From e02cda008591317b1625707ff8e115a4841aa889 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Timos Ampelikiotis <>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:40:56 +0000
Subject: Introduce Virtio-loopback epsilon release:

Epsilon release introduces a new compatibility layer which make virtio-loopback
design to work with QEMU and rust-vmm vhost-user backend without require any

Signed-off-by: Timos Ampelikiotis <>
Change-Id: I52e57563e08a7d0bdc002f8e928ee61ba0c53dd9
 scripts/qapi/ | 251 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 251 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 scripts/qapi/

(limited to 'scripts/qapi/')

diff --git a/scripts/qapi/ b/scripts/qapi/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..489273574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/qapi/
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# QAPI helper library
+# Copyright IBM, Corp. 2011
+# Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Red Hat Inc.
+# Authors:
+#  Anthony Liguori <>
+#  Markus Armbruster <>
+# This work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2.
+# See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
+import re
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Dict,
+    Match,
+    Optional,
+    Sequence,
+    Union,
+#: Magic string that gets removed along with all space to its right.
+def camel_to_upper(value: str) -> str:
+    """
+    Converts CamelCase to CAMEL_CASE.
+    Examples::
+        ENUMName -> ENUM_NAME
+        EnumName1 -> ENUM_NAME1
+        ENUM_NAME1 -> ENUM_NAME1
+        ENUM_Name2 -> ENUM_NAME2
+        ENUM24_Name -> ENUM24_NAME
+    """
+    c_fun_str = c_name(value, False)
+    if value.isupper():
+        return c_fun_str
+    new_name = ''
+    length = len(c_fun_str)
+    for i in range(length):
+        char = c_fun_str[i]
+        # When char is upper case and no '_' appears before, do more checks
+        if char.isupper() and (i > 0) and c_fun_str[i - 1] != '_':
+            if i < length - 1 and c_fun_str[i + 1].islower():
+                new_name += '_'
+            elif c_fun_str[i - 1].isdigit():
+                new_name += '_'
+        new_name += char
+    return new_name.lstrip('_').upper()
+def c_enum_const(type_name: str,
+                 const_name: str,
+                 prefix: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
+    """
+    Generate a C enumeration constant name.
+    :param type_name: The name of the enumeration.
+    :param const_name: The name of this constant.
+    :param prefix: Optional, prefix that overrides the type_name.
+    """
+    if prefix is not None:
+        type_name = prefix
+    return camel_to_upper(type_name) + '_' + c_name(const_name, False).upper()
+def c_name(name: str, protect: bool = True) -> str:
+    """
+    Map ``name`` to a valid C identifier.
+    Used for converting 'name' from a 'name':'type' qapi definition
+    into a generated struct member, as well as converting type names
+    into substrings of a generated C function name.
+    '__a.b_c' -> '__a_b_c', 'x-foo' -> 'x_foo'
+    protect=True: 'int' -> 'q_int'; protect=False: 'int' -> 'int'
+    :param name: The name to map.
+    :param protect: If true, avoid returning certain ticklish identifiers
+                    (like C keywords) by prepending ``q_``.
+    """
+    # ANSI X3J11/88-090, 3.1.1
+    c89_words = set(['auto', 'break', 'case', 'char', 'const', 'continue',
+                     'default', 'do', 'double', 'else', 'enum', 'extern',
+                     'float', 'for', 'goto', 'if', 'int', 'long', 'register',
+                     'return', 'short', 'signed', 'sizeof', 'static',
+                     'struct', 'switch', 'typedef', 'union', 'unsigned',
+                     'void', 'volatile', 'while'])
+    # ISO/IEC 9899:1999, 6.4.1
+    c99_words = set(['inline', 'restrict', '_Bool', '_Complex', '_Imaginary'])
+    # ISO/IEC 9899:2011, 6.4.1
+    c11_words = set(['_Alignas', '_Alignof', '_Atomic', '_Generic',
+                     '_Noreturn', '_Static_assert', '_Thread_local'])
+    # GCC
+    # excluding _.*
+    gcc_words = set(['asm', 'typeof'])
+    # C++ ISO/IEC 14882:2003 2.11
+    cpp_words = set(['bool', 'catch', 'class', 'const_cast', 'delete',
+                     'dynamic_cast', 'explicit', 'false', 'friend', 'mutable',
+                     'namespace', 'new', 'operator', 'private', 'protected',
+                     'public', 'reinterpret_cast', 'static_cast', 'template',
+                     'this', 'throw', 'true', 'try', 'typeid', 'typename',
+                     'using', 'virtual', 'wchar_t',
+                     # alternative representations
+                     'and', 'and_eq', 'bitand', 'bitor', 'compl', 'not',
+                     'not_eq', 'or', 'or_eq', 'xor', 'xor_eq'])
+    # namespace pollution:
+    polluted_words = set(['unix', 'errno', 'mips', 'sparc', 'i386'])
+    name = re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', name)
+    if protect and (name in (c89_words | c99_words | c11_words | gcc_words
+                             | cpp_words | polluted_words)
+                    or name[0].isdigit()):
+        return 'q_' + name
+    return name
+class Indentation:
+    """
+    Indentation level management.
+    :param initial: Initial number of spaces, default 0.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, initial: int = 0) -> None:
+        self._level = initial
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
+        return "{}({:d})".format(type(self).__name__, self._level)
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        """Return the current indentation as a string of spaces."""
+        return ' ' * self._level
+    def increase(self, amount: int = 4) -> None:
+        """Increase the indentation level by ``amount``, default 4."""
+        self._level += amount
+    def decrease(self, amount: int = 4) -> None:
+        """Decrease the indentation level by ``amount``, default 4."""
+        assert amount <= self._level
+        self._level -= amount
+#: Global, current indent level for code generation.
+indent = Indentation()
+def cgen(code: str, **kwds: object) -> str:
+    """
+    Generate ``code`` with ``kwds`` interpolated.
+    Obey `indent`, and strip `EATSPACE`.
+    """
+    raw = code % kwds
+    pfx = str(indent)
+    if pfx:
+        raw = re.sub(r'^(?!(#|$))', pfx, raw, flags=re.MULTILINE)
+    return re.sub(re.escape(EATSPACE) + r' *', '', raw)
+def mcgen(code: str, **kwds: object) -> str:
+    if code[0] == '\n':
+        code = code[1:]
+    return cgen(code, **kwds)
+def c_fname(filename: str) -> str:
+    return re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]', '_', filename)
+def guardstart(name: str) -> str:
+    return mcgen('''
+#ifndef %(name)s
+#define %(name)s
+                 name=c_fname(name).upper())
+def guardend(name: str) -> str:
+    return mcgen('''
+#endif /* %(name)s */
+                 name=c_fname(name).upper())
+def gen_ifcond(ifcond: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]],
+               cond_fmt: str, not_fmt: str,
+               all_operator: str, any_operator: str) -> str:
+    def do_gen(ifcond: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]],
+               need_parens: bool) -> str:
+        if isinstance(ifcond, str):
+            return cond_fmt % ifcond
+        assert isinstance(ifcond, dict) and len(ifcond) == 1
+        if 'not' in ifcond:
+            return not_fmt % do_gen(ifcond['not'], True)
+        if 'all' in ifcond:
+            gen = gen_infix(all_operator, ifcond['all'])
+        else:
+            gen = gen_infix(any_operator, ifcond['any'])
+        if need_parens:
+            gen = '(' + gen + ')'
+        return gen
+    def gen_infix(operator: str, operands: Sequence[Any]) -> str:
+        return operator.join([do_gen(o, True) for o in operands])
+    if not ifcond:
+        return ''
+    return do_gen(ifcond, False)
+def cgen_ifcond(ifcond: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]) -> str:
+    return gen_ifcond(ifcond, 'defined(%s)', '!%s', ' && ', ' || ')
+def docgen_ifcond(ifcond: Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]]) -> str:
+    # TODO Doc generated for conditions needs polish
+    return gen_ifcond(ifcond, '%s', 'not %s', ' and ', ' or ')
+def gen_if(cond: str) -> str:
+    if not cond:
+        return ''
+    return mcgen('''
+#if %(cond)s
+''', cond=cond)
+def gen_endif(cond: str) -> str:
+    if not cond:
+        return ''
+    return mcgen('''
+#endif /* %(cond)s */
+''', cond=cond)
+def must_match(pattern: str, string: str) -> Match[str]:
+    match = re.match(pattern, string)
+    assert match is not None
+    return match