/* * Video On Demand Samples * * Copyright (C) 2015 Microchip Technology Germany II GmbH & Co. KG * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * You may also obtain this software under a propriety license from Microchip. * Please contact Microchip for further information. * */ #include "Types.h" #include "Xml.h" #define CHILD(x) ( (x) ? (x)->xmlChildrenNode : NULL ) CXml::CXml( const char *szFile ) { m_Doc = xmlReadFile( szFile, NULL, 0 ); if( NULL == m_Doc ) LOG("unable to open XML file\n"); else m_bDocOpened = true; } CXml::CXml( const char *szBuffer, uint32_t nBufferLen ) { if( NULL == szBuffer || strlen( szBuffer ) >= nBufferLen ) { LOG("Parameter error in constructor of memory driven CXml\n"); } m_Doc = xmlReadMemory( szBuffer, strlen( szBuffer ), "config.xml", NULL, 0 ); if( NULL == m_Doc ) LOG("unable to open XML buffer\n"); else m_bDocOpened = true; } CXml::CXml( CXml &Node ) : m_Doc( Node.m_Doc ), m_Node( Node.m_Node ), m_bDocOpened( false ) { } CXml::~CXml() { if( m_bDocOpened ) xmlFreeDoc( m_Doc ); } bool CXml::SetToTopNode() { m_Node = xmlDocGetRootElement( m_Doc ); m_Node = CHILD(m_Node); return ( NULL != m_Node ); } bool CXml::FindFirstChildNode() { m_Node = CHILD(m_Node); return ( NULL != m_Node ); } bool CXml::FindNextNode() { if( NULL == m_Node ) return false; m_Node = m_Node->next; return NULL != m_Node; } bool CXml::FindNode( const xmlChar *szTag ) { if( NULL == m_Node || NULL == szTag ) { m_Node = NULL; return false; } while( m_Node && xmlStrcmp( m_Node->name, szTag ) ) // search in all nodes m_Node = m_Node->next; return ( NULL != m_Node ); } bool CXml::GetChildValue( const xmlChar *szTag, xmlChar *szValue, int nMaxLen ) { xmlNode *nodeMem = m_Node; FindFirstChildNode(); FindNode( szTag ); if( NULL == m_Node ) { m_Node = nodeMem; return false; } xmlChar *szTmp = xmlNodeListGetString( m_Doc, m_Node->xmlChildrenNode, 1 ); m_Node = nodeMem; if( NULL == szTmp ) return false; if( xmlStrlen( szTmp ) >= nMaxLen ) { xmlFree( szTmp ); return false; } memcpy( szValue, szTmp, sizeof( xmlChar ) * ( xmlStrlen( szTmp ) + 1 ) ); xmlFree( szTmp ); return true; } bool CXml::GetChildValueInt( const xmlChar *szTag, int &nValue ) { xmlNode *nodeMem = m_Node; FindFirstChildNode(); FindNode( szTag ); xmlNode *node = m_Node; m_Node = nodeMem; if( NULL == node ) { return false; } xmlChar *szVal = xmlNodeListGetString( m_Doc, node->xmlChildrenNode, 1 ); if( NULL == szVal ) return false; nValue = (szVal[0] == '0' && (szVal[1] =='x' || szVal[1] =='X')) ? strtol( ( char * )szVal + 2, NULL, 16 ) : atoi( ( char * )szVal ); xmlFree( szVal ); return true; } bool CXml::FindNodeWithValue( const xmlChar *szNodeTag, const xmlChar *szValueTag, const xmlChar *szValue ) { while( FindNode( szNodeTag ) ) { // search node fitting to NodeTag xmlChar *szCmp = NULL; if( GetChildValue( szValueTag, szCmp ) ) { // get nodes value fitting to ValueTag int nCmp = xmlStrcmp( szValue, szCmp ); // value fitting to compare value xmlFree( szCmp ); if( 0 == nCmp ) // search completed? break; } m_Node = m_Node->next; // continue with next node } return ( NULL != m_Node ); } bool CXml::FindNodeWithValueInt( const xmlChar *szNodeTag, const xmlChar *szValueTag, int nValue ) { int nCmp; while( FindNode( szNodeTag ) && GetChildValueInt( szValueTag, nCmp ) && nValue != nCmp ) { FindNextNode(); } return NULL != m_Node; // return found node or NULL; } int CXml::ConvertToInt( xmlChar *xString ) { char *cString = ( char * )xString; //Convertion may be needed.. for( uint32_t i = 0; i < strlen( cString ); i++ ) { if( cString[i] >= 65 && cString[i] <= 90 ) { //convert upper case to lower case cString[i] += 32; } } return strtol( cString, NULL, 16 ); }