path: root/meson.build
diff options
authorTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
committerTimos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com>2023-10-10 11:40:56 +0000
commite02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 (patch)
treeaee302e3cf8b59ec2d32ec481be3d1afddfc8968 /meson.build
parentcc668e6b7e0ffd8c9d130513d12053cf5eda1d3b (diff)
Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:
Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any changes. Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <t.ampelikiotis@virtualopensystems.com> Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
Diffstat (limited to 'meson.build')
1 files changed, 3474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meson.build b/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96de1a6ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,3474 @@
+project('qemu', ['c'], meson_version: '>=0.58.2',
+ default_options: ['warning_level=1', 'c_std=gnu11', 'cpp_std=gnu++11', 'b_colorout=auto',
+ 'b_staticpic=false'],
+ version: files('VERSION'))
+not_found = dependency('', required: false)
+keyval = import('keyval')
+ss = import('sourceset')
+fs = import('fs')
+sh = find_program('sh')
+cc = meson.get_compiler('c')
+config_host = keyval.load(meson.current_build_dir() / 'config-host.mak')
+enable_modules = 'CONFIG_MODULES' in config_host
+enable_static = 'CONFIG_STATIC' in config_host
+# Allow both shared and static libraries unless --enable-static
+static_kwargs = enable_static ? {'static': true} : {}
+# Temporary directory used for files created while
+# configure runs. Since it is in the build directory
+# we can safely blow away any previous version of it
+# (and we need not jump through hoops to try to delete
+# it when configure exits.)
+tmpdir = meson.current_build_dir() / 'meson-private/temp'
+if get_option('qemu_suffix').startswith('/')
+ error('qemu_suffix cannot start with a /')
+qemu_confdir = get_option('sysconfdir') / get_option('qemu_suffix')
+qemu_datadir = get_option('datadir') / get_option('qemu_suffix')
+qemu_docdir = get_option('docdir') / get_option('qemu_suffix')
+qemu_moddir = get_option('libdir') / get_option('qemu_suffix')
+qemu_desktopdir = get_option('datadir') / 'applications'
+qemu_icondir = get_option('datadir') / 'icons'
+config_host_data = configuration_data()
+genh = []
+target_dirs = config_host['TARGET_DIRS'].split()
+have_linux_user = false
+have_bsd_user = false
+have_system = false
+foreach target : target_dirs
+ have_linux_user = have_linux_user or target.endswith('linux-user')
+ have_bsd_user = have_bsd_user or target.endswith('bsd-user')
+ have_system = have_system or target.endswith('-softmmu')
+have_user = have_linux_user or have_bsd_user
+have_tools = 'CONFIG_TOOLS' in config_host
+have_block = have_system or have_tools
+python = import('python').find_installation()
+supported_oses = ['windows', 'freebsd', 'netbsd', 'openbsd', 'darwin', 'sunos', 'linux']
+supported_cpus = ['ppc', 'ppc64', 's390x', 'riscv', 'x86', 'x86_64',
+ 'arm', 'aarch64', 'mips', 'mips64', 'sparc', 'sparc64']
+cpu = host_machine.cpu_family()
+# Unify riscv* to a single family.
+if cpu in ['riscv32', 'riscv64']
+ cpu = 'riscv'
+targetos = host_machine.system()
+if cpu in ['x86', 'x86_64']
+ kvm_targets = ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu']
+elif cpu == 'aarch64'
+ kvm_targets = ['aarch64-softmmu']
+elif cpu == 's390x'
+ kvm_targets = ['s390x-softmmu']
+elif cpu in ['ppc', 'ppc64']
+ kvm_targets = ['ppc-softmmu', 'ppc64-softmmu']
+elif cpu in ['mips', 'mips64']
+ kvm_targets = ['mips-softmmu', 'mipsel-softmmu', 'mips64-softmmu', 'mips64el-softmmu']
+ kvm_targets = []
+kvm_targets_c = '""'
+if not get_option('kvm').disabled() and targetos == 'linux'
+ kvm_targets_c = '"' + '" ,"'.join(kvm_targets) + '"'
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_KVM_TARGETS', kvm_targets_c)
+accelerator_targets = { 'CONFIG_KVM': kvm_targets }
+if cpu in ['aarch64']
+ accelerator_targets += {
+ 'CONFIG_HVF': ['aarch64-softmmu']
+ }
+if cpu in ['x86', 'x86_64', 'arm', 'aarch64']
+ # i386 emulator provides xenpv machine type for multiple architectures
+ accelerator_targets += {
+ 'CONFIG_XEN': ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu'],
+ }
+if cpu in ['x86', 'x86_64']
+ accelerator_targets += {
+ 'CONFIG_HAX': ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu'],
+ 'CONFIG_HVF': ['x86_64-softmmu'],
+ 'CONFIG_NVMM': ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu'],
+ 'CONFIG_WHPX': ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu'],
+ }
+modular_tcg = []
+# Darwin does not support references to thread-local variables in modules
+if targetos != 'darwin'
+ modular_tcg = ['i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu']
+edk2_targets = [ 'arm-softmmu', 'aarch64-softmmu', 'i386-softmmu', 'x86_64-softmmu' ]
+unpack_edk2_blobs = false
+foreach target : edk2_targets
+ if target in target_dirs
+ bzip2 = find_program('bzip2', required: get_option('install_blobs'))
+ unpack_edk2_blobs = bzip2.found()
+ break
+ endif
+dtrace = not_found
+stap = not_found
+if 'dtrace' in get_option('trace_backends')
+ dtrace = find_program('dtrace', required: true)
+ stap = find_program('stap', required: false)
+ if stap.found()
+ # Workaround to avoid dtrace(1) producing a file with 'hidden' symbol
+ # visibility. Define STAP_SDT_V2 to produce 'default' symbol visibility
+ # instead. QEMU --enable-modules depends on this because the SystemTap
+ # semaphores are linked into the main binary and not the module's shared
+ # object.
+ add_global_arguments('-DSTAP_SDT_V2',
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ endif
+# Compiler flags #
+# Specify linker-script with add_project_link_arguments so that it is not placed
+# within a linker --start-group/--end-group pair
+if get_option('fuzzing')
+ add_project_link_arguments(['-Wl,-T,',
+ (meson.current_source_dir() / 'tests/qtest/fuzz/fork_fuzz.ld')],
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ # Specify a filter to only instrument code that is directly related to
+ # virtual-devices.
+ configure_file(output: 'instrumentation-filter',
+ input: 'scripts/oss-fuzz/instrumentation-filter-template',
+ copy: true)
+ add_global_arguments(
+ cc.get_supported_arguments('-fsanitize-coverage-allowlist=instrumentation-filter'),
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ if get_option('fuzzing_engine') == ''
+ # Add CFLAGS to tell clang to add fuzzer-related instrumentation to all the
+ # compiled code. To build non-fuzzer binaries with --enable-fuzzing, link
+ # everything with fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link. Otherwise, the linker will be
+ # unable to bind the fuzzer-related callbacks added by instrumentation.
+ add_global_arguments('-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link',
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ add_global_link_arguments('-fsanitize=fuzzer-no-link',
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ # For the actual fuzzer binaries, we need to link against the libfuzzer
+ # library. They need to be configurable, to support OSS-Fuzz
+ fuzz_exe_ldflags = ['-fsanitize=fuzzer']
+ else
+ # LIB_FUZZING_ENGINE was set; assume we are running on OSS-Fuzz, and
+ # the needed CFLAGS have already been provided
+ fuzz_exe_ldflags = get_option('fuzzing_engine').split()
+ endif
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'objc'])
+ native: false, language: 'cpp')
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+if targetos == 'linux'
+ add_project_arguments('-isystem', meson.current_source_dir() / 'linux-headers',
+ '-isystem', 'linux-headers',
+ language: ['c', 'cpp'])
+add_project_arguments('-iquote', '.',
+ '-iquote', meson.current_source_dir(),
+ '-iquote', meson.current_source_dir() / 'include',
+ '-iquote', meson.current_source_dir() / 'disas/libvixl',
+ language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+link_language = meson.get_external_property('link_language', 'cpp')
+if link_language == 'cpp'
+ add_languages('cpp', required: true, native: false)
+ cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp')
+ linker = cxx
+ linker = cc
+if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
+ add_languages('objc', required: false, native: false)
+sparse = find_program('cgcc', required: get_option('sparse'))
+if sparse.found()
+ run_target('sparse',
+ command: [find_program('scripts/check_sparse.py'),
+ 'compile_commands.json', sparse.full_path(), '-Wbitwise',
+ '-Wno-transparent-union', '-Wno-old-initializer',
+ '-Wno-non-pointer-null'])
+# Target-specific checks and dependencies #
+if get_option('fuzzing') and get_option('fuzzing_engine') == '' and \
+ not cc.links('''
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);
+ int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size) { return 0; }
+ ''',
+ args: ['-Werror', '-fsanitize=fuzzer'])
+ error('Your compiler does not support -fsanitize=fuzzer')
+if 'ftrace' in get_option('trace_backends') and targetos != 'linux'
+ error('ftrace is supported only on Linux')
+if 'syslog' in get_option('trace_backends') and not cc.compiles('''
+ #include <syslog.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ openlog("qemu", LOG_PID, LOG_DAEMON);
+ syslog(LOG_INFO, "configure");
+ return 0;
+ }''')
+ error('syslog is not supported on this system')
+if targetos != 'linux' and get_option('mpath').enabled()
+ error('Multipath is supported only on Linux')
+if targetos != 'linux' and get_option('multiprocess').enabled()
+ error('Multiprocess QEMU is supported only on Linux')
+multiprocess_allowed = targetos == 'linux' and not get_option('multiprocess').disabled()
+libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false)
+threads = dependency('threads')
+util = cc.find_library('util', required: false)
+winmm = []
+socket = []
+version_res = []
+coref = []
+iokit = []
+emulator_link_args = []
+nvmm =not_found
+hvf = not_found
+host_dsosuf = '.so'
+if targetos == 'windows'
+ socket = cc.find_library('ws2_32')
+ winmm = cc.find_library('winmm')
+ win = import('windows')
+ version_res = win.compile_resources('version.rc',
+ depend_files: files('pc-bios/qemu-nsis.ico'),
+ include_directories: include_directories('.'))
+ host_dsosuf = '.dll'
+elif targetos == 'darwin'
+ coref = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'CoreFoundation')
+ iokit = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'IOKit', required: false)
+ host_dsosuf = '.dylib'
+elif targetos == 'sunos'
+ socket = [cc.find_library('socket'),
+ cc.find_library('nsl'),
+ cc.find_library('resolv')]
+elif targetos == 'haiku'
+ socket = [cc.find_library('posix_error_mapper'),
+ cc.find_library('network'),
+ cc.find_library('bsd')]
+elif targetos == 'openbsd'
+ if not get_option('tcg').disabled() and target_dirs.length() > 0
+ # Disable OpenBSD W^X if available
+ emulator_link_args = cc.get_supported_link_arguments('-Wl,-z,wxneeded')
+ endif
+accelerators = []
+if not get_option('kvm').disabled() and targetos == 'linux'
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_KVM'
+if not get_option('xen').disabled() and 'CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND' in config_host
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_XEN'
+ have_xen_pci_passthrough = not get_option('xen_pci_passthrough').disabled() and targetos == 'linux'
+ have_xen_pci_passthrough = false
+if not get_option('whpx').disabled() and targetos == 'windows'
+ if get_option('whpx').enabled() and host_machine.cpu() != 'x86_64'
+ error('WHPX requires 64-bit host')
+ elif cc.has_header('WinHvPlatform.h', required: get_option('whpx')) and \
+ cc.has_header('WinHvEmulation.h', required: get_option('whpx'))
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_WHPX'
+ endif
+if not get_option('hvf').disabled()
+ hvf = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'Hypervisor',
+ required: get_option('hvf'))
+ if hvf.found()
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_HVF'
+ endif
+if not get_option('hax').disabled()
+ if get_option('hax').enabled() or targetos in ['windows', 'darwin', 'netbsd']
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_HAX'
+ endif
+if targetos == 'netbsd'
+ nvmm = cc.find_library('nvmm', required: get_option('nvmm'))
+ if nvmm.found()
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_NVMM'
+ endif
+tcg_arch = config_host['ARCH']
+if not get_option('tcg').disabled()
+ if cpu not in supported_cpus
+ if get_option('tcg_interpreter')
+ warning('Unsupported CPU @0@, will use TCG with TCI (slow)'.format(cpu))
+ else
+ error('Unsupported CPU @0@, try --enable-tcg-interpreter'.format(cpu))
+ endif
+ elif get_option('tcg_interpreter')
+ warning('Use of the TCG interpreter is not recommended on this host')
+ warning('architecture. There is a native TCG execution backend available')
+ warning('which provides substantially better performance and reliability.')
+ warning('It is strongly recommended to remove the --enable-tcg-interpreter')
+ warning('configuration option on this architecture to use the native')
+ warning('backend.')
+ endif
+ if get_option('tcg_interpreter')
+ tcg_arch = 'tci'
+ elif config_host['ARCH'] == 'sparc64'
+ tcg_arch = 'sparc'
+ elif config_host['ARCH'] in ['x86_64', 'x32']
+ tcg_arch = 'i386'
+ elif config_host['ARCH'] == 'ppc64'
+ tcg_arch = 'ppc'
+ endif
+ add_project_arguments('-iquote', meson.current_source_dir() / 'tcg' / tcg_arch,
+ language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ accelerators += 'CONFIG_TCG'
+ config_host += { 'CONFIG_TCG': 'y' }
+if 'CONFIG_KVM' not in accelerators and get_option('kvm').enabled()
+ error('KVM not available on this platform')
+if 'CONFIG_HVF' not in accelerators and get_option('hvf').enabled()
+ error('HVF not available on this platform')
+if 'CONFIG_NVMM' not in accelerators and get_option('nvmm').enabled()
+ error('NVMM not available on this platform')
+if 'CONFIG_WHPX' not in accelerators and get_option('whpx').enabled()
+ error('WHPX not available on this platform')
+if not have_xen_pci_passthrough and get_option('xen_pci_passthrough').enabled()
+ if 'CONFIG_XEN' in accelerators
+ error('Xen PCI passthrough not available on this platform')
+ else
+ error('Xen PCI passthrough requested but Xen not enabled')
+ endif
+# Dependencies #
+# The path to glib.h is added to all compilation commands. This was
+# grandfathered in from the QEMU Makefiles.
+ native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+glib = declare_dependency(compile_args: config_host['GLIB_CFLAGS'].split(),
+ link_args: config_host['GLIB_LIBS'].split())
+# override glib dep with the configure results (for subprojects)
+meson.override_dependency('glib-2.0', glib)
+gio = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_GIO' in config_host
+ gio = declare_dependency(compile_args: config_host['GIO_CFLAGS'].split(),
+ link_args: config_host['GIO_LIBS'].split())
+lttng = not_found
+if 'ust' in get_option('trace_backends')
+ lttng = dependency('lttng-ust', required: true, method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+pixman = not_found
+if have_system or have_tools
+ pixman = dependency('pixman-1', required: have_system, version:'>=0.21.8',
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+zlib = dependency('zlib', required: true, kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libaio = not_found
+if not get_option('linux_aio').auto() or have_block
+ libaio = cc.find_library('aio', has_headers: ['libaio.h'],
+ required: get_option('linux_aio'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+linux_io_uring = not_found
+if not get_option('linux_io_uring').auto() or have_block
+ linux_io_uring = dependency('liburing', required: get_option('linux_io_uring'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libxml2 = not_found
+if not get_option('libxml2').auto() or have_block
+ libxml2 = dependency('libxml-2.0', required: get_option('libxml2'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libnfs = not_found
+if not get_option('libnfs').auto() or have_block
+ libnfs = dependency('libnfs', version: '>=1.9.3',
+ required: get_option('libnfs'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libattr_test = '''
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <attr/xattr.h>
+ #else
+ #include <sys/xattr.h>
+ #endif
+ int main(void) { getxattr(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0); setxattr(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0); return 0; }'''
+libattr = not_found
+have_old_libattr = false
+if not get_option('attr').disabled()
+ if cc.links(libattr_test)
+ libattr = declare_dependency()
+ else
+ libattr = cc.find_library('attr', has_headers: ['attr/xattr.h'],
+ required: get_option('attr'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if libattr.found() and not \
+ cc.links(libattr_test, dependencies: libattr, args: '-DCONFIG_LIBATTR')
+ libattr = not_found
+ if get_option('attr').enabled()
+ error('could not link libattr')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libattr, disabling')
+ endif
+ else
+ have_old_libattr = libattr.found()
+ endif
+ endif
+cocoa = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'Cocoa', required: get_option('cocoa'))
+if cocoa.found() and get_option('sdl').enabled()
+ error('Cocoa and SDL cannot be enabled at the same time')
+if cocoa.found() and get_option('gtk').enabled()
+ error('Cocoa and GTK+ cannot be enabled at the same time')
+seccomp = not_found
+if not get_option('seccomp').auto() or have_system or have_tools
+ seccomp = dependency('libseccomp', version: '>=2.3.0',
+ required: get_option('seccomp'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libcap_ng = not_found
+if not get_option('cap_ng').auto() or have_system or have_tools
+ libcap_ng = cc.find_library('cap-ng', has_headers: ['cap-ng.h'],
+ required: get_option('cap_ng'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if libcap_ng.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <cap-ng.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ capng_capability_to_name(CAPNG_EFFECTIVE);
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: libcap_ng)
+ libcap_ng = not_found
+ if get_option('cap_ng').enabled()
+ error('could not link libcap-ng')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libcap-ng, disabling')
+ endif
+if get_option('xkbcommon').auto() and not have_system and not have_tools
+ xkbcommon = not_found
+ xkbcommon = dependency('xkbcommon', required: get_option('xkbcommon'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+vde = not_found
+if not get_option('vde').auto() or have_system or have_tools
+ vde = cc.find_library('vdeplug', has_headers: ['libvdeplug.h'],
+ required: get_option('vde'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if vde.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <libvdeplug.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ struct vde_open_args a = {0, 0, 0};
+ char s[] = "";
+ vde_open(s, s, &a);
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: vde)
+ vde = not_found
+ if get_option('cap_ng').enabled()
+ error('could not link libvdeplug')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libvdeplug, disabling')
+ endif
+pulse = not_found
+if not get_option('pa').auto() or (targetos == 'linux' and have_system)
+ pulse = dependency('libpulse', required: get_option('pa'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+alsa = not_found
+if not get_option('alsa').auto() or (targetos == 'linux' and have_system)
+ alsa = dependency('alsa', required: get_option('alsa'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+jack = not_found
+if not get_option('jack').auto() or have_system
+ jack = dependency('jack', required: get_option('jack'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+spice_protocol = not_found
+if not get_option('spice_protocol').auto() or have_system
+ spice_protocol = dependency('spice-protocol', version: '>=0.12.3',
+ required: get_option('spice_protocol'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+spice = not_found
+if not get_option('spice').auto() or have_system
+ spice = dependency('spice-server', version: '>=0.12.5',
+ required: get_option('spice'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+spice_headers = spice.partial_dependency(compile_args: true, includes: true)
+rt = cc.find_library('rt', required: false)
+libiscsi = not_found
+if not get_option('libiscsi').auto() or have_block
+ libiscsi = dependency('libiscsi', version: '>=1.9.0',
+ required: get_option('libiscsi'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+zstd = not_found
+if not get_option('zstd').auto() or have_block
+ zstd = dependency('libzstd', version: '>=1.4.0',
+ required: get_option('zstd'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+virgl = not_found
+if not get_option('virglrenderer').auto() or have_system
+ virgl = dependency('virglrenderer',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('virglrenderer'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+curl = not_found
+if not get_option('curl').auto() or have_block
+ curl = dependency('libcurl', version: '>=7.29.0',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('curl'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libudev = not_found
+if targetos == 'linux' and (have_system or have_tools)
+ libudev = dependency('libudev',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('libudev'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+mpathlibs = [libudev]
+mpathpersist = not_found
+mpathpersist_new_api = false
+if targetos == 'linux' and have_tools and not get_option('mpath').disabled()
+ mpath_test_source_new = '''
+ #include <libudev.h>
+ #include <mpath_persist.h>
+ unsigned mpath_mx_alloc_len = 1024;
+ int logsink;
+ static struct config *multipath_conf;
+ extern struct udev *udev;
+ extern struct config *get_multipath_config(void);
+ extern void put_multipath_config(struct config *conf);
+ struct udev *udev;
+ struct config *get_multipath_config(void) { return multipath_conf; }
+ void put_multipath_config(struct config *conf) { }
+ int main(void) {
+ udev = udev_new();
+ multipath_conf = mpath_lib_init();
+ return 0;
+ }'''
+ mpath_test_source_old = '''
+ #include <libudev.h>
+ #include <mpath_persist.h>
+ unsigned mpath_mx_alloc_len = 1024;
+ int logsink;
+ int main(void) {
+ struct udev *udev = udev_new();
+ mpath_lib_init(udev);
+ return 0;
+ }'''
+ libmpathpersist = cc.find_library('mpathpersist',
+ required: get_option('mpath'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if libmpathpersist.found()
+ mpathlibs += libmpathpersist
+ if enable_static
+ mpathlibs += cc.find_library('devmapper',
+ required: get_option('mpath'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ endif
+ mpathlibs += cc.find_library('multipath',
+ required: get_option('mpath'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ foreach lib: mpathlibs
+ if not lib.found()
+ mpathlibs = []
+ break
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ if mpathlibs.length() == 0
+ msg = 'Dependencies missing for libmpathpersist'
+ elif cc.links(mpath_test_source_new, dependencies: mpathlibs)
+ mpathpersist = declare_dependency(dependencies: mpathlibs)
+ mpathpersist_new_api = true
+ elif cc.links(mpath_test_source_old, dependencies: mpathlibs)
+ mpathpersist = declare_dependency(dependencies: mpathlibs)
+ else
+ msg = 'Cannot detect libmpathpersist API'
+ endif
+ if not mpathpersist.found()
+ if get_option('mpath').enabled()
+ error(msg)
+ else
+ warning(msg + ', disabling')
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+iconv = not_found
+curses = not_found
+if have_system and not get_option('curses').disabled()
+ curses_test = '''
+ #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
+ #endif
+ #include <locale.h>
+ #include <curses.h>
+ #include <wchar.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ wchar_t wch = L'w';
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+ resize_term(0, 0);
+ addwstr(L"wide chars\n");
+ addnwstr(&wch, 1);
+ add_wch(WACS_DEGREE);
+ return 0;
+ }'''
+ curses_dep_list = targetos == 'windows' ? ['ncurses', 'ncursesw'] : ['ncursesw']
+ foreach curses_dep : curses_dep_list
+ if not curses.found()
+ curses = dependency(curses_dep,
+ required: false,
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ msg = get_option('curses').enabled() ? 'curses library not found' : ''
+ curses_compile_args = ['-DNCURSES_WIDECHAR=1']
+ if curses.found()
+ if cc.links(curses_test, args: curses_compile_args, dependencies: [curses])
+ curses = declare_dependency(compile_args: curses_compile_args, dependencies: [curses])
+ else
+ msg = 'curses package not usable'
+ curses = not_found
+ endif
+ endif
+ if not curses.found()
+ has_curses_h = cc.has_header('curses.h', args: curses_compile_args)
+ if targetos != 'windows' and not has_curses_h
+ message('Trying with /usr/include/ncursesw')
+ curses_compile_args += ['-I/usr/include/ncursesw']
+ has_curses_h = cc.has_header('curses.h', args: curses_compile_args)
+ endif
+ if has_curses_h
+ curses_libname_list = (targetos == 'windows' ? ['pdcurses'] : ['ncursesw', 'cursesw'])
+ foreach curses_libname : curses_libname_list
+ libcurses = cc.find_library(curses_libname,
+ required: false,
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if libcurses.found()
+ if cc.links(curses_test, args: curses_compile_args, dependencies: libcurses)
+ curses = declare_dependency(compile_args: curses_compile_args,
+ dependencies: [libcurses])
+ break
+ else
+ msg = 'curses library not usable'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ endif
+ endif
+ if not get_option('iconv').disabled()
+ foreach link_args : [ ['-liconv'], [] ]
+ # Programs will be linked with glib and this will bring in libiconv on FreeBSD.
+ # We need to use libiconv if available because mixing libiconv's headers with
+ # the system libc does not work.
+ # However, without adding glib to the dependencies -L/usr/local/lib will not be
+ # included in the command line and libiconv will not be found.
+ if cc.links('''
+ #include <iconv.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ iconv_t conv = iconv_open("WCHAR_T", "UCS-2");
+ return conv != (iconv_t) -1;
+ }''', args: config_host['GLIB_CFLAGS'].split() + config_host['GLIB_LIBS'].split() + link_args)
+ iconv = declare_dependency(link_args: link_args, dependencies: glib)
+ break
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ endif
+ if curses.found() and not iconv.found()
+ if get_option('iconv').enabled()
+ error('iconv not available')
+ endif
+ msg = 'iconv required for curses UI but not available'
+ curses = not_found
+ endif
+ if not curses.found() and msg != ''
+ if get_option('curses').enabled()
+ error(msg)
+ else
+ warning(msg + ', disabling')
+ endif
+ endif
+brlapi = not_found
+if not get_option('brlapi').auto() or have_system
+ brlapi = cc.find_library('brlapi', has_headers: ['brlapi.h'],
+ required: get_option('brlapi'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if brlapi.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <brlapi.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ int main(void) { return brlapi__openConnection (NULL, NULL, NULL); }''', dependencies: brlapi)
+ brlapi = not_found
+ if get_option('brlapi').enabled()
+ error('could not link brlapi')
+ else
+ warning('could not link brlapi, disabling')
+ endif
+ endif
+sdl = not_found
+if not get_option('sdl').auto() or (have_system and not cocoa.found())
+ sdl = dependency('sdl2', required: get_option('sdl'), kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ sdl_image = not_found
+if sdl.found()
+ # work around 2.0.8 bug
+ sdl = declare_dependency(compile_args: '-Wno-undef',
+ dependencies: sdl)
+ sdl_image = dependency('SDL2_image', required: get_option('sdl_image'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if get_option('sdl_image').enabled()
+ error('sdl-image required, but SDL was @0@'.format(
+ get_option('sdl').disabled() ? 'disabled' : 'not found'))
+ endif
+ sdl_image = not_found
+rbd = not_found
+if not get_option('rbd').auto() or have_block
+ librados = cc.find_library('rados', required: get_option('rbd'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ librbd = cc.find_library('rbd', has_headers: ['rbd/librbd.h'],
+ required: get_option('rbd'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if librados.found() and librbd.found()
+ if cc.links('''
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <rbd/librbd.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ rados_t cluster;
+ rados_create(&cluster, NULL);
+ #error
+ #endif
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: [librbd, librados])
+ rbd = declare_dependency(dependencies: [librbd, librados])
+ elif get_option('rbd').enabled()
+ error('librbd >= 1.12.0 required')
+ else
+ warning('librbd >= 1.12.0 not found, disabling')
+ endif
+ endif
+glusterfs = not_found
+glusterfs_ftruncate_has_stat = false
+glusterfs_iocb_has_stat = false
+if not get_option('glusterfs').auto() or have_block
+ glusterfs = dependency('glusterfs-api', version: '>=3',
+ required: get_option('glusterfs'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if glusterfs.found()
+ glusterfs_ftruncate_has_stat = cc.links('''
+ #include <glusterfs/api/glfs.h>
+ int
+ main(void)
+ {
+ /* new glfs_ftruncate() passes two additional args */
+ return glfs_ftruncate(NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
+ }
+ ''', dependencies: glusterfs)
+ glusterfs_iocb_has_stat = cc.links('''
+ #include <glusterfs/api/glfs.h>
+ /* new glfs_io_cbk() passes two additional glfs_stat structs */
+ static void
+ glusterfs_iocb(glfs_fd_t *fd, ssize_t ret, struct glfs_stat *prestat, struct glfs_stat *poststat, void *data)
+ {}
+ int
+ main(void)
+ {
+ glfs_io_cbk iocb = &glusterfs_iocb;
+ iocb(NULL, 0 , NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ ''', dependencies: glusterfs)
+ endif
+libssh = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_LIBSSH' in config_host
+ libssh = declare_dependency(compile_args: config_host['LIBSSH_CFLAGS'].split(),
+ link_args: config_host['LIBSSH_LIBS'].split())
+libbzip2 = not_found
+if not get_option('bzip2').auto() or have_block
+ libbzip2 = cc.find_library('bz2', has_headers: ['bzlib.h'],
+ required: get_option('bzip2'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if libbzip2.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <bzlib.h>
+ int main(void) { BZ2_bzlibVersion(); return 0; }''', dependencies: libbzip2)
+ libbzip2 = not_found
+ if get_option('bzip2').enabled()
+ error('could not link libbzip2')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libbzip2, disabling')
+ endif
+ endif
+liblzfse = not_found
+if not get_option('lzfse').auto() or have_block
+ liblzfse = cc.find_library('lzfse', has_headers: ['lzfse.h'],
+ required: get_option('lzfse'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if liblzfse.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <lzfse.h>
+ int main(void) { lzfse_decode_scratch_size(); return 0; }''', dependencies: liblzfse)
+ liblzfse = not_found
+ if get_option('lzfse').enabled()
+ error('could not link liblzfse')
+ else
+ warning('could not link liblzfse, disabling')
+ endif
+oss = not_found
+if have_system and not get_option('oss').disabled()
+ if not cc.has_header('sys/soundcard.h')
+ # not found
+ elif targetos == 'netbsd'
+ oss = cc.find_library('ossaudio', required: get_option('oss'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ else
+ oss = declare_dependency()
+ endif
+ if not oss.found()
+ if get_option('oss').enabled()
+ error('OSS not found')
+ endif
+ endif
+dsound = not_found
+if not get_option('dsound').auto() or (targetos == 'windows' and have_system)
+ if cc.has_header('dsound.h')
+ dsound = declare_dependency(link_args: ['-lole32', '-ldxguid'])
+ endif
+ if not dsound.found()
+ if get_option('dsound').enabled()
+ error('DirectSound not found')
+ endif
+ endif
+coreaudio = not_found
+if not get_option('coreaudio').auto() or (targetos == 'darwin' and have_system)
+ coreaudio = dependency('appleframeworks', modules: 'CoreAudio',
+ required: get_option('coreaudio'))
+opengl = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_OPENGL' in config_host
+ opengl = declare_dependency(compile_args: config_host['OPENGL_CFLAGS'].split(),
+ link_args: config_host['OPENGL_LIBS'].split())
+gbm = not_found
+if (have_system or have_tools) and (virgl.found() or opengl.found())
+ gbm = dependency('gbm', method: 'pkg-config', required: false,
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+gnutls = not_found
+gnutls_crypto = not_found
+if get_option('gnutls').enabled() or (get_option('gnutls').auto() and have_system)
+ # For general TLS support our min gnutls matches
+ # that implied by our platform support matrix
+ #
+ # For the crypto backends, we look for a newer
+ # gnutls:
+ #
+ # Version 3.6.8 is needed to get XTS
+ # Version 3.6.13 is needed to get PBKDF
+ # Version 3.6.14 is needed to get HW accelerated XTS
+ #
+ # If newer enough gnutls isn't available, we can
+ # still use a different crypto backend to satisfy
+ # the platform support requirements
+ gnutls_crypto = dependency('gnutls', version: '>=3.6.14',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: false,
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if gnutls_crypto.found()
+ gnutls = gnutls_crypto
+ else
+ # Our min version if all we need is TLS
+ gnutls = dependency('gnutls', version: '>=3.5.18',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('gnutls'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ endif
+# We prefer use of gnutls for crypto, unless the options
+# explicitly asked for nettle or gcrypt.
+# If gnutls isn't available for crypto, then we'll prefer
+# gcrypt over nettle for performance reasons.
+gcrypt = not_found
+nettle = not_found
+xts = 'none'
+if get_option('nettle').enabled() and get_option('gcrypt').enabled()
+ error('Only one of gcrypt & nettle can be enabled')
+# Explicit nettle/gcrypt request, so ignore gnutls for crypto
+if get_option('nettle').enabled() or get_option('gcrypt').enabled()
+ gnutls_crypto = not_found
+if not gnutls_crypto.found()
+ if (not get_option('gcrypt').auto() or have_system) and not get_option('nettle').enabled()
+ gcrypt = dependency('libgcrypt', version: '>=1.8',
+ method: 'config-tool',
+ required: get_option('gcrypt'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ # Debian has removed -lgpg-error from libgcrypt-config
+ # as it "spreads unnecessary dependencies" which in
+ # turn breaks static builds...
+ if gcrypt.found() and enable_static
+ gcrypt = declare_dependency(dependencies: [
+ gcrypt,
+ cc.find_library('gpg-error', required: true, kwargs: static_kwargs)])
+ endif
+ endif
+ if (not get_option('nettle').auto() or have_system) and not gcrypt.found()
+ nettle = dependency('nettle', version: '>=3.4',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('nettle'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if nettle.found() and not cc.has_header('nettle/xts.h', dependencies: nettle)
+ xts = 'private'
+ endif
+ endif
+gtk = not_found
+gtkx11 = not_found
+vte = not_found
+if not get_option('gtk').auto() or (have_system and not cocoa.found())
+ gtk = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>=3.22.0',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('gtk'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if gtk.found()
+ gtkx11 = dependency('gtk+-x11-3.0', version: '>=3.22.0',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: false,
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ gtk = declare_dependency(dependencies: [gtk, gtkx11])
+ if not get_option('vte').auto() or have_system
+ vte = dependency('vte-2.91',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: get_option('vte'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ endif
+ endif
+x11 = not_found
+if gtkx11.found()
+ x11 = dependency('x11', method: 'pkg-config', required: gtkx11.found(),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+vnc = not_found
+png = not_found
+jpeg = not_found
+sasl = not_found
+if have_system and not get_option('vnc').disabled()
+ vnc = declare_dependency() # dummy dependency
+ png = dependency('libpng', required: get_option('vnc_png'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ jpeg = dependency('libjpeg', required: get_option('vnc_jpeg'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ sasl = cc.find_library('sasl2', has_headers: ['sasl/sasl.h'],
+ required: get_option('vnc_sasl'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+ if sasl.found()
+ sasl = declare_dependency(dependencies: sasl,
+ compile_args: '-DSTRUCT_IOVEC_DEFINED')
+ endif
+pam = not_found
+if not get_option('auth_pam').auto() or have_system
+ pam = cc.find_library('pam', has_headers: ['security/pam_appl.h'],
+ required: get_option('auth_pam'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if pam.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <security/pam_appl.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ const char *service_name = "qemu";
+ const char *user = "frank";
+ const struct pam_conv pam_conv = { 0 };
+ pam_handle_t *pamh = NULL;
+ pam_start(service_name, user, &pam_conv, &pamh);
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: pam)
+ pam = not_found
+ if get_option('auth_pam').enabled()
+ error('could not link libpam')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libpam, disabling')
+ endif
+snappy = not_found
+if not get_option('snappy').auto() or have_system
+ snappy = cc.find_library('snappy', has_headers: ['snappy-c.h'],
+ required: get_option('snappy'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if snappy.found() and not linker.links('''
+ #include <snappy-c.h>
+ int main(void) { snappy_max_compressed_length(4096); return 0; }''', dependencies: snappy)
+ snappy = not_found
+ if get_option('snappy').enabled()
+ error('could not link libsnappy')
+ else
+ warning('could not link libsnappy, disabling')
+ endif
+lzo = not_found
+if not get_option('lzo').auto() or have_system
+ lzo = cc.find_library('lzo2', has_headers: ['lzo/lzo1x.h'],
+ required: get_option('lzo'),
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+if lzo.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <lzo/lzo1x.h>
+ int main(void) { lzo_version(); return 0; }''', dependencies: lzo)
+ lzo = not_found
+ if get_option('lzo').enabled()
+ error('could not link liblzo2')
+ else
+ warning('could not link liblzo2, disabling')
+ endif
+rdma = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_RDMA' in config_host
+ rdma = declare_dependency(link_args: config_host['RDMA_LIBS'].split())
+numa = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_NUMA' in config_host
+ numa = declare_dependency(link_args: config_host['NUMA_LIBS'].split())
+xen = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND' in config_host
+ xen = declare_dependency(compile_args: config_host['XEN_CFLAGS'].split(),
+ link_args: config_host['XEN_LIBS'].split())
+cacard = not_found
+if not get_option('smartcard').auto() or have_system
+ cacard = dependency('libcacard', required: get_option('smartcard'),
+ version: '>=2.5.1', method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+u2f = not_found
+if have_system
+ u2f = dependency('u2f-emu', required: get_option('u2f'),
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+usbredir = not_found
+if not get_option('usb_redir').auto() or have_system
+ usbredir = dependency('libusbredirparser-0.5', required: get_option('usb_redir'),
+ version: '>=0.6', method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libusb = not_found
+if not get_option('libusb').auto() or have_system
+ libusb = dependency('libusb-1.0', required: get_option('libusb'),
+ version: '>=1.0.13', method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libpmem = not_found
+if not get_option('libpmem').auto() or have_system
+ libpmem = dependency('libpmem', required: get_option('libpmem'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+libdaxctl = not_found
+if not get_option('libdaxctl').auto() or have_system
+ libdaxctl = dependency('libdaxctl', required: get_option('libdaxctl'),
+ version: '>=57', method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+tasn1 = not_found
+if gnutls.found()
+ tasn1 = dependency('libtasn1',
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+keyutils = dependency('libkeyutils', required: false,
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+has_gettid = cc.has_function('gettid')
+# libselinux
+selinux = dependency('libselinux',
+ required: get_option('selinux'),
+ method: 'pkg-config', kwargs: static_kwargs)
+# Malloc tests
+malloc = []
+if get_option('malloc') == 'system'
+ has_malloc_trim = \
+ not get_option('malloc_trim').disabled() and \
+ cc.links('''#include <malloc.h>
+ int main(void) { malloc_trim(0); return 0; }''')
+ has_malloc_trim = false
+ malloc = cc.find_library(get_option('malloc'), required: true)
+if not has_malloc_trim and get_option('malloc_trim').enabled()
+ if get_option('malloc') == 'system'
+ error('malloc_trim not available on this platform.')
+ else
+ error('malloc_trim not available with non-libc memory allocator')
+ endif
+# Check whether the glibc provides statx()
+gnu_source_prefix = '''
+ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
+ #define _GNU_SOURCE
+ #endif
+statx_test = gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ struct statx statxbuf;
+ statx(0, "", 0, STATX_BASIC_STATS, &statxbuf);
+ return 0;
+ }'''
+has_statx = cc.links(statx_test)
+have_vhost_user_blk_server = (targetos == 'linux' and
+ 'CONFIG_VHOST_USER' in config_host)
+if get_option('vhost_user_blk_server').enabled()
+ if targetos != 'linux'
+ error('vhost_user_blk_server requires linux')
+ elif 'CONFIG_VHOST_USER' not in config_host
+ error('vhost_user_blk_server requires vhost-user support')
+ endif
+elif get_option('vhost_user_blk_server').disabled() or not have_system
+ have_vhost_user_blk_server = false
+if get_option('fuse').disabled() and get_option('fuse_lseek').enabled()
+ error('Cannot enable fuse-lseek while fuse is disabled')
+fuse = dependency('fuse3', required: get_option('fuse'),
+ version: '>=3.1', method: 'pkg-config',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs)
+fuse_lseek = not_found
+if not get_option('fuse_lseek').disabled()
+ if fuse.version().version_compare('>=3.8')
+ # Dummy dependency
+ fuse_lseek = declare_dependency()
+ elif get_option('fuse_lseek').enabled()
+ if fuse.found()
+ error('fuse-lseek requires libfuse >=3.8, found ' + fuse.version())
+ else
+ error('fuse-lseek requires libfuse, which was not found')
+ endif
+ endif
+# libbpf
+libbpf = dependency('libbpf', required: get_option('bpf'), method: 'pkg-config')
+if libbpf.found() and not cc.links('''
+ #include <bpf/libbpf.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ bpf_object__destroy_skeleton(NULL);
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: libbpf)
+ libbpf = not_found
+ if get_option('bpf').enabled()
+ error('libbpf skeleton test failed')
+ else
+ warning('libbpf skeleton test failed, disabling')
+ endif
+# config-host.h #
+audio_drivers_selected = []
+if have_system
+ audio_drivers_available = {
+ 'alsa': alsa.found(),
+ 'coreaudio': coreaudio.found(),
+ 'dsound': dsound.found(),
+ 'jack': jack.found(),
+ 'oss': oss.found(),
+ 'pa': pulse.found(),
+ 'sdl': sdl.found(),
+ }
+ foreach k, v: audio_drivers_available
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_AUDIO_' + k.to_upper(), v)
+ endforeach
+ # Default to native drivers first, OSS second, SDL third
+ audio_drivers_priority = \
+ [ 'pa', 'coreaudio', 'dsound', 'oss' ] + \
+ (targetos == 'linux' ? [] : [ 'sdl' ])
+ audio_drivers_default = []
+ foreach k: audio_drivers_priority
+ if audio_drivers_available[k]
+ audio_drivers_default += k
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ foreach k: get_option('audio_drv_list')
+ if k == 'default'
+ audio_drivers_selected += audio_drivers_default
+ elif not audio_drivers_available[k]
+ error('Audio driver "@0@" not available.'.format(k))
+ else
+ audio_drivers_selected += k
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ '"' + '", "'.join(audio_drivers_selected) + '", ')
+if get_option('cfi')
+ cfi_flags=[]
+ # Check for dependency on LTO
+ if not get_option('b_lto')
+ error('Selected Control-Flow Integrity but LTO is disabled')
+ endif
+ if config_host.has_key('CONFIG_MODULES')
+ error('Selected Control-Flow Integrity is not compatible with modules')
+ endif
+ # Check for cfi flags. CFI requires LTO so we can't use
+ # get_supported_arguments, but need a more complex "compiles" which allows
+ # custom arguments
+ if cc.compiles('int main () { return 0; }', name: '-fsanitize=cfi-icall',
+ args: ['-flto', '-fsanitize=cfi-icall'] )
+ cfi_flags += '-fsanitize=cfi-icall'
+ else
+ error('-fsanitize=cfi-icall is not supported by the compiler')
+ endif
+ if cc.compiles('int main () { return 0; }',
+ name: '-fsanitize-cfi-icall-generalize-pointers',
+ args: ['-flto', '-fsanitize=cfi-icall',
+ '-fsanitize-cfi-icall-generalize-pointers'] )
+ cfi_flags += '-fsanitize-cfi-icall-generalize-pointers'
+ else
+ error('-fsanitize-cfi-icall-generalize-pointers is not supported by the compiler')
+ endif
+ if get_option('cfi_debug')
+ if cc.compiles('int main () { return 0; }',
+ name: '-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi-icall',
+ args: ['-flto', '-fsanitize=cfi-icall',
+ '-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi-icall'] )
+ cfi_flags += '-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi-icall'
+ else
+ error('-fno-sanitize-trap=cfi-icall is not supported by the compiler')
+ endif
+ endif
+ add_global_arguments(cfi_flags, native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+ add_global_link_arguments(cfi_flags, native: false, language: ['c', 'cpp', 'objc'])
+have_host_block_device = (targetos != 'darwin' or
+ cc.has_header('IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h'))
+have_virtfs = (targetos == 'linux' and
+ have_system and
+ libattr.found() and
+ libcap_ng.found())
+have_virtfs_proxy_helper = have_virtfs and have_tools
+if get_option('virtfs').enabled()
+ if not have_virtfs
+ if targetos != 'linux'
+ error('virtio-9p (virtfs) requires Linux')
+ elif not libcap_ng.found() or not libattr.found()
+ error('virtio-9p (virtfs) requires libcap-ng-devel and libattr-devel')
+ elif not have_system
+ error('virtio-9p (virtfs) needs system emulation support')
+ endif
+ endif
+elif get_option('virtfs').disabled()
+ have_virtfs = false
+foreach k : get_option('trace_backends')
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_TRACE_' + k.to_upper(), true)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_TRACE_FILE', get_option('trace_file'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_BINDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_PREFIX', get_option('prefix'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_CONFDIR', get_option('prefix') / qemu_confdir)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_DATADIR', get_option('prefix') / qemu_datadir)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_DESKTOPDIR', get_option('prefix') / qemu_desktopdir)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_FIRMWAREPATH', get_option('qemu_firmwarepath'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_HELPERDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('libexecdir'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_ICONDIR', get_option('prefix') / qemu_icondir)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_LOCALEDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('localedir'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_LOCALSTATEDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('localstatedir'))
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_QEMU_MODDIR', get_option('prefix') / qemu_moddir)
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_SYSCONFDIR', get_option('prefix') / get_option('sysconfdir'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_ATTR', libattr.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_BRLAPI', brlapi.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_COCOA', cocoa.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FUZZ', get_option('fuzzing'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GCOV', get_option('b_coverage'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBUDEV', libudev.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LZO', lzo.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_MPATH', mpathpersist.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_MPATH_NEW_API', mpathpersist_new_api)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_CURL', curl.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_CURSES', curses.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GBM', gbm.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS', glusterfs.found())
+if glusterfs.found()
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_XLATOR_OPT', glusterfs.version().version_compare('>=4'))
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_DISCARD', glusterfs.version().version_compare('>=5'))
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_FALLOCATE', glusterfs.version().version_compare('>=6'))
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_ZEROFILL', glusterfs.version().version_compare('>=6'))
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_FTRUNCATE_HAS_STAT', glusterfs_ftruncate_has_stat)
+ config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GLUSTERFS_IOCB_HAS_STAT', glusterfs_iocb_has_stat)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GTK', gtk.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VTE', vte.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBATTR', have_old_libattr)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBCAP_NG', libcap_ng.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_EBPF', libbpf.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBDAXCTL', libdaxctl.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBISCSI', libiscsi.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBNFS', libnfs.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LINUX_AIO', libaio.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LINUX_IO_URING', linux_io_uring.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LIBPMEM', libpmem.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_RBD', rbd.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SDL', sdl.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SDL_IMAGE', sdl_image.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SECCOMP', seccomp.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SNAPPY', snappy.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_USB_LIBUSB', libusb.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VDE', vde.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VHOST_USER_BLK_SERVER', have_vhost_user_blk_server)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VNC', vnc.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VNC_JPEG', jpeg.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VNC_PNG', png.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VNC_SASL', sasl.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VIRTFS', have_virtfs)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VTE', vte.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_XKBCOMMON', xkbcommon.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_KEYUTILS', keyutils.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GETTID', has_gettid)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GNUTLS', gnutls.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GNUTLS_CRYPTO', gnutls_crypto.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GCRYPT', gcrypt.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_NETTLE', nettle.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_QEMU_PRIVATE_XTS', xts == 'private')
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_MALLOC_TRIM', has_malloc_trim)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_STATX', has_statx)
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_ZSTD', zstd.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FUSE', fuse.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FUSE_LSEEK', fuse_lseek.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SPICE_PROTOCOL', spice_protocol.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SPICE', spice.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_X11', x11.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_CFI', get_option('cfi'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SELINUX', selinux.found())
+config_host_data.set('QEMU_VERSION', '"@0@"'.format(meson.project_version()))
+config_host_data.set('QEMU_VERSION_MAJOR', meson.project_version().split('.')[0])
+config_host_data.set('QEMU_VERSION_MINOR', meson.project_version().split('.')[1])
+config_host_data.set('QEMU_VERSION_MICRO', meson.project_version().split('.')[2])
+config_host_data.set_quoted('CONFIG_HOST_DSOSUF', host_dsosuf)
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_HOST_BLOCK_DEVICE', have_host_block_device)
+config_host_data.set('HOST_WORDS_BIGENDIAN', host_machine.endian() == 'big')
+# has_header
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_EPOLL', cc.has_header('sys/epoll.h'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_LINUX_MAGIC_H', cc.has_header('linux/magic.h'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_VALGRIND_H', cc.has_header('valgrind/valgrind.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_BTRFS_H', cc.has_header('linux/btrfs.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_DRM_H', cc.has_header('libdrm/drm.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_PTY_H', cc.has_header('pty.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_SYS_DISK_H', cc.has_header('sys/disk.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_SYS_IOCCOM_H', cc.has_header('sys/ioccom.h'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_SYS_KCOV_H', cc.has_header('sys/kcov.h'))
+# has_function
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_ACCEPT4', cc.has_function('accept4'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_CLOCK_ADJTIME', cc.has_function('clock_adjtime'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_DUP3', cc.has_function('dup3'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FALLOCATE', cc.has_function('fallocate'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_POSIX_FALLOCATE', cc.has_function('posix_fallocate'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_POSIX_MEMALIGN', cc.has_function('posix_memalign'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_PPOLL', cc.has_function('ppoll'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_PREADV', cc.has_function('preadv', prefix: '#include <sys/uio.h>'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SEM_TIMEDWAIT', cc.has_function('sem_timedwait', dependencies: threads))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SENDFILE', cc.has_function('sendfile'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SETNS', cc.has_function('setns') and cc.has_function('unshare'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SYNCFS', cc.has_function('syncfs'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SYNC_FILE_RANGE', cc.has_function('sync_file_range'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_TIMERFD', cc.has_function('timerfd_create'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_COPY_FILE_RANGE', cc.has_function('copy_file_range'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_OPENPTY', cc.has_function('openpty', dependencies: util))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_STRCHRNUL', cc.has_function('strchrnul'))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_SYSTEM_FUNCTION', cc.has_function('system', prefix: '#include <stdlib.h>'))
+if rdma.found()
+ config_host_data.set('HAVE_IBV_ADVISE_MR',
+ cc.has_function('ibv_advise_mr',
+ args: config_host['RDMA_LIBS'].split(),
+ prefix: '#include <infiniband/verbs.h>'))
+# has_header_symbol
+ cc.has_header_symbol('byteswap.h', 'bswap_32'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/epoll.h', 'epoll_create1'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('unistd.h', 'environ', prefix: gnu_source_prefix))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('linux/falloc.h', 'FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE') and
+ cc.has_header_symbol('linux/falloc.h', 'FALLOC_FL_KEEP_SIZE'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('linux/falloc.h', 'FALLOC_FL_ZERO_RANGE'))
+ cc.has_header('linux/fiemap.h') and
+ cc.has_header_symbol('linux/fs.h', 'FS_IOC_FIEMAP'))
+ cc.has_function('getrandom') and
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/random.h', 'GRND_NONBLOCK'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/inotify.h', 'inotify_init'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/inotify.h', 'inotify_init1'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('machine/bswap.h', 'bswap32',
+ prefix: '''#include <sys/endian.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>'''))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/prctl.h', 'PR_SET_TIMERSLACK'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('linux/rtnetlink.h', 'IFLA_PROTO_DOWN'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('sys/sysmacros.h', 'makedev'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('getopt.h', 'optreset'))
+ cc.has_header_symbol('netinet/in.h', 'IPPROTO_MPTCP'))
+# has_member
+ cc.has_member('struct sigevent', 'sigev_notify_thread_id',
+ prefix: '#include <signal.h>'))
+ cc.has_member('struct stat', 'st_atim',
+ prefix: '#include <sys/stat.h>'))
+# has_type
+ cc.has_type('struct iovec',
+ prefix: '#include <sys/uio.h>'))
+ cc.has_type('struct utmpx',
+ prefix: '#include <utmpx.h>'))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_EVENTFD', cc.links('''
+ #include <sys/eventfd.h>
+ int main(void) { return eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK | EFD_CLOEXEC); }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FDATASYNC', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ return fdatasync(0);
+ #else
+ #error Not supported
+ #endif
+ }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_MADVISE', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ int main(void) { return madvise(NULL, 0, MADV_DONTNEED); }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_MEMFD', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ int main(void) { return memfd_create("foo", MFD_ALLOW_SEALING); }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_OPEN_BY_HANDLE', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #if !defined(AT_EMPTY_PATH)
+ # error missing definition
+ #else
+ int main(void) { struct file_handle fh; return open_by_handle_at(0, &fh, 0); }
+ #endif'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_PIPE2', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ int pipefd[2];
+ return pipe2(pipefd, O_CLOEXEC);
+ }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_POSIX_MADVISE', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ int main(void) { return posix_madvise(NULL, 0, POSIX_MADV_DONTNEED); }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP_W_TID', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ static void *f(void *p) { return NULL; }
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ pthread_t thread;
+ pthread_create(&thread, 0, f, 0);
+ pthread_setname_np(thread, "QEMU");
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: threads))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_PTHREAD_SETNAME_NP_WO_TID', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <pthread.h>
+ static void *f(void *p) { pthread_setname_np("QEMU"); return NULL; }
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ pthread_t thread;
+ pthread_create(&thread, 0, f, 0);
+ return 0;
+ }''', dependencies: threads))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SIGNALFD', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/signalfd.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ int main(void) { return signalfd(-1, NULL, SFD_CLOEXEC); }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SPLICE', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <unistd.h>
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <limits.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ int len, fd = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }'''))
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_MLOCKALL', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/mman.h>
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ return mlockall(MCL_FUTURE);
+ }'''))
+have_l2tpv3 = false
+if not get_option('l2tpv3').disabled() and have_system
+ have_l2tpv3 = cc.has_type('struct mmsghdr',
+ prefix: gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #include <linux/ip.h>''')
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_L2TPV3', have_l2tpv3)
+have_netmap = false
+if not get_option('netmap').disabled() and have_system
+ have_netmap = cc.compiles('''
+ #include <inttypes.h>
+ #include <net/if.h>
+ #include <net/netmap.h>
+ #include <net/netmap_user.h>
+ #if (NETMAP_API < 11) || (NETMAP_API > 15)
+ #error
+ #endif
+ int main(void) { return 0; }''')
+ if not have_netmap and get_option('netmap').enabled()
+ error('Netmap headers not available')
+ endif
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_NETMAP', have_netmap)
+# Work around a system header bug with some kernel/XFS header
+# versions where they both try to define 'struct fsxattr':
+# xfs headers will not try to redefine structs from linux headers
+# if this macro is set.
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_FSXATTR', cc.links('''
+ #include <linux/fs.h>
+ struct fsxattr foo;
+ int main(void) {
+ return 0;
+ }'''))
+# Some versions of Mac OS X incorrectly define SIZE_MAX
+config_host_data.set('HAVE_BROKEN_SIZE_MAX', not cc.compiles('''
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ return printf("%zu", SIZE_MAX);
+ }''', args: ['-Werror']))
+# See if 64-bit atomic operations are supported.
+# Note that without __atomic builtins, we can only
+# assume atomic loads/stores max at pointer size.
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_ATOMIC64', cc.links('''
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ int main(void)
+ {
+ uint64_t x = 0, y = 0;
+ y = __atomic_load_n(&x, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ __atomic_store_n(&x, y, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&x, &y, x, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ __atomic_exchange_n(&x, y, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ __atomic_fetch_add(&x, y, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
+ return 0;
+ }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_GETAUXVAL', cc.links(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <sys/auxv.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ return getauxval(AT_HWCAP) == 0;
+ }'''))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_AF_VSOCK', cc.compiles(gnu_source_prefix + '''
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/socket.h>
+ #if !defined(AF_VSOCK)
+ # error missing AF_VSOCK flag
+ #endif
+ #include <linux/vm_sockets.h>
+ int main(void) {
+ int sock, ret;
+ struct sockaddr_vm svm;
+ socklen_t len = sizeof(svm);
+ sock = socket(AF_VSOCK, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
+ ret = getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&svm, &len);
+ if ((ret == -1) && (errno == ENOTCONN)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }'''))
+ignored = ['CONFIG_QEMU_INTERP_PREFIX', # actually per-target
+strings = ['CONFIG_IASL']
+foreach k, v: config_host
+ if ignored.contains(k)
+ # do nothing
+ elif arrays.contains(k)
+ if v != ''
+ v = '"' + '", "'.join(v.split()) + '", '
+ endif
+ config_host_data.set(k, v)
+ elif k == 'ARCH'
+ config_host_data.set('HOST_' + v.to_upper(), 1)
+ elif strings.contains(k)
+ config_host_data.set_quoted(k, v)
+ elif k.startswith('CONFIG_')
+ config_host_data.set(k, v == 'y' ? 1 : v)
+ endif
+# Target configuration #
+minikconf = find_program('scripts/minikconf.py')
+config_all = {}
+config_all_devices = {}
+config_all_disas = {}
+config_devices_mak_list = []
+config_devices_h = {}
+config_target_h = {}
+config_target_mak = {}
+disassemblers = {
+ 'alpha' : ['CONFIG_ALPHA_DIS'],
+ 'arm' : ['CONFIG_ARM_DIS'],
+ 'avr' : ['CONFIG_AVR_DIS'],
+ 'cris' : ['CONFIG_CRIS_DIS'],
+ 'hexagon' : ['CONFIG_HEXAGON_DIS'],
+ 'hppa' : ['CONFIG_HPPA_DIS'],
+ 'i386' : ['CONFIG_I386_DIS'],
+ 'x86_64' : ['CONFIG_I386_DIS'],
+ 'x32' : ['CONFIG_I386_DIS'],
+ 'm68k' : ['CONFIG_M68K_DIS'],
+ 'microblaze' : ['CONFIG_MICROBLAZE_DIS'],
+ 'mips' : ['CONFIG_MIPS_DIS'],
+ 'nios2' : ['CONFIG_NIOS2_DIS'],
+ 'or1k' : ['CONFIG_OPENRISC_DIS'],
+ 'ppc' : ['CONFIG_PPC_DIS'],
+ 'riscv' : ['CONFIG_RISCV_DIS'],
+ 'rx' : ['CONFIG_RX_DIS'],
+ 's390' : ['CONFIG_S390_DIS'],
+ 'sh4' : ['CONFIG_SH4_DIS'],
+ 'sparc' : ['CONFIG_SPARC_DIS'],
+ 'xtensa' : ['CONFIG_XTENSA_DIS'],
+if link_language == 'cpp'
+ disassemblers += {
+ 'aarch64' : [ 'CONFIG_ARM_A64_DIS'],
+ 'arm' : [ 'CONFIG_ARM_DIS', 'CONFIG_ARM_A64_DIS'],
+ }
+have_ivshmem = config_host_data.get('CONFIG_EVENTFD')
+host_kconfig = \
+ (get_option('fuzzing') ? ['CONFIG_FUZZ=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_TPM' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_TPM=y'] : []) + \
+ (spice.found() ? ['CONFIG_SPICE=y'] : []) + \
+ (have_ivshmem ? ['CONFIG_IVSHMEM=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_OPENGL' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_OPENGL=y'] : []) + \
+ (x11.found() ? ['CONFIG_X11=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_VHOST_USER' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_VHOST_USER=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_VHOST_VDPA' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_VHOST_VDPA=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_VHOST_KERNEL' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_VHOST_KERNEL=y'] : []) + \
+ (have_virtfs ? ['CONFIG_VIRTFS=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_LINUX' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_LINUX=y'] : []) + \
+ ('CONFIG_PVRDMA' in config_host ? ['CONFIG_PVRDMA=y'] : []) + \
+ (multiprocess_allowed ? ['CONFIG_MULTIPROCESS_ALLOWED=y'] : [])
+default_targets = 'CONFIG_DEFAULT_TARGETS' in config_host
+actual_target_dirs = []
+fdt_required = []
+foreach target : target_dirs
+ config_target = { 'TARGET_NAME': target.split('-')[0] }
+ if target.endswith('linux-user')
+ if targetos != 'linux'
+ if default_targets
+ continue
+ endif
+ error('Target @0@ is only available on a Linux host'.format(target))
+ endif
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_LINUX_USER': 'y' }
+ elif target.endswith('bsd-user')
+ if 'CONFIG_BSD' not in config_host
+ if default_targets
+ continue
+ endif
+ error('Target @0@ is only available on a BSD host'.format(target))
+ endif
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_BSD_USER': 'y' }
+ elif target.endswith('softmmu')
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_SOFTMMU': 'y' }
+ endif
+ if target.endswith('-user')
+ config_target += {
+ config_host['CONFIG_QEMU_INTERP_PREFIX'].format(config_target['TARGET_NAME'])
+ }
+ endif
+ accel_kconfig = []
+ foreach sym: accelerators
+ if sym == 'CONFIG_TCG' or target in accelerator_targets.get(sym, [])
+ config_target += { sym: 'y' }
+ config_all += { sym: 'y' }
+ if sym == 'CONFIG_TCG' and tcg_arch == 'tci'
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_TCG_INTERPRETER': 'y' }
+ elif sym == 'CONFIG_XEN' and have_xen_pci_passthrough
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_XEN_PCI_PASSTHROUGH': 'y' }
+ endif
+ if target in modular_tcg
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_TCG_MODULAR': 'y' }
+ else
+ config_target += { 'CONFIG_TCG_BUILTIN': 'y' }
+ endif
+ accel_kconfig += [ sym + '=y' ]
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ if accel_kconfig.length() == 0
+ if default_targets
+ continue
+ endif
+ error('No accelerator available for target @0@'.format(target))
+ endif
+ actual_target_dirs += target
+ config_target += keyval.load('configs/targets' / target + '.mak')
+ config_target += { 'TARGET_' + config_target['TARGET_ARCH'].to_upper(): 'y' }
+ if 'TARGET_NEED_FDT' in config_target
+ fdt_required += target
+ endif
+ # Add default keys
+ if 'TARGET_BASE_ARCH' not in config_target
+ config_target += {'TARGET_BASE_ARCH': config_target['TARGET_ARCH']}
+ endif
+ if 'TARGET_ABI_DIR' not in config_target
+ config_target += {'TARGET_ABI_DIR': config_target['TARGET_ARCH']}
+ endif
+ foreach k, v: disassemblers
+ if config_host['ARCH'].startswith(k) or config_target['TARGET_BASE_ARCH'].startswith(k)
+ foreach sym: v
+ config_target += { sym: 'y' }
+ config_all_disas += { sym: 'y' }
+ endforeach
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ config_target_data = configuration_data()
+ foreach k, v: config_target
+ if not k.startswith('TARGET_') and not k.startswith('CONFIG_')
+ # do nothing
+ elif ignored.contains(k)
+ # do nothing
+ elif k == 'TARGET_BASE_ARCH'
+ # Note that TARGET_BASE_ARCH ends up in config-target.h but it is
+ # not used to select files from sourcesets.
+ config_target_data.set('TARGET_' + v.to_upper(), 1)
+ config_target_data.set_quoted(k, v)
+ elif v == 'y'
+ config_target_data.set(k, 1)
+ else
+ config_target_data.set(k, v)
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ config_target_data.set('QEMU_ARCH',
+ 'QEMU_ARCH_' + config_target['TARGET_BASE_ARCH'].to_upper())
+ config_target_h += {target: configure_file(output: target + '-config-target.h',
+ configuration: config_target_data)}
+ if target.endswith('-softmmu')
+ config_input = meson.get_external_property(target, 'default')
+ config_devices_mak = target + '-config-devices.mak'
+ config_devices_mak = configure_file(
+ input: ['configs/devices' / target / config_input + '.mak', 'Kconfig'],
+ output: config_devices_mak,
+ depfile: config_devices_mak + '.d',
+ capture: true,
+ command: [minikconf,
+ get_option('default_devices') ? '--defconfig' : '--allnoconfig',
+ config_devices_mak, '@DEPFILE@', '@INPUT@',
+ host_kconfig, accel_kconfig,
+ 'CONFIG_' + config_target['TARGET_ARCH'].to_upper() + '=y'])
+ config_devices_data = configuration_data()
+ config_devices = keyval.load(config_devices_mak)
+ foreach k, v: config_devices
+ config_devices_data.set(k, 1)
+ endforeach
+ config_devices_mak_list += config_devices_mak
+ config_devices_h += {target: configure_file(output: target + '-config-devices.h',
+ configuration: config_devices_data)}
+ config_target += config_devices
+ config_all_devices += config_devices
+ endif
+ config_target_mak += {target: config_target}
+target_dirs = actual_target_dirs
+# This configuration is used to build files that are shared by
+# multiple binaries, and then extracted out of the "common"
+# static_library target.
+# We do not use all_sources()/all_dependencies(), because it would
+# build literally all source files, including devices only used by
+# targets that are not built for this compilation. The CONFIG_ALL
+# pseudo symbol replaces it.
+config_all += config_all_devices
+config_all += config_host
+config_all += config_all_disas
+config_all += {
+ 'CONFIG_XEN': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND'),
+ 'CONFIG_SOFTMMU': have_system,
+ 'CONFIG_USER_ONLY': have_user,
+ 'CONFIG_ALL': true,
+# Submodules #
+capstone = not_found
+capstone_opt = get_option('capstone')
+if capstone_opt in ['enabled', 'auto', 'system']
+ have_internal = fs.exists(meson.current_source_dir() / 'capstone/Makefile')
+ capstone = dependency('capstone', version: '>=4.0',
+ kwargs: static_kwargs, method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: capstone_opt == 'system' or
+ capstone_opt == 'enabled' and not have_internal)
+ # Some versions of capstone have broken pkg-config file
+ # that reports a wrong -I path, causing the #include to
+ # fail later. If the system has such a broken version
+ # do not use it.
+ if capstone.found() and not cc.compiles('#include <capstone.h>',
+ dependencies: [capstone])
+ capstone = not_found
+ if capstone_opt == 'system'
+ error('system capstone requested, it does not appear to work')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if capstone.found()
+ capstone_opt = 'system'
+ elif have_internal
+ capstone_opt = 'internal'
+ else
+ capstone_opt = 'disabled'
+ endif
+if capstone_opt == 'internal'
+ capstone_data = configuration_data()
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_USE_SYS_DYN_MEM', '1')
+ capstone_files = files(
+ 'capstone/cs.c',
+ 'capstone/MCInst.c',
+ 'capstone/MCInstrDesc.c',
+ 'capstone/MCRegisterInfo.c',
+ 'capstone/SStream.c',
+ 'capstone/utils.c'
+ )
+ if 'CONFIG_ARM_DIS' in config_all_disas
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_HAS_ARM', '1')
+ capstone_files += files(
+ 'capstone/arch/ARM/ARMDisassembler.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/ARM/ARMInstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/ARM/ARMMapping.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/ARM/ARMModule.c'
+ )
+ endif
+ # FIXME: This config entry currently depends on a c++ compiler.
+ # Which is needed for building libvixl, but not for capstone.
+ if 'CONFIG_ARM_A64_DIS' in config_all_disas
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_HAS_ARM64', '1')
+ capstone_files += files(
+ 'capstone/arch/AArch64/AArch64BaseInfo.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/AArch64/AArch64Disassembler.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/AArch64/AArch64InstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/AArch64/AArch64Mapping.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/AArch64/AArch64Module.c'
+ )
+ endif
+ if 'CONFIG_PPC_DIS' in config_all_disas
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_HAS_POWERPC', '1')
+ capstone_files += files(
+ 'capstone/arch/PowerPC/PPCDisassembler.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/PowerPC/PPCInstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/PowerPC/PPCMapping.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/PowerPC/PPCModule.c'
+ )
+ endif
+ if 'CONFIG_S390_DIS' in config_all_disas
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_HAS_SYSZ', '1')
+ capstone_files += files(
+ 'capstone/arch/SystemZ/SystemZDisassembler.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/SystemZ/SystemZInstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/SystemZ/SystemZMapping.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/SystemZ/SystemZModule.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/SystemZ/SystemZMCTargetDesc.c'
+ )
+ endif
+ if 'CONFIG_I386_DIS' in config_all_disas
+ capstone_data.set('CAPSTONE_HAS_X86', 1)
+ capstone_files += files(
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86Disassembler.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86DisassemblerDecoder.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86ATTInstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86IntelInstPrinter.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86InstPrinterCommon.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86Mapping.c',
+ 'capstone/arch/X86/X86Module.c'
+ )
+ endif
+ configure_file(output: 'capstone-defs.h', configuration: capstone_data)
+ capstone_cargs = [
+ # FIXME: There does not seem to be a way to completely replace the c_args
+ # that come from add_project_arguments() -- we can only add to them.
+ # So: disable all warnings with a big hammer.
+ '-Wno-error', '-w',
+ # Include all configuration defines via a header file, which will wind up
+ # as a dependency on the object file, and thus changes here will result
+ # in a rebuild.
+ '-include', 'capstone-defs.h'
+ ]
+ libcapstone = static_library('capstone',
+ build_by_default: false,
+ sources: capstone_files,
+ c_args: capstone_cargs,
+ include_directories: 'capstone/include')
+ capstone = declare_dependency(link_with: libcapstone,
+ include_directories: 'capstone/include/capstone')
+slirp = not_found
+slirp_opt = 'disabled'
+if have_system
+ slirp_opt = get_option('slirp')
+ if slirp_opt in ['enabled', 'auto', 'system']
+ have_internal = fs.exists(meson.current_source_dir() / 'slirp/meson.build')
+ slirp = dependency('slirp', kwargs: static_kwargs,
+ method: 'pkg-config',
+ required: slirp_opt == 'system' or
+ slirp_opt == 'enabled' and not have_internal)
+ if slirp.found()
+ slirp_opt = 'system'
+ elif have_internal
+ slirp_opt = 'internal'
+ else
+ slirp_opt = 'disabled'
+ endif
+ endif
+ if slirp_opt == 'internal'
+ slirp_deps = []
+ if targetos == 'windows'
+ slirp_deps = cc.find_library('iphlpapi')
+ elif targetos == 'darwin'
+ slirp_deps = cc.find_library('resolv')
+ endif
+ slirp_conf = configuration_data()
+ slirp_conf.set('SLIRP_MAJOR_VERSION', meson.project_version().split('.')[0])
+ slirp_conf.set('SLIRP_MINOR_VERSION', meson.project_version().split('.')[1])
+ slirp_conf.set('SLIRP_MICRO_VERSION', meson.project_version().split('.')[2])
+ slirp_conf.set_quoted('SLIRP_VERSION_STRING', meson.project_version())
+ slirp_cargs = ['-DG_LOG_DOMAIN="Slirp"']
+ slirp_files = [
+ 'slirp/src/arp_table.c',
+ 'slirp/src/bootp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/cksum.c',
+ 'slirp/src/dhcpv6.c',
+ 'slirp/src/dnssearch.c',
+ 'slirp/src/if.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip6_icmp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip6_input.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip6_output.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip_icmp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip_input.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ip_output.c',
+ 'slirp/src/mbuf.c',
+ 'slirp/src/misc.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ncsi.c',
+ 'slirp/src/ndp_table.c',
+ 'slirp/src/sbuf.c',
+ 'slirp/src/slirp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/socket.c',
+ 'slirp/src/state.c',
+ 'slirp/src/stream.c',
+ 'slirp/src/tcp_input.c',
+ 'slirp/src/tcp_output.c',
+ 'slirp/src/tcp_subr.c',
+ 'slirp/src/tcp_timer.c',
+ 'slirp/src/tftp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/udp.c',
+ 'slirp/src/udp6.c',
+ 'slirp/src/util.c',
+ 'slirp/src/version.c',
+ 'slirp/src/vmstate.c',
+ ]
+ configure_file(
+ input : 'slirp/src/libslirp-version.h.in',
+ output : 'libslirp-version.h',
+ configuration: slirp_conf)
+ slirp_inc = include_directories('slirp', 'slirp/src')
+ libslirp = static_library('slirp',
+ build_by_default: false,
+ sources: slirp_files,
+ c_args: slirp_cargs,
+ include_directories: slirp_inc)
+ slirp = declare_dependency(link_with: libslirp,
+ dependencies: slirp_deps,
+ include_directories: slirp_inc)
+ endif
+# For CFI, we need to compile slirp as a static library together with qemu.
+# This is because we register slirp functions as callbacks for QEMU Timers.
+# When using a system-wide shared libslirp, the type information for the
+# callback is missing and the timer call produces a false positive with CFI.
+# Now that slirp_opt has been defined, check if the selected slirp is compatible
+# with control-flow integrity.
+if get_option('cfi') and slirp_opt == 'system'
+ error('Control-Flow Integrity is not compatible with system-wide slirp.' \
+ + ' Please configure with --enable-slirp=git')
+fdt = not_found
+fdt_opt = get_option('fdt')
+if have_system
+ if fdt_opt in ['enabled', 'auto', 'system']
+ have_internal = fs.exists(meson.current_source_dir() / 'dtc/libfdt/Makefile.libfdt')
+ fdt = cc.find_library('fdt', kwargs: static_kwargs,
+ required: fdt_opt == 'system' or
+ fdt_opt == 'enabled' and not have_internal)
+ if fdt.found() and cc.links('''
+ #include <libfdt.h>
+ #include <libfdt_env.h>
+ int main(void) { fdt_check_full(NULL, 0); return 0; }''',
+ dependencies: fdt)
+ fdt_opt = 'system'
+ elif fdt_opt == 'system'
+ error('system libfdt requested, but it is too old (1.5.1 or newer required)')
+ elif have_internal
+ fdt_opt = 'internal'
+ else
+ fdt_opt = 'disabled'
+ fdt = not_found
+ endif
+ endif
+ if fdt_opt == 'internal'
+ fdt_files = files(
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_ro.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_wip.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_sw.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_rw.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_strerror.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_empty_tree.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_addresses.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_overlay.c',
+ 'dtc/libfdt/fdt_check.c',
+ )
+ fdt_inc = include_directories('dtc/libfdt')
+ libfdt = static_library('fdt',
+ build_by_default: false,
+ sources: fdt_files,
+ include_directories: fdt_inc)
+ fdt = declare_dependency(link_with: libfdt,
+ include_directories: fdt_inc)
+ endif
+if not fdt.found() and fdt_required.length() > 0
+ error('fdt not available but required by targets ' + ', '.join(fdt_required))
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_CAPSTONE', capstone.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_FDT', fdt.found())
+config_host_data.set('CONFIG_SLIRP', slirp.found())
+# Generated sources #
+genh += configure_file(output: 'config-host.h', configuration: config_host_data)
+hxtool = find_program('scripts/hxtool')
+shaderinclude = find_program('scripts/shaderinclude.pl')
+qapi_gen = find_program('scripts/qapi-gen.py')
+qapi_gen_depends = [ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/__init__.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/commands.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/common.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/error.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/events.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/expr.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/gen.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/introspect.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/parser.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/schema.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/source.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/types.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/visit.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi/common.py',
+ meson.current_source_dir() / 'scripts/qapi-gen.py'
+tracetool = [
+ python, files('scripts/tracetool.py'),
+ '--backend=' + ','.join(get_option('trace_backends'))
+tracetool_depends = files(
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/log.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/__init__.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/dtrace.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/ftrace.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/simple.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/syslog.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/backend/ust.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_h.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_c.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/ust_events_h.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/__init__.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/d.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_c.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/simpletrace_stap.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/c.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/h.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_h.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/log_stap.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/stap.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/format/tcg_helper_wrapper_h.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/__init__.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/transform.py',
+ 'scripts/tracetool/vcpu.py'
+qemu_version_cmd = [find_program('scripts/qemu-version.sh'),
+ meson.current_source_dir(),
+ config_host['PKGVERSION'], meson.project_version()]
+qemu_version = custom_target('qemu-version.h',
+ output: 'qemu-version.h',
+ command: qemu_version_cmd,
+ capture: true,
+ build_by_default: true,
+ build_always_stale: true)
+genh += qemu_version
+hxdep = []
+hx_headers = [
+ ['qemu-options.hx', 'qemu-options.def'],
+ ['qemu-img-cmds.hx', 'qemu-img-cmds.h'],
+if have_system
+ hx_headers += [
+ ['hmp-commands.hx', 'hmp-commands.h'],
+ ['hmp-commands-info.hx', 'hmp-commands-info.h'],
+ ]
+foreach d : hx_headers
+ hxdep += custom_target(d[1],
+ input: files(d[0]),
+ output: d[1],
+ capture: true,
+ build_by_default: true, # to be removed when added to a target
+ command: [hxtool, '-h', '@INPUT0@'])
+genh += hxdep
+# Collect sources #
+authz_ss = ss.source_set()
+blockdev_ss = ss.source_set()
+block_ss = ss.source_set()
+bsd_user_ss = ss.source_set()
+chardev_ss = ss.source_set()
+common_ss = ss.source_set()
+crypto_ss = ss.source_set()
+hwcore_ss = ss.source_set()
+io_ss = ss.source_set()
+linux_user_ss = ss.source_set()
+qmp_ss = ss.source_set()
+qom_ss = ss.source_set()
+softmmu_ss = ss.source_set()
+specific_fuzz_ss = ss.source_set()
+specific_ss = ss.source_set()
+stub_ss = ss.source_set()
+trace_ss = ss.source_set()
+user_ss = ss.source_set()
+util_ss = ss.source_set()
+# accel modules
+qtest_module_ss = ss.source_set()
+tcg_module_ss = ss.source_set()
+modules = {}
+target_modules = {}
+hw_arch = {}
+target_arch = {}
+target_softmmu_arch = {}
+target_user_arch = {}
+# Trace files #
+# TODO: add each directory to the subdirs from its own meson.build, once
+# we have those
+trace_events_subdirs = [
+ 'crypto',
+ 'qapi',
+ 'qom',
+ 'monitor',
+ 'util',
+if have_user
+ trace_events_subdirs += [ 'linux-user' ]
+if have_block
+ trace_events_subdirs += [
+ 'authz',
+ 'block',
+ 'io',
+ 'nbd',
+ 'scsi',
+ ]
+if have_system
+ trace_events_subdirs += [
+ 'accel/kvm',
+ 'audio',
+ 'backends',
+ 'backends/tpm',
+ 'chardev',
+ 'ebpf',
+ 'hw/9pfs',
+ 'hw/acpi',
+ 'hw/adc',
+ 'hw/alpha',
+ 'hw/arm',
+ 'hw/audio',
+ 'hw/block',
+ 'hw/block/dataplane',
+ 'hw/char',
+ 'hw/display',
+ 'hw/dma',
+ 'hw/hppa',
+ 'hw/hyperv',
+ 'hw/i2c',
+ 'hw/i386',
+ 'hw/i386/xen',
+ 'hw/ide',
+ 'hw/input',
+ 'hw/intc',
+ 'hw/isa',
+ 'hw/mem',
+ 'hw/mips',
+ 'hw/misc',
+ 'hw/misc/macio',
+ 'hw/net',
+ 'hw/net/can',
+ 'hw/nubus',
+ 'hw/nvme',
+ 'hw/nvram',
+ 'hw/pci',
+ 'hw/pci-host',
+ 'hw/ppc',
+ 'hw/rdma',
+ 'hw/rdma/vmw',
+ 'hw/rtc',
+ 'hw/s390x',
+ 'hw/scsi',
+ 'hw/sd',
+ 'hw/sh4',
+ 'hw/sparc',
+ 'hw/sparc64',
+ 'hw/ssi',
+ 'hw/timer',
+ 'hw/tpm',
+ 'hw/usb',
+ 'hw/vfio',
+ 'hw/virtio',
+ 'hw/watchdog',
+ 'hw/xen',
+ 'hw/gpio',
+ 'migration',
+ 'net',
+ 'softmmu',
+ 'ui',
+ 'hw/remote',
+ ]
+if have_system or have_user
+ trace_events_subdirs += [
+ 'accel/tcg',
+ 'hw/core',
+ 'target/arm',
+ 'target/arm/hvf',
+ 'target/hppa',
+ 'target/i386',
+ 'target/i386/kvm',
+ 'target/mips/tcg',
+ 'target/ppc',
+ 'target/riscv',
+ 'target/s390x',
+ 'target/s390x/kvm',
+ 'target/sparc',
+ ]
+vhost_user = not_found
+if 'CONFIG_VHOST_USER' in config_host
+ libvhost_user = subproject('libvhost-user')
+ vhost_user = libvhost_user.get_variable('vhost_user_dep')
+if enable_modules
+ libmodulecommon = static_library('module-common', files('module-common.c') + genh, pic: true, c_args: '-DBUILD_DSO')
+ modulecommon = declare_dependency(link_whole: libmodulecommon, compile_args: '-DBUILD_DSO')
+stub_ss = stub_ss.apply(config_all, strict: false)
+util_ss = util_ss.apply(config_all, strict: false)
+libqemuutil = static_library('qemuutil',
+ sources: util_ss.sources() + stub_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: [util_ss.dependencies(), libm, threads, glib, socket, malloc, pixman])
+qemuutil = declare_dependency(link_with: libqemuutil,
+ sources: genh + version_res)
+if have_system or have_user
+ decodetree = generator(find_program('scripts/decodetree.py'),
+ output: 'decode-@BASENAME@.c.inc',
+ arguments: ['@INPUT@', '@EXTRA_ARGS@', '-o', '@OUTPUT@'])
+ subdir('libdecnumber')
+ subdir('target')
+if have_block
+ block_ss.add(files(
+ 'block.c',
+ 'blockjob.c',
+ 'job.c',
+ 'qemu-io-cmds.c',
+ ))
+ block_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_REPLICATION', if_true: files('replication.c'))
+ subdir('nbd')
+ subdir('scsi')
+ subdir('block')
+ blockdev_ss.add(files(
+ 'blockdev.c',
+ 'blockdev-nbd.c',
+ 'iothread.c',
+ 'job-qmp.c',
+ ), gnutls)
+ # os-posix.c contains POSIX-specific functions used by qemu-storage-daemon,
+ # os-win32.c does not
+ blockdev_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_POSIX', if_true: files('os-posix.c'))
+ softmmu_ss.add(when: 'CONFIG_WIN32', if_true: [files('os-win32.c')])
+specific_ss.add(files('cpu.c', 'disas.c', 'gdbstub.c'), capstone)
+# Work around a gcc bug/misfeature wherein constant propagation looks
+# through an alias:
+# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=99696
+# to guess that a const variable is always zero. Without lto, this is
+# impossible, as the alias is restricted to page-vary-common.c. Indeed,
+# without lto, not even the alias is required -- we simply use different
+# declarations in different compilation units.
+pagevary = files('page-vary-common.c')
+if get_option('b_lto')
+ pagevary_flags = ['-fno-lto']
+ if get_option('cfi')
+ pagevary_flags += '-fno-sanitize=cfi-icall'
+ endif
+ pagevary = static_library('page-vary-common', sources: pagevary,
+ c_args: pagevary_flags)
+ pagevary = declare_dependency(link_with: pagevary)
+specific_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_BSD_USER', if_true: bsd_user_ss)
+specific_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_LINUX_USER', if_true: linux_user_ss)
+# needed for fuzzing binaries
+# accel modules
+tcg_real_module_ss = ss.source_set()
+tcg_real_module_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_TCG_MODULAR', if_true: tcg_module_ss)
+specific_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_TCG_BUILTIN', if_true: tcg_module_ss)
+target_modules += { 'accel' : { 'qtest': qtest_module_ss,
+ 'tcg': tcg_real_module_ss }}
+# Library dependencies #
+modinfo_collect = find_program('scripts/modinfo-collect.py')
+modinfo_generate = find_program('scripts/modinfo-generate.py')
+modinfo_files = []
+block_mods = []
+softmmu_mods = []
+foreach d, list : modules
+ foreach m, module_ss : list
+ if enable_modules and targetos != 'windows'
+ module_ss = module_ss.apply(config_all, strict: false)
+ sl = static_library(d + '-' + m, [genh, module_ss.sources()],
+ dependencies: [modulecommon, module_ss.dependencies()], pic: true)
+ if d == 'block'
+ block_mods += sl
+ else
+ softmmu_mods += sl
+ endif
+ if module_ss.sources() != []
+ # FIXME: Should use sl.extract_all_objects(recursive: true) as
+ # input. Sources can be used multiple times but objects are
+ # unique when it comes to lookup in compile_commands.json.
+ # Depnds on a mesion version with
+ # https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/pull/8900
+ modinfo_files += custom_target(d + '-' + m + '.modinfo',
+ output: d + '-' + m + '.modinfo',
+ input: module_ss.sources() + genh,
+ capture: true,
+ command: [modinfo_collect, module_ss.sources()])
+ endif
+ else
+ if d == 'block'
+ block_ss.add_all(module_ss)
+ else
+ softmmu_ss.add_all(module_ss)
+ endif
+ endif
+ endforeach
+foreach d, list : target_modules
+ foreach m, module_ss : list
+ if enable_modules and targetos != 'windows'
+ foreach target : target_dirs
+ if target.endswith('-softmmu')
+ config_target = config_target_mak[target]
+ config_target += config_host
+ target_inc = [include_directories('target' / config_target['TARGET_BASE_ARCH'])]
+ c_args = ['-DNEED_CPU_H',
+ '-DCONFIG_TARGET="@0@-config-target.h"'.format(target),
+ '-DCONFIG_DEVICES="@0@-config-devices.h"'.format(target)]
+ target_module_ss = module_ss.apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ if target_module_ss.sources() != []
+ module_name = d + '-' + m + '-' + config_target['TARGET_NAME']
+ sl = static_library(module_name,
+ [genh, target_module_ss.sources()],
+ dependencies: [modulecommon, target_module_ss.dependencies()],
+ include_directories: target_inc,
+ c_args: c_args,
+ pic: true)
+ softmmu_mods += sl
+ # FIXME: Should use sl.extract_all_objects(recursive: true) too.
+ modinfo_files += custom_target(module_name + '.modinfo',
+ output: module_name + '.modinfo',
+ input: target_module_ss.sources() + genh,
+ capture: true,
+ command: [modinfo_collect, '--target', target, target_module_ss.sources()])
+ endif
+ endif
+ endforeach
+ else
+ specific_ss.add_all(module_ss)
+ endif
+ endforeach
+if enable_modules
+ modinfo_src = custom_target('modinfo.c',
+ output: 'modinfo.c',
+ input: modinfo_files,
+ command: [modinfo_generate, '@INPUT@'],
+ capture: true)
+ modinfo_lib = static_library('modinfo', modinfo_src)
+ modinfo_dep = declare_dependency(link_whole: modinfo_lib)
+ softmmu_ss.add(modinfo_dep)
+nm = find_program('nm')
+undefsym = find_program('scripts/undefsym.py')
+block_syms = custom_target('block.syms', output: 'block.syms',
+ input: [libqemuutil, block_mods],
+ capture: true,
+ command: [undefsym, nm, '@INPUT@'])
+qemu_syms = custom_target('qemu.syms', output: 'qemu.syms',
+ input: [libqemuutil, softmmu_mods],
+ capture: true,
+ command: [undefsym, nm, '@INPUT@'])
+qom_ss = qom_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libqom = static_library('qom', qom_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: [qom_ss.dependencies()],
+ name_suffix: 'fa')
+qom = declare_dependency(link_whole: libqom)
+authz_ss = authz_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libauthz = static_library('authz', authz_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: [authz_ss.dependencies()],
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+authz = declare_dependency(link_whole: libauthz,
+ dependencies: qom)
+crypto_ss = crypto_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libcrypto = static_library('crypto', crypto_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: [crypto_ss.dependencies()],
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+crypto = declare_dependency(link_whole: libcrypto,
+ dependencies: [authz, qom])
+io_ss = io_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libio = static_library('io', io_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: [io_ss.dependencies()],
+ link_with: libqemuutil,
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+io = declare_dependency(link_whole: libio, dependencies: [crypto, qom])
+libmigration = static_library('migration', sources: migration_files + genh,
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+migration = declare_dependency(link_with: libmigration,
+ dependencies: [zlib, qom, io])
+block_ss = block_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libblock = static_library('block', block_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: block_ss.dependencies(),
+ link_depends: block_syms,
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+block = declare_dependency(link_whole: [libblock],
+ link_args: '@block.syms',
+ dependencies: [crypto, io])
+blockdev_ss = blockdev_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libblockdev = static_library('blockdev', blockdev_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: blockdev_ss.dependencies(),
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+blockdev = declare_dependency(link_whole: [libblockdev],
+ dependencies: [block])
+qmp_ss = qmp_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libqmp = static_library('qmp', qmp_ss.sources() + genh,
+ dependencies: qmp_ss.dependencies(),
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+qmp = declare_dependency(link_whole: [libqmp])
+libchardev = static_library('chardev', chardev_ss.sources() + genh,
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ dependencies: [gnutls],
+ build_by_default: false)
+chardev = declare_dependency(link_whole: libchardev)
+hwcore_ss = hwcore_ss.apply(config_host, strict: false)
+libhwcore = static_library('hwcore', sources: hwcore_ss.sources() + genh,
+ name_suffix: 'fa',
+ build_by_default: false)
+hwcore = declare_dependency(link_whole: libhwcore)
+# Targets #
+foreach m : block_mods + softmmu_mods
+ shared_module(m.name(),
+ name_prefix: '',
+ link_whole: m,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: qemu_moddir)
+softmmu_ss.add(authz, blockdev, chardev, crypto, io, qmp)
+common_ss.add(qom, qemuutil)
+common_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_SOFTMMU', if_true: [softmmu_ss])
+common_ss.add_all(when: 'CONFIG_USER_ONLY', if_true: user_ss)
+common_all = common_ss.apply(config_all, strict: false)
+common_all = static_library('common',
+ build_by_default: false,
+ sources: common_all.sources() + genh,
+ implicit_include_directories: false,
+ dependencies: common_all.dependencies(),
+ name_suffix: 'fa')
+feature_to_c = find_program('scripts/feature_to_c.sh')
+emulators = {}
+foreach target : target_dirs
+ config_target = config_target_mak[target]
+ target_name = config_target['TARGET_NAME']
+ arch = config_target['TARGET_BASE_ARCH']
+ arch_srcs = [config_target_h[target]]
+ arch_deps = []
+ c_args = ['-DNEED_CPU_H',
+ '-DCONFIG_TARGET="@0@-config-target.h"'.format(target),
+ '-DCONFIG_DEVICES="@0@-config-devices.h"'.format(target)]
+ link_args = emulator_link_args
+ config_target += config_host
+ target_inc = [include_directories('target' / config_target['TARGET_BASE_ARCH'])]
+ if targetos == 'linux'
+ target_inc += include_directories('linux-headers', is_system: true)
+ endif
+ if target.endswith('-softmmu')
+ qemu_target_name = 'qemu-system-' + target_name
+ target_type='system'
+ t = target_softmmu_arch[arch].apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ arch_srcs += t.sources()
+ arch_deps += t.dependencies()
+ hw_dir = target_name == 'sparc64' ? 'sparc64' : arch
+ hw = hw_arch[hw_dir].apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ arch_srcs += hw.sources()
+ arch_deps += hw.dependencies()
+ arch_srcs += config_devices_h[target]
+ link_args += ['@block.syms', '@qemu.syms']
+ else
+ abi = config_target['TARGET_ABI_DIR']
+ target_type='user'
+ qemu_target_name = 'qemu-' + target_name
+ if arch in target_user_arch
+ t = target_user_arch[arch].apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ arch_srcs += t.sources()
+ arch_deps += t.dependencies()
+ endif
+ if 'CONFIG_LINUX_USER' in config_target
+ base_dir = 'linux-user'
+ target_inc += include_directories('linux-user/host/' / config_host['ARCH'])
+ endif
+ if 'CONFIG_BSD_USER' in config_target
+ base_dir = 'bsd-user'
+ target_inc += include_directories('bsd-user/' / targetos)
+ dir = base_dir / abi
+ arch_srcs += files(dir / 'target_arch_cpu.c')
+ endif
+ target_inc += include_directories(
+ base_dir,
+ base_dir / abi,
+ )
+ if 'CONFIG_LINUX_USER' in config_target
+ dir = base_dir / abi
+ arch_srcs += files(dir / 'signal.c', dir / 'cpu_loop.c')
+ if config_target.has_key('TARGET_SYSTBL_ABI')
+ arch_srcs += \
+ syscall_nr_generators[abi].process(base_dir / abi / config_target['TARGET_SYSTBL'],
+ extra_args : config_target['TARGET_SYSTBL_ABI'])
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if 'TARGET_XML_FILES' in config_target
+ gdbstub_xml = custom_target(target + '-gdbstub-xml.c',
+ output: target + '-gdbstub-xml.c',
+ input: files(config_target['TARGET_XML_FILES'].split()),
+ command: [feature_to_c, '@INPUT@'],
+ capture: true)
+ arch_srcs += gdbstub_xml
+ endif
+ t = target_arch[arch].apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ arch_srcs += t.sources()
+ arch_deps += t.dependencies()
+ target_common = common_ss.apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ objects = common_all.extract_objects(target_common.sources())
+ deps = target_common.dependencies()
+ target_specific = specific_ss.apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ arch_srcs += target_specific.sources()
+ arch_deps += target_specific.dependencies()
+ lib = static_library('qemu-' + target,
+ sources: arch_srcs + genh,
+ dependencies: arch_deps,
+ objects: objects,
+ include_directories: target_inc,
+ c_args: c_args,
+ build_by_default: false,
+ name_suffix: 'fa')
+ if target.endswith('-softmmu')
+ execs = [{
+ 'name': 'qemu-system-' + target_name,
+ 'win_subsystem': 'console',
+ 'sources': files('softmmu/main.c'),
+ 'dependencies': []
+ }]
+ if targetos == 'windows' and (sdl.found() or gtk.found())
+ execs += [{
+ 'name': 'qemu-system-' + target_name + 'w',
+ 'win_subsystem': 'windows',
+ 'sources': files('softmmu/main.c'),
+ 'dependencies': []
+ }]
+ endif
+ if get_option('fuzzing')
+ specific_fuzz = specific_fuzz_ss.apply(config_target, strict: false)
+ execs += [{
+ 'name': 'qemu-fuzz-' + target_name,
+ 'win_subsystem': 'console',
+ 'sources': specific_fuzz.sources(),
+ 'dependencies': specific_fuzz.dependencies(),
+ }]
+ endif
+ else
+ execs = [{
+ 'name': 'qemu-' + target_name,
+ 'win_subsystem': 'console',
+ 'sources': [],
+ 'dependencies': []
+ }]
+ endif
+ foreach exe: execs
+ exe_name = exe['name']
+ if targetos == 'darwin'
+ exe_name += '-unsigned'
+ endif
+ emulator = executable(exe_name, exe['sources'],
+ install: true,
+ c_args: c_args,
+ dependencies: arch_deps + deps + exe['dependencies'],
+ objects: lib.extract_all_objects(recursive: true),
+ link_language: link_language,
+ link_depends: [block_syms, qemu_syms] + exe.get('link_depends', []),
+ link_args: link_args,
+ win_subsystem: exe['win_subsystem'])
+ if targetos == 'darwin'
+ icon = 'pc-bios/qemu.rsrc'
+ build_input = [emulator, files(icon)]
+ install_input = [
+ get_option('bindir') / exe_name,
+ meson.current_source_dir() / icon
+ ]
+ if 'CONFIG_HVF' in config_target
+ entitlements = 'accel/hvf/entitlements.plist'
+ build_input += files(entitlements)
+ install_input += meson.current_source_dir() / entitlements
+ endif
+ emulators += {exe['name'] : custom_target(exe['name'],
+ input: build_input,
+ output: exe['name'],
+ command: [
+ files('scripts/entitlement.sh'),
+ '@OUTPUT@',
+ '@INPUT@'
+ ])
+ }
+ meson.add_install_script('scripts/entitlement.sh', '--install',
+ get_option('bindir') / exe['name'],
+ install_input)
+ else
+ emulators += {exe['name']: emulator}
+ endif
+ if stap.found()
+ foreach stp: [
+ {'ext': '.stp-build', 'fmt': 'stap', 'bin': meson.current_build_dir() / exe['name'], 'install': false},
+ {'ext': '.stp', 'fmt': 'stap', 'bin': get_option('prefix') / get_option('bindir') / exe['name'], 'install': true},
+ {'ext': '-simpletrace.stp', 'fmt': 'simpletrace-stap', 'bin': '', 'install': true},
+ {'ext': '-log.stp', 'fmt': 'log-stap', 'bin': '', 'install': true},
+ ]
+ custom_target(exe['name'] + stp['ext'],
+ input: trace_events_all,
+ output: exe['name'] + stp['ext'],
+ install: stp['install'],
+ install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'systemtap/tapset',
+ command: [
+ tracetool, '--group=all', '--format=' + stp['fmt'],
+ '--binary=' + stp['bin'],
+ '--target-name=' + target_name,
+ '--target-type=' + target_type,
+ '--probe-prefix=qemu.' + target_type + '.' + target_name,
+ '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'
+ ],
+ depend_files: tracetool_depends)
+ endforeach
+ endif
+ endforeach
+# Other build targets
+if 'CONFIG_PLUGIN' in config_host
+ install_headers('include/qemu/qemu-plugin.h')
+if 'CONFIG_GUEST_AGENT' in config_host
+ subdir('qga')
+elif get_option('guest_agent_msi').enabled()
+ error('Guest agent MSI requested, but the guest agent is not being built')
+# Don't build qemu-keymap if xkbcommon is not explicitly enabled
+# when we don't build tools or system
+if xkbcommon.found()
+ # used for the update-keymaps target, so include rules even if !have_tools
+ qemu_keymap = executable('qemu-keymap', files('qemu-keymap.c', 'ui/input-keymap.c') + genh,
+ dependencies: [qemuutil, xkbcommon], install: have_tools)
+if have_tools
+ qemu_img = executable('qemu-img', [files('qemu-img.c'), hxdep],
+ dependencies: [authz, block, crypto, io, qom, qemuutil], install: true)
+ qemu_io = executable('qemu-io', files('qemu-io.c'),
+ dependencies: [block, qemuutil], install: true)
+ qemu_nbd = executable('qemu-nbd', files('qemu-nbd.c'),
+ dependencies: [blockdev, qemuutil, gnutls, selinux],
+ install: true)
+ subdir('storage-daemon')
+ subdir('contrib/rdmacm-mux')
+ subdir('contrib/elf2dmp')
+ executable('qemu-edid', files('qemu-edid.c', 'hw/display/edid-generate.c'),
+ dependencies: qemuutil,
+ install: true)
+ if 'CONFIG_VHOST_USER' in config_host
+ subdir('contrib/vhost-user-blk')
+ subdir('contrib/vhost-user-gpu')
+ subdir('contrib/vhost-user-input')
+ subdir('contrib/vhost-user-scsi')
+ endif
+ if targetos == 'linux'
+ executable('qemu-bridge-helper', files('qemu-bridge-helper.c'),
+ dependencies: [qemuutil, libcap_ng],
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: get_option('libexecdir'))
+ executable('qemu-pr-helper', files('scsi/qemu-pr-helper.c', 'scsi/utils.c'),
+ dependencies: [authz, crypto, io, qom, qemuutil,
+ libcap_ng, mpathpersist],
+ install: true)
+ endif
+ if have_ivshmem
+ subdir('contrib/ivshmem-client')
+ subdir('contrib/ivshmem-server')
+ endif
+if gtk.found()
+ subdir('po')
+if host_machine.system() == 'windows'
+ nsis_cmd = [
+ find_program('scripts/nsis.py'),
+ '@OUTPUT@',
+ get_option('prefix'),
+ meson.current_source_dir(),
+ host_machine.cpu(),
+ '--',
+ '-DDISPLAYVERSION=' + meson.project_version(),
+ ]
+ if build_docs
+ nsis_cmd += '-DCONFIG_DOCUMENTATION=y'
+ endif
+ if gtk.found()
+ nsis_cmd += '-DCONFIG_GTK=y'
+ endif
+ nsis = custom_target('nsis',
+ output: 'qemu-setup-' + meson.project_version() + '.exe',
+ input: files('qemu.nsi'),
+ build_always_stale: true,
+ command: nsis_cmd + ['@INPUT@'])
+ alias_target('installer', nsis)
+# Configuration summary #
+# Directories
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'Install prefix': get_option('prefix')}
+summary_info += {'BIOS directory': qemu_datadir}
+summary_info += {'firmware path': get_option('qemu_firmwarepath')}
+summary_info += {'binary directory': get_option('bindir')}
+summary_info += {'library directory': get_option('libdir')}
+summary_info += {'module directory': qemu_moddir}
+summary_info += {'libexec directory': get_option('libexecdir')}
+summary_info += {'include directory': get_option('includedir')}
+summary_info += {'config directory': get_option('sysconfdir')}
+if targetos != 'windows'
+ summary_info += {'local state directory': get_option('localstatedir')}
+ summary_info += {'Manual directory': get_option('mandir')}
+ summary_info += {'local state directory': 'queried at runtime'}
+summary_info += {'Doc directory': get_option('docdir')}
+summary_info += {'Build directory': meson.current_build_dir()}
+summary_info += {'Source path': meson.current_source_dir()}
+summary_info += {'GIT submodules': config_host['GIT_SUBMODULES']}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Directories')
+# Host binaries
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'git': config_host['GIT']}
+summary_info += {'make': config_host['MAKE']}
+summary_info += {'python': '@0@ (version: @1@)'.format(python.full_path(), python.language_version())}
+summary_info += {'sphinx-build': sphinx_build}
+if config_host.has_key('HAVE_GDB_BIN')
+ summary_info += {'gdb': config_host['HAVE_GDB_BIN']}
+summary_info += {'genisoimage': config_host['GENISOIMAGE']}
+if targetos == 'windows' and config_host.has_key('CONFIG_GUEST_AGENT')
+ summary_info += {'wixl': wixl}
+if slirp_opt != 'disabled' and 'CONFIG_SLIRP_SMBD' in config_host
+ summary_info += {'smbd': config_host['CONFIG_SMBD_COMMAND']}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Host binaries')
+# Configurable features
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'Documentation': build_docs}
+summary_info += {'system-mode emulation': have_system}
+summary_info += {'user-mode emulation': have_user}
+summary_info += {'block layer': have_block}
+summary_info += {'Install blobs': get_option('install_blobs')}
+summary_info += {'module support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_MODULES')}
+if config_host.has_key('CONFIG_MODULES')
+ summary_info += {'alternative module path': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_MODULE_UPGRADES')}
+summary_info += {'fuzzing support': get_option('fuzzing')}
+if have_system
+ summary_info += {'Audio drivers': ' '.join(audio_drivers_selected)}
+summary_info += {'Trace backends': ','.join(get_option('trace_backends'))}
+if 'simple' in get_option('trace_backends')
+ summary_info += {'Trace output file': get_option('trace_file') + '-<pid>'}
+summary_info += {'QOM debugging': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_QOM_CAST_DEBUG')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-kernel support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_KERNEL')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-net support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_NET')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-crypto support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_CRYPTO')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-scsi support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_SCSI')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-vsock support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_VSOCK')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-user support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_USER')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-user-blk server support': have_vhost_user_blk_server}
+summary_info += {'vhost-user-fs support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_USER_FS')}
+summary_info += {'vhost-vdpa support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VHOST_VDPA')}
+summary_info += {'build guest agent': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_GUEST_AGENT')}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Configurable features')
+# Compilation information
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'host CPU': cpu}
+summary_info += {'host endianness': build_machine.endian()}
+summary_info += {'C compiler': ' '.join(meson.get_compiler('c').cmd_array())}
+summary_info += {'Host C compiler': ' '.join(meson.get_compiler('c', native: true).cmd_array())}
+if link_language == 'cpp'
+ summary_info += {'C++ compiler': ' '.join(meson.get_compiler('cpp').cmd_array())}
+ summary_info += {'C++ compiler': false}
+if targetos == 'darwin'
+ summary_info += {'Objective-C compiler': ' '.join(meson.get_compiler('objc').cmd_array())}
+if targetos == 'windows'
+ if 'WIN_SDK' in config_host
+ summary_info += {'Windows SDK': config_host['WIN_SDK']}
+ endif
+summary_info += {'CFLAGS': ' '.join(get_option('c_args')
+ + ['-O' + get_option('optimization')]
+ + (get_option('debug') ? ['-g'] : []))}
+if link_language == 'cpp'
+ summary_info += {'CXXFLAGS': ' '.join(get_option('cpp_args')
+ + ['-O' + get_option('optimization')]
+ + (get_option('debug') ? ['-g'] : []))}
+link_args = get_option(link_language + '_link_args')
+if link_args.length() > 0
+ summary_info += {'LDFLAGS': ' '.join(link_args)}
+summary_info += {'QEMU_CFLAGS': config_host['QEMU_CFLAGS']}
+summary_info += {'QEMU_LDFLAGS': config_host['QEMU_LDFLAGS']}
+summary_info += {'profiler': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_PROFILER')}
+summary_info += {'link-time optimization (LTO)': get_option('b_lto')}
+summary_info += {'PIE': get_option('b_pie')}
+summary_info += {'static build': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_STATIC')}
+summary_info += {'malloc trim support': has_malloc_trim}
+summary_info += {'membarrier': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_MEMBARRIER')}
+summary_info += {'debug stack usage': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_DEBUG_STACK_USAGE')}
+summary_info += {'mutex debugging': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_DEBUG_MUTEX')}
+summary_info += {'memory allocator': get_option('malloc')}
+summary_info += {'avx2 optimization': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_AVX2_OPT')}
+summary_info += {'avx512f optimization': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_AVX512F_OPT')}
+summary_info += {'gprof enabled': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_GPROF')}
+summary_info += {'gcov': get_option('b_coverage')}
+summary_info += {'thread sanitizer': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_TSAN')}
+summary_info += {'CFI support': get_option('cfi')}
+if get_option('cfi')
+ summary_info += {'CFI debug support': get_option('cfi_debug')}
+summary_info += {'strip binaries': get_option('strip')}
+summary_info += {'sparse': sparse}
+summary_info += {'mingw32 support': targetos == 'windows'}
+# snarf the cross-compilation information for tests
+foreach target: target_dirs
+ tcg_mak = meson.current_build_dir() / 'tests/tcg' / 'config-' + target + '.mak'
+ if fs.exists(tcg_mak)
+ config_cross_tcg = keyval.load(tcg_mak)
+ target = config_cross_tcg['TARGET_NAME']
+ compiler = ''
+ if 'DOCKER_CROSS_CC_GUEST' in config_cross_tcg
+ summary_info += {target + ' tests': config_cross_tcg['DOCKER_CROSS_CC_GUEST'] +
+ ' via ' + config_cross_tcg['DOCKER_IMAGE']}
+ elif 'CROSS_CC_GUEST' in config_cross_tcg
+ summary_info += {target + ' tests'
+ : config_cross_tcg['CROSS_CC_GUEST'] }
+ endif
+ endif
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Compilation')
+# Targets and accelerators
+summary_info = {}
+if have_system
+ summary_info += {'KVM support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_KVM')}
+ summary_info += {'HAX support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_HAX')}
+ summary_info += {'HVF support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_HVF')}
+ summary_info += {'WHPX support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_WHPX')}
+ summary_info += {'NVMM support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_NVMM')}
+ summary_info += {'Xen support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND')}
+ if config_host.has_key('CONFIG_XEN_BACKEND')
+ summary_info += {'xen ctrl version': config_host['CONFIG_XEN_CTRL_INTERFACE_VERSION']}
+ endif
+summary_info += {'TCG support': config_all.has_key('CONFIG_TCG')}
+if config_all.has_key('CONFIG_TCG')
+ if get_option('tcg_interpreter')
+ summary_info += {'TCG backend': 'TCI (TCG with bytecode interpreter, slow)'}
+ else
+ summary_info += {'TCG backend': 'native (@0@)'.format(cpu)}
+ endif
+ summary_info += {'TCG plugins': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_PLUGIN')}
+ summary_info += {'TCG debug enabled': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_DEBUG_TCG')}
+summary_info += {'target list': ' '.join(target_dirs)}
+if have_system
+ summary_info += {'default devices': get_option('default_devices')}
+ summary_info += {'out of process emulation': multiprocess_allowed}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Targets and accelerators')
+# Block layer
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'coroutine backend': config_host['CONFIG_COROUTINE_BACKEND']}
+summary_info += {'coroutine pool': config_host['CONFIG_COROUTINE_POOL'] == '1'}
+if have_block
+ summary_info += {'Block whitelist (rw)': config_host['CONFIG_BDRV_RW_WHITELIST']}
+ summary_info += {'Block whitelist (ro)': config_host['CONFIG_BDRV_RO_WHITELIST']}
+ summary_info += {'Use block whitelist in tools': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_BDRV_WHITELIST_TOOLS')}
+ summary_info += {'VirtFS support': have_virtfs}
+ summary_info += {'build virtiofs daemon': have_virtiofsd}
+ summary_info += {'Live block migration': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_LIVE_BLOCK_MIGRATION')}
+ summary_info += {'replication support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_REPLICATION')}
+ summary_info += {'bochs support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_BOCHS')}
+ summary_info += {'cloop support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_CLOOP')}
+ summary_info += {'dmg support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_DMG')}
+ summary_info += {'qcow v1 support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_QCOW1')}
+ summary_info += {'vdi support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VDI')}
+ summary_info += {'vvfat support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_VVFAT')}
+ summary_info += {'qed support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_QED')}
+ summary_info += {'parallels support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_PARALLELS')}
+ summary_info += {'FUSE exports': fuse}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Block layer support')
+# Crypto
+summary_info = {}
+summary_info += {'TLS priority': config_host['CONFIG_TLS_PRIORITY']}
+summary_info += {'GNUTLS support': gnutls}
+if gnutls.found()
+ summary_info += {' GNUTLS crypto': gnutls_crypto.found()}
+summary_info += {'libgcrypt': gcrypt}
+summary_info += {'nettle': nettle}
+if nettle.found()
+ summary_info += {' XTS': xts != 'private'}
+summary_info += {'crypto afalg': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_AF_ALG')}
+summary_info += {'rng-none': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_RNG_NONE')}
+summary_info += {'Linux keyring': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_SECRET_KEYRING')}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Crypto')
+# Libraries
+summary_info = {}
+if targetos == 'darwin'
+ summary_info += {'Cocoa support': cocoa}
+summary_info += {'SDL support': sdl}
+summary_info += {'SDL image support': sdl_image}
+summary_info += {'GTK support': gtk}
+summary_info += {'pixman': pixman}
+summary_info += {'VTE support': vte}
+summary_info += {'slirp support': slirp_opt == 'internal' ? slirp_opt : slirp}
+summary_info += {'libtasn1': tasn1}
+summary_info += {'PAM': pam}
+summary_info += {'iconv support': iconv}
+summary_info += {'curses support': curses}
+summary_info += {'virgl support': virgl}
+summary_info += {'curl support': curl}
+summary_info += {'Multipath support': mpathpersist}
+summary_info += {'VNC support': vnc}
+if vnc.found()
+ summary_info += {'VNC SASL support': sasl}
+ summary_info += {'VNC JPEG support': jpeg}
+ summary_info += {'VNC PNG support': png}
+if targetos not in ['darwin', 'haiku', 'windows']
+ summary_info += {'OSS support': oss}
+elif targetos == 'darwin'
+ summary_info += {'CoreAudio support': coreaudio}
+elif targetos == 'windows'
+ summary_info += {'DirectSound support': dsound}
+if targetos == 'linux'
+ summary_info += {'ALSA support': alsa}
+ summary_info += {'PulseAudio support': pulse}
+summary_info += {'JACK support': jack}
+summary_info += {'brlapi support': brlapi}
+summary_info += {'vde support': vde}
+summary_info += {'netmap support': have_netmap}
+summary_info += {'l2tpv3 support': have_l2tpv3}
+summary_info += {'Linux AIO support': libaio}
+summary_info += {'Linux io_uring support': linux_io_uring}
+summary_info += {'ATTR/XATTR support': libattr}
+summary_info += {'RDMA support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_RDMA')}
+summary_info += {'PVRDMA support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_PVRDMA')}
+summary_info += {'fdt support': fdt_opt == 'disabled' ? false : fdt_opt}
+summary_info += {'libcap-ng support': libcap_ng}
+summary_info += {'bpf support': libbpf}
+summary_info += {'spice protocol support': spice_protocol}
+if spice_protocol.found()
+ summary_info += {' spice server support': spice}
+summary_info += {'rbd support': rbd}
+summary_info += {'xfsctl support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_XFS')}
+summary_info += {'smartcard support': cacard}
+summary_info += {'U2F support': u2f}
+summary_info += {'libusb': libusb}
+summary_info += {'usb net redir': usbredir}
+summary_info += {'OpenGL support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_OPENGL')}
+summary_info += {'GBM': gbm}
+summary_info += {'libiscsi support': libiscsi}
+summary_info += {'libnfs support': libnfs}
+if targetos == 'windows'
+ if config_host.has_key('CONFIG_GUEST_AGENT')
+ summary_info += {'QGA VSS support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_QGA_VSS')}
+ summary_info += {'QGA w32 disk info': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_QGA_NTDDSCSI')}
+ endif
+summary_info += {'seccomp support': seccomp}
+summary_info += {'GlusterFS support': glusterfs}
+summary_info += {'TPM support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_TPM')}
+summary_info += {'libssh support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_LIBSSH')}
+summary_info += {'lzo support': lzo}
+summary_info += {'snappy support': snappy}
+summary_info += {'bzip2 support': libbzip2}
+summary_info += {'lzfse support': liblzfse}
+summary_info += {'zstd support': zstd}
+summary_info += {'NUMA host support': config_host.has_key('CONFIG_NUMA')}
+summary_info += {'libxml2': libxml2}
+summary_info += {'capstone': capstone_opt == 'internal' ? capstone_opt : capstone}
+summary_info += {'libpmem support': libpmem}
+summary_info += {'libdaxctl support': libdaxctl}
+summary_info += {'libudev': libudev}
+# Dummy dependency, keep .found()
+summary_info += {'FUSE lseek': fuse_lseek.found()}
+summary_info += {'selinux': selinux}
+summary(summary_info, bool_yn: true, section: 'Dependencies')
+if not supported_cpus.contains(cpu)
+ message()
+ message()
+ message('CPU host architecture ' + cpu + ' support is not currently maintained.')
+ message('The QEMU project intends to remove support for this host CPU in')
+ message('a future release if nobody volunteers to maintain it and to')
+ message('provide a build host for our continuous integration setup.')
+ message('configure has succeeded and you can continue to build, but')
+ message('if you care about QEMU on this platform you should contact')
+ message('us upstream at qemu-devel@nongnu.org.')
+if not supported_oses.contains(targetos)
+ message()
+ message()
+ message('Host OS ' + targetos + 'support is not currently maintained.')
+ message('The QEMU project intends to remove support for this host OS in')
+ message('a future release if nobody volunteers to maintain it and to')
+ message('provide a build host for our continuous integration setup.')
+ message('configure has succeeded and you can continue to build, but')
+ message('if you care about QEMU on this platform you should contact')
+ message('us upstream at qemu-devel@nongnu.org.')