From af1a266670d040d2f4083ff309d732d648afba2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Angelos Mouzakitis <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 14:33:42 +0000
Subject: Add submodule dependency files

Change-Id: Iaf8d18082d3991dec7c0ebbea540f092188eb4ec
 .../edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/ | 142 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 142 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/

(limited to 'roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/')

diff --git a/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..03b91dab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/roms/edk2/BaseTools/Source/Python/UPT/
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+## @file
+# Replace distribution package.
+# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
+Replace a distribution package
+# Import Modules
+from shutil import rmtree
+from traceback import format_exc
+from platform import python_version
+from sys import platform
+from Logger import StringTable as ST
+from Logger.ToolError import UNKNOWN_ERROR
+from Logger.ToolError import FatalError
+from Logger.ToolError import ABORT_ERROR
+from Logger.ToolError import CODE_ERROR
+from Logger.ToolError import UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR
+import Logger.Log as Logger
+from Core.DependencyRules import DependencyRules
+from Library import GlobalData
+from InstallPkg import UnZipDp
+from InstallPkg import InstallDp
+from RmPkg import GetInstalledDpInfo
+from RmPkg import RemoveDist
+## Tool entrance method
+# This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options.
+# If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know
+# if it's executed successfully or not.
+# @param  Options: command Options
+def Main(Options = None):
+    ContentZipFile, DistFile = None, None
+    try:
+        DataBase = GlobalData.gDB
+        WorkspaceDir = GlobalData.gWORKSPACE
+        Dep = DependencyRules(DataBase)
+        DistPkg, ContentZipFile, DpPkgFileName, DistFile = UnZipDp(WorkspaceDir, Options.PackFileToReplace)
+        StoredDistFile, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion = GetInstalledDpInfo(Options.PackFileToBeReplaced, \
+                                                                       Dep, DataBase, WorkspaceDir)
+        #
+        # check dependency
+        #
+        CheckReplaceDpx(Dep, DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion)
+        #
+        # Remove the old distribution
+        #
+        RemoveDist(OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion, StoredDistFile, DataBase, WorkspaceDir, Options.Yes)
+        #
+        # Install the new distribution
+        #
+        InstallDp(DistPkg, DpPkgFileName, ContentZipFile, Options, Dep, WorkspaceDir, DataBase)
+        ReturnCode = 0
+    except FatalError as XExcept:
+        ReturnCode = XExcept.args[0]
+        if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9:
+            Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(),
+                platform) + format_exc())
+    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+        ReturnCode = ABORT_ERROR
+        if Logger.GetLevel() <= Logger.DEBUG_9:
+            Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(),
+                platform) + format_exc())
+    except:
+        ReturnCode = CODE_ERROR
+        Logger.Error(
+                    "\nReplacePkg",
+                    CODE_ERROR,
+                    ST.ERR_UNKNOWN_FATAL_REPLACE_ERR % (Options.PackFileToReplace, Options.PackFileToBeReplaced),
+                    ExtraData=ST.MSG_SEARCH_FOR_HELP % ST.MSG_EDKII_MAIL_ADDR,
+                    RaiseError=False
+                    )
+        Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_PYTHON_ON % (python_version(),
+            platform) + format_exc())
+    finally:
+        if DistFile:
+            DistFile.Close()
+        if ContentZipFile:
+            ContentZipFile.Close()
+        for TempDir in GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR:
+            rmtree(TempDir)
+        GlobalData.gUNPACK_DIR = []
+        Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_REMOVE_TEMP_FILE_DONE)
+    if ReturnCode == 0:
+        Logger.Quiet(ST.MSG_FINISH)
+    return ReturnCode
+def CheckReplaceDpx(Dep, DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion):
+    NewDpPkgList = []
+    for PkgInfo in DistPkg.PackageSurfaceArea:
+        Guid, Version = PkgInfo[0], PkgInfo[1]
+        NewDpPkgList.append((Guid, Version))
+    NewDpInfo = "%s %s" % (DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(), DistPkg.Header.GetVersion())
+    OrigDpInfo = "%s %s" % (OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion)
+    #
+    # check whether new distribution is already installed and not replacing itself
+    #
+    if (NewDpInfo != OrigDpInfo):
+        if Dep.CheckDpExists(DistPkg.Header.GetGuid(), DistPkg.Header.GetVersion()):
+            Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UPT_ALREADY_INSTALLED_ERROR,
+                ST.WRN_DIST_PKG_INSTALLED,
+    #
+    # check whether the original distribution could be replaced by new distribution
+    #
+    Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_REPLACE%(NewDpInfo, OrigDpInfo))
+    DepInfoResult = Dep.CheckDpDepexForReplace(OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion, NewDpPkgList)
+    Replaceable = DepInfoResult[0]
+    if not Replaceable:
+        Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR,
+    #
+    # check whether new distribution could be installed by dependency rule
+    #
+    Logger.Verbose(ST.MSG_CHECK_DP_FOR_INSTALL%str(NewDpInfo))
+    if not Dep.ReplaceCheckNewDpDepex(DistPkg, OrigDpGuid, OrigDpVersion):
+        Logger.Error("\nReplacePkg", UNKNOWN_ERROR,
+            ExtraData=DistPkg.Header.Name)