= 372 ) && ( 0x11 == availableSubState ) ) { //Everything is ok. Start query network devices device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_Available ); if( isTimingMaster ) { device->ToggleNotOk(); } device->GetGroupAddresses( maxPos ); } } void CNetwork::OnNetworkStartupV3( void *source, bool success ) { CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); if( success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, GREEN"CNetwork::OnNetworkStartupV3 success!"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnNetworkStartupV3 failed, retrying.."RESETCOLOR"\n" ); device->ScriptPause(500); device->MostNetworkStartupV3(); } } void CNetwork::OnNetworkShutdownV3( void *source, bool success ) { CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); if( success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_HIGH, GREEN"CNetwork::OnNetworkShutdownV2 success"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnNetworkShutdownV2 failed"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } device->SetNetstate( NetworkState_Unknown ); device->InicUnsychronizeV3(); } void CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddress, uint16_t deviceType ) { if( NULL == source ) return; if( nodeAddress >= 0x400 && nodeAddress <= 0x4FF ) nodeAddress = nodeAddress - 0x300; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddress ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType(deviceInstance:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X, deviceType: 0x%X)\n", devInstance, nodeAddress, deviceType ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddress ); sem_wait( &vodXmlMutex ); if( ( NULL == entry ) || ( NULL == vodXml ) ) { sem_post( &vodXmlMutex ); return; } entry->deviceType = deviceType; CSafeVector<CChannelConfiguration *> allChannels; uint32_t apiVer = vodXml->GetDeviceApi( deviceType ); if( 0xFFFFFFFF == apiVer ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType reports unknown API version '%d' for"\ " device 0x%X with node address 0x%X, please check GroupAddress in ConfigString or edit configuration file"\ RESETCOLOR"\n", apiVer, deviceType, nodeAddress ); sem_post( &vodXmlMutex ); RaiseUknownConnection( devInstance, nodeAddress, EP_Unknown ); return; } else if( 2 == apiVer || apiVer > 3 ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType reports API version '%d' for"\ " device 0x%X with node address 0x%X, this is not longer supported by this version of NetworkManager"\ RESETCOLOR"\n", apiVer, deviceType, nodeAddress ); sem_post( &vodXmlMutex ); RaiseUknownConnection( devInstance, nodeAddress, EP_Unknown ); return; } //Set MAC address regardless if set permanently or not. This MAC address contains MOST specific informations. //This is necessary, because the bytes in the MAC address are used to identify the streams in the multiplexer. CMacAddr *macAddress = SetMacAddress( device, devInstance, nodeAddress, apiVer ); if( NULL != macAddress ) { if( NULL != entry->macAddress ) { CMacAddr *temp = entry->macAddress; entry->macAddress = macAddress; delete temp; } else { entry->macAddress = macAddress; } for( uint16_t i = 0; i < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); i++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( i ); if( NULL != connection ) { RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Setting MAC address failed!"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); RaiseUknownConnection( devInstance, nodeAddress, EP_Unknown ); } if( vodXml->GetChannelConfigurations( deviceType, allChannels ) ) { if( 0 == allChannels.Size() ) { RaiseUknownConnection( devInstance, nodeAddress, EP_Unused ); } else for( uint32_t i = 0; i < allChannels.Size(); i++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( allChannels[i]->channelId, true ); if( NULL == connection->channelConfig ) { connection->channelConfig = allChannels[i]; } if( 1 == apiVer ) { /*------------------------------------*/ /*- INIC API VERSION 1 */ /*------------------------------------*/ if( ( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; if( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } if( !entry->isMlbPortOpened ) { entry->isMlbPortOpened = true; device->OpenMlbV1( nodeAddress, vodXml->GetDeviceMlbPortSpeed( deviceType ) ); } if( 0xFFFFFFFF == conf->splittedOffset ) { //Normal socket is used device->CreateMlbSocketV1( nodeAddress, conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else { //Enhanced (Splitted) Sockets are used device->CreateSplittedMlbSocketV1( nodeAddress, conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, conf->splittedOffset, conf->subbufferSize, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( ( PORT_TSI == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_TSI == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; if( PORT_TSI == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } if( !entry->isTsiPortOpened ) { entry->isTsiPortOpened = true; device->OpenTsiV1( nodeAddress, conf->tsiConfig.tsiPortInstance, conf->tsiConfig.tsiPortMode ); } device->CreateTsiSocketV1( nodeAddress, conf->tsiConfig.tsiPortInstance, conf->type, direction, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } if( ( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; if( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } if( !entry->isI2SPortOpened ) { if( V1I2sClockModeUnknown != conf->i2sConfig.portClkDriveModeV1 && V1I2sDataFormatUnknown != conf->i2sConfig.streamingDataFormatV1 ) { entry->isI2SPortOpened = true; device->OpenStreamPortV1( nodeAddress, conf->i2sConfig.portClkDriveModeV1, conf->i2sConfig.portOptionV1, conf->i2sConfig.streamingDataFormatV1, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( 0xFFFFFFFF == conf->splittedOffset ) { //Normal socket is used device->CreateStreamSocketV1( nodeAddress, direction, conf->blockWidth, conf->i2sConfig.pinV1, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else { //Enhanced (Splitted) Sockets are used device->CreateSplittedStreamSocketV1( nodeAddress, direction, conf->blockWidth, conf->splittedOffset, conf->subbufferSize, conf->i2sConfig.pinV1, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) { //Open MOST in case of out-connections if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; CSocketConfiguration *conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; device->CreateMostSocketV1( nodeAddress, conf->type, EPDIR_OUT, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else if( ( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) && ( 0xFFFFFFFF != connection->channelConfig->inSocket.address ) ) { //Or open MOST in case of in-connections with set connection label if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; CSocketConfiguration *conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Creating MOST socket for preconfigured Connection Label %d (0x%X)\n", conf->address, conf->address ); device->CreateMostSocketV1( nodeAddress, conf->type, EPDIR_IN, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } else if( 3 == apiVer ) { /*--------------------------------------------*/ /*-INIC API VERSION 3 (OS81118-D-Rev FW2.3.0) */ /*--------------------------------------------*/ if (0 == i) device->GetDeviceVersion( nodeAddress ); //Destroy all resources if( !entry->isUsbPortOpened && ( 0x1 != nodeAddress ) ) { entry->isUsbPortOpened = true; device->DeviceSyncV3( nodeAddress, true ); } if( ( PORT_USB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_USB == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; if( PORT_USB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } if( 0xFFFFFFFF == conf->splittedOffset ) { //No Splitter / No Combiner device->CreateUsbSocketV3( nodeAddress, conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->packetsPerTransaction, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else { //Splitter or Combiner is used //Do not create multiple USB sockets for a single Splitter / Combiner connection bool skip = false; for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *checkConn = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); CSocketConfiguration *checkConf = NULL; if( EPDIR_IN == direction ) checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket; else checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket; if( ( checkConf != conf ) && ( conf->address == checkConf->address ) ) { skip = true; break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); if( !skip ) device->CreateSplittedUsbSocketV3( nodeAddress, conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->packetsPerTransaction, conf->subbufferSize, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( ( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; if( PORT_MLB == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } if( !entry->isMlbPortOpened ) { entry->isMlbPortOpened = true; device->OpenMlbV3( nodeAddress, vodXml->GetDeviceMlbPortSpeed( deviceType ) ); } if( 0xFFFFFFFF == conf->splittedOffset ) { //No Splitter / No Combiner device->CreateMlbSocketV3( nodeAddress, ( uint16_t )0x0A00, //Const value for first instance of MLB bus conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else { //Splitter or Combiner is used //Do not create multiple MLB sockets for a single Splitter / Combiner connection bool skip = false; for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *checkConn = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); CSocketConfiguration *checkConf = NULL; if( EPDIR_IN == direction ) checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket; else checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket; if( ( checkConf != conf ) && ( conf->address == checkConf->address ) ) { skip = true; break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); if( !skip ) device->CreateSplittedMlbSocketV3( nodeAddress, ( uint16_t )0x0A00, //Const value for first instance of MLB bus conf->type, direction, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, conf->subbufferSize, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( ( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) || ( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { EPDirection_t direction = EPDIR_Unknown; CSocketConfiguration *conf = NULL; uint8_t portInst = 0xFF; if( PORT_I2S == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) { if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_IN; conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; } else { if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; direction = EPDIR_OUT; conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; } switch( conf->i2sConfig.pin ) { case V3I2SSRXA0: case V3I2SSRXA1: portInst = 0; break; case V3I2SSRXB0: case V3I2SSRXB1: portInst = 1; break; default: break; } if( !entry->isI2SPortOpened ) { if( V3I2SOptionUnknown != conf->i2sConfig.portOption ) { entry->isI2SPortOpened = true; device->ConfigureStreamPortV3( nodeAddress, 0, conf->i2sConfig.portOption, conf->i2sConfig.clockMode, conf->i2sConfig.delayMode, allChannels[i]->channelId ); device->ConfigureStreamPortV3( nodeAddress, 1, conf->i2sConfig.portOption, V3I2SClockModeWildcard, V3I2SDelayWildcard, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } if( V3I2SSpeedUnknown != conf->i2sConfig.portSpeed ) { entry->isI2SPortOpened = true; device->CreateStreamPortV3( nodeAddress, 0, conf->i2sConfig.portSpeed, conf->i2sConfig.alignment, allChannels[i]->channelId ); device->CreateStreamPortV3( nodeAddress, 1, V3I2SSpeedWildcard, conf->i2sConfig.alignment, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( 0xFFFFFFFF == conf->splittedOffset ) { //No Splitter / No Combiner device->CreateStreamSocketV3( nodeAddress, portInst, direction, conf->blockWidth, conf->i2sConfig.pin, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else { //Splitter or Combiner is used //Do not create multiple I2S sockets for a single Splitter / Combiner connection bool skip = false; for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *checkConn = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); CSocketConfiguration *checkConf = NULL; if( EPDIR_IN == direction ) checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket; else checkConf = &checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket; if( ( checkConf != conf ) && ( conf->i2sConfig.pin == checkConf->i2sConfig.pin ) ) { skip = true; break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); if( !skip ) device->CreateSplittedStreamSocketV3( nodeAddress, portInst, direction, conf->blockWidth, conf->i2sConfig.pin, conf->subbufferSize, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } if( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) { //Open MOST in case of out-connections if( connection->outSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; CSocketConfiguration *conf = &connection->channelConfig->outSocket; device->CreateMostSocketV3( nodeAddress, conf->type, EPDIR_OUT, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } else if( ( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) && ( 0xFFFFFFFF != connection->channelConfig->inSocket.address ) ) { //Or open MOST in case of in-connections with set connection label if( connection->inSocketState != NodeConnection_NotUsed ) continue; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Pending_Up; CSocketConfiguration *conf = &connection->channelConfig->inSocket; ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Creating MOST socket for preconfigured Connection Label %d (0x%X)\n", conf->address, conf->address ); device->CreateMostSocketV3( nodeAddress, conf->type, EPDIR_IN, conf->address, conf->blockWidth, allChannels[i]->channelId ); } } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Unknown INIC api version:%d"RESETCOLOR"\n", apiVer ); } //Perform external script at the end if( i == ( allChannels.Size() - 1 ) ) { if( NULL != connection->channelConfig->externalScipt ) { char configPath[300]; if( NULL != searchPath ) snprintf( configPath, sizeof ( configPath ), "%s/%s", searchPath, connection->channelConfig->externalScipt ); else strncpy( configPath, connection->channelConfig->externalScipt, sizeof ( configPath ) ); device->ExecuteMcmScript( nodeAddress, configPath ); } } } } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, YELLOW"CNetwork::OnMostDeviceType(deviceType: 0x%X) there is no channel configuration for this device type."RESETCOLOR"\n", deviceType ); RaiseUknownConnection( devInstance, nodeAddress, EP_Unknown ); } sem_post( &vodXmlMutex ); } void CNetwork::OnCreateTsiSocketV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, V1TsiPortInstance_t tsiPortInst, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthTsi, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { assert(EP_Isochron == epType); if( NULL == source || EP_Isochron != epType ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateTsiSocketV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateTsiSocketV1, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, port:%d, type:%d, dir:%d, bwTsi:%d, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, tsiPortInst, epType, epDir, blockWidthTsi, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateTsiSocketV1, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateMlbSocketV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthMlb, uint8_t mlbChannelAddress, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateMlbSocketV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV1, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, bwMlb:%d, mlbAddr:0x%X, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, blockWidthMlb, mlbChannelAddress, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { AimType_t aimType = AIM_UNKNOWN; uint32_t amountOfBuffers = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t bufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t subbufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t packetsPerTransaction = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t splittedOffset = 0xFFFFFFFF; if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.aimType; splittedOffset = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.splittedOffset; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.aimType; splittedOffset = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.splittedOffset; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV1, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } if( EP_Asynchron == epType ) { connection->channelConfig->outSocket.type = EP_Asynchron; connection->channelConfig->inSocket.type = EP_Asynchron; connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->connectedSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->mostConnectionLabel = 0xA; } else if( EP_Unknown == epType || EP_Unused == epType ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV1, Channel configuration is invalid, because data type is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); if( 0x1 == entry->nodeAddress && ( 0xFFFFFFFF == splittedOffset || 0x0 == splittedOffset ) ) { connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; switch( epType ) { case EP_Synchron: case EP_Isochron: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( aimType, mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Unknown: case EP_Unused: //Do nothing break; default: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize ); break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateMostSocketV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockwidthMost, uint16_t connectionLabel, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateMostSocketV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateMostSocketV1, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, bwMost:%d, conLabel:0x%X, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, blockwidthMost, connectionLabel, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { connection->mostConnectionLabel = connectionLabel; if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnConnectSocketsV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint16_t inSocketHandle, uint16_t outSocketHandle, uint16_t connectionHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnConnectSocketsV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnConnectSocketsV1, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, inHandle:0x%X, outHandle:0x%X, conHandle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, inSocketHandle, outSocketHandle, connectionHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { connection->connectedSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->connectHandle = connectionHandle; RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnDestroySocketV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint16_t handle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnDestroySocketV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "CNetwork::OnDestroySocketV1(deviceInstance:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, handle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( ( handle == connection->inHandle ) && ( NodeConnection_Pending_Down == connection->inSocketState ) ) { connection->inHandle = ( 0xFFFFFFFF ); connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_NotUsed; if( ( NULL != connection->channelConfig ) && ( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->inSocket.port ) ) { connection->mostConnectionLabel = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } else if( ( handle == connection->outHandle ) && ( NodeConnection_Pending_Down == connection->outSocketState ) ) { connection->outHandle = ( 0xFFFFFFFF ); connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_NotUsed; if( ( NULL != connection->channelConfig ) && ( PORT_MOST == connection->channelConfig->outSocket.port ) ) { connection->mostConnectionLabel = 0xFFFFFFFF; } } RaiseUnavailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnDisconnectSocketsV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint16_t handle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnDisconnectSocketsV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "CNetwork::OnDisconnectSocketsV1(deviceInstance:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, handle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( ( handle == connection->connectHandle ) && ( NodeConnection_Pending_Down == connection->connectedSocketState ) ) { connection->connectHandle = ( 0xFFFFFFFF ); connection->connectedSocketState = NodeConnection_NotUsed; } RaiseUnavailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateI2SSocketV1( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthI2S, V1I2SPin_t pin, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateI2SSocketV1 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateI2SSocketV1, addr:0x%X, port:%d, dir:%d, blockwidth:%d, pin:%d, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epDir, blockWidthI2S, pin, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateI2SSocket, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateUsbSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint8_t endPointAddress, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateUsbSocketV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateUsbSocketV2, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, epAddr:%d, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, endPointAddress, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { AimType_t aimType = AIM_UNKNOWN; uint32_t amountOfBuffers = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t bufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t subbufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t packetsPerTransaction = 0xFFFFFFFF; if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.aimType; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.aimType; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateUsbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); if( 0x1 == entry->nodeAddress ) { switch( epType ) { case EP_Synchron: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( aimType, endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Isochron: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( aimType, endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Unknown: ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateUsbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because data type is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); break; default: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize ); break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedUsbSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint8_t endPointAddress, uint16_t usbHandle, uint16_t splitterHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedUsbSocketV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateSplittedUsbSocketV2, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, epAddr:%d, USB-handle:0x%X, Splitter-handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, endPointAddress, usbHandle, splitterHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, false ); if( NULL != connection ) { AimType_t aimType = AIM_UNKNOWN; uint32_t amountOfBuffers = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t bufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t subbufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t packetsPerTransaction = 0xFFFFFFFF; bool valSet = false; for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *checkConn = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { if( connection->channelConfig->inSocket.address != checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.address ) continue; checkConn->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; checkConn->inHandle = splitterHandle; checkConn->splittedSourceHandle = usbHandle; if( !valSet ) { valSet = true; amountOfBuffers = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.aimType; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, checkConn->channelId ); } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { if( connection->channelConfig->outSocket.address != checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.address ) continue; checkConn->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; checkConn->outHandle = splitterHandle; checkConn->splittedSourceHandle = usbHandle; if( !valSet ) { valSet = true; amountOfBuffers = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.aimType; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, checkConn->channelId ); } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateUsbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); return; } } if( 0x1 == entry->nodeAddress ) { switch( epType ) { case EP_Synchron: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( aimType, endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof ( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Isochron: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( aimType, endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof ( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Unknown: ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateUsbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because data type is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); break; default: connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; device->ConfigureUsbEndpoint( endPointAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof ( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize ); break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } } void CNetwork::OnCreateMlbSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthMlb, uint8_t mlbChannelAddress, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateMlbSocketV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV2, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, mlbAddr:%d, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, mlbChannelAddress, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { AimType_t aimType = AIM_UNKNOWN; uint32_t amountOfBuffers = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t bufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t subbufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t packetsPerTransaction = 0xFFFFFFFF; if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.aimType; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; amountOfBuffers = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.aimType; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); if( 0x1 == entry->nodeAddress ) { connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; switch( epType ) { case EP_Synchron: case EP_Isochron: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( aimType, mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Unknown: ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because data type is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); break; default: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize ); break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedMlbSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthMlb, uint8_t mlbChannelAddress, uint16_t mlbSocketHandle, uint16_t splitterHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedMlbSocketV3 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateSplittedMlbSocketV3, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, mlbAddr:%d, mlb-handle:0x%X, Splitter-handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, mlbChannelAddress, mlbSocketHandle, splitterHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { AimType_t aimType = AIM_UNKNOWN; uint32_t amountOfBuffers = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t bufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t subbufferSize = 0xFFFFFFFF; uint32_t packetsPerTransaction = 0xFFFFFFFF; bool valSet = false; for( uint16_t j = 0; j < entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); j++ ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *checkConn = entry->GetConnectionByIndex( j ); if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { if( connection->channelConfig->inSocket.address != checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.address ) continue; checkConn->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; checkConn->inHandle = splitterHandle; checkConn->splittedSourceHandle = mlbSocketHandle; if( !valSet ) { valSet = true; amountOfBuffers = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = checkConn->channelConfig->inSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.aimType; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, checkConn->channelId ); } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { if( connection->channelConfig->outSocket.address != checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.address ) continue; checkConn->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; checkConn->outHandle = splitterHandle; checkConn->splittedSourceHandle = mlbSocketHandle; if( !valSet ) { valSet = true; amountOfBuffers = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.amountOfBuffers; bufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.bufferSize; subbufferSize = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.subbufferSize; packetsPerTransaction = checkConn->channelConfig->outSocket.packetsPerTransaction; aimType = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.aimType; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, checkConn->channelId ); } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateSplittedMlbSocketV3, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); return; } } if( 0x1 == entry->nodeAddress ) { connection->bufferSize = bufferSize; switch( epType ) { case EP_Synchron: case EP_Isochron: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( aimType, mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize, subbufferSize, packetsPerTransaction ); break; case EP_Unknown: ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateMlbSocketV2, Channel configuration is invalid, because data type is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); break; default: device->ConfigureMlbChannel( mlbChannelAddress, epType, epDir, connection->deviceName, sizeof( connection->deviceName ), amountOfBuffers, bufferSize ); break; } } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateI2SSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint8_t portInstance, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthI2S, V3I2SPin_t pin, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateI2SSocket reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateI2SSocket, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, port:%d, dir:%d, blockwidth:%d, pin:%d, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, portInstance, epDir, blockWidthI2S, pin, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateI2SSocket, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedI2SSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint8_t portInstance, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockWidthI2S, V3I2SPin_t pin, uint16_t i2sSocketHandle, uint16_t splitterHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateSplittedI2SSocketV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateI2SSocket, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, port:%d, dir:%d, blockwidth:%d, pin:%d, i2s-handle:0x%X, Splitter-handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, portInstance, epDir, blockWidthI2S, pin, i2sSocketHandle, splitterHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { //Find all related pin configurations, this is the use case of splitted I2S sockets V3I2SPin_t pin = connection->channelConfig->inSocket.i2sConfig.pin; uint16_t all = entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < all; i++) { CNodeConnectionEntry *con = entry->GetConnectionByIndex(i); if (pin == con->channelConfig->inSocket.i2sConfig.pin) { con->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; con->inHandle = splitterHandle; con->splittedSourceHandle = i2sSocketHandle; TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, con->channelId ); } } } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { //Find all related pin configurations, this is the use case of splitted I2S sockets V3I2SPin_t pin = connection->channelConfig->outSocket.i2sConfig.pin; uint16_t all = entry->GetAmountOfConnections(); for (uint16_t i = 0; i < all; i++) { CNodeConnectionEntry *con = entry->GetConnectionByIndex(i); if (pin == con->channelConfig->outSocket.i2sConfig.pin) { con->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; con->outHandle = splitterHandle; con->splittedSourceHandle = i2sSocketHandle; TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, con->channelId ); } } } else { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Network::OnCreateI2SSocket, Channel configuration is invalid, because direction of stream is unknown"RESETCOLOR"\n" ); } RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnCreateMostSocketV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, EPDirection_t epDir, uint16_t blockwidthMost, uint16_t connectionLabel, uint16_t socketHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateMostSocketV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnCreateMostSocketV2, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, type:%d, dir:%d, bwMost:%d, conLabel:0x%X, handle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, epDir, blockwidthMost, connectionLabel, socketHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { connection->mostConnectionLabel = connectionLabel; if( EPDIR_IN == epDir ) { connection->inSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->inHandle = socketHandle; } else if( EPDIR_OUT == epDir ) { connection->outSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->outHandle = socketHandle; } TryToConnectSockets( devInstance, nodeAddr, tag ); RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnConnectSocketsV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, EPDataType_t epType, uint16_t inSocketHandle, uint16_t outSocketHandle, uint16_t connectionHandle, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnConnectSocketsV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Network::OnConnectSocketsV2, inst:%d, addr:0x%X, Type0x%X, inHandle:0x%X, outHandle:0x%X, conHandle:0x%X, tag:0x%X\n", devInstance, nodeAddr, epType, inSocketHandle, outSocketHandle, connectionHandle, tag ); CNodeEntry *entry = CNodeEntry::GetNodeEntry( devInstance, nodeAddr ); if( NULL != entry ) { CNodeConnectionEntry *connection = entry->GetConnectionByChannelId( tag, true ); if( NULL != connection ) { connection->connectedSocketState = NodeConnection_Used; connection->connectHandle = connectionHandle; RaiseAvailable( connection ); } } PRINT_ALL_INFOS(); } void CNetwork::OnControlChannelReadEnd( void *source ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); connectionBitMask = connectionBitMask & ~( 1 << devInstance ); ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Destroying NetworkDevice with instance %d, because the reader thread has ended"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance ); allNetworkDevices.Remove(device); delete device; } void CNetwork::OnMostControlMessage( void *source, uint32_t sourceAddr, uint32_t targetAddr, uint32_t nFBlock, uint32_t nInst, uint32_t nFunc, uint8_t nOpType, uint32_t nPayloadLen, const uint8_t *Payload ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < allListeners.Size(); i++ ) { allListeners[i]->OnMostControlMessage( devInstance, sourceAddr, targetAddr, nFBlock, nInst, nFunc, nOpType, nPayloadLen, Payload ); } } void CNetwork::OnRbdResultV3( void *source, uint16_t nodeAddress, uint8_t result, uint8_t position, uint8_t status, uint16_t id ) { CNetworkDeviceListener::OnRbdResultV3( source, nodeAddress, result, position, status, id ); CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); for( uint32_t i = 0; i < allListeners.Size(); i++ ) { allListeners[i]->OnRingBreakDiagnosisResultV3( devInstance, nodeAddress, result, position, status, id ); } } void CNetwork::OnMostMacAddress( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddress, uint8_t macAddress1, uint8_t macAddress2, uint8_t macAddress3, uint8_t macAddress4, uint8_t macAddress5, uint8_t macAddress6 ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnMostMacAddress reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddress ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } } void CNetwork::OnConfigureI2SPortV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint8_t portInstance, V3I2SPortOption_t option, V3I2SClockMode_t mode, V3I2SDelayMode_t delay, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnConfigureI2SPortV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); ShutdownMostBecauseOfErrors( device ); return; } } void CNetwork::OnCreateI2SPortV3( void *source, bool success, uint16_t nodeAddr, uint8_t portInstance, V3I2SPortSpeed_t clock, V3I2SAlignment_t align, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnCreateI2SPortV2 reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, nodeAddr ); return; } } void CNetwork::OnDeviceVersion( void *source, bool success, uint32_t sourceAddr, uint32_t productId, uint32_t fwVersion, uint32_t buildVersion, uint8_t hwVersion, uint16_t diagnosisId, uint32_t tag ) { if( NULL == source ) return; CNetworkDevice *device = ( ( CNetworkDevice * )source ); uint32_t devInstance = device->GetDeviceIndex(); if( !success ) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"CNetwork::OnDeviceVersion reports failure for device:%d, nodeAddress:0x%X"RESETCOLOR"\n", devInstance, sourceAddr ); return; } ConsolePrintf( PRIO_MEDIUM, "Got Device version for nodeAddress:0x%X, productId:0x%X, fwVersion:0x%X, "\ "buildVersion:0x%X, hwVersion:%d, diagnosisId:0x%X\n", sourceAddr, productId, fwVersion, buildVersion, hwVersion, diagnosisId); if( 0x81118 == productId ) { uint8_t exMajor = 2; uint8_t exMinor = 4; uint8_t exRelease = 0; uint32_t expectedFW = exMajor << 24 | exMinor << 16 | exRelease << 8; if (fwVersion < expectedFW) { ConsolePrintf( PRIO_ERROR, RED"Warning, the device with node address:0x%X uses"\ " too old firmware! Please update to: V%d.%d.%d"RESETCOLOR"\n", sourceAddr, exMajor, exMinor, exRelease); } } }